
fab as two fab things at a fab convention (2), hard going but worth it. (1), Although the man himself is strange (1), very touching and sad. thought provoking. (1), very funny in a dark sarcastic sort of way (1), after the very tough reading of all the technical stuff at the beginning I got completely hooked (1), I could not put it down. Amazing. (1), I think angels and demons was better (1), but only by a hair. Another good read. (1), you can't compare it to harry potter or lord of the rings. It's literally in a world of it's own. (1), good books. Quite sad when her hubby dies though. (1), A book that raises many questions. a good read (1), his logic and philosophies sometimes make extraordinary sense. (1), such a sad story. I think the author handles the subject well and gives a wierdly satisfying ending (1), a few stories from the first book in greater detail and a bit more hindsight with some new interesting things. (1), an good read for when you just want a laugh (1), I can rarely get interested in such oldey world stories but I loved this one when I first read it at 15. (1), I can relate to this book on many levels. (1), a heart rendering tale. It left me angry and wanting to do something for the memories of the women. (1), very interesting if (obviously) a little biast. (1), first read it in school during drama. (1), I was the only one that seemed interested in this at school and I read it again a couple of years ago (1), I can't usually understand shakespeare but when I read this book (1), I completely go it. very dramatic. (1), durrr it's harry potter of course it's fab (1), not as good as the nanny but still had me laughing and wanting to know what hapens next. (1), a classic (1), Sooo goood (1), This book tricked me (1), another classic that i loved (1), So exciting (1), I couldn't put it down. (1), i still like it. (1), excellent stuff (1), again (1), soooo funny (1), brill (1), a very interesting story. (1), absolutly excellent. Hilarious and so true. (1), it's ok (1), which suits me to a T. (1), A good insight (1), easy going laugh. (1), another good (1), the words louise rennison comes up with (1), I just want to be a character in the book. Oh to be a teenager in love again. (1), another brilliant book about geogia. (1), i've read it about ten times and I still laugh and its such a good version of pride and prejudice. (1), I found it hard to get into but i persevered and it was a satisfying read. (1), I thought it was a true story. A testiment to how good it is. (1)
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Aug 29, 2006