Real Name
Beth McVeigh
About My Library
I have a collection of books, but admit to my electronic book collection far outnumbering the physical. That said, the physical books I have (specially my fave authors) are considered prize possessions, and are probably best referred to as my "friends". I have always been attracted to the romance genre, particularly historicals. Right up to reading "Fifty Shades of Grey" and the "Crossfire Novels". After that the majority of my reading has become glorified "mommy porn". I absolutely mean no disrespect to the authors or their bodies of work. I call it that merely in a self-deprecating manner. I realize that my reading choices are not exactly expanding my mind, but I truly read just for the joy of it.
About Me
I'm an avid reader who enjoys the escapism of the past-time. I do not claim to read for some highbrow perception of education. I simply love getting lost in a story, and often feel like I've lost something when I finish a story. This is feeling is particularly strong when I've been reading a lengthy series, where characters from previous stories are carried throughout the subsequent tales.
Newburgh, NY
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