
[Doctrine] (119), {Christian biographies} (48), (Collection of Doctrines) (44), Biography (42), {Bible commentary>Commentaries} (36), {Collected works} (31), [Devotional calendars] (24), {Children's Bible lessons} (23), [Bible—Study and teaching] (20), (Christ the Mediator) (19), Children's lessons (17), {Apologetics} (15), Sunday school (15), {Bible and science} (15), {Daily devotions} (15), {War and civil unrest} (13), Church history (13), [Christianity—Doctrines] (12), [Creationism] (12), Wartime history (11), Evolution (11), Eschatology (11), (God and Trinity) (11), Commentary (11), Science and the Bible (11), (Last Judgement) (11), Daily Devotions (10), Apologetics (10), {Doctrinal Summary} (10), Fundamentals (10), Christian Living (9), {Atonement} (9), World War Two (9), [Bible_ New Testament_ Hebrews—Commentaries] (9), Missionary (8), Roman Catholicism (8), [Bible_ Old Testament_ Genesis—Commentaries] (8), [Charles Hadden Spurgeon (1834-1892)] (7), {Second Advent} (7), Religions (6), {Genealogy} (6), {Religions-Roman Catholic} (6), Free Presbyterian Ulster history (6), [Bible_ New Testament_ James—Commentaries] (6), Children's (6), (WDTFI) (6), [Bible_ New Testament_ Gospels—Commentaries] (6), Charismata (6), Christianity (6), Creationism (5), [Bible Stories] (5), Protestantism (5), Martin Luther (5), Nazism (5), {Gifts of the Holy Spirit} (5), Sermons (5), Concentration camp (5), Glossolalia (5), Persecuted Church (5), Holocaust (5), [Bible_ Old Testament_ Daniel—Commentaries] (5), {Systematic theology} (5), [Martin Luther (1483-1546)—Biography] (5), {Christian biographies>Missionaries} (5), [Papacy—Controversial literature] (5), [Genealogy—Ireland—Directories] (5), [English literature—Bibliography] (5), [Bible—Concordances] (4), [Church History] (4), (Church) (4), {Holocaust Biography} (4), [History] (4), [Bible—Versions] (4), Medical Guidance Manual (4), Blood of Christ (4), [Doctrinal Theology] (4), {Sporting biography} (4), (Worship) (4), Q&A (4), Second advent (4), {Statement of Faith} (4), Medical (4), Reformation (4), [Revivals—Ulster—History—1859] (4), {Heaven} (4), (Death and Resurrection) (4), Irish history (4), (Providence) (4), Dispensational (4), Addiction (4), [Future Life] (4), [Bible_ Old Testament—Commentaries] (4), {Missionary biography} (4), {Reference-Medical} (4), {End times} (4), Atheism (4), {Literary} (3), [Sermons] (3), [Bible_ New Testament_ Ephesians—Commentaries] (3), [George Best (1946-2005)] (3), Richard Wurmbrand (3), [Earth—Age] (3), Old Testament (3), [John Wesley (1703-1791)] (3), {Bible versions} (3), Auschwitz (3), [Bible_ New Testament_ Matthew. Beatitudes—Commentaries] (3), Hereafter (3), Ulster (3), Northern Ireland (3), {Foreign missions} (3), Terrorism (3), Tongue Speaking (3), Fiction (3), Doctrine (3), [[Doctrine] (3), {Revivals} (3), Restoration of Israel (3), New testament (3), Papacy (3), (Auto-biography) (3), [Ian R. K. Paisley (1924-2014)] (3), {Holy Spirit} (3), Premillennial (3), Death of Christ (3), [Bible—Criticism] (3), Authorised version (3), O/T Genesis (3), Witty Sayings (3), Future of Israel (3), (Short biographies) (3), Catechism (2), [Antichrist] (2), First Aid (2), [Police—Northern Ireland—1969-2001_The troubles] (2), [Cults] (2), {Bible referece} (2), {Political history-Northern Ireland} (2), {Persecuted church} (2), {Future Life} (2), Holy Spirit (2), Faith healing (2), {Eschatology>Antichrist} (2), [Bible_ Old Testament_ Exodus—Commentaries] (2), {Authentication of the Scriptures} (2), (Holy Scriptures) (2), (The Jewish Nation) (2), (Fall_Sin_and Punishment) (2), {Miracles} (2), Sin (2), Messiah (2), (Church Government) (2), (God's Eternal Decree) (2), Evangelism (2), [Bible_ Old Testament_ Elijah—Commentaries] (2), [Bible_ Old Testament_ Lamentations—Commentaries] (2), {Genealogy>Gravestones} (2), [Friends of Africa Missionary Endeavour] (2), [Bible_ Old Testament_ Minor Prophets—Commentaries] (2), [Bible_ Old Testament_ Ruth—Commentaries] (2), [Bible_ New Testament_ Revelation—Commentaries] (2), [Bible_ New Testament_ 1st Peter—Commentaries] (2), [Bible—Evidences_ authority_ etc.] (2), {Church history>Presbyterianism>Scotland} (2), [Evangelicalism] (2), [Dogs—Training] (2), [Christianity—Epigrams] (2), [David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981)] (2), {Doctrine>Theology>History} (2), [Protestantism—Apologetic works] (2), [Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658)] (2), [Children's stories—19th century] (2), [Ballygowan Free Presbyterian—History—1975-2005] (2), Ulster Politics (2), Elders (2), Sickness (2), RUC (2), Postmillennial (2), God's Existence (2), [Belfast (NI)—History 1750-1914] (2), [George Muller (1805-1898)] (2), Evidence for Christ (2), [Evangelistic work] (2), [Creation] (2), Ballygowan (2), World War One (2), Alan Cairns (2), [Jesus Christ—Parables—Commentaries] (2), [Eugen Groza (1954-2018)] (2), O/T Lamentations (2), [Maria Monk (1816-1849)] (2), [Reformed Churches—Catechisms] (2), [Christians—Persecutions—Romania] (2), [Nursing—Handbooks_manuals_etc.] (2), [Catholic Church—Atrocities—Croatia] (2), [First aid—Handbooks_manuals_etc.] (2), [Bill Woods (1937- )] (2), The Troubles (2), [Isobel Kuhn (1901-1957)] (2), Justification (2), Reference (2), Martyrs (2), Concordance (2), Sovereignty of God (2), Faith (2), Gifts of the Holy Spirit (2), [Lilian Alberta Walsh ( - )] (2), [Martyrs—Scotland—Tombs] (2), Government (2), Grace (2), Wise Sayings (2), Classic (2), Communism (2), [Scottish Covenanters—Biography] (2), Whole Bible (2), Adoption (2), Worship (2), Unevangelized Fields Mission (UFM) (2), [Theology—History of doctrines] (2), [Bible—Pictorial works] (2), Prophecy (2), Memoirs (2), Church unity (2), [Free Presbyterian—Scotland—History] (2), [Pilgrims (New England colonists)] (2), [Bible_ Old Testament_ Isaiah 53—Commentaries] (1), [Protestantism—Ireland—History—20th century] (1), [Christians—Persecutions—China] (1), [Jesus Christ—Evangelistic methods] (1), [Bible_ New Testament_ Revelation—Sermons] (1), [Sammy Graham (19xx- )] (1), [Bible_ New Testament_ Colossians—Commentaries] (1), [Christianity and politics] (1), [John Blanchard (1932- )] (1), [Church workers] (1), [Bible_ Old Testament_ Zechariah—Commentaries] (1), [Bible_ Old Testament_ Haggai—Commentaries] (1), [Bible_ Old Testament_ Malachi—Commentaries] (1), N/T Matthew (1), [Bible_ Old Testament_ Kings—Commentaries] (1), [Bible_ Old Testament_ Chronicles—Commentaries] (1), [Bible_ New Testament_ Revelation 3v20—Sermons] (1), N/T 1 Peter (1), [Bible_ Old Testament_ Deuteronomy—Commentaries] (1), [Reformers—Relations—Anabaptists] (1), [Biography] (1), [Bible_ New Testament—Commentaries] (1), [Ernest Gordon (1916-2002)] (1), Mary Peckham (1), [Doreen Irvine (1939- )] (1), [John Elias (1774-1841)] (1), [John Kensit (1853-1902)] (1), [Thomas Todhunter Shields (1873-1955)] (1), [Asahel Nettleton (1783-1844)] (1), [Robert Lewis Dabney (1820-1898)] (1), [Dwight Lyman Moody (1837-1899)] (1), [Robert Murray M'Cheyne (1813-1843)] (1), [Philip Henry (1631-1696)] (1), [John H. Noble (1923-2007)] (1), [Mary Morrison ( -2010)] (1), [Stanley Barnes (1942- )] (1), [Mission Link International Foundation] (1), [Countess of Huntingdon (1707-1791)] (1), [British reformers—Biography] (1), [Ivan Thompson ( - )] (1), [Victims of Crimes—Northern Ireland—1969-2001_The troubles] (1), [Margaret Hayes (c.1924- )] (1), [Maria Anne Hirschmann (c.1926- )] (1), [Rachel Martin Dugger ( - )] (1), [Alan Dunlop ( - )] (1), [Arnold family (1983-1995)] (1), {Church history>Foreign missions>Romania} (1), Beatitudes (1), [Free Presbyterian—Ulster—History] (1), [Landscape photography Northern Ireland] (1), [Runcie Family] (1), [Bible_ New Testament_ Jude—Commentaries] (1), [Bible_ New Testament_ John—Commentaries] (1), [Wilma Sullivan (c1944- )] (1), Roman Catholic convert (1), [Derry (Northern Ireland)—History—Siege_1688-1689] (1), [Susanna Wesley (1669-1742)] (1), [Ulster—Sports players—Biography] (1), [Christian biography] (1), [Communion sermons] (1), [Christian worship—Head covering] (1), 1572] (1), [George Whitefield (1714-1770)] (1), [Church work with Muslims] (1), [Church work with Roman Catholics] (1), [Bible—Reading] (1), [Church unity] (1), {Church history} (1), [Sabrina Wurmbrand (1916-2000)] (1), {Missionary Societies} (1), [Songwriters—Biography] (1), [Hymns] (1), {Children's Christian biographies} (1), [Brownlow North (1810-1875)] (1), [Matthew Henry (1662-1714)] (1)
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Feb 29, 2020
Northern Ireland