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romance (1,023), juv / YA (751), scifi/fantasy (732), paranormal (373), historical (292), unread strip (216), fiction (156), strip (99), anthology (96), contemporary (91), mystery (87), philosophy (85), romantic suspense (82), fantasy (68), mythology (66), Star Wars (63), historical fiction (61), teaching (49), ARC (48), urban fantasy (48), vampires (39), King Arthur (32), comic book (31), classics (30), Shakespeare (27), time travel (27), Star Trek (26), political science (26), essays (24), misc. (23), writing (22), humor (22), chicklit (20), tote 2 (20), Dark-Hunters (19), Romance (17), literature (17), history (16), biography (16), English (16), military (14), Scotland (14), 2022 (14), Read (14), tote 1 (12), autographed (12), futuristic (11), dragons (11), dystopian (10), teen (10), 100 novels (10), werewolf (10), ancient history (9), ghosts (9), England (9), Fae (9), literacy (8), juv / romance (8), grammar (8), Once Upon a Time (7), werewolves (7), memoir (7), demons (7), witches (7), horses (6), vilma (6), ancient historical (6), Merlin (6), drama (5), Christmas (5), Juv / YA (4), mermaid (4), Buffy (4), old book (4), poetry (4), faerie (4), pirates (4), non-fiction (4), intrigue (3), sports (3), American (3), picture book (3), psychic (3), BAD (3), spy (3), Books about books (3), quotations (3), star wars (3), graphic novel (3), GRE prep (2), medieval (2), alternative history (2), Chinese (2), Mystery (2), Egyptian (2), travel (2), treasure (2), Viking (2), literary theory (2), Valkryie (2), Alaska (2), gargoyles (2), Roman (2), magic (2), South America (1), juv/YA (1), teen fantasy (1), suspense (1), Strip (1), Druids (1), gothic (1), Scottish (1), science (1), Celtic (1), fairy tales (1), fairy tale (1), science fiction (1), local interest (1), werecat (1), travel writing (1), Were-Hunters (1), greek mythology (1), animorphs (1), western (1), Ireland (1), christmas (1), education (1), his (1), Robin Hood (1), comic (1), Greek (1), animals (1), Unread strip (1)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Apr 6, 2006
Real Name
About My Library

My library is limited to those books that I actually own, though the tags denote that there are several hundred that I have not yet read. Although I do read pretty fast, I also buy books even faster. I also check quite a few books out of the public library, so that slows down my reading what I own. But I figure if I own it, then maybe I'll read it someday. I buy a lot of impulse books as well, because I know that I won't remember I want to read it if I don't buy it and it disappears from the bookstore shelves. If it's on my own shelves I'll at least get to it eventually. In that way I often buy the first book in a series and not the rest, when I've read that first one and like it then I hunt down the others. Or sometimes I just buy them all and hope for the best!

The amount of books I own is also the product of eleven years in the book industry. I worked for some variation of Barnes & Noble from high school, through college, and even after getting a professional job. Part of it was that I loved the atmosphere, the smell of books, the discussion with customers who loved books as much as I did, and the great recommendations to them and from them. Most of it, though, was the discount! I didn't paid full price for a book for almost 12 years. Now I have to make much more use of the public library. :)

As far as the books I read from the library, you can find them on these lists, along with an account of everything else I read.

2007 -

2008 -

2009 -

2010 -

2011 -

2012 -

2013 -

2014 -

2015 -

2016 -

2017 -

2018 -

2019 -

2020 -

2021 -

2022 -

2023 -

2024 -

About Me

I read a wide selection of genres, though if you ask my husband he'll say I only read romance novels or books with dragons. Not true! I taught middle school for 5 years and although I don't anymore, I haven't given up reading young adult novels. I love learning new things so I read nonfiction here and there as well (mostly as audiobooks), though those aren't as likely to be in my collection, check out my 50 book challenge lists (links to yearly topic in this profile) to see those selections. I'm a big sci fi/fantasy reader too. So there's quite a variety. Check out my collection to see!

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