
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Aug 1, 2009
Real Name
About My Library
My library consists of an eclectic collection of sci-fi tv books, christian novels, Australian authors, biographies and other bits of this and that. Sometimes when I have the chance I read fan fiction on the internet.

Everyone always comments on the amount of books I have and the collection is still growing. My books are stored in categories in alphabetical or chronological order and that draws comments from people too :-).

Until now I only had a list of my sci-fi tv novels, now that my whole library will be documented I'm more excited than I should be! I'm such a nerd!

About Me
Away from the world of literature I like sci-fi TV, cats, country music, cross stitch and crocheting and spending time with family and friends.

Social networking is not my forte, I just don't have that much time to devote to the internet!

Time is short. I love the chance to grab a few minutes to read when I am on the train, it is the one time I don't have to feel guilty because I am supposed to be doing something else.

If I could have a superpower it would be the ability to travel through time. I love a good temporal paradox!

Unfortunately I am a shiftworker. By the grace of God I manage to cope with that!
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