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Jan 13, 2012
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About My Library
Lots of historical fiction and literature, with history and thrillers mixed in. I do not enjoy paranormal or goofy romance novels.
About Me
Mother of four children (3 in college and only one left at home). Married to my best friend and love of my life (27 years). I'm a tennis player, golfer, traveler, photographer, videographer, Christian, family historian, lover of information and history, and most important of all.......a READER!

I continue miss my Mom, Donna Goode Exley, who would have been 75 ten days ago. She's the one who got me started reading, when she placed Little House in the Big Woods in my hands one lazy weekend in my youth, and I proceeded to finish the series as quickly as I could get my hands on each successive book. My goal is to read as voraciously and endlessly as I did then. And I will continue to think of my Mom, with each book I finish......knowing that if I liked it, SHE would. And vice-versa.
Tualatin, OR
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