Real Name
Steve Downes
About My Library
filled to bursting point with history books, fantasy books and poetry ... if I lived in a ship it would sink

massive Douglas Adams fan
About Me

Steve Downes is an Irish contemporary poet and novelist, currently living and working in Ireland. Educated in N.U.I. Maynooth, he holds a Degree in Classical History and a Masters in Cultural Anthropology.

Steve’s latest books are, Fyre & Stone: The Spectre Games (BLKDOG Publishing, 2021) & Fyre & Stone: The Resurrection Men (BLKDOG Publishing, 2023).

Steve is a published poet since 1996, his poetry collections to-date are: A Human Veneer, A Landscape For Yourself and Dawn at Midnight (anthology).

Steve’s first novel was published in 2013, his novels to-date are: Cosmogonic Marbles, Temporal Tome, Gadzooks Armageddon and Botolf Tales (the Botolf Chronicles), Warworld: Shadows & Dominions (part 1), Murder on the Alpha Centauri Express and The Deaths of Guner Zoon.

Steve has also published four children’s Books: The Upstairs Cat Series (3 books) & An Apprenticeship to Doctor Vantastic.

Steve continues to write and publish work in many genres.

In 2017 & 2018 Steve exhibited from his collections of historical photographs, Lost Graveyards of Ireland (2017) and A Landscape For Yourself (2018).

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