
interaction design-related (163), interaction design (78), design research (33), information visualization (26), collaborative media (17), new media (17), design theory (16), design studies (15), methodology and theory of design (14), data visualization (14), methodology (12), visual communication (9), aesthetics (8), digital arts (7), user experience (6), design methodology (6), game studies (6), media studies (6), participatory design (6), HCI (5), craft (5), design thinking (5), information design (5), ubiquitous computing (5), interaction criticism (5), experience design (4), design and society (4), industrial design (4), sustainability (3), ubicomp (3), everyday things (3), introduction (3), interactive fiction (3), artificial intelligence (3), human-computer interaction (3), virtual worlds (3), sketching (3), design history (3), critical design (3), interaction design theory (3), embodiment (2), visual thinking (2), user-centered design (2), Internet art (2), interface design (2), critical art (2), infographics (2), usability (2), digital materials (2), mobile interaction (2), cross-media (2), game design (2), narrativity (2), interactive art (2), embodied interaction (2), social innovation (2), pleasure (2), pervasive computing (2), information graphics (2), craftsmanship (2), product development (2), participatory culture (2), technology and society (2), social media (2), material (2), tactical media (2), multidisciplinarity (2), systems development (2), UX design (2), IT culture and society (2), media and communication studies (2), human factors (2), pragmatism (2), seminal (2), ethics (2), skill (2), anthropology (2), narrative structure (2), web 2.0 (2), complexity (2), cognitive science (2), adversarial design (1), future scenario (1), design review (1), social interaction design (1), interactive visualization (1), social design (1), new media and culture (1), Net Generation (1), postinternet (1), object culture (1), media architecture (1), mixed reality (1), design cognition (1), visualization design (1), interaction aesthetics (1), crossmedia (1), Snoezelen (1), ambient media (1), digital sketching (1), linkography (1), programming as design (1), digital visual design (1), human-automation collaboration (1), social science (1), HCAI (1), philosophy of technology (1), frame creation (1), participatory media (1), transdisciplinary design (1), ux methods (1), media power (1), visual app design (1), design practice (1), design tools (1), practice-based research (1), in Swedish (1), agentive systems (1), MMOG (1), innovation strategy (1), research through design (1), tangible (1), business thinking (1), design culture (1), speculative design (1), haptic interaction (1), graphical user interface design (1), collaborative media-related (1), communication perspective (1), Internet of Things (1), collaborative storytelling (1), design rationale (1), online worlds (1), mixed-media environments (1), temporal-spatial storytelling (1), critical culture (1), branding (1), mobile phone use (1), artistic approach (1), parafunctionality (1), grassroots media (1), drawing as thinking (1), IT and society (1), upstream design (1), participatory art performance (1), fan cultures (1), cyber-ethnography (1), temporal aspects (1), digital graphic design (1), narratology vs. ludology (1), affective computing (1), interaction design history (1), new media studies (1), somaesthetics (1), microinteractions (1), narrative strategies (1), sketchnotes (1), design research practice (1), creative environments (1), N-Gen (1), applied social science (1), sociable use (1), semiotic engineering (1), professional information management (1), explorative design (1), ludic interaction (1), media philosophy (1), education of professionals (1), reflection-in-action (1), idea catalogue (1), knowledge-work patterns (1), interactive media studies (1), practical knowing (1), foundational digital design (1), societal planning (1), phenomenology (1), fandom (1), cultural analysis (1), synthesis (1), place (1), experience (1), engineering (1), communication (1), narratology (1), virtuality (1), critical theory (1), film studies (1), communities (1), stickiness (1), interaction (1), simplicity (1), tagging (1), innovation (1), material culture (1), reflections (1), foundations (1), convergence (1), software design (1), principles (1), typography (1), persona (1), metadata (1), philosophy (1), things (1), play (1), tools (1), professional (1), toys (1), reflection (1), collection (1), video (1), history (1), learning (1), culture (1), inspiration (1), comics (1), quality (1), storytelling (1), sociology (1), style (1), canon (1), responsibility (1), social aspects (1), disability (1), creativity (1), community (1), cooperation (1), science fiction (1), cultural studies (1), cultural history (1), meaning (1), mashup (1), tribes (1), social structure (1), web (1), automation (1), information architecture (1), process (1), transmedia (1), design science (1), generative art (1), criticism (1), media activism (1), corporate identity (1), body and mind (1), quantitative analysis (1), materiality (1), science communication (1), technological innovation (1), media art (1), aesthetic experience (1), digital storytelling (1), sociological study (1), situated (1), interactive installation (1), qualitative methods (1), scenarios (1), portfolio (1), digital art (1), social networks (1), emotion (1), multimedia (1), persuasion (1), data (1), visualization (1), darknet (1), service design (1), data design (1), business strategies (1), hci (1), communication design (1), affect (1), findability (1), esthetics (1), best practice (1), attention (1), Marshall McLuhan (1), design methods (1), agile development (1), office work (1), dramaturgy (1), guidelines (1), knowledge work (1), mobile communication (1), product management (1), enjoyment (1), social web (1), online communities (1), virtual communities (1), business planning (1), interactive narrative (1), information appliances (1), spimes (1), contextual (1), prototyping (1), field methods (1), data physicalization (1)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Mar 15, 2010
Real Name
Jonas Löwgren
About My Library
Concerning the Interaction Design Bookshelf collection: Even though interaction design in itself is a young field, it draws heavily on the intellectual and artistic heritage of other design fields as well as the literatures of information technology and society. Here, I list some of the titles on my interaction design bookshelf along with a few brief comments, in the hope that they will be useful to other readers interested in the field.