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Nov 10, 2010
Real Name
Julie Sara Porter
About My Library
My library is a hodge podge of books that I have read and maybe some that I want to read. They include my favorites of the books that I have read for pleasure and for reviews. They consist of some of my favorite books in some of my favorite genres, particularly mysteries, historical fiction, classics, magical realism, non-fiction, mythology and legends, and many others.
Also, check out my blog with more detailed reviews Sara's Library Wonderland:
About Me
I have graduated from library school and have made a career and an interest on reading and sharing books and a love of literature. Obviously, I'm a big time reader. I have read as many as five or six books a night usually a classic novel, a modern/genre novel, a short story, a biography, , a poem, and a New Age book.
Indianapolis, Indiana
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