
occult (756), science fiction (426), christianity (294), thelema (272), au br (217), yog-sothothery (215), comics (206), graphic novel (199), antiquity (192), medieval (179), sb st (172), freemasonry (154), theory of religion (147), sword and sorcery (137), au st (131), psychology (125), biography (120), sexuality (117), erotica (114), renaissance (105), poetry (97), islam (90), sword and planet (84), egypt (83), satan (83), gender (76), theater (73), art history (72), liturgy (70), bible (70), rosicrucian (69), hyborian age (67), nietzschean (67), paleognostic (65), dreams (63), alchemy (63), espionage (59), theosophy (57), music (57), game milieu (57), memory (55), classics (55), philosophy of will (53), metafiction (53), sufism (52), angels (51), high fantasy (49), periodical (49), lter (49), american history (47), games (47), first novel (47), psychopharm (45), superhero (45), tarot (45), pomo theory (44), jungian (43), math (40), surrealism (40), bdsm (39), 666 bio (39), cinema (39), epistemology (39), hellenic (39), illustration (38), neognostic (37), decadence (37), chess (37), _C (36), 19c gd (36), mars (36), memoir (35), arkham horror (35), egc2 (33), judaism (33), chaosium cthulhu (32), government (32), phallicism (32), enochian (32), templars (32), tantra (32), subtle body (31), political science (31), qabalah (31), yoga (30), _K (30), time travel (30), new religious movements (30), race (29), heresy (29), fairy (29), taoism (29), _G (29), detective (28), hermetic (28), ritual exposure (28), hinduism (28), literary criticism (28), augoeides (28), divination (28), astrology (27), scottish rite (27), grail (27), anarchism (27), _D (26), apocalypse (26), blake (26), libertine (26), history of science (25), dionysos (25), architecture (25), roleplaying game (25), letters (25), heliolatry (24), legerdemain (24), roman (24), space opera (24), diary (23), rumpus (23), neopagan (23), faust (23), _O (23), _P (23), buddhism (22), ufo (22), _J (22), elric (22), ancient hebrew religion (22), atlantis (22), ccxx (22), dictionary (22), _M (22), eucharist (22), mystery cults (21), _A (21), leadership (21), traditionalism (21), _L (21), orientalism (20), au pr (20), utopia (20), _N (20), kabbalah (20), spiritualism (19), death (19), neoplatonism (19), ethics (19), jordanus brunus nolensis (19), wh40k (19), vocal (18), neo-gd (18), cabala (18), blue lodge (18), literary theory (18), logical fantasy (18), martian hierophant (17), grimoire (17), cultural criticism (17), monasticism (17), jauniste (17), history of ideas (17), _E (17), ritual studies (17), hypnerotomachia (17), eich pi el (16), anthropology (16), theory of magic (16), swedenborg (15), pp cows (15), poststructuralism (15), _H (15), philosophy of science (15), hypnosis (15), crusades (15), rhetoric (15), roman a clef (15), war (15), paleothelema (15), hymnal (14), south atlantic quarterly (14), antichrist (14), sociology (14), comparative religion (14), ars_arch (14), equinox (14), illuminati (14), gurdjieffian (13), libraries and books (13), autobiography (13), yeats (13), barsoom (13), deconstruction (13), eternal recurrence (13), hypergeometry (13), _B (13), @ (13), alternate history (13), chivalry (12), catholicism (12), living chess (12), theology (12), cerebus (12), marriage (12), nautical (12), physics (12), media criticism (12), mutation (12), voodoo (12), _I (12), shaggy god story (12), nazi (12), logic (11), unscanned cover (11), epistolary (11), hermetic brotherhood of luxor (11), i ching (11), ophiolatry (11), metareligion (11), arkham house (11), cathars (11), * (11), aphorisms (11), middle english (10), catabasis (10), fourier (10), german (10), sacerdotality (10), interview (10), hermeneutics (10), heavy metal (10), golden ass (10), heterology (10), arithmology (10), changeling (10), deism (10), orgonomy (9), enlightenment (9), latin (9), necronomicon (9), asherah (9), prophecy (9), mythicism (9), von bek (9), sadean (9), parapsychology (9), secrecy (9), fantasy masterworks (9), played (9), chiliasm (9), secret chiefs (9), first contact (9), memphis and mizraim (9), cultural history (9), onolatry (9), marxism (9), satire (8), antinomianism (8), atheism (8), prayer (8), hippie (8), steampunk (8), commedia (8), archaeology (8), metempsychosis (8), africa (8), greek (8), apophaticism (8), atavistic resurgence (8), eranos (8), martinism (8), anti-masonry (8), arthurian (8), chicago (8), wicca (8), prehistoric civilization (8), morphogenesis (8), symbolist (8), new thought (8), prince hall (7), alternative history (7), police (7), cli fi (7), banjo (7), vampires (7), celtic myth (7), folklore (7), assassins (7), patristics (7), dying earth (7), chthonic (7), church of satan (7), goetia (7), war in heaven (7), shamanism (6), pan (6), joachimism (6), astronomy (6), mycology (6), jesuit (6), lcl (6)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Nov 17, 2006
Real Name
Dionysius Rogers
About My Library

"A fool may buy all the books in the world, and they will be in his library; but he will be able to read only those that he deserves to." --Vivekananda

"After all, what is reading but a vice, like drink or venery or any other form of excessive self-indulgence? One reads to tickle and amuse one's mind; one reads, above all, to prevent oneself thinking." --Mr. Scogan

Most volumes in my library are seldom circulated, but also rarely crucified.

My copious reviews have been originally written for diverse audiences: scholars, occultists, freemasons, and thingamabrarians, among others. Have a response to one of my reviews? Please use the message button on this profile page to let me know.

Some unusual tags defined:
au st and sb st indicate books whose authors and subjects (respectively) are saints of the Gnostic Catholic Church.
19c gd is the 19th-century manifestation of the Golden Dawn magical order, while neo-gd includes its putative successors and revivals in the 20th and 21st centuries.
While kabbalah is the Jewish mystical tradition beginning in the Middle Ages, cabala is its Christian esoteric derivatives from the Renaissance onward, and qabalah is the heuristic, non-doctrinal "hermetic qabalah" of 20th and 21st century occultists.
Alternate history is the sub-genre of science fiction and fantasy which deploys variants of historical settings (e.g. The Years of Rice and Salt), but alternative history is the field of historical speculation associated with popular revisionism and conspiracy theory (e.g. Holy Blood, Holy Grail). Unfortunately, these terms are not often used with care, and both are frequently used to describe the former case with enough frequency that the two tags have been combined in LibraryThing.
The tag played is used for dramatic texts where I have participated as an actor in staging the play.

About Me

I am not an Atheist in your sense of the word: your doctrine is too coarse for any known blasphemy to shame it.
I am not an Atheist in your sense of the word: fancy a Priest let loose on Society!
As long as men and women shall bury their own perfect natures in fear, guilt, and shame--I am against Atheism, and for the Mysteries.
Every "rational enlightenment" has engendered new superstitions.

"Everyone who makes it past fifty is a monster of self-will, inhabiting something between a labyrinth and a jail. It only gets worse. Young people sense this and are rightly appalled." --M. John Harrsion

The last board game I played was:

My Other Reader is a professionally trained librarian, as I am not. I was already an avid book collector before we met. In 2006 her principal gift to me at the Winter Solstice was a LibraryThing lifetime membership, where she had already entered over five hundred of my books. She has never become as active on the site as I have.

My engagement with LibraryThing has developed gradually. At first, I was very focused on getting my actual collection cataloged. Only in later years did I start to use more of the social features beyond keeping a short list of friends and reading reviews. Now I'm active in the Deep Ones weekly group reads on The Weird Tradition group; and since summer of 2009, I have posted a review for every book I've read.


There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.

Centrum in Centri Trigono
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Bookstores: Amaranth Books, Bookends and Beginnings, Heroines and Heroes, Malliway Bros., Mutiny Now Art Books and Coffee, Myopic Books, Occult Bookstore, Quimby's Bookstore, Seminary Co-op Bookstore, Squeezebox Books & Music, , The Gallery Bookstore

Libraries: Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, Henry S. Olcott Memorial Library, Miskatonic University Library, Newberry Library, Ordo Templi Orientis U.S. Grand Lodge Library, University of Texas Libraries - Harry Ransom Center

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