Book Events for rad

Events within the books in rad's library

Summary: 493 Events.

The 144,000 with the Lamb

16th century

17th century



18th century

1971 Abolition of US Gold Standard

19th century

2008-2009 Recession

4th century BCE

70 ce

Abolitionist Movement

Abraham justified by faith

Adolf Hitler's rise to power

Afghan Wars

African-American Civil Rights Movement

African-American Civil Rights Movement, LGBT rights movement

Albigensian Crusade

Algerian War of Independence

American Civil War

American Revolution

Ananias and Sapphira

The angels with the seven last plagues

Anti-apartheid movement

The anti-Christ revealed

Anti-Rent War

Anti-Vietnam War movement



Ark of the Covenant


The army from the Euphrates


Assassination of Antonio Cánovas del Castillo

Assassination of Empress Elisabeth of Austria

Assassination of Georgy Sudeykin

Assassination of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich of Russia

Assassination of King Umberto I

Assassination of Malcolm X

Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Assassination of Nikolai Mezentsov

Assassination of Nikolay Seliverstov

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy

Assassination of Sadi Carnot

Assassination of Tsar Alexander II

Assassination of Vyacheslav von Plehve

Assassination of William McKinley

Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Attempted assassination of Henry Clay Frick

Attica Prison Riot

Augustine's conversion

An axhead floats

Bacon's Rebellion

Balaam’s Donkey

Balaam’s Donkey


Baptism of Jesus of Nazareth

Barebones Parliament

The barren fig tree

Bataan Death March

Battle of Borodino

Battle of Dunbar

Battle of Jericho

Battle of Roncesvalles

The beast from the Earth

The beast from the sea

Beheading of John the Baptist

Berlin Wall

Birth and coronation of Ladislaus Postumus as King of Hungary

Birth of Jesus

Birth of Jesus foretold

Birth of John the Baptist

Birth of John the Baptist promised

Birth of Moses

Black Saturday - Samoa 1929

Bloody Sunday

Bolshevik Revolution

Bombing of Dresden

Bombing of Libya

Bronze Snake

Brown v. Board of Education

A call to action: Build my House

A call to pursue Holiness

The catch of 153 fish

The cause of Edom's downfall

Chilean Coup

Chinese Civil War

Chinese Revolution of 1911

Chinese Revolution of 1949

Christ and Antichrist

Christ and Satan

Christ rebukes Pharisees and Scribes


Christ’s sacrifice once for all

Christ’s sacrifice once for all

The Church’s final victory

The Church’s victory

The Church’s final victory

The Church’s victory

Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Movement, USA

climate crisis

Cold War

Cold War

Colonization of the Americas

Colonization of the United States

The coming Day of the LORD

The coming of salvation on the Day of the LORD


Conquest of Latin America

Conspiracy of Catiline

Contra War

Coronation of Charlemagne

Council of Nicaea

Council of Trent



Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth


The cursing of the fig tree

Dalai Lama goes into exile [1959]

Daniel in the lion's den

Daniel in the lions den

David and Bathsheba

David and Goliath

David anointed King of Judah

David King of Israel

Day of Atonement

The Day of the Lord

The day of the Lord

Death of Albrecht II, King of Germany, Hungary and Bohemia

Death of Moses

The defeat of Babylon

The defeat of Satan

The Deluge

Destruction of Earth

Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, 70 ce

Disaster: Volcano Eruption


Dorr Rebellion

Doubting Thomas

The dragon and the child

The dragon persecutes the woman

Dreyfus Affair

Dutch Reformation

Dutch Revolt


Edict of Nantes

Edict of Toleration

Eighty Years War

El Mozote Massacre

Elijah taken to Heaven in a chariot of fire

Emancipation Proclamation

Enclosure Acts

End of the World

energy crisis

English Civil War

English colonization of North America

English Reformation


Ethiopian Revolution, 1974


The Exodus


Fall of Jerusalem

Fall of Man

Fall of Rome

False god destroyed by God

False teachers and their destruction

Feast of Tabernacles

Feminist Movement

The first five bowls

The first five bowls 'plagues'

First Intifada

Five Vivid Visions of Israel's Fate

The Flood

Flour Riot of 1837

Founding the Catholic Worker, 1933

Franco-Prussian War

French Revolution

French Wars of Religion

Garden of Gethsemane

German Peasants' War

German Reformation

Glorious Revolution

Godlessness in the Last Days

Golden Calf

The Great Commission

Great Depression

Great Railroad Strike of 1877

Greek Civil War

The harvest

Haymarket Massacre


Homestead strike

Impeachment and Trial of President Bill Clinton

Indian independence

Indian Removal Act

Indictment, judgement and hope for the leaders

Indictment, judgement and hope for the nation

Indictment, judgement and hope for the people

Indonesian Invasion of East Timor

Industrial Revolution


Invasion of Czechoslovakia

Invasion of Grenada

Iran-Contra Affair

Iranian Revolution

Iroquois Confederacy or Six Nations

Israel crossing the Red Sea

Israel's exodus from Egypt

Jacob wrestles with God

Jerusalem restored

Jerusalem under siege

Jesus and disciples prepare for Passover

Jesus anointed in Bethany

Jesus appears to Peter

Jesus before Herod

Jesus before Pilate

Jesus blesses small children

Jesus calls his disciples

Jesus calms the stormy sea

Jesus feeds 4,000

Jesus feeds the 5,000

Jesus heals 10 lepers

Jesus heals a blind man

Jesus heals a leper

Jesus heals a man with dropsy

Jesus heals deformed woman on Sabbath

Jesus heals man with palsy

Jesus heals the blind and mute

Jesus heals the Centurion's servant

Jesus purges the Temple

Jesus purging the temple

Jesus raises Jairus’ daughter from the dead

Jesus raises Jairus’ daughter from the dead

Jesus raises the widow of Nain’s son

Jesus raises the widow of Nain’s son

Jesus restores a lunatic

Jesus restores the sight of 2 blind men

Jesus revealed to his disciples

Jesus sends the 12 Apostles

Jesus sentenced to death by Pilate

Jesus taken captive

Jesus walks on the sea

Jesus' temptation in the desert

Jesus’ burial

Jesus’ death

Jesus’ parable of the net