Perhaps not so quiet, but...Book Quiz II

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Perhaps not so quiet, but...Book Quiz II

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Feb 5, 2011, 1:49 pm

I saw this while lurking elsewhere and wanted to share, even at the risk of generating a longer thread. Please forgive me (and don't mention my name in a crowded theatre).

You're Macbeth!

by William Shakespeare

Superstitious and possibly even paranoid, you are deeply interested
in the occult. While you present as someone with a great deal of confidence and even
arrogance, you know this front is fragile and relies on the strength of those who
build you up. Without the support of those who seem unflinchingly loyal to you, you
would be powerless against the strange events that have overtaken your life. While
you like Halloween, you really shouldn't trust it. People would rather hear the word
"fire" than your name in a crowded theater.

Take the Book Quiz II
at the Blue Pyramid.

Feb 5, 2011, 4:58 pm

Harumph! It seems I am the Count of Monte Cristo (who knew?) but, chary as I am of self-disclosure, I am foregoing the opportunity of copying the full exposé here.

I am uncloaked!

Feb 5, 2011, 5:26 pm

I did this in another forum. The result:

You're The Red Tent!

by Anita Diamant

Believing strongly that history has been misrepresented, you have
made it your mission to set the record straight. This commitment is borne of a
passion for women's rights and the general impression that the winners need to
stop writing the history books. Nevertheless, you easily maintain support for
classic stereotypes, purporting that women like to gossip while men like to kill.
Your favorite song is "I've Been Working on the Railroad."

Feb 5, 2011, 5:40 pm

Huh?!?! :)

You're A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man!
by James Joyce

A lapsed Catholic and classic overthinker, you are besieged by rapidly expanding contemplation of the world around you. While people often think you're making things up, you're really just talking about yourself. This navel-gazing makes you remarkably self-aware, though some of those you know will accuse you of being stuck-up or even narcissistic. This may be why you hate quoting other people. But it may also be because you think all perspective is subjective, which is ultimately why you can only speak for yourself.

Feb 5, 2011, 8:09 pm

Heh. I'm Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes.

A romantic idealist, you struggle with knowing where the line is between reality and fantasy. Truth may be stranger than fiction, but that's mostly because you're truly out there in the world spouting your crazy perception of what's going on. This has led to your ultimate isolation and unhappiness: your closest friend sometimes goes behind your back, while your romantic interest doesn't even know you exist. At least your trusty animal companion will never let you down. While everyone thinks the future is in renewable energy, you truly despise wind power.

I guess I do favor solar. ^_^

Feb 6, 2011, 5:19 pm

You're Little Women!
by Louisa May Alcott
Young, vibrant, and perhaps a little naive, you can't wait to grow up. It's not that you're unaware that the future will be difficult, but you feel tied down by the frivolities and challenges of being younger. Almost all the tales you tell others sound like they're about other people, but are really just subtle ways for you to talk about your own experiences and perspectives. Much of this relates to your understanding of gender roles and how dissatisfied you feel with your options as confined by being part of your given half of the population. In the end, you will make decisions that disappoint most of those who love a happy ending.

I'm still trying to get my head round that!

Feb 6, 2011, 8:29 pm

Well I took the quiz and this is me:

You're The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy, Gentleman!

by Laurence Sterne

You are a fan of many people, but most of all, you like yourself.
A whole lot. Easily distracted and generally unfocused, you have a hard time
communicating anything clearly or directly. However, most people find you funny
and engaging despite your tendency to wander off subject. Though later
generations may think of you as ahead of your time, most of your contemporaries
think you're an idiot. If your life were a movie, it would star Will Farrell. In
a wig.

Take the Book Quiz II
at the Blue Pyramid.

Feb 12, 2011, 3:17 am

You're A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man!

by James Joyce

A lapsed Catholic and classic overthinker, you are besieged by
rapidly expanding contemplation of the world around you. While people often think
you're making things up, you're really just talking about yourself. This
navel-gazing makes you remarkably self-aware, though some of those you know will
accuse you of being stuck-up or even narcissistic. This may be why you hate
quoting other people. But it may also be because you think all perspective is
subjective, which is ultimately why you can only speak for yourself.

Take the Book Quiz II
at the Blue Pyramid.

Jun 27, 2011, 7:35 pm

I'm Treasure Island -Spirited and adventurous, you are often considered a little immature for your age. After all, you really enjoy a good game of hide-n-seek and are interested in taking classes in stage combat. And who doesn't like a good scavenger hunt? While you like to think of your life as dangerous and even swashbuckling, it's pretty obvious that it's actually relatively tame compared to what it could be. Though you do have trouble keeping control with the old bottle. You liked pirates before they were cool.

How true! And what a relief- I can fire the shink 'cause I know who I am now. I'm a book!


Jun 29, 2011, 1:11 am

You're Where the Sidewalk Ends!

by Shel Silverstein

Silly and crazy and kooky,

sometimes you can even be spooky.

You really like making folks laugh,

and you can do so more'n others by half.

You try to answer their questions,

or make fun of their indigestions,

but more than it all, through winter and fall,

you make the weirdest suggestions!

Take the Book Quiz II
at the Blue Pyramid.

Jun 29, 2011, 5:25 pm

You're As I Lay Dying!

by William Faulkner

Schizophrenic and unpredictable, you are able to hold many
conflicting ideas in your head at once without getting confused. However, this
doesn't mean those around you or trying to communicate with you fail to be confused.
In fact, your willingness to say precisely whatever is on your mind lends a kind of
mystery to you that makes some people afraid of you. But maybe it's just that people
don't like being as morbid as you can be. Despite this dark streak, you really like
the singer/songwriter Jewel.

Take the Book Quiz II
at the Blue Pyramid.

I like Faulkner. A lot. Jewel, not so much.

Jun 29, 2011, 6:55 pm

You're Much Ado About Nothing!

by William Shakespeare

You're not really sure what all the fuss is about, but it seems
like it's all a lot of overreaction. Light and playful, you tend to be the one
making dirty jokes in the corner, or even in front of a whole bunch of people.
You end up being more or less unable to keep a straight face, even when something
serious seems to be on the line. Despite this, you still have something to say
about gender equality. In the end, you're just looking for a hero.

Take the Book Quiz II
at the Blue Pyramid.

I love this play!! and the quiz.

Jul 30, 2011, 3:16 pm

Way off on this one!

You're A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man!

by James Joyce

A lapsed Catholic and classic overthinker, you are besieged by
rapidly expanding contemplation of the world around you. While people often think
you're making things up, you're really just talking about yourself. This
navel-gazing makes you remarkably self-aware, though some of those you know will
accuse you of being stuck-up or even narcissistic. This may be why you hate
quoting other people. But it may also be because you think all perspective is
subjective, which is ultimately why you can only speak for yourself.

Take the Book Quiz II
at the Blue Pyramid.

May 19, 2013, 5:07 pm

You're The Iliad
Violent and ill-tempered, you never let go of a grudge. You
believe in honor, military strength, and the value of a well-turned phrase. This
would make you excellent at sports, even bloodsports, if you didn't have such nagging
problems with your ankle. While your treatment of the dead has been subject to
negative scrutiny, you insist that those who have mistreated you must be punished.
Love it or hate it, you feel very strongly about the University of Southern

Boy, was this ever wrong, I have bad knees. My ankle is fine.

Jun 15, 2013, 10:18 pm

You're The Bible!
by ?
One of the most controversial, misunderstood, and yet powerful people alive, you spark extensive discourse wherever you go. People think you hate a whole lot of things, and you probably do, but people forget about your hatred for shrimp. Mostly, you like to tell stories and then be overwhelmed by how many different ways people interpret the things you tell them. The older you are, the less forgiving you become. While few can argue you're trying to do good, most would say that you've wound up doing a good deal of ill. After all, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Maybe you should just beget while the begetting's good.

LOL too funny!

Edited: Mar 5, 2014, 6:56 pm

You're Compassion Fatigue!
by Susan D. Moeller
You used to care, but now it's just getting too difficult. You cared about the plight of people in lands near and far, but now the media has bombarded you with images of suffering to the point that you just don't have the energy to go on. You've become cold and heartless, as though you'd lived in New York City for a year or so. But you stand as a serious example to all others that they should turn off their TV sets and start caring again.

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