Chick Lit Message Board

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Chick Lit Message Board

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Jul 26, 2006, 2:48 pm

Hi, everyone. I'm Liza (say Lisa) from Texas. I've loved reading and books my whole life. I still think my library needs a lot of work, though. I know I haven't exposed myself to nearly enough of the great works out there. In time, though. In time!

Since this is the first post, I'd like to get a discussion started.

What's your current favorite chicklit book? And what book would you recommend right now to someone?

The last one I read was Conversations with the Fat Girl. I enjoyed it but felt the ending was a bit rushed. I didn't get enough closure. It was still an enjoyable read, though.

Jul 26, 2006, 4:40 pm

I haven't read that one. I just finished The Devil Wears Prada. It was fun. I saw the movie before reading the book and it was fun to compare how they took the book and made the movie. I thought they did a good job. The book got a little repetative and whinney after awhile. I was glad when it was finished.

My favorite chicklit so far (although I'm fairly new to it) is Good In Bed by Jennifer Weiner. I didn't like the others she wrote half as much as the first one.

I just got Confessions of a Shopaholic from a member, so I'll be starting that next.

Jul 26, 2006, 7:07 pm

What started me on chicklit was Sophie Kinsella's Can you keep a secret? and as it was my first it kind of ranks up there as a benchmark for all the others. I totally loved the Shopaholic series, can't wait for the next one in Feb 07.

Also really like Jill Mansell, am about up to date with her collection.

Oh just too many to name, will be getting Hester Browne's new instalment of the adventures of Honey.

Jul 26, 2006, 7:12 pm

I just finished reading Faking It by Jennifer Crusie and I loved it. Up until now I recommend all of her books (I only read three though), they're so much fun and I can't seem to put them down till I'm finished. I have a question though, can Jennifer Crusie be considered chick lit?

I have to go with mellonhead, my favourite chick lit author at the moment is Jennifer Weiner, I read both Good in Bed and In Her Shoes and would really recommend them. I have her other two books in my enormous to be read pile, I'll get to them sometime! :op

Jul 26, 2006, 7:19 pm

Can You Keep a Secret? is hilarious and the first book I read by Sophie Kinsella, the Shopaholic books are funny but a little annoying at times. I still have to read Shopaholic and Sister.

I never read anything by Jill Mansell but I just ordered The One You Really Want from, so we'll see how I like her.

6archym First Message
Jul 27, 2006, 12:12 am

Good in Bed is a good book! I read that one a year or so ago. It was definitely a good purchase.

Can You Keep A Secret is currently on my list "to buy". I'm excited about that one.

I don't want to watch The Devil Wears Prada until I read the book. So... that might be a while. lol

Jul 27, 2006, 2:07 am

I liked Jennifer Weiner's latest book - Goodnight Nobody, but if you still have Little Earthquakes to read, I loved that one! It was the first of her books I read.

As for Jennifer Crusie, I believe I have read them all now except the most recent release which hasn't had great reviews and is only available in a more expensive pback version in the UK at the moment. I think Crusie and Gibson, etc. do come under chicklit, but I have them tagged as romance as well...

Jul 27, 2006, 4:12 am

Yep, I still have both Little Earthquakes and Goodnight Nobody to read, and a friend said the first one was really, really good.

By Jennifer Crusie I've read Getting Rid of Bradley, Charlie All Night and Faking It, although I loved them all, this last one was probably the funniest.

Jul 27, 2006, 5:45 am

Another fan of Jennifer Weiner here, I've read all except Goodnight Nobody, and absolutely loved Little Earthquakes!
I'm also a fan of Sophie Kinsella, and Jennifer Crusie.
I didn't think The Devil Wears Prada was that much fun, but it must be me, everyone seems to like it! ;op

Jul 27, 2006, 7:50 am

Fantasma, on an unrelated message board someone had said they'd enjoyed the movie more than the book, and they are a chicklit junkie! So... I think I have the devil wears prada on my wishlist, oooh perhaps not, I think I'd seen it in Waterstones and decided to go with something else at the time.

Favourite Jennifer Crusie? I think it was Bet Me, it was the first one I read and then a lot followed! Faking It too was a great one.

11nicolettablu First Message
Jul 27, 2006, 9:23 am

Chick lit is great! My current favorite is Girls' Night Out. My favorite chick lit authors are Lisa Jewell and Freya North. It's them who got me started.

I'm currently reading Strange Bedpersons by Jennifer Crusie. I haven't read anything by her before. I'm still wondering whether it's romance or chick lit. Seems more like romance to me though. Well, I got more of her books on my tbr pile, so I can do some research on that. ;-)

Jul 27, 2006, 9:54 am

Another fan of Jennifer Crusie's books here!
Can You Keep A Secret is one of the funniest i have ever read too.
Now i'm reading Irish girls about town from several irish writers and i'm enjoying it.
I love to read chicklit during the summertime and i can't decide wich writer i like the most... probably Maeve Binchy.
Now i'm going to try some 'new ones' (Cathy Kelly and Alexandra Potter) just because 'you' are telling me they are good.

Jul 27, 2006, 11:26 am

I really liked Sammy's Hill by Kristen Gore and Girl's Night In. I am currently reading Size 12 is Not Fat by Meg Cabot which is getting better the more I read it, but definately is not my favorite by her.

Jul 28, 2006, 4:42 am

I just finished a great Chick Lit book called Sacking the Stork. It was a real suprise to me - I definately was expecting anything so good.

Jul 28, 2006, 8:19 am

Will have to check that out on amazon etc. - thanks for the rec! ;o)

Jul 28, 2006, 6:36 pm

OMG my TBR pile is growing every day!
You naughty girls stop throwing more titles!

17stbasil First Message
Jul 29, 2006, 12:46 pm

Hey all! I just wanted to post a comment that my sister has a book coming out in September that I think your group would enjoy very much! It's called "Swimming Upstream Slowly" by Melissa Clark. It seems to fit in with what you all enjoy reading! Let me know if you read it and what you think! (It comes out September 12th).

Jul 29, 2006, 11:18 pm

I just finished reading Make Him Look Good by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez. She is fabulous and is getting better and better. I'm hoping she signs up as LT author. That'd be cool! :)

Jul 31, 2006, 12:17 am

Loved all of Sophie Kinsella's books. Undomestic Godess was the first one I read quickly followed by any of her books I could get my hands on. I agree. Can you keep a Secret? probably the funniest.
I like Jane Green also and just finished Life Swap which I really enjoyed. It's an interesting look at the "grass is always greener" idea.
I went out and bought The Princess Diaries after I joined Librarything and it came up so many times in the "people who own" lists. How does anyone like her adult fiction?
Also just recently read Hissy Fit by Mary Kay Andrews
Does Janet Evanovich count as chicklit??

Jul 31, 2006, 3:11 am

I've become a big fan of Jennifer Weiner as well. I read In Her Shoes probably a year and a half ago and this summer read Goodnight Nobody and will probably be finishing Little Earthquakes tomorrow. I have Good in Bed but haven't read it yet. I'm not really sure why i'm reading them all out of order! From what it sounds like people really enjoy Good in Bed.

I'm not really sure if this is chicklit but Megan McCafferty's books Sloppy Firsts, Second Helpings, and Charmed Thirds are very addicting at least for people of highschool/ college age.

I just picked up Janet Evanovich's One for the Money. I have been looking at her series for months now and just had to figure out what they were all about! I was looking at it while I waited in the car for my mom and sister and the lady that parked next to me couldn't help but recommend the whole series and wanted to know what I thought of it. She even recommended heading to the library to get the rest! We had a nice chat!

Jul 31, 2006, 4:58 am

This weekend I finished reading Girls' Poker Night by Jill A. Davis, I was expecting a great story from the reviews I read but it turned out a disappointment. Has anyone here read it? I felt the story was disjointed, we never get to know the characters and the author copied some things from Bridget Jones and Sex in the City and she never even tried to hide it.

Right now I'm in the middle of Life Swap by Jane Green, my first book by this author, and I'm really enjoying it.

Jul 31, 2006, 8:04 am

Hey Soda Pop, I have about 4 or 5 of Meg Cabot's adult stories. I really like the NY journal series, although the most recent one wasn't as good as the previous 2 outings or even the short story she wrote in the same universe in Girls Night In/Ladies' Night.

Also there is a book she wrote called She went all the way which is more romance, but still one of my favourite of hers.

Mint910 - I am in the same boat with Janet Evanovich, just where to start?? But first need to make a sizable dent in my to be read pile. :oS

Life Swap is a good one from Jane Green, think my favourite of hers has been Jemima J.

Jul 31, 2006, 8:49 am

Hi Mystik. Just read Girls Night in recently -- I really enjoyed Meg Cabot's story and several of the other stories. Will have to check out Marian Keyes and Alisa Valdes Rodriguez now. I also enjoyed Jemima J
Janet Evanovich is great. Her books will make you laugh out loud. One for the Money is probably the gritiest of the series but they are all page turners. I would say you have to read the Plum books in order, they pick up characters etc as they go along.

Jul 31, 2006, 9:19 am

I have other books by Jane Green in my TBR pile but Jemima J is not one of them, guess it's another one to add to the Wish List. ;o)

Jul 31, 2006, 9:29 am

I think Jemima J was the first Jane Green book I read. Definitely add it to your TBR list Virgulina.

Jul 31, 2006, 12:53 pm

Gosh, you're really going to bury me in my TBR pile, is for certain... :op

Suggestions, please, if you can. I've some new authors to try and am not sure which one to grab first:
Love Rules by Freya North
Just Between Us by Cathy Kelly
Pure Fiction by Julie Highmore
Sophie's Bakery for the Broken Hearted by Lolly Winston

Hummmm??? ;o)

Jul 31, 2006, 2:03 pm

Of those, I have only read Sophie's Bakery for the Broken Hearted - so I will have to rec that one! hehe

I am currently reading (i.e. started this morning en route to work) Freya North Cat. It's the first of her books that I have tried, so far so good and it looks very promising!

I've read 1 Cathy Kelly, and really enjoyed that - Someone Like You

Julie Highmore's Play It Again - it was OK, but nothing to write home about. Not a very memorable book for me.

This is certainly a dangerous thread! I'm supposed to be reducing my TBR/wishlist pile, not adding to it at speed! LOL

Aug 1, 2006, 10:26 am

Lately I've been reading a lot of Jennifer Weiner, that I love, and Madeleine Wickham. My favourites from Jennifer are In her shoes, Good in bed and Goodnight nobody. From Madeleine, A desirable residence, Gatecrasher and sleeping arrangements (these are a sort of down-to-earth chik-lit ;) ).
I also like Cathy Kelly, Marian Keyes, Jennifer Crusie, Maeve Binchy, Jill Mansell, Fiona Walker, and so many others.

Which author would you recommend to be the best chick-lit author ever?

Aug 1, 2006, 10:27 am

Cathy Kelly, definetly ;-)

Aug 1, 2006, 11:08 am

That "Cathy Kelly, definetly ;-)" is for me?? :op

One of this days my Wish List will be as big as my TBR pile... :oS

Aug 1, 2006, 4:04 pm

wow! I have a lot of reading to do it seems. I haven't read a lot of the ones being discussed.

oh well... it always makes me happy to add to my list! heh

Aug 1, 2006, 4:54 pm

Yes Fantasma! Read Cathy Kelyy first,you'll be addicted :-P

Aug 1, 2006, 6:17 pm

I finally took the step of registering with my small local library - have been meaning to for ages - they have a very limited selection of fiction but I can order books in from other branches in the area v. cheaply.... soooo... Rather than immediately get new books on amazon (I am most addicted to this...) when I will only read them once, I'll try and get what I've been after for a while via the library.

Anyway long story short, I managed to get 1 book off my wishlist (hurrah), plus a couple from authors I've been meaning to try. Will let you know how I get on, but first I MUST finish reading Cat (Freya North)... so many interruptions.... and it was getting so good too! lol

Aug 2, 2006, 12:06 pm

Liza, I think your library is pretty amazing--we share three awesome books in common!

But you bring up a good point--what makes a good library? I am a bibliophile, and will read anything as long as there is a romance in it. That is the main draw for me as far as chick lit--chicks like romance and always incorporate it in their books.

I think as long as you are reading, the lovely act of picking up a novel and caressing it (as opposed to audio books or seeing the movie!), that you should not worry about what you are reading. Only worry if you are not enjoying what you are reading. Life is too short to not enjoy your books to the fullest.

Aug 2, 2006, 12:40 pm

Nice point Fiso.

I'm one of those people that once I pick up a book I must finish it even if I really don't get it/like it... I've just got to do it to make sure I've not missed the point of why someone recced it to me, or why the blurb on the back hasn't quite lived up to my expectations.

A lot of the chick lit addicts I know have said "oh I gave up on that one..." etc. after a few chapters or when they thought it just wasn't going anywhere...

"Chicklit" books I've struggled with include Citizen Girl - I just sooo did not get where the real story was there and it just didn't feel like an entertaining read to me. And entertaining for me does not mean it's got to be all hearts and flowers and happily ever after sugarness... no it just means that there are characters you are interested in, a story you want to learn more about, a reason to turn the page and continue. Perhaps I am a bit too entrenched in wanting a dash of romance in my books, but it never hurts! lol

Are there any chick lit books that you've just not got, that others have raved about and have left you feeling less than impressed?

I find it interesting since we share so many chick lit books, to what extent our chick lit tastes may vary!

Aug 2, 2006, 12:59 pm

Ok I'm totally confused now. How did Nate Berkus end up on the touchstone author list??? Isn't he Oprah's (rather gorgeous) interior designer?

Aug 2, 2006, 1:16 pm

I have no idea... hope it wasn't one of my touchstones, it took me forever to find Freya North's Cat - well not her cat, if she has one, but Cat the book... absolutely ages...

Aug 2, 2006, 10:28 pm

this is a podcast interview with jennifer weiner. i found it pretty funny!

Aug 2, 2006, 11:10 pm

This is a little off of the ChickLit topic, but it orginates here.

So, I am a little concerned...

Do people consider listening to a book not reading the book? ("In reference to ...I think as long as you are reading, the lovely act of picking up a novel and caressing it (as opposed to audio books or seeing the movie!)"). I guess I am kind of curious about this. I listen to audiobooks all the time because I don't have time to sit and caress a book. I listen to unabridged editions only and feel that I get just as much out of listening to the books as reading them especially for books that have words from languages I am not familiar, The Kite Runner with and when there are multiple characters narrating, My Sister's Keeper, Vanishing Acts or lots of different characters/people, The Tender Bar.

Aug 2, 2006, 11:12 pm

I really wish you could edit the posts after you post something and realize a mistake. I am sorry for the above typo.

Aug 3, 2006, 11:54 pm

So who knew that Sophie Kinsella also wrote/writes (?) as Madeleine Wickham ??
I was in Target tonight and took a really quick look at the books and I see this book and it says Sophie Kinsella then underneath Madeline Wickham. I thought "oh she must have collaborated with someone or maybe it's short stories". I picked it up and, no it's actually a novel by Sophie Kinsella writing as Madelene Wickham. It's called Cocktails For Three. Has anyone read it?

Aug 4, 2006, 2:17 am

I haven't read Cocktails For Three yet. It's still on my wish list.
I've heard though that her writing is better under the name of Sophie Kinsella. She started off writing as Madelaine Wickham, so maybe she was still practicing. ;) I want to see for myself though. So I'll read them all.

Aug 4, 2006, 2:25 am

Yes Sophie Kinsella is her pseudonym. :o) And also her more light-hearted persona. Cocktails for Three was the first Madeleine Wickham I read and really enjoyed it. It's far removed from the Kinsella style. More serious... I've not really enjoyed the other 2 books I've read (The Tennis Party and Sleeping Arrangements) as much, but have a few more on my TBR pile to go including the latest book.

Personally I am looking forward to Shopaholic and Baby due out in Febrary. :oD

Aug 4, 2006, 4:24 am

I found out about Madeleine Wickham this year, a friend recommended The Gatecrasher and I really enjoyed it. Like MystikNat says, she's more serious than Sophie Kinsella, but the one I read was very good, I have two others in my TBR pile at the moment.

Aug 4, 2006, 6:25 am

The same here as Virgulina. I read The Gatecrasher and Sleeping Arrangements, liked the 1st one better, but I still prefer her writing as Sophie Kinsella. I've read all of her books and am waiting for Shopaholic and Baby ;o)

Aug 4, 2006, 7:17 am

I found Madeleine Wickham not so long ago and I love her. Much more then Sophie Kinsella. The books I would recommend are Gatecrasher, Sleeping Arrangements and A Desirable Residence. Cocktails for Three is not bad, but not as good as the others.

Aug 4, 2006, 8:17 am

Well, I must have been living on another planet :-)
I am also looking forward to Shopaholic and Baby but now I'll have something to read in the meantime. LOL
(Since I have joined these groups, I have a HUGE number of books to be read.)

Aug 4, 2006, 11:11 am

We *really* need an edit feature! I read A Desirable Residence and not Sleeping Arrangements!

Sodapop, only now you've a HUGE number of books to read?! ;op

Aug 4, 2006, 11:53 am

LOL sodapop I am with you there. It's only been a week hasn't it?? I've already added about 10 books as definite wishlist items... gaaah... There's just soooo much still to read! Plus I am not getting much free time with work crazy at the mo, so only my commute time is my reading time... hey ho... off to finish this week's read!

Aug 4, 2006, 2:56 pm

Fantasma, There was a huge list of books I should read but not necessarily a huge list of books I wanted too read.
I had read pretty much everything by my favourite authors (or so I thought); Jane Austen, Bill Bryson, Maeve Binchy, Sophie Kinsella, Janet Evanovich, Jane Green. And with 3 kids I don't get much chance to browse in the bookstore to find new authors. So,I didn't have a big list.
When I joined librarything I was getting ideas from the shared books lists and the other's who own list etc. But since the groups got started the list is growing at a rate of knots that I have no hope of keeping up with.

Aug 4, 2006, 2:57 pm

Fantasma, There was a huge list of books I should read but not necessarily a huge list of books I wanted too read.
I had read pretty much everything by my favourite authors (or so I thought); Jane Austen, Bill Bryson, Maeve Binchy, Sophie Kinsella, Janet Evanovich, Jane Green. And with 3 kids I don't get much chance to browse in the bookstore to find new authors. So,I didn't have a big list.
When I joined librarything I was getting ideas from the shared books lists and the other's who own list etc. But since the groups got started the list is growing at a rate of knots that I have no hope of keeping up with.

Aug 4, 2006, 2:58 pm

oops it posted twice. Still a couple more posts and we can knock the Japanese culture group of it's spot at the bottom of the "most posts" list.

Aug 4, 2006, 3:29 pm

OK right, you can help me out then, of the 4 books I got at the library, which should be my next read to start on Monday's commute?

Our choices are:
a) Alexandra Carew - What Goes Around
b) Susan Donovan - Public Displays of Affection
c) Beverly Brandt - Record Time
d) Chris Manby - The Matchbreaker

The choice is yours! ;o)

Aug 4, 2006, 3:30 pm

Oh how annoying, the touchstones haven't appeared... oh well... I await the recommendations as to what I need to tackle first.


Aug 4, 2006, 6:57 pm

Wohoo. We made it onto the most posts list.
Seriously, Mystic I haven't read any of them so unable to help with your decision.

Aug 5, 2006, 9:02 am

Can´t recommend on that ones cause I've read any of them (or any of the authors...), but I'm interested in opinions too ;o)

Aug 5, 2006, 10:58 am

hehe, maybe I should just dive in and select one at random... Technically I shouldn't start a new book until Monday, as I really have a load of stuff I need to do that just wouldn't get done if I started a new read.... but... I am feeling weak! LOL

Aug 5, 2006, 11:50 am

I like Chris Manby but I haven't read The Matchbreaker yet. I don't know the other three, so I can't really recommend. But if you like Sophie Kinsella you'll probably like Chris Manby, at least. :-)

Aug 6, 2006, 11:50 am

I've just started with Dog Handling by Clare Naylor. So far it seems to be quite nice. Has any of you read it yet? How did you like it?

60shirl888 First Message
Aug 6, 2006, 12:18 pm

Hi Liza, Im Shirley from the UK, ive got loads of favourite authors, a few are Jane Green, I just love all her books, Martina Cole, Manduasue Heller, Fern Michaels and loads more!! I absolutely love reading, its not very often a buy a book I always get them from our library, im new to this website I think its absolutely fantastic!!

Aug 6, 2006, 5:30 pm

BoPeep, I really like Sophie Kinsella, now I'm intrigued and curious, should I start reading Chris Manby too?? :) Why do you say that if you like one you'll like the other?

I just started Love Rules, it's my first Freya North book and I'm hoping to find a new author...

Aug 7, 2006, 2:16 am

Fantasma look forward to hearing how you find Love Rules as I believe it's a follow-up in the series about the McCabe sisters.

I've just finished Cat which is the first book, then comes Pip, followed by Fen and years later we meet up with them in Love Rules - I think!

Aug 7, 2006, 7:40 am

Haven't heard of the McCabe sisters so far, MystikNat, I think this book isn't a follow up to any other, it's an independent story...

Aug 7, 2006, 7:53 am

Ah, it's Home Truths then that's the follow-up. :oD

Aug 7, 2006, 8:26 am

I've read Cat, Pip and Fen. I really liked the books and I'm happy to hear that there is another one with the McCabe sisters. I think it's great that these books belong together but are independent from one another at the same time.

Aug 7, 2006, 11:36 am

Yep! I just checked at Fantastic Fiction site and it says about Home Truths:
"Freya North reunites her popular McCabe girls - sisters Cat, Fen and Pip - in her warm and sexy new novel."


Aug 7, 2006, 2:06 pm

Fantastic fiction has been a great source for me when organising my bookshelf and reading list - especially for Nora Roberts books! She is very hard to keep up with in determining what came when and after what!

Also it lists the new releases well in advance, like the new Rachel Gibson is already listed... can't wait for that.

Anyway I started Record Time today, it was a random selection in the end. So far so good... will see how it pans out whether this is another author I add to my "Jennifer Crusie/Rachel Gibson et al. List" or to authors in a similar style who just haven't sparkled as much.

Aug 7, 2006, 2:42 pm

I'm also a great fan of Fantastic Fiction. One of the best sites ever :-)

Aug 7, 2006, 6:16 pm

Another fan of Fantastic Fiction here, I already added the new Rachel Gibson to my Wish List because of them! ;o)

Aug 7, 2006, 10:10 pm

Well I'm on another planet again :-)
It would appear that I should go check out the Fantastic Fiction site.

Aug 8, 2006, 4:47 am

Run, do not walk sodapop! Oh and have your wishlist at the ready... lol

Aug 8, 2006, 6:50 am

Fantastic Fiction *is* Fantastic!

Aug 26, 2006, 12:47 pm

Ive just finished reading Shopaholic and Sister and it was really good, Im really enjoying reading her books so I'm looking forward to her next one coming out.

Aug 26, 2006, 12:57 pm

Sodapop Ive only just found out that Sophie Kinsella's real name is Madaleine Wickham! you learn something everyday!! I got 2 of madaleine wickhams book from the library which ive not read yet, they sound good but not as good as sophie kinsellas.

Aug 26, 2006, 2:47 pm

Glad to see I'm not the only one who didn't know :-)

Sep 3, 2006, 2:05 am

I really enjoyed reading The Second Assistant by Mimi Hare and Clare Naylor.

Nov 16, 2006, 11:30 pm

Virgulina, you've probably forgotten by now, but very early in this thread you questioned whether or not Jennifer Crusie's books can be considered "chick lit."
I probably have a jaundiced point of view on this. I have tried Marian Keyes, Weiner, & Green--I don't care for them. That probably needs analysis, but let's move on.
I love Crusie.
Ergo, Crusie can't be Chick lit, because I don't like Chick lit & I do like Crusie.
I think that Faking It is wonderful. It's complicated and sneaky and hysterical. I like all of Crusie (except that thing she wrote with Bob Massie), but "Faking It"--as the French are supposed to say, formidable.

Oct 12, 2013, 2:44 pm

C'mon folks, the holidays are getting near, lets get those books selling!!! Advertise with InD'tale Magazine!!!

Oct 12, 2013, 2:47 pm

Want to win 5 books of YOUR CHOICE?!? Tell us about your WORST kiss!!