"Userscripts.org" seems to be down

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"Userscripts.org" seems to be down

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Jun 22, 2014, 3:23 am

I just tried to install some graesemonkey scripts.
I could not do that as userscripts.org seems to be down.

Does anybody knows that problem too?
Is there an other way to get scripts?

Jun 22, 2014, 5:41 am

Yeah it's down, been down for months.
For now you can access it through http://userscripts.org:8080

Jun 22, 2014, 2:40 pm

http://userscripts.org:8080 works not for me

I can't search.
And I can't download any scripts neither.

Aug 10, 2014, 1:12 am

Try http://userscripts-mirror.org/ - seems more functional.

Aug 3, 2015, 5:36 pm

I've finally moved the scripts I made over to GreasyFork (my new user page is here). I've also updated the Hacking LT wiki page with updated links (my scripts to the new GreasyFork links, as well as updating the ones still pointing to userscripts.org to now point to userscripts-mirror.org).

I'm aware that some of brightcopy's scripts are currently failing and will try to see if I can't mend some of them as I have time.

Aug 3, 2015, 5:47 pm

>5 omargosh: will try to see if I can't mend some of them

That would be great!

Aug 3, 2015, 6:25 pm

It might be a good idea to switch the wiki links again - userscripts-mirror is a static mirror, so it doesn't have anything since userscripts went down. http://www.webextender.net/ seems to be taking up the slack. If you agree, I can do some of it - don't want to change your work unnecessarily. They copied userscripts, so the numbers for the scripts are (at least mostly - all the ones I checked) the same.

I said I'd try to work on brightcopy's scripts - there was a fix found*, for at least some of them. But I haven't gotten around to it at all. I PM'ed brightcopy and was told that I could (anyone could) work with the scripts, brightcopy doesn't mind and won't be doing it. The scripts are tagged "100% public domain".

*http://www.librarything.com/topic/115928#5020495 and the next few posts - it was Shimmin that found them, and I found a bit more.

Aug 3, 2015, 6:31 pm

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Aug 3, 2015, 6:33 pm

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Aug 3, 2015, 6:57 pm

You have Greasemonkey installed, right, and you use Firefox? When you click that link, on the page at greasyfork there should be a dark green button near the top left, saying Install this script. Click it and you should get a popup asking if you really want to install it (with a slight time-delay); click Install when it's ready and you should have the script installed. Restart your browser, and it should work. If you use Chrome and Tampermonkey, it should be similar - but I don't use them, so I can't do step-by-step.

This isn't editions sorting, though, it's extra links to the editions page. Still handy!

Aug 3, 2015, 7:19 pm

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Aug 3, 2015, 8:45 pm

>7 jjmcgaffey: Sure, feel free to change the URLs to webextender if you'd like (well, for the ones using userscripts-mirror). I personally will probably stick with working on GreasyFork instead of reclaiming my username on webextender, but that's just me. I imagine the existing static copies at webextender should be fine to point to. And thanks for letting know about brightcopy's blessing to rework his script. I know he licensed them as public domain, but still good to know.

>8 Collectorator: Just to confirm, this is the one you want? http://www.webextender.net/scripts/show/100913

Aug 3, 2015, 9:48 pm

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Aug 3, 2015, 11:39 pm

12> I actually hadn't known about Greasyfork, so thanks - one more to keep track of, but more is better (so the scripts don't all go away if one site goes down!). I do like live sites better than plain mirrors, so I'll do the switch (slowly, as I have time - the -mirror links are working fine, anyway).

And up to you - but if you want, I'm willing to sign up with webextender and copy the fixed brightcopy scripts (and yours too, if you want - with attribution, of course) over to there, so people can find them on both sites. Not going to do it unless you agree, since I'm not doing the fixing!