Yard Waste


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Yard Waste

Edited: Jun 6, 2023, 3:05 am

Hugelkultur is suggested as option to bonfires, chips for mulch or composting, brushpiles--latter scary in fire season, though critters may love 'em? Has anyone tried Hugelkultur? Downsides? Amazing how much wood came down in last year's wind and ice storms--don't know that we could build and maintain that many no-dig, perma-, raised beds! Lotsa weeding and rebuilding as parts cave in?

The Many Benefits of Hugelkultur
Hugelkulturs are no-dig raised beds with a difference. They hold moisture, build fertility, maximise surface volume and are great spaces for growing fruit, vegetables and herbs.

Jun 6, 2023, 7:18 am

In all practicality, you need more equipment than a shovel to build them. I do use small branches and leaves to fill in a low strip which is going to be a veg garden.

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