Rhea's 2024 Thread :D

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Rhea's 2024 Thread :D

Edited: Aug 14, 1:10 pm

Yay for a fresh new thread!

I keep making these then forget about them but they're still fun.

Ones marked with *'s have been on my currently-reading / started but on-hold lists for at least over a year. Underlined are ones I'm properly currently-reading.

2024 Categories, cued lists:

Likely to Hold My Attention / Lighter Stuff

More Attention Span Needed
*The Prince of the Sea by Sally Salminen
*The Woman Who Thought She Was a Planet by Vandana Singh
Utopias of the Third Kind by Vandana Singh
Quartet in Autumn by Barbara Pym
*Baba Yaga Laid an Egg by Dubravka Ugresic
The Wedding by Dorothy West
Eight Months on Ghazzah Street by Hilary Mantel
*The Bell by Iris Murdock
Seven Surrenders by Ada Palmer

Very High Attention Span Needed
The Riverside Chaucer

Classics by European Women
*The Female Quixote by Charlotte Lennox
*School for Widows by Clara Reed
Hildegard of Bingen on Natural Philosophy and Medicine
Manfrone by Mary Ann Radcliffe

Fables and Related
The Pancatantra
Kalila and Dimna
Talking Animals: Medieval Latin Beast Poetry, 750-1150
Of Reynaert the Fox (Thea Summerfield)
Reynard the Fox (James Simpson)
Ysengrimus (Jill Mann)
The Fables of Odo of Cheriton
Caxton's Reynard
Mathnawi (RA Nicholson)
John Lydgate produced Isopes Fabules
Renaissance Fables: Aesopic Prose by Leon Battista Alberti
The Morall Fabillis of Esope the Phrygian
Complete Fables of Jean de la Fontaine
Jataka Tales (For after the fables)

Pastoral and Related
Amorum Libri: the lyric poems of Matteo Maria Boiardo
Songs by Petrarch
Arcadia, & Piscatorial Eclogues by Jacopo Sannazaro
The Odes and Sonnets of Garcilaso de la Vega
Maiden and Modest: A Renaissance Pastoral Romance by Bernardim Ribeiro
The Diana by Montemayor
Aminta by Tasso (not sure which edition)
The Old Arcadia by Philip Sidney
La Arcadia by Lope de Vega (if I can find it)
Don Quixote (Part 1, Grossman)
Avellaneda's Don Quixote
England's Helicon

Stuff from my International Book list TBRs
Minaret by Leila Aboulela
Sherazade by Leila Sebbar

Aesopic Conversations by Leslie Kurke
Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices by Anthony Grafton (might be too hard for me, need to read a bit to see)

Edited: May 26, 2:51 am

Books I actually Finished:

Likely to Hold My Attention / Lighter Stuff:
Flood Tide, Endgame, Hellburner, and Chanur's Legacy by CJ Cherryh
The Murder Room, The Lighthouse and The Private Patient by PD James
Archangel's Resurrection and Archangel's Lineage by Nalini Singh
The Winter King by CL Wilson
Demon of Undoing by Andrea I Alton
Ash and Silver and Dust and Light by Carol Berg
Mary Reilly by Valerie Martin
All Clear by Connie Willis
Weep no More, My Lady, Stillwatch, and Let Me Call you Sweetheart by Mary Higgins Clark
"G" is for Gumshoe, "H" is for Homicide and "I" is for Innocent, and "J" is for Judgment by Sue Grafton
Lover Mine by JR Ward
The Husband Hunt and The Heiress by Lynsay Sands
Pay Dirt by Rita Mae Brown,
How Did We Get Here by A'zayler
Brazen Virtue and Sacred Sins by Nora Roberts
System Collapse by Martha Wells
Still Life by Louise Penny
The Other Queen, The White Queen, The Red Queen by Philippa Gregory
Fast Cars by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Path of Needles by Alison Littlewood
Sacred Sins by Nora Roberts
Annals of the Witch World by Andre Norton

More Attention Span Needed:
The Complete Plays by Aristophanes
A Game of Hide and Seek by Elizabeth Taylor
Ambiguity Machines & Other Stories by Vandana Singh
Too Like the Lightning by Ada Palmer
The Obscene Madame D by Hilda Hilst / More Pricks than Kicks by Samuel Beckett
Silvina Ocampo: Selected Poems / Extracting the Stone of Madness by Alejandra Pizarnik Where There's Love, There's Hate by Adolfo Bioy Casares and Silvina Ocampo
Information for Foreigners: Three Plays and The Impenetrable Madam X by Griselda Gambaro / Plays: Three by Lorca and The Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille
The Houseguest and Other Stories by Amparo Davila
Moon of the Turning Leaves by Waubgeshig Rice
The Two Towers and The Return of the King by JRR Tolkien
An African Tragedy by RRR Dhlomo
The Conscript by Gebreyesus Hailu / The Canti: With a Selection of his Prose by Giacomo Leopardi
Pattupattu ed. by JV Chelliah
Seven Medieval Latin Comedies by Alison Goddard Elliot / Ovid's Erotic Poems

High Attention Span Needed:
Ducks, Newburyport by Lucy Ellman

Classics by European Women:
Julian of Norwich: Revelations and Motherhood of God (Beer),
The Memoirs of Helene Kottanner
Castle Rackrent; and, Ennui by Maria Edgeworth
The Mary Shelley Reader by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Fables and Related:
The Aramaic Proverbs of Ahiqar
Caxton's Aesop by Caxton/Aesop

Pastoral and Related:
The Eclogues of Virgil (Ferry)
Theocritus Moschus Bion (Hopkinson)
Eclogues and Georgics of Virgil (Slavitt) and The Gnat and Other Minor Poems of Virgil (Slavitt)
The Latin Eclogues and The Elegy of Lady Fiammetta by Giovanni Boccaccio / (The Complete Odes and Epodes by Horace
Eclogues by Boccaccio / The Works of Hesiod and the Homeric Hymns
The Bucolicks of Baptist Mantuan in Ten Eclogues / La Vita Nuova by Dante
La Celestina by Fernando de Rosa / Book of Good Love by Juan Ruiz
The Medieval Pastourelle by William D Paden / The Chronicles of Dictys of Creet and Dares the Phrygian / The Comedies by Terence
L'Ameto by Giovanni Boccaccio
Minor Latin Poets / Moselle, Epigrams, and Other Poems by Ausonius
Parisiana Poetria by John of Garland

Book List TBR:
A Man of the People by Chinua Achebe
The Bald Boy and the Most Beautiful Girl in the World by HB Paksoy
They Die Strangers by Mohammad Abdul-Wali / The Qur'an)
Our Dead World by Liliana Colanzi Serrate / Siamese Twins by Griselda Gambaro

NF: Teaching Community by bell hooks

New Books:
Isdal by Susannah Dickey
Figment by Leila Chatti
The Box by Mandy-Suzanne Wong
Muckross Abbey by Sabina Murray
Emerald Wounds by Joyce Mansour

Jan 8, 3:52 pm

Seem to be in a list-making mood today, not a reading mood, but planned on reading the introduction to Castle Rackrent / Ennui today, I'll see how it goes.

Was listening to some more of The Murder Room by PD James earlier today.

Jan 8, 4:08 pm

Just wanted to note that All Clear is really the second half of the story that begins in Blackout, just in case you haven't read Blackout yet! If you have, just ignore me. :) Good luck with your ambitious 2024 reading!

Jan 8, 4:18 pm

Ty for the tip and the well wishes!

I have read Blackout, but the titles of those two have definitely confused me. I picked up a copy of All Clear at a library sale and then could never remember if I owned it or Blackout, or which was the first one. Even accidentally got another copy of All Clear :\.

Jan 8, 4:44 pm

I liked Cora Sandel's Alberta and Jacob. It's cold and bleak, but I was optimistic that Alberta would escape her misery. Alberta and Freedom has been sitting on my shelf for years because I keep putting it down after a few pages. If I thought her life would improve in Alberta Alone I'd be able to keep going. Waiting for you to read it!

I was surprised to like My Antonia so much, so hope you do too. Happy reading in 2024.

Jan 8, 4:51 pm

Good luck with your reading in 2024.

Jan 8, 5:38 pm

>6 pamelad:
I've read Alberta and Jacob too, just Alberta and Jacob, and had a similar experience. You've managed to phrase it very nicely. I own the omnibus edition of the trilogy and want to get to it, but I'm a bit afraid of it.

>7 lowelibrary:
Thank you! You too!

Jan 9, 7:25 pm

Did read the introduction to Castle Rackrent / Ennui.

Fables etc. category
Finished The Aramaic Proverbs of Ahiqar. The linguistic content in this was way, way over my head, but the amount of effort that's gone into piecing together intelligible proverbs from a damaged text, that was recorded by a scribe who seems to have made a ton of errors, in a language the modern translators don't seem to fully understand, is impressive, so reading about the process even if I couldn't understand the details was still interesting.

Next up for this category is Caxton's Aesop.

Pastorals etc. category
Finished Theocritus, Moschus, Bion (Hopkinson). Going to call it good with them and not seek out any other translations. If I try to read all the translations I'll never get to new stuff.

Going to drop the translation of Virgil's Eclogues I had listed and call it good with Virgil's Eclogues - I read some other translations last month and I don't like the introduction attached to this one.

Next up for this category is Petrarch's Bucolicum Carmen. My pastoral reading list is mostly from the introduction to Montemayor's Diana, skipping everything that's either really long or hard to find. I think it's the Bucolicum Carmen that's the pastoral one? With Boccaccio I checked out L'Ameto, but now I realize he also wrote Eclogues, which are probably the ones the intro meant.

Jan 17, 10:23 pm

Lighter Category: Finished listening to The Murder Room by PD James and started listening to The Lighthouse.

Also finished reading Endgame, the last book in CJ Cherryh's Merovingen Nights subseries. Extremely glad to be done with it - I like the Alliance/Union series enough that I was unwilling to DNF this subseries, but it was close.

More Attention Needed Category: Finished A Game of Hide and Seek by Elizabeth Taylor. Recognize that this was competently written but wasn't interested in the topic.

Fables etc.: I researched Jataka story anthologies and there's just so many, if I want to read them I'm probably gonna need a 'Jataka Stories' category in 2025. I picked up Great Birth Stories of the Buddha: The Mahanipata of the Jatakatthavanonoana.

Pastoral etc.: I said I was done with Virgil but read another version of Eclogues and The Gnat and Other Minor Poems of Virgil (not actually by Virgil) anyway. Both 'translations' by David R. Slavitt. David R. Slavitt seems to write retellings of Latin stuff - I don't think you can properly call them translations, but I love the irreverence and the humor. I recognized him from his edition of Fables of Avianus.

Also finished Petrarch's Bucolicum Carmen. It had pretty moving sections and I liked the poem with dream vision of great authors, but the historical allegory stuff was too difficult for me.

NF: Finished Teaching Community by bell hooks.

Felt like reading an art book so I picked up From Angels to Werewolves: Animal-Human Hybrids in Myth and Art and Violence and the Genesis of the Anatomical Image. DNF'd the first one. The second one seems promising, though.

Edited: Aug 14, 1:10 pm

Been continuing with my reading. I started a game where I read 'influences' for certain books - 'influences' are after the 'influenced' books in my list.

I made really good progress reading books off my Pastoral and Related TBR. I did not make as much progress reading Fables and Related. Both of those categories have short TBRs and date cut-offs (end points are Don Quixote for Pastoral and Fontaine for Fables) so I could theoretically finish them, but I'm not going to have access to the college library I'd need to check them out from for a bit, so I'm going to take a break from both of these categories.

I didn't make good progress with reading Nonfiction, but I didn't expect to.

One category where I'm not happy with how much I read is New Books. So thought I'd take the opportunity to switch up my categories and focus on New Books.

I'd also like to start reading more Mysteries. I've been picking SFF books off of SFF award nomination lists, like the Hugos, Nebulas, and Locus Awards, since ~2013, but these awards are extremely repetitive in who gets nominated, and at this point it's just too many authors I've read before and didn't like. Even the debut authors will have promotional blurbs from authors I've read before and didn't like, which doesn't prompt you to be excited about the book. The drama around these SFF awards also seems to be more and more unpleasant. So I think I want to give SFF a break for a while, and thought I'd read some more Mysteries. I'm sure Mystery book awards are also repetitive but I'm not familiar with the authors, so the popular ones will be new to me. I picked the Macavity Award to follow.

TBR's for New Categories:

Series Books:
The Temple of My Familiar by Alice Walker temp. DNF
Alliance/Union by CJ Cherryh
Plantagenet and Tudor Novels by Philippa Gregory
---The White Princess (currently-reading)
Terra Ignota by Ada Palmer (not reading right now)

Books I Own:
Evelina by Fanny Burney
Breathing Lessons by Anne Tyler
The Virago Book of Ghost Stories (DNF)
Confessions by St. Augustine

Macavity Award:
Inspector Gamache by Louise Penny
Back to the Garden by Laurie R King
Silver Rush Mysteries by Ann Parker
Two Nights in Lisbon by Chris Pavone
Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn

New Books (picked a couple from Graywolf press - I liked The Box)
Ten Planets: Stories by Yuri Herrera DNF
Dr. No: A Novel by Percival Everett
I'm a Fan by Sheena Patel
The Tree Doctor by Marie Mutsuki Mockett
Corey Fah Does Social Mobility by Isabel Waidner (currently-reading)

Stuff I Need to Return to the College Library:
Equality by Edward Bellamy (not reading right now)
Omnibus: A Cultural History of Urban Transportation (not reading right now)
Way of the World (not reading right now), Love for Love, and Double-Dealer by William Congreve
Hudibras by Samuel Butler

Short Books:

Edited: Jul 3, 3:12 pm

Finished Books

Books from Series I've Started:
The Inimitable Jeeves and My Man Jeeves by PG Wodehouse
The White Princess by Philippa Gregory

Books I Own:

Macavity Award:
Still Life and A Fatal Grace by Louise Penny

New Books:
Corey Fah Does Social Mobility by Isabel Waidner, I'm a Fan by Sheen Patel, We Want it All by Andrea Abi-Karam, Dr. No by Percival Everett

Stuff I Need to Return to the College Library: Love for Love by William Congreve, The Book of the Knight of the Tower by Geoffroy de La Tour Landry,

Short Books:
Beasts of Nalunga by Jack Mapanje, Our Sun Will Rise: Poems for South Africa by Amelia Blossom Pegram, West African Folk Tales by Olubandele Dada

Edited: Sep 20, 12:28 am

I got my library access back - think I'm going to celebrate by making more categories. Those last ones didn't really work out. It's also halfway through the year?

I still want to work through my fables and pastoral literature lists.

1. Fables and Related TBR
The Pancatantra (Chandra Rajan), Kalila and Dimna (trans. undecided), Talking Animals: Medieval Latin Beast Poetry, 750-1150, The Romance of Reynard the Fox (Roy Owen), Reynard the Fox (James Simpson), Ysengrimus (Jill Mann), The Fables of Odo of Cheriton, Caxton's Reynard, Mathnawi (RA Nicholson), John Lydgate produced Isopes Fabules, Renaissance Fables: Aesopic Prose by Leon Battista Alberti, The Morall Fabillis of Esope the Phrygian, Complete Fables of Jean de la Fontaine

2. Pastoral Literature and Related TBR
Nymphs of Fiesole by Boccaccio, Filostrato by Bocccaccio, Filocolo by Boccaccio, A Famous Tragicall Discourse of Two Louers, Affrican and Mensola by Boccaccio, Amorum Libri: the lyric poems of Matteo Maria Boiardo, Canzioniere by Petrarch (Musa), Sonnets & Shorter Poems by Petrarch (Slavitt), Arcadia, & Piscatorial Eclogues by Jacopo Sannazaro, The Odes and Sonnets of Garcilaso de la Vega, Maiden and Modest: A Renaissance Pastoral Romance by Bernardim Ribeiro, The Diana by Jorge de Montemayor, Aminta by Tasso, The Old Arcadia by Philip Sidney, La Arcadia by Lope de Vega, Don Quixote (Part 1, Grossman), Avellaneda's Don Quixote, England's Helicon

Also want to work through my started series.

3. Started series TBR (books left)
Audiobooks: African Immortals by Tananarive Due (3), Alliance-Union by CJ Cherryh (4), Plantagenet and Tudor by Philippa Gregory (3), Eternal Sky Universe by Elizabeth Bear (6), Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien (6), Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella (9), Jeeves by PG Wodehouse (12), Kinsey Millhone by Sue Grafton (13)

Historical Fiction and Comedy: Ulloa by Emilia Pardo Bazan (1), Prairie Trilogy by Willa Cather (2), Alberta Trilogy by Cora Sandel (2), Olav Audunsson by Sigrid Undset (4), D'Artagan Romances by Alexandre Dumas (5), Scarlet Pimpernel by Emma Orczy (15)

Fantasy or Horror: Amadis of Gaul (2), Book of the Art by Clive Barker (5), Paksenarrion Universe by Elizabeth Moon (9), Chronicles of the Deryni by Katharine Kurtz (14), Witch World by Andre Norton (28)

Continuing to work through a TBR list of more international books.

4. International Book List TBR
Algerian Literature: A Reader's Guide, Rain of Words, Fantasia, an Algerian Cavalcade

I started a LGBT+ bingo game for Pride Month that I never finished, so I'd like to read those.

5. LGBT+ books TBR
The Very Inside by Sharon Lim-Hing, The Gilda Stories by Jewelle Gomez, Rainbow Rainbow by Lydia Conklin, Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z Brite, The Membranes by Ta-Wei Chi, The Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon (overlap w/ series), and We Are Made of Diamond Stuff by Isabel Waidner

Also continue to be interested in reading classics by women but don't expect to read much specifically for this category - a lot of what I'm interested in is cued behind the Pastoral and Related stuff.

6. Classics by Women TBR
Early: Evelina by Frances Burney, The Mysterious Warning by Eliza Parsons
Active in 1900: The Bacillius of Beauty by Harriet Stark, books by Sydney C Grier, books by Marie Corelli
Active in 1955: Deep in the Sky by Helga Nielsen, books by Andre Norton, books by Leigh Brackett
Active in 1974: Mister Justice by Doris Piserchia, Star Rider by Doris Piserchia, Curse of Still Valley by Sharon Wagner

And I think finally I've been playing an 'influences' game where I read books that influenced or are related to others I've read recently.

7. Influence Game TBR
Robinson Crusoe (Where There's Love, There's Hate)
Hudibras (Castle Rackrent)
Jerusalem Delivered by Tasso (Ennui)
Confessions by Saint Augustine (Plays by Hrotsvit of Gandersheim)
Thebiad (?) (Minor Latin Poets 1)
The Complete Stories by Kafka (The Houseguest and other Stories)
The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville (L'Ameto)
Breathing Lessons (DNF) Tristam Shandy (Ducks, Newburyport)
The Virago Book of Ghost Stories (DNF) The Golden Treasury (Muckross Abbey)
Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth (The Mary Shelley Reader)
Plays by Seneca (The Elegy of Lady Fiametta)
The Shadow King by Maaza Mengiste (The Box)
On the Civil War by Lucan (Parisiana Poetria)
Nature Poem by Tommy Pico (Corey Fah Does Social Mobility)
When Sunset Comes to Sapitwa (Beasts of Nalunga)
Satan in the Suburbs and Other Stories by Bertrand Russell (DNF) The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas by Gertrude Stein (Dr. No)
Blood and Guts in High School (I'm a Fan)
Konfessions of an Elizabethan Fan Dancer (Selected Poems by bill bissett)
The Souls of Black Folk (Contending Forces)
The Roman de Troie by Benoit de Sainte-Maure (Filostrato by Boccacio)
Driftglass/Starshards by Samuel R Delany (We Are Made of Diamond Stuff)
Heroides by Ovid (The Nymphs of Fiesole by Boccaccio)
The Recess by Sophia Lee (The Mysterious Warning by Eliza Parsons)
Djeha, the North African Trickster (Algerian Literature, A Reader's Guide)
The Quilt and Other Stories (The Very Inside)
Mahabharat Vol 1 (The Pancatantra)

And remembered I wanted to reread some stuff.

8. Rereads of stuff I first read before 2008 TBR
The Cherry Orchard, Ethan Frome, The House of the Spirits, Young Goodman Brown and Other Stories, Winesburg Ohio, Ariel, The Waste Land, Our Town, Pride and Prejudice, The Awakening and Other Stories, Great American Short Stories (Mary Stegner)

Edited: Aug 17, 8:22 pm

I've been playing a random number game with some currently reading. I use a random number generator then read a section of the book I gave that number. The numbers here don't match the categories.

Evelina by Franny Burney (Women's Classic) (skipped the essays at the end
The Horse has Six Legs ed. by Charles Simic (316/316) (GR game)
The Very Inside by Sharon Lim-Hing (492/492) (LGBT+)
The Pancatantra trans. by Chandra Rajan (325/516) (Fables)
The Collected Short Fiction by CJ Cherryh (422/662) (Series, Alliance/Union, I think only 1 story though)
Algerian Literature: A Reader's Guide ed. by Abdelkadar Audijit (350/440) (International)
Letters from Ancient Egypt ed. by Edward Wente (234/234) (no category)
Breathing Lessons by Anne Tyler (200/325) (influences) DNF

Reading Log
8 -> Breathing Lessons. I'm very ambivalent on this one - I think it'd work better if I liked the main couple. Read from 125p to 200p.
2 -> The Horse has Six Legs. Finished this. This is a collection of Serbian poetry translated into English, and I suspect it was poorly translated even though the translator is a Big Name (TM) - all the poets sounded the same to me. Also possible I just needed to give it more attention.
3 -> The Pancatantra. This book intimidates me because it's so long but it's pretty entertaining once I start reading it. Read from 145p to 200p.

Part of this game was that once I've got each of the numbers choices, I read a section from The Norton Anthology of American Literature, and that was it, so next is the Philip Freneau section.

3 -> The Pancatantra. Same book again. This has a lot of entertaining humor but it isn't the most engaging thing, probably the most interesting when I recognize the stories from other versions or something I must have read as a child. Read from 200p to 251p.
7 -> Breathing Lessons. Eh, I'm not really happy with this one but I only have ~125p left and it's not terrible, I just don't like it. ... Decided to just drop it. Means I need a replacement influence for Ducks, Newburyport. I found an interview with recommendations but there's a ton of choices. I own a copy of Tristam Shandy so it'd be convenient but there's others on those lists I also want to get to.
1 -> Evelina. When Evelina gets married to the person she's inevitably going to get married to, it will be a disappointment. Probably the point. :\ Read from 182p to 224p.

Read Konfessions of an Elizabethan Fan Dancer by bpNichol, influence for bill bisset. Took a break on this for a bit with post 15's game and read a good chunk of Paksenarrion.

5 -> Algerian Literature. Read from 233p to 295p. The section on emigration.
6 -> Egyptian Letters. Read sections III and IV.
4 -> The Collected Short Fiction by CJ Cherryh. Duplicate with post 15's game, but the other game won't finish it. Read "A Thief in Korianth"
6 -> Egyptian Letters. Read Sections V and VI.
2 -> The Very Inside. Read from 178p to 212p.

Onto the Phillis Wheatley section of the American lit anthology.

2 -> The Very Inside. I get tapped out on this one quick and got it twice in a row, prolly switch to post 15's game or read some of Paksenarrion. Read from 212p to 271p.
2 -> The Very Inside. Again hahaha. Read up to 299p. Far into this enough that the length no longer seems intimidating.
5 -> Algerian Literature. Read from 295p to 350p.
4 -> The Collected Short Fiction by CJ Cherryh. Read "The Brothers". Apparently this is related to the novel Faery in Shadow, which I haven't read yet.
6 -> Egyptian Letters. Read Section VII.
4 -> The Collected Short Fiction by CJ Cherryh. Read "The Dark King".
6 -> Egyptian Letters. Read Section VIII.
1 -> Evelina. Read from 224p to 278p.
3 -> The Pancatantra. Read Book II.

Onto the Royall Tyler section of the American lit anthology. I'm 2 stories away from "The Dreamstone" short story in the Cherryh anthology, if luck has me land on that I'll take a break and read the Ealdwood series by them. Gotta finish Paksenarrion too though - don't want to be reading 2 fantasy novels at the same time. (Finished Paksenarrion).

5 -> Algerian Literature. Finished this.
2 -> The Very Inside. Read from 299p to 348p.
1 -> Evelina. Finished up the novel but my edition has another 150p of criticism after it. Clap clap clap.
1 -> Evelina. Gonna skip the appendix part to this with reviews / criticism and log an edition without it. The Norton Critical Editions aren't combined with other editions on LT so I can log Evelina normally and put this edition under DNF.
3 -> The Pancatantra

Onto the Coquette by Hannah Webster Foster. American lit anthology chose to include the entire novel. It's the bulk of what I have left to read in it.

Edited: Aug 18, 3:27 am

Kinda lost focus on this, think I'm gonna take a break and read some shorter stuff for a bit.

Made a cued TBR list.

Abbr. PCV = 10 Petrarch Poems / 1 CJ Cherryh Story / 1 Virago Ghost Story (Category 2: Pastoral / 3: Series / 8: Influence)

1. Filostrato by Boccaccio, PCV, Medea by Seneca (Category 8: Influence)
2. Nature Poem by Tommy Pico (Category 8: Influence), PCV, The Phoenician Women by Seneca
3. We Are Made of Diamond Stuff by Isabel Waidner (Category 5: LGBT+), PCV, Phaedra by Seneca,
4. Satan in the Suburbs and Other Stories by Bertrand Russell (Category 8: Influence) (DNF) The Nymph of Fiesole by Boccaccio (Category 2: Pastoral), PCV, The Trojan Women by Seneca
5. When Sunset Comes to Sapitwa by Felix Mnthali (Category 8: Influence), PC, Octavia by not-Seneca
6. Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth (Category 8: Influence), P, Oedipus by Seneca
7. Blood and Guts in High School (Category 8: Influence), P, Hercules Mad by Seneca
8. Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K Jerome (Category 8: Influence), P, Hercules on Oeta by Seneca
9. Three Men on a Bummel by Jerome K Jerome (Category 8: Influence), P, Thyestes by Seneca
10. PC, Agamemnon by Seneca
11. The Membranes by Ta-Wei Chi (Category 5: LGBT+), P, The Seagull by by Chekhov
12. Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z Brite (Category 5: LGBT+), P, Uncle Vanya by Chekhov
13. The Gilda Stories by Jewelle Gomez (Category 5: LGBT+), P, Three Sisters by Chekhov
14. Rainbow, Rainbow by Lydia Conklin (Category 5: LGBT+), P, The Cherry Orchard by Chekhov (Category 9: Reread)

Filostrato ended kinda abruptly Was expecting Troilus to have a cool death scene, he did not..

Medea was pretty engaging, surprised me because I just got finished with Terence's and found his plays an extreme exercise in patience. The last bit was actually moving. The translator (Shadi Bartsch) seemed like they had a lot of fun with alliteration.

Huh "Threads of Time" (Cherryh) is a Morgaine Saga story - it features the Qhal and the Gates. It's not listed as part of that series online, though.

Hit a roadblock at Satan in the Suburbs and Other Stories by Bertrand Russell. This is a possible influence for Percival Everett, who mentioned one of Russell's fiction stories in an interview, but it might have been a different one. It's borderline whether I should just DNF it. ... Yeah gonna just DNF. I'll sub The Nymphs of Fiesole by Boccaccio for this game and I'm going to need a different influence for Everett - found an interview that says he likes Gertrude Stein so picked Alice B Toklas.

Finished Nymph of Fiesole. Suspect I'm not going to make any headway through this pastoral list until I've read everything handy by this author :\. I refuse to read the Corbaccio tho.

Decided to DNF the Ghost Story collection, I keep not liking the selections.

Edited: Sep 20, 12:22 am

I reorganized the categories in post 13 a bit and dropped one. I have four books left from the game in post 14 - I should be able to finish them today. I'll make a new game once I've finished these.

The Very Inside by Sharon Lim-Hing (LGBT+)
The Pancatantra trans. by Chandra Rajan (Fables)
The Collected Short Fiction by CJ Cherryh (535/662) (Series)
Letters from Ancient Egypt ed. by Edward Wente (No category)

Finished those. Want to finish up Plays by Seneca (influences) and Robinson Crusoe (influences) next.

... Not feeling it. Gonna just start a new game. Also remembered that I'd have the sequels to Robinson Crusoe up immediately after I finish it.

D = 1 Driftglass/Starshards short story (influences), J = 1 book Jerusalem Delivered (influences), G = 25p The Golden Treasury (influences), P = 10 Petrarch Poems (pastoral), M = 25p Poems for the New Millennium (international), R 25p Robinson Crusoe, B= 40p Bacillus of Beauty.

1. DJPGB. The Recess by Sophia Lee (influences). DPJGR
2. DJPGB. Djeha, the North African Trickster (influences). DPJGR.
3. DJPGB. Apollogdorus' Library and Hyginus' Fabulae (influences). DPJGR.
4. DJPGB. The Souls of Black Folk (influences). DPJGR.
5. DJPGB. Lyrics by Catullus (influences). DPJGR.
6. DJPGB. The Shadow King (influences). DPJGR.
7. DJPMB. The Quilt and Other Stories (influences). DPJMR.
8. DPJMB. The Coquette (no category). PJMR.
9. PJMB. The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas (influences). PJMR.

^This one doesn't seem to be working out for me, gonna drop it. I finished Robinson Crusoe and read a good 100 Petrarch poems. Right now I'm reading The Golden Treasury, Fool's Puzzle, "M" is for Malice, and Bacillus of Beauty.