Remaining stores

TalkGay and Lesbian Bookstores

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Remaining stores

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Apr 11, 2009, 1:44 pm

Independent stores are closing, especially GLBT focused ones. How many are left?

Apr 14, 2009, 12:10 pm

There was some discussion of this around the time that the Oscar Wilde Bookstore closed in late March. That thread is still active (I think) on the Gay Men's list. There are a few of you still around. I was in Philadelphia a couple of weeks ago and bought a stack of things at Giovanni's Room.

Aug 9, 2009, 11:53 am

Calamus Books was open in Boston when I was there a couple months ago. Good selection of books, current and some vintage, as well as some used. Also had the various bar rags and newspapers from the city and region.

Aug 9, 2009, 12:35 pm

From the Lambda Literary News

Buy a Brick for Giovanni's Room!

Giovanni's Room in Philadelphia has announced a fundraising drive to finance a $50,000 construction project. Ed Hermance, owner of Giovanni's Room, contacted us to report that one of the outer walls of the building has to be completely rebuilt. The store will be able to stay open and operate during the construction, and they are going to sell "bricks" for $50 each. Additional readings and events will happen this fall, all geared toward saving this great store, currently the oldest LGBT bookstore in the country after the closure of Oscar Wilde in March.

Visit their Giovanni's Room and sign up for their newsletter to find out how you can help!