


Definition for delay
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There, reports of an explosion in testing wait times and delays in people getting notified of positive results have sparked rumors of another lockdown.

From Vox

After a summer of delays and postponements, the fall movie release schedule is finally starting to take shape.

Barrera said the school, though, should have allowed those eight students to continue with the class without delay.

Unusually, Apple did not debut a next generation iPhone due to the aforementioned production delays.

From Fortune

We needed to own the reality of the delays customers were experiencing.

From Digiday

The child almost died from the delay of an hour in seeking help.

Dr. Melson says abstinence only training shows no delay in sexual activity.

This is a case where delay is denial—with potentially deadly results.

There was, I am told, a two-hour delay caused by concerns about the temperature of the fuel.

But delay hurts, deprivation is unfair, and waiting (and waiting) matters.

I hate to be long at my toilette at any time; but to delay much in such a matter while travelling is folly.

So, small as his force was, only one hundred and eighty, he determined to move out and attack Porter without delay.

Any delay in covering such deficit shall be subject to such charge as the Federal Reserve Board may impose.

I have left a dozen men behind me, who'll hunt me over the country, if I don't rejoin them without delay.

Very likely the next great war will have begun before we realize that the three days' delay in the fall of Antwerp saved Calais.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


