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The emergency pivot to remote learning for K–12 students last spring illuminated longstanding educational fault lines in the United States.

They had definitely gone through various stages of believing it was their fault, that they were silly to have believed him.

From Vox

Throughout the scandal – and resulting budget cuts – Janney insisted the problems were not her fault and that she could steer the district back to financial stability.

That finding hints that CO2 rising toward Earth’s surface can change pressure along faults to trigger earthquakes, researchers report online August 26 in Science Advances.

That said, the primary process can still reveal different fault lines in the party.

For a few minutes it seemed like old times, a return to the clearer fault-lines of the Cold War.

Race is the San Andreas Fault of our culture as well as our history.

It seemed she echoed all the things I was telling myself—this is YOUR fault.

Big Bird's honest reaction will emotionally wreck you in a way even The Fault in Our Stars can't.

It distorts more and more every day of the month, every year, due to the slow effects of fault creep.

You never cared—you were too proud to care; and when I spoke to you about my fault, you did n't even know what I meant.

De Robeck agrees that we don't know enough yet to warrant us in fault-finding or intervention.

At other times they have a dreadful look of being fibs invented for the purpose of covering a fault.

The French Railroads are better in this respect, and the American cannot be worse, though the fault is not unknown there.

At the very commencement of the campaign Massna committed a fault which almost ruined his career.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


