User:JerryL2017/Recipients of the Darwin Medal

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P166 wd:Q756994 }
# QID Article description Point in time image
1 Q1035 Charles Darwin English naturalist and biologist (1809–1882)
2 Q5354 Ernst Mayr German-American evolutionary biologist (1904-2005) 1984
3 Q15451 W. D. Hamilton British evolutionary biologist (1936–2000) 1988
4 Q48246 Ernst Haeckel German biologist, naturalist, philosopher, physician and artist 1900
5 Q62096 Carl Correns German botanist and geneticist (1864–1933) 1932
6 Q72787 Charlotte Auerbach Geneticist, author 1976
7 Q76465 August Weismann German evolutionary biologist (1834-1914) 1908
8 Q156333 J.B.S. Haldane Geneticist and evolutionary biologist (1892-1964) 1952
9 Q157501 Joseph Dalton Hooker British botanist, lichenologist, and surgeon (1817–1911) 1892
10 Q160192 Hugo de Vries Dutch botanist (1848-1935) 1906
11 Q160627 Alfred Russel Wallace British naturalist, explorer, geographer, anthropologist and biologist (1823-1913) 1890
12 Q177681 Thomas Hunt Morgan American biologist (1866–1945) 1924
13 Q184366 Thomas Henry Huxley British biologist and comparative anatomist (1825–1895) 1894
14 Q191026 Francis Galton English geographer, statistician, eugenicist (1822-1911) 1902
15 Q216723 Ronald Fisher British statistician, evolutionary biologist and geneticist (1890–1962) 1948
16 Q221061 Sewall Wright American geneticist (1889-1988) 1980
17 Q243419 Julian Huxley British evolutionary biologist, philosopher, author (1887–1975) 1956
18 Q271532 John Sulston British biologist and Nobel laureate (1942–2018) 1996
19 Q297302 William Bateson British geneticist and biologist (1861-1926) 1904
20 Q310794 Karl Pearson English mathematician, biometrician, and eugenicist (1857–1936) 1898
21 Q312069 Henry Fairfield Osborn American geologist and eugenicist (1857–1935) 1918
22 Q319603 Gaylord Simpson American paleontologist (1902–1984) 1962
23 Q323207 John Maynard Smith British theoretical evolutionary biologist and geneticist (1920-2004) 1986
24 Q339842 Reginald Crundall Punnett British geneticist, zoologist (1875-1967) 1922
25 Q385303 John L. Harper British biologist 1990
26 Q471816 Motoo Kimura Japanese scientist 1992
27 Q533632 E. B. Ford British ecological geneticist (1901-1988) 1954
28 Q571615 Frederick Orpen Bower British botanist (1855–1948) 1938
29 Q670793 Yves Delage French zoologist (1854-1920) 1916
30 Q706466 Giovanni Battista Grassi Italian zoologist (1854-1925) 1896
31 Q732872 David Lack British ornithologist and biologist (1910-1973) 1972
32 Q739438 D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson Scottish biologist, mathematician, and classics scholar (*1860 – †1948) 1946
33 Q822510 Bernard Kettlewell British geneticist, lepidopterist and medical doctor (1907-1979)
34 Q911997 Brian Charlesworth British biologist 2000
35 Q932702 Roland Trimen British entomologist (1840-1916) 1910
36 Q951610 Albert Charles Seward British botanist (1863–1941) 1934
37 Q1066200 Charles Sutherland Elton British zoologist and ecologist (1900-1991) 1970
38 Q1175646 D. M. S. Watson British paleontologist 1942
39 Q1264652 Dukinfield Henry Scott British botanist (1854-1934) 1926
40 Q1333425 Francis Darwin British naturalist and son of Charles Darwin (1848-1925) 1912
41 Q1496455 Gavin de Beer British evolutionary embryologist (1899-1972) 1958
42 Q1886993 John Stanley Gardiner British zoologist and oceanographer (1872-1946) 1944
43 Q2003752 Johannes Schmidt Danish botanist and marine biologist (1877-1933) 1930
44 Q2087937 Enrico Coen British biologist 2004
45 Q2094893 Rowland Biffen British botanist (1874-1949) 1920
46 Q2135978 Edward Bagnall Poulton evolutionary biologist 1914
47 Q2268390 Leonard Cockayne New Zealand botanist and botanical collector 1928
48 Q2349974 Guido Pontecorvo Italian geneticist 1978
49 Q2392474 Kenneth Mather Botanist, Geneticist, University administrator (1911-1990) 1964
50 Q2424937 Nick Barton British biologist 2006
51 Q2959779 Maurice Yonge English zoologist 1968
52 Q3494005 Philip Sheppard Professor of Genetics 1974
53 Q3657692 Peter and Rosemary Grant married couple of British evolutionary biologists 2002
54 Q4011595 Felix Eugen Fritsch British marine biologist (1879–1954) 1950
55 Q4233315 Edred John Henry Corner English botanist and mycologist (1906-1996) 1960
56 Q4354603 Geoff Parker Zoologist, evolutionary biologist 2008
57 Q4893533 Peter A. Lawrence British zoologist 1994
58 Q4980019 Bryan Clarke British geneticist 2010
59 Q5045038 Caroline Dean British plant scientist 2016
60 Q5289597 Dolph Schluter evolutionary biologist
61 Q6141184 James Peter Hill British zoologist 1940
62 Q6259705 John Sutherland British chemist 2014
63 Q6402966 Harold Munro Fox British zoologist 1966
64 Q6829804 Michael Denis Gale British plant geneticist 1998
65 Q7803327 Tim Clutton-Brock British zoologist 2012
66 Q11925854 Jack Heslop-Harrison British botanist (1920-1998) 1982
67 Q15447215 Peter Grant British evolutionary biologist 2002
68 Q17501865 Rosemary Grant British evolutionary biologist 2002
69 Q77265972 Yolande Heslop-Harrison British botanist 1982
End of automatically generated list.