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For the corrupted Soldiers that appear as enemies, see Soldier. For the enemies in Oracle of Ages, see Guard. For the characters in The Minish Cap, see Vassal. For the characters in Spirit Tracks, see Castle Guard.

Soldiers,(OoT | MM | TP | HW)[1][2][3][4][note 1] also known as Hylian Soldiers,(ALBW)[5] and Hyrulean Soldiers,(CoH)[name reference needed] are the recurring group of warriors, law enforcers, and protectors in The Legend of Zelda series.[6][name reference needed] Soldiers go unnamed in Majora's Mask 3D.

In most titles, they serve the Royal Family of Hyrule and are charged with the protection of the citizens under the monarchy's rule, although they occasionally make an appearance a brainwashed enemy, with many different variants. Though they appear mostly in Hyrule, Soldiers appear in other lands as well, such as Termina and Labrynna. Soldiers are known for their fervent sense of duty, though their infallible obedience occasionally leads to manipulation by evil forces. They generally bear a strong resemblance to soldiers of medieval Europe.


A Link to the Past[]

Friendly, blue Soldier seen in the credits
Friendly, red Soldier seen in the credits

In A Link to the Past, friendly Soldiers are only seen briefly before losing their minds to Agahnim's magic.[7] All friendly Soldiers wear golden armor and carry a large shield, but have no visible weapons. However, in the GBA version, one of them mentions that he carries a sword.[8] During the rainstorm at the beginning of the game, the Soldiers prevent Link from straying too far from Hyrule Castle. They will offer Link helpful advice if he speaks to them.[9] However once Link approaches Hyrule Castle, the guards he finds are all hostile and attack him on sight. Once this happens, the Guards with golden armor disappear, and enemy Soldiers patrol the entire land of Hyrule. They are also summoned when certain villagers in Kakariko Village spot Link. After Agahnim is defeated, the Soldiers' curse is broken and they are returned to normal.[10]

Ocarina of Time[]

In Ocarina of Time, the Soldiers guard Hyrule Castle, Castle Town, and Kakariko Village. The average Soldier is warm and welcoming, and may offer helpful advice. However, the Castle Guards tend to be sterner and will stop commoners such as Link from entering the castle.[11] Link must sneak past them to get into the castle, through the Courtyard Gardens and into Zelda's Castle Courtyard. Alternatively, one of the Castle Guards can be bribed into opening the castle doors.[12]

In Kakariko Village, the Death Mountain Trail Gatekeeper guards the gate to Death Mountain Trail. He will not open the gate until he sees Zelda's Letter. This Soldier, whose son asked for the Keaton Mask, will ask Link to buy the mask for him.[13] This begins the Mask Trading Sequence. There are two other Soldiers in Kakariko: one stands at the Village entrance while the other stands outside Impa's House. Self-proclaimed "clock Soldiers of Kakariko", they will tell Link the time if he talks to them.[14]

After the obtaining the Ocarina of Time from a fleeing Princess Zelda, a fatally wounded Soldier appears in the Back Alley of Castle Town. The Soldier tells Link of how Ganondorf betrayed the King, and how he was injured fighting Ganondorf's minions while trying cover Zelda's escape with Impa.[15] He urges Link to proceed to the Temple of Time, dying shortly after.[16] The Soldier disappears once Link goes into the future, and so the scene is permanently missed if he does not meet the Soldier before pulling the Master Sword from the Pedestal of Time.

After Link travels seven years into the future, the Guards have all but disappeared, having been either slaughtered or released from their posts in Ganon's reign. It is implied that the lone Soldier in the Guard House in Ocarina of Time becomes the Poe Collector in the future, since he expressed interest in studying ghosts.[17] The Poe Collector's shop is also located at the exact same location as the Guard House in the future.

Majora's Mask[]

In Majora's Mask, there are Soldiers that guard each exit of Clock Town. They will not allow any children get past them, therefore Link may only pass in Goron form, Zora form, or as himself once they notice his sword.[18] If Link's sword is stolen by a Takkuri, the Guards will still allow him to leave town and will inform him about the Curiosity Shop.[19] Deku Link may not exit as he is seen as a child.[20] The Guards are mostly unaware of what goes on in the town because they cannot leave their posts,[21][22] unless they receive new orders from Captain Viscen.[23] The guards of Clock Town are the only corps of Soldiers who do not answer to a higher power other than their Captain. On the Final Day, Clock Town Soldiers are seen gazing worriedly at the approaching Moon. Much like their Captain, the Guards are dismayed by those who choose to stay.[24] They will encourage Link to leave town if he speaks to them.[25] The Guards themselves remain at their posts until the Moon falls, awaiting new orders that never come.[23]

Main article: Captain Viscen

Captain Viscen is the leader of the Clock Town Guards in Majora's Mask. The Captain and his Guards have a significant role in this game, as they are an independent force that does not serve any royalty. Viscen has a notable influence in the decision-making of the town, although he must ultimately respect Mayor Dotour's decisions. He is greatly concerned with the people's safety, and, with the inevitable approach of the Moon, tries to have the Mayor order an evacuation of the town.[26] The Captain's proposal is met with opposition from the stubborn Mutoh, the head of the Carnival Committee who also has a significant influence on the town.[27][28] Ultimately, the Mayor settles the matter by allowing to have citizens decide for themselves if they want to flee.[29]

An injured Soldier named Shiro appears on the Road to Ikana. Shiro is invisible and can only be spotted using the Lens of Truth.[30] If Link gives him a Red or Blue Potion, he will reward Link with the Stone Mask.[31] In Majora's Mask 3D, however, he is instead relocated to the Pirates' Fortress.

It is said that the Stalchildren of Majora's Mask were the cursed Soldiers of the Ikana Kingdom.[32] Skull Keeta was their Captain.[33]

Oracle of Ages[]

Main article: Guard

In Oracle of Ages, Guards appear as enemies and characters that work for Queen Ambi.

Four Swords Adventures[]

A Swordsman sprite from Four Swords Adventures

In Four Swords Adventures, Soldiers are possessed by Vaati. They are the most populous foes in the game, and resemble their A Link to the Past counterparts greatly. A massive Soldier known as Chief Soldier is powerful enough to serve as the boss of two stages: Lake Hylia and Death Mountain Foothills. Like in A Link to the Past, Guards are classified by weaponry and they include the archer, Ball and Chain Soldier, bomber, and swordsmen varieties.

The Minish Cap[]

Main article: Vassal

Vassals are the diligent servants of King Daltus in The Minish Cap. Some guard Hyrule Castle, while others are found within Hyrule Town.

Twilight Princess[]

In Twilight Princess, Soldiers can be seen patrolling Hyrule Castle Town alone or in groups, walking in single file. They try to look calm and go about their daily routine, even though they have no access to Hyrule Castle.[34] If Link enters the town as a Wolf, the Soldiers will surround him but will not attack, trembling and whimpering. If Wolf Link then performs a Spin Attack, they will run away screaming, often leaving behind Rupees or Arrows.

The poor state of the guard encourages a group of vigilantes, known as The Resistance, to take it upon themselves to restore peace to Hyrule.[35] Their meetings are held in the back room of Telma's Bar whose owner, Telma, is particularly disdainful of the Hyrulean guard.[36] In a humorous cutscene, a group of Soldiers eagerly volunteer to escort Telma, Ilia, and a sickened Ralis to Kakariko Village.[37] However, once Telma mentions the path is infested with monsters, the Soldiers quickly disappear.[38]

In certain areas of Hyrule Castle, Link can detect ghostly spirits of deceased Soldiers using his wolf senses. The ghosts will guide Link through the castle and help him solve puzzles by pointing to areas of interest. The identity of these Soldiers is never revealed, but they are speculated to be the slain Soldiers from Zant's attack on Hyrule Castle. Interestingly, they appear to wear different uniforms than the living Soldiers.

The Soldiers in Twilight Princess are the only ones in the entire series that do not prevent Link from progressing in the game.

Spirit Tracks[]

Main article: Castle Guard
Main article: Recruit

In Spirit Tracks, Castle Guards protect Hyrule Castle and Castle Town. Castle Guards in training are Recruits.

A Link Between Worlds[]

In A Link Between Worlds, Soldiers are found patrolling Hyrule Castle's exterior and interior. They wear light surcoats and stovepipe shako hats, both of which are red in color. Unlike most iterations in the series, these Soldiers bear a closer resemblance to soldiers from the Victorian era than the Medieval era. They are lead by the Captain. During the beginning of the game, several are shown trying to scrub away paintings of evil Soldiers that have mysteriously begun appearing on the castle walls. With the help of Yuga, the evil Soldiers take over the castle. After the castle is seized, the original Soldiers fall back to Kakariko Village, and remain there for the rest of the game. A few Lorulean counterparts of these Soldiers can be found throughout Lorule, such as the Captain. Others have since abandoned their duties and left to worship the Gemesaur King at the Dark Ruins.

Main article: Captain

The Captain is the leader of the Hyrulean Soldiers. He appears briefly to collect his new sword and shield from the Blacksmith, but forgets to take his sword with him and mistakenly leaves it behind, forcing Link to deliver it. He is turned into a painting by Yuga at the Sanctuary before Link can give it to him, however. He is later brought back to normal following Yuga's defeat, and is given back his sword.

Breath of the Wild[]

BotW Cutscene Guard

In Breath of the Wild, Link can wear Soldier Armor. 100 years prior to Hyrule Kingdom's fall in Breath of the Wild, Guards are briefly shown in a flashback of Hyrule Castle, standing beside King Rhoam. In this flashback, they are also seen guarding the Castle. They wear plate armor with chainmail underneath.

In the Champion's Ballad, two soldiers are depicted protecting Princess Zelda when she ventures across Hyrule. A platoon of soldiers are depicted standing in the Sanctum when King Rhoam gives his speech.

Other Appearances[]

Hyrule Warriors[]

Soldier from Hyrule Warriors

In Hyrule Warriors, Soldiers appear as the fighting troops in numerous Forces. Infantry Soldiers are common and make up most of the numbers in a Force. They are followed by Captains, which are stronger variants that take lead and take on various other roles determined by their type, as well as Generals or Commanders, which are typically much stronger Soldiers that are crucial to a Force. Soldiers are tasked with defending areas and attacking enemies. They often occupy Keeps and Outposts their Force has claimed, which will also increase their numbers if allowed time.

Soldiers can appear as both ally troops and enemies, and their races vary depending on the Force. Hylian Soldiers accompany the Hyrulean Forces, but are also sometimes joined by Goron Soldiers, who also fight on their own Force as well. The Hylian Soldiers wear chain mail and surcoats while the Captains wear plate armor, and are equipped with either spears, maces, swords and shields or bows. Link was originally a Hylian Soldier in-training before he became the hero. The Dark Forces and Ganondorf's Forces employ numerous monsters as their Soldiers, commonly ranging from Stalchildren, Bulblins and Bokoblins.

In the "Sealed Ambition" Scenario, several Soldiers turn on the Hyrulean Forces and become enemies when Ghirahim takes control of their minds, resulting in mutiny and must be defeated. In "The Sacred Sword", the Ghost Forces that appear consists of ghostly Soldiers that defend the Temple of the Sacred Sword from those seeking the Master Sword. They attack the Hyrulean Forces when Wizzro takes control of them.

Mario Kart 8 & Mario Kart 8 Deluxe[]

Soldiers in their Spirit Tracks design appear as spectators on the Hyrule Circuit track.

Cadence of Hyrule[]

Hyrulean Soldiers are enemies in Cadence of Hyrule. They are hostile even towards Zelda and may appear with Boomerangs, Bows, or Swords and Shields. Each Hyrulean Soldier has four Hearts.



TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
United KingdomEnglishBRHyrulean Soldier (CoH)
JapanJapaneseハイラル兵 (Hairaru-hei) (CoH)
Taiwan, Hong Kong, MacaoChineseTR海拉魯士兵 (Hǎilālǔ Shìbīng) (CoH)
NetherlandsDutchSoldaat van Hyrule (CoH)
hyliaanse Soldaat (HWAoC)
FranceFrenchEUGarde (OoT)[41]
Soldat d'Hyrule (CoH)
GermanyGermanHyrule-Soldat (CoH)
ItalyItalianSoldato di Hyrule (CoH)
South KoreaKorean하이랄 병사 (Hailal Byeongsa) (CoH)
PortugalPortugueseEUSoldado de Hyrule (CoH)
RussiaRussianСолдат Хайрула (Soldat Khayrula) (CoH)
SpainSpanishEUSoldado hyliano (CoH)
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


See Also[]


  1. Soldier was referred to as Hylian Soldiers in Hyrule Warriors Legends — Collector's Edition Guide by Prima Games. However, as this contradicts the name given in-game, it is not considered Canon.


  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 238 (OoT)
  2. "Recruiting Soldiers!
    Protect peace and uphold
    justice with us!
    Corps Recruiter, Viscen
    " — Sign (Majora's Mask)
  3. "It looks like the spirits in here... They're all soldiers." — Midna (Twilight Princess HD)
  4. "Soldier" — N/A (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  5. Art & Artifacts, Dark Horse Books, pg. 361 (ALBW)
  6. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 183, (OoA) 205 (ALttP | FSA | ALBW)
  7. "After Agahnim took over, everyone began to act strangely. I suppose it's only a matter of time before I'm affected, too." — Soldier (A Link to the Past)
  8. "I'll bet you can't wait to get a sword like mine!" — Soldier (A Link to the Past)
  9. "Us soldiers have been around, kid. You can learn a lot from us." — Soldier (A Link to the Past)
  10. "If you defeat the wizard, the castle soldiers may regain their senses." — Loyal Sage (A Link to the Past)
  11. "There's a lot going on in the castle right now. I can't allow even a dog to get into the castle!" — Soldier (Ocarina of Time)
  12. "Do you really want to go through this gate that much? Let me think about it... OK, but in return... Give me 10 Rupees..." — Soldier (Ocarina of Time)
  13. "Have you been to the Happy Mask Shop that just opened in the Hyrule Castle Town Market? Everyone is talking about it! My little boy pesters me for a popular mask, but I don't have time to go there...So, could you go and get the mask for me next time you are in the Market? If you don't feel like it, that's OK, but...Well, I have no choice, this is my job...sigh..." — Death Mountain Trail Gatekeeper (Ocarina of Time)
  14. "Ding dong, ding dong! I'm a clock soldier of Kakariko!" — Soldier (Ocarina of Time)
  15. "Ganondorf, the Gerudo King of Thieves, betrayed our King... Zelda's nanny, Impa, sensed danger and escaped from the castle with our Princess... I tried to stop Ganondorf's men from chasing them...but..." — Soldier (Ocarina of Time)
  16. "The Princess was...waiting for a boy from the forest...that's you... She wanted to give something to the boy... If you received it from the Princess, hurry...to the Temple of Time...." — Soldier (Ocarina of Time)
  17. "Man, I am SO tired! The night watch is so boring! I wish some ghosts would come out or something...Hey, I'm really interested in ghosts! Studying them is a hobby of mine, but you never know...the time might come when that kind of knowledge might be useful!" — Soldier (Ocarina of Time)
  18. "It is dangerous outside the town walls, so I cannot allow a child like you to... ...A sword? My apologies, sir. It was wrong of me to treat you like a child." — Guard (Majora's Mask)
  19. "I cannot allow a child like you to... Your sword was stolen? That's terrible! Lately, I've been hearing about a shady shop in town that sells stolen goods late at night... Perhaps this is their doing." — Guard (Majora's Mask)
  20. "Wait a moment, Deku Scrub! [...] It is dangerous outside the town walls, so I cannot allow a child like you to go out alone." — Soldier (Majora's Mask)
  21. "Wait! I have a question! Do you know whether or not the carnival has been canceled? I'm sorry to stop you, but since I must stay at my post, I'm unable to get any news..." — Soldier (Majora's Mask)
  22. "Truthfully speaking, I'd flee from this town in a moment if I could... But since I am stuck guarding this gate, I can't get any information on what's going on..." — Soldier (Majora's Mask)
  23. 23.0 23.1 "No! No! I must get a hold of myself! I must guard the gate until the captain's orders come..." — Soldier (Majora's Mask)
  24. "It pains my heart to see children still playing in the streets because they have no idea what's going on..." — Soldier (Majora's Mask)
  25. "See! Look at the moon... Leave town before the evacuation notice is made!" — Soldier (Majora's Mask)
  26. "Most of the townsfolk already have taken shelter without waiting for the Mayor's orders. The only ones left are public servants and committee members... Mr. Mayor and Carnival Committee Members, please order those who remain to evacuate!" — Viscen (Majora's Mask)
  27. "You cowards! Do you actually believe the moon will fall? The confused townsfolk simply caused a panic by believing this ridiculous, groundless theory. The soldiers couldn't prevent the panic, but outside the town walls is where the danger is! You want answers? The answer is that the carnival should not be canceled!" — Mutoh (Majora's Mask)
  28. "If the soldiers wish to run, then run, Viscen! We councilmen will stick to tradition. This carnival will be a success! I've never heard of a defense unit abandoning its town!" — Mutoh (Majora's Mask)
  29. "This will do. Whether you're stubborn and will stay and guard your family, or if you'd prefer to run far away and seek shelter... That is for people to decide on their own." — Mayor Dotour (Majora's Mask)
  30. "If you use the Lens of Truth near here and speak to the man you find... you may earn a mask that can enable you to blend into backgrounds and move about without being noticed." — Gossip Stone (Majora's Mask)
  31. "Umm...I have a request...Can you give me some medicine that would make even an unnoticable stone like me feel better? [...] Ah, that...Is that it? ...I feel better, I think. Thanks... Oh...here... In gratitude... Now...Let me practice standing out..." — Shiro (Majora's Mask)
  32. "It's a Stalchild. They were the cursed soldiers of the Kingdom of Ikana..." — Tatl (Majora's Mask)
  33. "I commanded the Ikana Army of Ikana Kingdom atop the hill. I am called Skull Keeta." — Captain Keeta (Majora's Mask)
  34. "Though the soldiers look calm and go about their daily routine... Rumor has it that not even soldiers can go deep inside Hyrule Castle..." — Telma (Twilight Princess)
  35. "What hope there is in our kingdom is frail and dying...but there's still a group trying to do what it can. And I'm a member of that group." — Telma (Twilight Princess)
  36. "You're far more reliable than the incompetent Hyrulean soldiers." — Telma (Twilight Princess)
  37. "But we can't turn a blind eye to a pretty girl in need, either. Yes, we'd better escort you! Am I right, boys?!" — Soldier (Twilight Princess)
  38. "Cowards! Don't ever show your faces here again!" — Telma (Twilight Princess)
  39. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time — Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 36
  40. "I hope I get promoted soon. I'm tired of wearing this goofy recruit uniform." — Recruit (Spirit Tracks)
  41. Encyclopedia (Les Éditions Soleil) pg. 238