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Demise is a character that appears in Skyward Sword, serving as the Final Boss of the game.[4]

Eons before the events of Skyward Sword, he and his army of demons broke through a fissure in the earth and sought out the Triforce. After a long war, he was eventually sealed away by the Goddess Hylia. He is resurrected during the events of Skyward Sword, but is defeated by Link through the use of the Master Sword. However, upon his ultimate defeat, Demise utters a powerful curse stating that his hatred will not end, but will be reborn in an eternal cycle. The form of this evil is thought to be Ganon, as Hyrule Historia specifically mentions that his flaming red hair is to signify a connection to him.[5]



Demise was an eternal entity who had conquered time itself.[6] When the Golden Goddesses departed from the world, they trusted their ultimate power, the Triforce, in the hands of Hylia to protect it.[7] However, Demise, wanting the Triforce to make the world his own, gathered an army of monsters and together launched an attack against the people of The Surface, murdering them and causing misfortunes to get their hands on the power guarded by Hylia.[8][9]

To prevent the great power from falling into the hands of Demise, Hylia and the five tribes who lived on the Surface joined forces and fought back against the Demon King and his forces in a war, which would end with Demise sealed away and peace restored to the land.[10] Due to the seal placed upon him, he assumes the monstrous form as The Imprisoned for the majority of the plot.[11]


Ghirahim, who is actually the spirit of Demise's Sword, pursues Princess Zelda to steal her soul and thus resurrect Demise, who is his Master.[12] Meanwhile, Demise attempts to break free of his seal by his own means in the form of The Imprisoned, but he is constantly repelled and re-sealed beneath the Sealed Grounds through the efforts of Link and Groose. When Link finally obtains the Triforce, he manages to kill Demise by driving the Statue of the Goddess from Skyloft into the Sealed Grounds as The Imprisoned awakens for the fourth time. However, Ghirahim kidnaps Zelda and takes her to the past through the Gate of Time in the Sealed Temple, where he begins a ritual to revive his master.

While Link manages to defeat Ghirahim, he is too late to stop the resurrection of Demise. The Imprisoned begins to absorb Princess Zelda's soul and eventually transforms into the Demon King himself. Ghirahim welcomes back his master,[13] but Demise pulls a dark Sword out of Ghirahim and seals his entity within the weapon. Demise continues to absorb the soul of Zelda to gain divine power; he is impressed with Link's determination to protect the goddess and invites him to do battle.[14][15][16] To Demise's shock, Link manages to ultimately defeat him via a mighty Down Thrust to his chest, but in his dying throes, he warns Link that it is not over, and that an incarnation of his hatred will be reborn as a being to pursue domination of the world, as well as those with the blood of the Goddess and the spirit of the Hero, in a cycle of rebirth.[17] Demise is then sealed away within the Master Sword, where his remains begin to decay.[18]


Fi's Comments
Fi says:

Target lock: Demise

This eternal being has conquered time itself. It is the source of all monsters.

According to tales passed down through generations, it appears differently in each epoch and to each person who lays eyes on it.

show more...

It is clear that Skyward Strikes cannot be called down to your sword because this place is under the magical influence of Demise.

Attacks using Skyward Strike energy will not be possible here.

It is highly probable that the only weapon capable of wounding Demise is the Master Sword itself. No other weapon can affect it.

The probability that a single, standard attack of yours will injure Demise, Master, is exactly 0%.

A series of attacks that can overwhelm Demise's guard is required, such as repeated slashing from various angles.

Results from my analysis confirm that the time to strike Demise is when he holds his sword aloft.

However, vigilance is required. Any attack falling near Demise's sword has a 100% chance of being blocked.

I need more time to complete my analysis of Demise. In a few moments, use Z Button to lock on to Demise and then call me with D-Pad Down Icon. I will report my findings then.

During second phase

I can confirm it is possible for Demise to store the electrical energy of a lightning strike in his sword and use it to his advantage.

Master, should your sword come into contact with Demise's sword once it has electrified, you will receive a painful shock.

It is essential that you time your attacks carefully. Very carefully.

Master, I see no reason why you cannot make use of the lightning strikes the same way Demise does.

It is possible to store lightning in the Master Sword by raising your sword in the air as if you were readying a Skyward Strike.

When lightning strikes in the distance and the sky lights up, quickly raise your sword skyward to call down the lightning.

However, be aware that while you are attempting to be struck by lightning, you will be leaving yourself open to Demise's attacks.

Demise carries a cocky and overbearing temperament,[19] and will stop at nothing to prove his power to any who defy him.[15][20][21] Fi describes Demise as "the source of all monsters," and states that he "has conquered time itself."[6] Demise bears a strong resemblance to Ganondorf: large stature, fiery red hair, dark skin, and even his facial features are similar, and in the cutscene before the final battle with him, a variation of Ganon's leitmotif plays.


Demise being ultimately defeated by Link

After Link enters the chosen battlefield through the portal in the past, Demise praises him for his courage,[22] but tells him that when he falls,[23] he shall rule over everything in the world.[24] After Demise states that he will eventually acquire the Triforce and rule the world with it, the battle begins.[25]

Striking Demise through his guard can be difficult, as he will attempt to block every attack Link makes.[26] Additionally, Link's Skyward Strike is unavailable as the power of the Goddess is negated by Demise's personal battlefield.[27] Link can quickly defend himself with a Shield Attack when Demise attacks with his Sword, then follow up with a vertical attack or Spin Attack. Eventually, Demise will be thrown backwards, seemingly defeated, but will then rise up and summon a storm. Demise can draw the lightning from the storm to charge his Sword with electricity. Link will now be damaged if he strikes the Sword and Demise will cause twice as much damage as before. Demise is now able to perform his own variation of a Skyward Strike, after which he is forced to recharge his Sword by pointing it skyward. It is possible to defeat Demise by attacking him before he can recharge his blade, but it is easier to mimic Demise and point the Master Sword to the sky. This will charge the Master Sword with electricity from lightning bolts, allowing Link to attack with a Skyward Strike and paralyze Demise, making him vulnerable to attack.[28]

Eventually, he will fall back again, allowing Link to finish him with a lightning-charged Fatal Blow. However, Demise will usually dodge the attack at first, and sometimes the second. If Link is quick enough to land the second attack or attempts to land the third, the battle ends with the villain defeated.


Ghirahim's Final Form

Throughout Skyward Sword, Ghirahim pursues Zelda in attempt to revive Demise from his imprisonment. As Link progresses farther in the game, Ghirahim's appearance begins to gain dark marks in several places. In the final stretch, in order to fully revive Demise, Ghirahim takes on his true form which bears great resemblance to Fi, strongly emphasizing that he is in fact the spirit of a sword. When Demise is fully revived, he summons the sword from Ghirahim, his true form, and Ghirahim is sent into the sword. In the end, when Demise is defeated, the sword dissolves, likely taking Ghirahim with it.

The blade is significantly larger in comparison to the Master Sword. It is capable of sending Link flying backwards in one strike and when lifted in the air during the presence of a severe thunderstorm, it can absorb lightning bolts to charge up and send electric shocks when stricken with a metal object, as well as beams.

Demise's sword is almost completely black with a red aura surrounding it. The hilt bears resemblance to the Master Sword, with a red jewel as opposed to the Master Sword's golden one. The blade differs from the Master Sword in terms of shape and size, but it bears an upside-down Triforce emblem.

Other Appearances[]

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U[]

In Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Demise appears as a Trophy.

Trophy Information[]

# Trophy Appears in Description How to unlock
3DS Logo WiiU
227 N/A SSBfWU Demise Trophy Model Skyward Sword This monster, hair like a billowing flame and a giant blade in hand, is so terrifying that he is known simply by the result of his actions. Sealed away by the goddess Hylia during an ancient war for the Triforce, he awakes a thousand years later to fight Link in a battle that will truly be legendary. Random

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[]

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Demise appears as a Primary Spirit.


  • It is commonly thought that, despite elsewhere referring to Demise as male, Fi exclusively calls Demise an "it" while describing him to Link.[29] However, she uses this pronoun only when describing him as an abomination that takes different forms in each age, accentuating the fluidity of his true nature. For each subsequent analysis, she consistently addresses him with male pronouns.
  • Demise will stare at the Bug Net if it is brought out, similar to the uses of the Net, Empty Bottle, and Fishing Rod in previous games. As with Agahnim's attacks in A Link to the Past, Demise's Skyward Strike can be reflected by the Bug Net.
  • Although the English version of Hyrule Historia clearly states that Ganon is Demise's reincarnation, the Japanese version only suggests a connection between the two while leaving it ambiguous as to their precise ties to each other.
  • Demise bears a glowing, "X"-shaped scar on his forehead, which may be a result of the Sealing Spike. It is located in the same area that his reincarnation, Ganondorf, wears a forehead jewel, and in Twilight Princess, both Ganon and his human counterpart Ganondorf have similar scars which serve as weak points.
  • Demise shares the title of "Demon King" with Malladus and Ganon.[30]
  • Demise bares a strong resemblance to Akuma of the Street Fighter fighting game series, specifically Street Fighter V and 6, as both are powerful beings with a visibly muscular stature with red eyes and a flaming hair, and have cold personalities intent on brutally taking down anything that gets in their way.
  • Two of Ganondorf's Weapons in Hyrule Warriors, the Swords of Demise and the Trident of Demise, are named after and designed around Demise. On a similar note, Ganondorf's design in the same game takes cues from Demise, such as the lengthy mane of hair and the waistcoat.
  • Demise stands at the same height as Ganondorf, but appears even more muscular.
  • The appearance of Demise's Sword mimics that of the Master Sword, but with a darker look and upside down Triforce.
  • When compared to Ganon, it is possible that Demise is more inherently evil, as his goal was to wipe out all life, while the main antagonist of The Legend of Zelda series simply wanted to rule Hyrule (with the possible exception of Tears of the Kingdom where Ganondorf expressed a similar desire for genocide of all life as Demise as part of his plans to remake Hyrule). Despite this, Ganon himself is no stranger to murdering people or his own minions with malicious intent.
    • That said, he may have had less inherent evil than Null, as he did not express any interest in destroying all of existence, while Null sought to reduce everything back to the primordial void.
  • The monologue Demise gives about how his hatred is forever renewed and that the descendants of Link and Princess Zelda throughout the entire series will be forced to confront the embodiment of his hatred for eternity[17] resembles the speech that Ganondorf was originally supposed to give before his death in the ending of Twilight Princess.[31] The difference between the two speeches is that Demise specifically bestows the curse himself, while Ganondorf implies that their being locked in eternal conflict has been preordained by the Golden Goddesses.
    • In the Japanese version of Skyward Sword, Demise's final speech was meant more as a warning about how the cycle of violence will continue on in part because of not just his own hatred, but also that of his rival Hylia and by extension Princess Zelda and Link,[32] although Eiji Aonuma during the E3 showing of Skyward Sword nevertheless indicated this would still ultimately result in Ganondorf's actions in Ocarina of Time.[33]
  • Demise may be inspired by Susanoo-no-Mikoto, a wrathful storm god in Shinto. Similarly to how Susanoo has a rivalry with his sister, Amaterasu, Demise has a rivalry with Hylia.
    • His final speech in the Japanese version was largely derived from tenants of Japanese Buddhism, specifically the Shugendō sect of esoteric Buddhism.[32]
  • Although Demise himself doesn't appear in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, the former game indirectly alludes to Demise's role in Ganondorf's constant revivals just before the Final Boss fight against Dark Beast Ganon,[34] and the latter game has Ganondorf's Demon King form having noticeable physical similarities to Demise, in particular the glowing long red mane of hair and having portions of his torso being scaly. Ganondorf as the Demon King is gained using a Secret Stone, which amplifies one's innate abilities, presumably alluding to Demise in Ganondorf's case.
    • Similarly, although Demise himself does not appear in Hyrule Warriors (not counting The Imprisoned), he is alluded to by Ghirahim in the ending of the first Ganondorf mission, where the Demon Lord noted a resemblance to his former master in Ganondorf (indirectly alluding to Ganondorf being Demise's reincarnation).[35] Likewise, in Cia's Tale, Demise and his connection to Ganondorf is given an indirect reference where Ghirahim's ulterior motives for siding with Cia were because he sensed a similar presence to that of his master within her (heavily implied to be Ganon).


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
JapanJapanese終焉の者 (Shūen no Mono) (SS)[36]Person of Demise
FranceFrenchEUAvatar du Néant (SS)[37]Avatar of the Void
GermanyGermanTodbringer (SS)Death Bringer
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.



  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 10
  2. "Results from my analysis confirm that the time to strike Demise is when he holds his sword aloft." — Fi (Skyward Sword)
  3. "Demise in "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword" (VG) (Japanese)"Tsuguo MOGAMI, Anime News Network, retrieved July 19, 2021.
  4. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 174 (SS)
  5. "To give him some resemblance to Ganondorf, we didn't just make his hair red, we set it on fire." (Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 17)
  6. 6.0 6.1 "This eternal being has conquered time itself. It is the source of all monsters." — Fi (Skyward Sword)
  7. "Handed down by the gods of old, this power gave its holder the means to make any desire a reality. Such was the might of the ultimate power that the old ones placed it in the care of the goddess." — N/A (Skyward Sword)
  8. "One dark, fateful day, the earth cracked wide and malevolent forces rushed forth from the fissure. They mounted a brutal assault upon the surface people, driving the land into deep despair... They burnt forests to ash, choked the land's sweet springs, and murdered without hesitation. They did all this in their lust to take the ultimate power protected by Her Grace, the goddess." — N/A (Skyward Sword)
  9. "In his thirst to make the world his own, Demise readied a massive army of monsters for war. He sought to take the Triforce for himself by force." — Zelda (Skyward Sword)
  10. "With the humans safe, the goddess joined forces with the land dwellers and fought the evil forces, sealing them away. At last, peace was restored to the surface." — N/A (Skyward Sword)
  11. "Stripped of his true physical form by the seal that binds him, he takes the shape of an abomination. But even in his hideous state, he's more than capable of devouring this land if we allow him to do what he desires." — Zelda (Skyward Sword)
  12. "My master may have perished in this age, but in the past he lives yet! I'm taking the girl back through that gate to help me revive the demon king!" — Ghirahim (Skyward Sword)
  13. "Welcome back to us, Master." — Ghirahim (Skyward Sword)
  14. "Hmm... So you and that other human would stand before obliteration to aid the goddess, would you? How curious... The humans I've known are weak things. Hardly more than insects, shivering under rocks and ready to flee at the mere glimpse of me." — Demise (Skyward Sword)
  15. 15.0 15.1 "When I last walked this world, they did little more than scream and cling to their goddess, mewling and praying... Counting on her to protect them." — Demise (Skyward Sword)
  16. "You grow more fascinating by the second, human. I never imagined I'd meet one of your kind who wished to stand against me in battle. Very well, then. I shall prepare a place for us where we will not be bothered by distractions. If you still have the courage to face me, seek me there." — Demise (Skyward Sword)
  17. 17.0 17.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Curse
  18. "The last remnants of Demise are decaying slowly within the sword." — Impa (Skyward Sword)
  19. "The only question left is how long you will remain standing before I take your life. Try to keep it interesting for me, would you?" — Demise (Skyward Sword)
  20. "How amusing to think those cowards begot someone like you." — Demise (Skyward Sword)
  21. "You can spend what little time your world has left cowering and crying, as befits your kind." — Demise (Skyward Sword)
  22. "Ah, so you've decided to meet your end in battle after all. It pleases me greatly to see such misplaced valor, human." — Demise (Skyward Sword)
  23. "Take a moment to appreciate your surroundings, for where we stand shall serve as your tomb for eternity." — Demise (Skyward Sword)
  24. "And when you do fall, know that your world and everything in it is mine to dominate... Mine to subjugate... Mine to rule!" — Demise (Skyward Sword)
  25. "I will take the Triforce for my own... And the world shall be under my foot for eternity!" — Demise (Skyward Sword)
  26. "A series of attacks that can overwhelm Demise's guard is required, such as repeated slashing from various angles. However, vigilance is required. Any attack falling near Demise's sword has a 100% chance of being blocked." — Fi (Skyward Sword)
  27. "It is clear that Skyward Strikes cannot be called down to your sword because this place is under the magical influence of Demise. Attacks using Skyward Strike energy will not be possible here." — Fi (Skyward Sword)
  28. "Master, I see no reason why you cannot make use of the lightning strikes the same way Demise does. It is possible to store lightning in the Master Sword by raising your sword in the air as if you were readying a Skyward Strike. When lightning strikes in the distance and the sky lights up, quickly raise your sword skyward to call down the lightning." — Fi (Skyward Sword)
  29. "This eternal being has conquered time itself. It is the source of all monsters. According to tales passed down through generations, it appears differently in each epoch and to each person who lays eyes on it." — Fi (Skyward Sword)
  30. "Oh, Demon King Malladus... I am the one who has freed you from your prison! Grant me the power I have dreamed of!" — Byrne (Spirit Tracks)
  31. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess/Unused Text, The Cutting Room Floor, retrieved April 6, 2022.
  32. 32.0 32.1 An Incarnation of My Hatred - Great Sea Journal (tumblr.com)
  33. Gifford, Kevin (June 29, 2011). "Eiji Aonuma Wraps Up Zelda: Skyward Sword's E3 Showing". 1UP.com. UGO Entertainment, Inc. Retrieved July 2, 2011.
  34. "... Ganon... Ganon... Ganon was born out of a dark past. He is a pure embodiment of the ancient evil that is reborn time and time again... He has given up on reincarnation and assumed his pure, enraged form. If set free upon our world, the destruction will be unlike anything ever seen before." — Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  35. "Ganondorf reminds me of my lord, Demise... May his reign never cease!" — Ghirahim (Hyrule Warriors)
  36. Hyrule Encyclopedia, Ambit Ltd., pg. 178
  37. Hyrule Historia (Les Éditions Soleil) pg. 17 (SS)


  1. This voice credit is disputed. Some sources list Takashi Nagasako in an uncredited role.
The Legend of ZeldaThe Adventure of LinkA Link to the PastLink's AwakeningOcarina of TimeMajora's MaskOracle of SeasonsOracle of AgesFour SwordsThe Wind WakerFour Swords AdventuresThe Minish CapTwilight PrincessPhantom HourglassSpirit TracksSkyward SwordA Link Between WorldsTri Force HeroesBreath of the WildTears of the Kingdom