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The users and editors of Zelda Wiki have a certain vocabulary that they use to describe the wiki environment. To newcomers these terms can be confusing and sometimes downright puzzling. The Zelda Wiki Glossary lists all common terms used by the wiki community, and this wiki in particular.
Zelda Wiki Dictionary




This is what contains a user's details. It is what they use to access the wiki and have their own edits attributed to them. A user must create an account to be able to do more than just read the wiki.


A change to the wiki made by a user. Edits are the most common form of action. Other actions include: moving, purging, reverting, deleting, etc. Most actions can be executed from the access menu, or by using keyboard shortcuts.

Action menu

A dropdown menu from which users can execute various actions. To open it, hover over the triangle located between the "view history" button and search bar in the upper right.


Using the action menu to move a page.

Alt text

Short for "alternative text." Typically refers to the text that shows in a piped link, which differs from the actual target of the link. For example, in the preceding link, whose code is [[Help:Glossary#Piped link|piped link]], the alternative text is "piped link".


Administrators (Admin for short) make up the core moderating team behind the wiki. They check content for quality, manage members and enforce rules.

Ambiguously canon

See also: Canon

Ambiguously canon refers to information that could be related to another "universe" of information, however, is not officially stated. For example, the Tingle games are ambiguously canon as they incorporate elements from the main Zelda series, but there is no official statement to confirm such a connection.


This is a wiki's content, the material which it revolves around and the reason why people go to them. They can information about subjects, idea, events, characters, items, etc.


This means that the account has "settled in" and has been given full rights of an established account. This happens after the account has existed for 2 weeks and has reached 100 edits (not including user page edits).


This is a status applied to an account where the user is trusted enough to make few mistakes and to quickly catch and correct the mistakes they do make. Their edits are automatically marked as patrolled.



See: Executives

An old position, analogous to Executives. Formerly, the people that represented the parent sites which were most closely affiliated with the wiki.


This is the process of blocking a user from editing, usually because they violated the rules in some manner.


This is an account which is run automatically by a program to perform specific tasks which are normally considered too tedious to do manually.



This is the wiki's stored data on all the pages. This has a single version over every page, usually the most recent, loaded into memory to enable quicker loading of all content. This is what is actually being viewed on any page. But sometimes it lags behind and must be purged.


The body of materials considered to be an official or genuine part of The Legend of Zelda universe. For example, all main Zelda games are canonical. The Tingle series is ambiguously canon. The Philips CD-i games are decidedly non-canon.


This is a small check to make sure that the person is a real human and not a bot. Typically this is just set to new accounts and the check is normally waived for established accounts.


This is a grouping of similar pages. A page's categories are always listed at the bottom of the page, excluding maintenance categories.

Category suppression

See also: Help:Templates#Categories

A template feature that exists in those that automatically add categories when used. When category suppression is enabled, the automatic category is not added.


See Help:Collapsing on Wikipedia

A table that is collapsible can be toggled with a "show/hide" button.


A user's Contributions is a list of every edit and upload made by the user. It is accessible in the toolbar on the user's userpage or listed next to their username on a revision or in the Recent Changes. A user can also access their own contributions through a link in the personal tools titled "Contributions."


A shorthand term for Bureaucrat.



This is the process of removing access to content so it cannot be used anymore. Contrary to the name, it is not actual deletion. The content is still there and can be retrieved if need-be.


This is the difference between two revisions of page. Removed text is highlighted on the left side, added text is highlighted on the right side. This is what patrollers look at to determine what was done in an edit. There is a button in edit mode which shows a diff to preview the difference between the current version of the page and the edit in progress.


This would be a page which lists related pages to a more generic name which cannot specifically be attributed to one specific subject.



The foundation of a wiki is that it can be edited by many people, all contributing knowledge, ideas, and creativity to the project. Editing involves using a form to input text data, which then is read by the wiki's software and converted into a final format in the main viewing mode of pages.

Edit conflict

Main articles: Help:Editing Etiquette § Edit Conflicts and Help:Edit conflict (Wikipedia)

An edit conflict occurs when two users simultaneously submit edits to a page at the same time.

Edit mode

This is the primary way pages on the wiki are edited. the edit mode contains two toolbars to improve editing functionality, a text box that contains the page's raw content, and a series of buttons to process the changes. These include Save page, Show preview, and Show changes.

Edit summary

Edit summaries appear next to edits in all logs, such the Recent changes and page history. They allow editors to describe their edits for the benefit of the page history. They may also use to to explain the rationale behind their edits. In edit mode, the summary text box is located beneath the main editing box, above the "save page" button.

Edit war

See also: Help:Editing Etiquette

This is a highly unproductive way in which two or more editors edit and/or dispute edits or ideas contributed towards an article. Edit warring may come in the form of Rollback Tennis, slanderous and inappropriate conduct during a talk page conversation, or even a dispute on an editor's user page. Such edit wars result in developmental stagnation and always present Zelda Wiki in a negative light. The administration staff has a zero tolerance policy on edit warring, and the users involved may receive up to a permanent ban from Zelda Wiki for any involvement, large or small.


Executives are the team leaders for Zelda Wiki. They manage the staff team and are responsible for the ownership, finances and marketing of Zelda Wiki.


Extensions add specific features to the wiki's software. For a list of MediaWiki extensions installed on Zelda Wiki, see Special:Version.



This is an example of a right-floating image.


This is the status given to an image or article which exemplifies the most prominent and excellent work that the wiki has to offer.


Float is a CSS property. It allows you to push elements (such as images or tables) to the right or left and causes text to wrap around it.

Fourth wall

The "fourth wall" is traditionally used in reference to plays, being the invisible wall in the scene through which the audience views the performance. In video games, it refers to the line between the in-game universe and the players. When a character "breaks the fourth wall," it means that they are breaking the convention that they are unaware of the world outside their universe, beyond the fourth wall, for example by addressing the audience or player directly.



This is an image format that can contain animations. GIF images are limited to 256 colors and they have primitive compression algorithms. For a non-animated image at 256 colors, a PNG format set to 256 colors will produce a smaller file size.


Hidden category

A category hidden from the normal list at the end of pages. Hidden categories are instead listed in Edit mode, as they exist for the benefit of editors rather than readers. All maintenance categories are hidden.

Categories are hidden with the Magic Word __HIDDENCAT__


A History is a record of all revisions that have been made to a page. It allows the viewing every revision, comparing of any two revisions, viewing the contributors to the page, etc.


Harmonization occurs in articles of similar topic when their content is synchronized (this does not mean verbatim copying) so that the articles are relevant, properly connected, pointed, and concise. Harmonization is a form of consistency, and is one of the most important, macro-editing skills an editor can possess at a wiki.



This is collection of information that forms a picture. It is not included on pages directly, but instead it is stored globally in the File namespace so all pages can potentially use it. There are two basic types of images: static, a standard image; and animated, an image which cycles through multiple frames to show an animation.

Image map

See also: Image map on Wikipedia and Extension:ImageMap on MediaWiki.

An image map is an image overlain with several links. Certain areas of the image link to different destinations, as determined by a list of coordinates.

On Zelda Wiki, image maps are sometimes used for navigation templates. See here for information on how to create image maps for the wiki.


See also: Help:Templates

An infobox is a type of template placed in the upper right corner of (ideally) all mainspace articles. Infoboxes summarize key points of the article and list important attributes of the subject. See Category:Infobox Templates for a list of the different infoboxes used on Zelda Wiki.

Inline redirect

A direct link to a redirect within an article. Clicking an inline redirect brings you directly to the redirect's target.


See also: in-universe on Wikitionary.

A perspective from within The Legend of Zelda universe rather than the real world. It is the opposite of out-of-universe.

When using an in-universe writing style, one refers to Link or "the hero" rather than "you" or "the player." This is the preferred style on Zelda Wiki.



A JPG, or JPEG, image is a image format that is based on "lossy compression". That is, compression that can't be reversed that relies on the fact that the human eye wouldn't be able to see much of the difference to notice. This type of image format works mainly for scenery or portraits which do not have a lot of fine detail such as text as JPG compression does not recognize that those need to be maintained. For more complex images, PNG is preferred.




This is a bit of formatting which allows the viewer to go to the indicated page. There are two types of links: internal links which are formatted like [[PageName]], and external links that are formatted like [http://www.example.com/ Example].


Logs are records of actions taken by users. They are all listed on Special:Log. Recent logs appear in the Recent Changes. Logs are similar to edit revision records listed on page histories.


This is the process of accessing an account by entering the username and password.


Magic word

This is a string of text which the software will recognize and perform a specific task as a result. The most basic ones are those with all capital words surrounded by two underscores on each side. These alter behavior of the pages they are placed on, such as: removing the Table of Contents, changing how a category behaves, and altering the various automatic edit links on the page. There are also two more specialized types of magic words called variables and parser functions.


Shorthand for "main namespace." It includes most of the wiki's articles. Examples of mainspace articles include: Link, Ganon, and Master Sword. Some articles which are not in the mainspace are: this page (Zelda Wiki:Glossary), Community:History of Hyrule, and Zelda Wiki:Quality Standards.

Maintenance category

Categories of articles in need of some form of attention. They exist for the benefit of editors rather than readers. As such, maintenance categories are hidden. These categories are added automatically by maintenance templates.

Zelda Wiki's principal maintenance category is Category:Articles Needing Attention.


OoT Ocarina of Time Render
This article or section is out of date.

It needs to be updated to be accurate with information available at the present time.

The Masterminds are the Zelda fansites that own a portion of Zelda Wiki, and promote it through their community. Each site contributes an ambassador, known as a Bureaucrat, to the wiki to increase transparency between their site and ZW; these ambassadors aid the administrators in helping users, implementing policy, and adding to the wiki's ever-growing userbase. Any site that wishes to become a Mastermind can apply and may be chosen as a result of a democratic discussion of the sites' qualities and strengths in relation to the wiki by the ZW staff.


MediaWiki is the wiki software that powers Zelda Wiki. It is written in the PHP programming language.

For the current MediaWiki version and a list of extensions running on Zelda Wiki, see Special:Version.


Main article: Help:Merging Pages

The act of manually combining two or more articles into one.


See Mergism on MetaWiki

A philosophy asserting that related minor topics should be merged into one article. Those who adhere to this philosophy are called Mergists and are opposed by Splittists or Separatists.


Main article: Help:Moving Pages

This is an action which moves all of a page's edits and content over to a new name, leaving the old name behind as a redirect. This should never be done manually as that would cause the loss of all the edit history. There is a tab at the top of every page for the moving action. Pages can be moved by anyone with an autoconfirmed account. There are options to automatically correct redirects to point to the new name (an action carried out by a bot) and move a page's subpage(s) with it. A page cannot be moved if the target page has more than one edit, and if it only has one edit it has to be as a redirect. Admins can move pages regardless of the status of the target page and can also choose to move the page without leaving behind a redirect.



See also: Help:Namespaces on MediaWiki.

A namespace is a very large grouping of pages divided by function. Which namespace a page is in affects its treatment by the software. Articles are in the main namespace, or mainspace (which shows up blank because it's the most common one), templates are in the template namespace, Userpages are in the user namespace, and so on. It is possible to move pages to another namespace.


NoA is an abbreviation of Nintendo of America.


NoE is an abbreviation of Nintendo of Europe.


The <noinclude> tags can be places on pages, most often on templates, to prevent whatever is in them from being transcluded onto the page it's used on.


Information that is decidedly not canon. In other words, it is not considered part of the official Zelda universe. Non-canon materials may directly contradict canon (e.g. the manga) or go on storyline tangents not recognized by Nintendo (e.g. the Philips CD-i Games). Games that are Zelda-related but take place outside the Zelda universe (e.g. Super Smash Bros.) are evidently non-canon also.

Material which is not definitely canon or non-canon is referred to as ambiguously canon.


Noobs, also spelled newb, or n00b, are relatively new users that do not yet understand all the basics and frequently make common mistakes.


This is a tag, <nowiki>, that escapes normal wiki format and displays the contained text as-is.



Widely known as Ogg Vorbis, this is a common freeware audio compression format, popular amongst wikis such as our own that intend to stream music. The file, though comparable to the MP3, is known for its lack of patent-based restriction and notoriety as an open, public domain codec.


A real-world perspective, as opposed to one within The Legend of Zelda universe (see in-universe). At Zelda Wiki, in-universe writing is preferred. However, an out-of-universe perspective is sometimes required to convey information. For example, it is necessary to use an out-of-universe perspective to describe differences between game versions. game articles and trivia are often written out-of-universe.


This is the action of hiding all or part of revision due to either: excess profanity, extreme vandalism, or accidentally released personal information which is desired to remain private.



This is the data you can input when calling a template for use in its programmed functions. They're entered by using the form {{TemplateName|1|2|3|4|...}}, replacing the numbers with the data. Parameters can also be named in the form {{TemplateName|A=1|B=2|C=3|D=4|...}}, replacing the letters with the parameter name and the numbers with the parameter values. Parameters are used by templates by using the format: {{{1}}}, {{{2}}}, {{{3}}}, etc. and in the same manner with named parameters.

Parser function

A parser function is magic word that allows the use of parameters to allow for complex tasks. It has the form {{#FunctionName:Object|OptionA|OptionB|...}}. These are used extensively in templates as they're usually too complex to use manually all the time and it's preferred to make templates to contain them.


Main article: Help:Patrolling

Patrolling is the action of checking edits to make sure that they are up to Zelda Wiki's standards. Every edit is patrolled by staff except the edits of Autopatrol users and other staff. Only staff members are officially designated "patrollers" and can use the patrol tools. However, any user can "patrol" by revising edits in the Recent Changes.


Permaban is short for permanent ban. It is a ban that never expires. This is usually applied to most vandals, alternate accounts, and other users which have severely violated the rules of the wiki, and on some occasions over consistent, yet detrimental issues.

Personal tools

These are the tools at the top of every page the gives the user access to various functions of their accounts, such as their userpage and watchlist.

Piped link

A piped link is a link that has different text displayed than what the actual name of the page that is linked to. It is done by adding a vertical pipe character, a |, after the page name followed by the text to display in its place. The format is: [[PageName|Displayed Text]]


This is the taking of another person's work and claiming it as your own. In the context of the wiki, this applies generally to text and usually involves copying content from another wiki to supplement this wiki's information. As the largest competing wiki to Zelda Wiki is Zeldapedia, which has a license for text which is totally incompatible with Zelda Wiki's text license, plagiarizing from there is not only against the rules but is also illegal and may by punishable by various state, federal, or international copyright laws. Zelda Wiki will never condone this and , upon receiving proof that said plagiarism has occurred, the offending user is banned for a period of time and the plagiarized material is removed and replaced.


Listed as "My Preferences" in the editor's account tab at the upper right hand corner of the wiki window, the Preferences tab allows a user to customize Zelda Wiki to their liking. Possible preferences include a custom signature, larger or smaller viewable edits in the Recent Changes, skin versions, and a customizable watchlist of pages.


This is a feature of edit mode which allows the viewing of the page in the current edit in progress fully rendered by the wiki software. This allows the spotting of errors like broken coding or red links very easily.


PNG is a common image format. It uses "lossless compression". That is, compression which is entirely reversible. It compresses an image using algorithms that maintain the image's detail fully, so every small detail in the image survives. This is preferable for any image with text or other small details which are critical to maintain. This format is the preferred image format for Zelda Wiki.


Main article: Help:Protected Pages

When a page is protected, it restricts a certain group of editors from contributing to it. Wiki staff may protect a page(s) under circumstances of high traffic, edit warring, or due to any other disruptive situation occurring at the time. The most common protection level prevents any user that is not autoconfirmed from changing the page, but protection levels could go as high as to be restrictive of every editor but administrators.


This is the action of clearing the wiki's cache for a page to force it to update to most recent version. This can be done by selecting "purge" from the drop-down list in the upper right, or simply by using the keyboard shortcut Alt+0.


Quality Standards

Refers to Zelda Wiki:Quality Standards, a list of Zelda Wiki's policies on article content.


Recent changes

This lists all of the recent edits made to the wiki over that last few days. Users can toggle the amount of edits they see in increasing increments via hyperlinks on the page.


Main article: Help:Redirects

This is a very small page which takes the viewer to a certain page. The redirect is usually another name for this target page. It can also go to a specific section in an article.

Red link

This is a link on a page which leads to another page which does not yet exist. It is displayed in a red color and leads to the edit mode of the non-existent target page, so that the page may be created.


This is the action of taking a page back to the last edit made by someone other than the last person to edit. Usually this is for when one user makes a long string of edits which have to be undone at once.


This is the record of an edit. It includes a description of what was done in the edit, the time when it was made, by whom it was made, and the entirety of the page in that edit.


This is an action available for Patrollers and Administrators, and refers to reverting all consecutive edits made by one user on an article.

Rollback Tennis

This is an action between two or more users working on a page. During the editing of the page in question, one user may rollback another user's edit, and in return that user may rollback the other's edit, leading to a back-and-forth reverting of edits similar to that of a tennis match. This creates article stagnation and edit conflicts; rollback tennis is subject to consequences for any user involved at the discretion of the administrative staff.



Accessible through the sidebar, the Sandbox is a unique page that is intended to be used for users to test editing and experiment in. Users may also create subpage of their userpage to use as a personal sandbox.


Saving is the process of adding an edit to a page. After saving, the edit is stored in a revision.


This is a division of a page that has specific content concerning one aspect of the page's subject.


This is a bar that runs on most wiki skins, usually on the left side. It contains commonly used links and tools.


A signature, sometimes called a sig, is a listing of the username of the person posting plus the timestamp of the post whenever a user makes a statement on a talk page.


A sockpuppet is an account that a user created in addition to their original account. For the most part this is not approved of by the rules. There are a number of reasons people do this. Among them are, to create a false perception of more support for their positions, avoid a ban on their existing account, to cause trouble in the wiki while not visibly compromising their normal account, etc. Sockpuppet accounts are always permabanned, and the user's original account would most likely be temporarily be banned, depending on what the sockpuppet was used for.

Soft redirect

A kind of redirect that does not forward users to the target. Users must click a link to their destination. Used when redirecting to a special page or a page on another wiki.


Irrelevant content added specifically to draw attention to something not related to the article, or sometimes even the wiki, at all.

Special page

A Special page is a page managed by the wiki software that can: perform tasks, make lists of pages, list user accounts, list categories, display various statistics, etc.

Speed editing

Speed editing occurs when a user makes many edits in a very short period of time. This practice is generally looked down upon at a wiki as it suggests that such edits were not checked for quality, regardless of how small they are. Depending on the severity of the speed editing, this practice places not only a strain on the server, but on the patrolling staff.


The act of splitting off an article section into its own page, or dividing a page into two or more new articles. This occurs when an article becomes too large, or a section becomes disproportionate to the rest of an article. It may also occur when two or more topics are considered too distinct to be covered in the same article.


See Separatism on MetaWiki

Splittism, also known as separatism, is a philosophy asserting that minor topics should have their own articles rather than be merged into one long article. Those who adhere to this philosophy are called Splittists or Separatists and are opposed by Mergists.


A Spoiler is revealing information about a certain topic that describes either pivotal plot events or a plot change so important that its presence may ruin the story's content to an unsuspecting reader. Zelda Wiki is full of such spoiler material, however, there is always an obvious "Spoiler Warning" before any section that contains such information.


This is an article which is small, and is lacking a great deal of information which could be added.


A Subpage is a page that belongs to another, usually larger or more prominent page. They are signified by having a their title be the name of the parent page followed by a forward slash, then having the name of the subpage. This is typically disabled for ordinary articles because various things can legitimately have a forward slash in their names, though subpages can still be constructed manually. They're more often found on userpages, and sometimes on templates.


See also: Substitution on Wikipedia

Substitution is the permanent, one-time copying of one Zelda Wiki page onto another. It is in contrast to transclusion, which displays the content of one page on another without permanently copying the content over. In some cases, it is preferable to substitute templates rather than transclude them.

Pages can be subsituted onto others by placing the code {{subst:PageName}} on the target page, where "PageName" is the name of the page you wish to copy. When subsituting templates, you need only include the template's name, without the "Template:" prefix. You will need to use the full name (with the prefix) for any other namespace. For the main namespace, add a colon (:) to the beginning of the name (e.g. {{subst::Main Page}}).


The Summary consists of a user-created blurb as to the difference between a previous and current edit, so that other users can see at a glance as to why the page was altered at the Recent Changes. The Summary is written in the bar below the edit screen, above the "Save Page" and "Show Preview" buttons.


Short for System Operator. Another name for Admin, currently obsolete but still sees occasional use.



This is a box at the top of each page which allows for specific actions to be done to the page when clicked.

Table of Contents

This is a box at the top of pages that lists all the sections on the page.


This is a piece of formatting code that is programmed to do a certain function. Normally they come in pairs with an opening tag and closing tag, the closing tag having a forward slash in the beginning of it. It is generally in the format of <tagname>Content to be used</tagname>. Though additional functions are normally available for some more specialized tags in the form: <tagname option1="Value1" option2="Value2" ...>Content to be used</tagname>

Talk page

This is a page dedicated to discussing the parent page. It is typically reserved for use of discussing how to improve the page in question.


Main article: Help:Templates

This is a special page that contains wiki coding which is usually complex and a hassle to do manually each time. Templates usually make these codings easier and facilitate in simplifying many tasks throughout the wiki. When transcluded within a page with the coding {{TemplateName}}, the wiki's software takes content from the template and places in the page when viewed.

Parameters can be applied to templates to modify how they will appear when transcluded.

Text dump

The complete text of a game, extracted from its code. An invaluable resource for citations at Zelda Wiki.


Theories are bits of speculative information, implied by canonical sources but not confirmed. Zelda Wiki is unique in that it allows theoretical content in its articles, however, the information must be supported by the fan community before ever reaching the article in question.


This is the date and time of an action. All timestamps on the wiki are in UTC time, that is Coordinated Universal Time, the international standard for time measurement. Thus times will be the same for everyone and it would be easier to see the time between posts.


A title is the name of the page. It is used in the page's URL and is displayed on the top of the page. It includes the name of the page and its Namespace.


A toolbar is a grouping of quick-links which specifically contain tools for use. There are several toolbars on a wiki. There is one included at the bottom of the sidebar. There is another at the top of the edit view, and a larger one below the edit view. There is a specialized toolbar relating to user account functions called Personal Tools.


A small box containing text that appears when "hovering" over certain elements (text or images) with one's cursor. At Zelda Wiki, tooltips in text are indicated by yellow text with a dotted underline or small Trifoces (Triforce piece). These tooltips are created using Template:Exp.

Due to a bug, double quotation marks (") cannot be used in tooltips. Instead, use single quotation marks (') or the code &quot;.


How transclusion works
See also: Transclusion on MediaWiki

Transclusion is the process of taking the content of one page (page A) and placing on another page (page B), without permanently copying the content over. This is done by wrapping the name of page A in {{two curly brackets}} and placing it on page B. Whenever page A is modified, page B is automatically updated to reflect the changes to A.

Transclusion is commonly used (and mostly intended) for templates. Articles in the main namespace can be transcluded by placing a colon (:) after the opening curly brackets. The full page name, including the namespace, must be used when transcluding any other namespace.

Page How to Transclude
Template:Stub {{Stub}}
Bosses in A Link Between Worlds {{:Bosses in A Link Between Worlds}}
[[User:{{#username:usernamee}}]] {{User:{{#username:usernamee}}}}

Specific marked sections of a page can be transcluded using an extension called Labeled Section Transclusion. This extension is currently installed on Zelda Wiki.


Interesting, little-known facts that are relevant to a subject, but are too minor or digressional to be included in the main body of the subject's article. Trivia is listed in bulleted items, in a separate section below the article's main body near the end of the page.


This is a name applied to users that came specifically to stir up hostile emotions and cause trouble by intimidating and harassing other people. They are typically banned if they continue after one or two warnings.



This is the action of taking a page to a the last version before its most recent edit.


This is the process of submitting an image, or other file, for use on the internet. In the context of the wiki it is done through an upload form which is always accessible through the sidebar.


A person using the wiki, typically through an account.


This is a small, rectangular object made by a template that contains one small piece of information and usually a picture relating to that information. Such as: owning a copy of a game, liking a character, opinions, etc.


This is the name that is given to an account. It is what identifies the user to everyone. Every username on a single wiki is unique.


A personal page where a user can basically put whatever they want. Person information (if they so choose), lists of favorite games, userboxes, game opinions, etc. Pretty much anything within reason. So long as it respects the rights of other users and stays reasonably within the rules.



This is a user which came to the wiki specifically to cause trouble and to deface articles with nonsense, profanity, obscenity, spam, etc. They're typically banned without warning.


Variables are a type of magic word that allow various values and text defined values to be used. There are two main types of variables. The first are variables defined by the software that give things like the name of the current page, the total number of articles on the wiki, the current date or time, etc. The second type of variable is actually a Parser Function that allows the defining of a custom variable at one point on a page and then using it again further down to perform a task. This a very common in templates.


Wanted Pages

When an article links to a page that does not exist, the name of the page appears in the Wanted Pages category. These pages should be subsequently created to cut down on the amount of red links scattered about the wiki.


The Watchlist is a function that allows users to track changes to some of their favorite pages.

What links here

This is a Special Page that is listed on the toolbar for every single page on the wiki. It lists every page that links to the page in question. It also lists pages that transclude that page as well.


A Wiki is a website or online resource which allows users (registration is not always required) to add and edit the site's content. It comes from the Hawaiian word "wiki wiki", which means "rapidly". Zelda Wiki is a wiki.

Wiki may also be an abbreviation of the words; What I Know Is.


The WikiExclusive is a fan-made article submitted to Zelda Wiki for publishing on the site, without the informal, "anyone can edit" process of a wiki. It is more of a personal essay that can only be edited by one person, similar to the articles seen on the many fansites around the community. The writer of the article is credited and the piece is placed on the wiki, after the "go ahead" is given by the Zelda Wiki staff. This article, after publication, is promoted by the fansites in the community and is placed in the rotation with other WikiExclusives on the wiki's Main Page. Users are allowed to discuss the article on its talk page, but cannot edit it in any way.



