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For the scientist whose identity he stole, see Harrison Wells (Earth-1).
For other uses of "Reverse-Flash", see Reverse-Flash (disambiguation).

"Don't you know who I am? I have always been the hero. You're the villain, Flash. You're the one who reversed my entire life and dragged me into hell. And that's why you die tonight, by my hand!"
—Eobard Thawne to Barry Allen[src]

Professor Eobard Thawne (c. 2151[1]- 2022[2]), also known as the Reverse-Flash, was a meta-human criminal speedster from the twenty-second century, a descendant of Eddie Thawne, and the archenemy of Barry Allen/The Flash.

A devoted fan obsessed with the twenty-first century's Flash, Eobard came to learn about the Flash’s origins and the Speed Force, Thawne would eventually attempt to replicate the event to give himself speed. Once Thawne had succeeded, he wanted to make his grand appearance to the city as the Flash of the twenty-second century. However, when Thawne was about to make his grand entrance and be hailed as a hero, the Flash of 2024, with an unknown reason, beat him to it and upstaged him in his greatest moment, making his fan feel humiliated. That, coupled with his discovery that he was destined to become the Flash's greatest enemy, the Reverse-Flash, caused Thawne to lose his mind and take his rage out on his idol out of envy for never being worthy of becoming a hero like him and spite for being “humiliated” by him. Therefore, he decided to embrace his inescapable destiny and become the greatest arch-nemesis the Flash ever had, prove his superiority as the Reverse-Flash and become the opposite of his former idol and defeat him. This rage and determination to destroy Barry Allen attracted the negative version of the Speed Force to possess him, using negative energy and exercising his raw emotions, which he thought he created himself and used to travel through time without the Flash being able to detect him. Since then, the two speedsters battled each other for many years, but neither of them was strong or fast enough to defeat the other.

After learning the Flash's secret identity, Eobard traveled back in time to kill Barry as a child to erase his foe from existence but was thwarted by the Flash of 2024 who brought the younger Barry to safety. The enraged Eobard then killed Nora Allen and framed Henry Allen for the crime instead, being known as the Man in Yellow after the incident. However, Eobard's connection to the Negative Speed Force began fluctuating, trapping him in the early twenty-first century. Realizing that Barry was the only way to return to his time, Eobard killed a scientist in order to assume hi s identity of Dr. Harrison Wells as the director of S.T.A.R. Labs, and to push through for the creation of a particle accelerator to ensure that Barry would become the Flash. Posing as Wells, Eobard mentored the Flash and became the leader of a team that he assembled to stop the meta-human threats, to increase his protégé's speed so that Eobard could use the hero's connection to the Speed Force to return to his own time. During this time, he also developed a bond with Cisco Ramon as another protégé. After he was discovered by Dr. Caitlin Snow, he would go to S.T.A.R Labs and find Cisco Ramon trying to figure out how the Reverse-Flash escaped from the trap they had created for him. Cisco would immediately realize that his team leader was actually their enemy in disguise the entire time. Thawne would have a brief talk with Cisco and tell him Cisco taught him what it's like to have a son while having the intention of killing him. Thawne killed Cisco on the spot but during that time, the Flash was trying to stop a tidal that was made by Mark Mardon to destroy Central City. While the Flash succeeded, he had accidentally traveled back in time 1 day, erasing the former timeline. After his plan was exposed and subsequently foiled by the entire team, Eobard was erased from existence after his ancestor Eddie killed himself to stop him.

One year after Eobard was erased from existence, Barry prevented Eobard from murdering Nora, creating the Flashpoint timeline and holding him captive for months. After realizing this mistake, Barry released Eobard, allowing him to kill Nora again; as a result of being pulled out of the timeline, Eobard was spared from his fate and continued to exist as a time remnant, while his original actions remained intact. Due to his own nullified state of existence; he was hunted by the Black Flash, the former Zoom who had been turned into a speed force slave enforcer, forcing him to seek out the Spear of Destiny in order to restore his natural existence. Unable to find the object and outrun the enforcer at the same time, Eobard formed a supervillain alliance. Eobard and his co-conspirators eventually retrieved the Spear of Destiny, which they used to rewrite reality to their whims. Despite its initial success, Eobard's plan was foiled by the Legends' de-powering the object, and Eobard was vaporized by the Black Flash.

Later, Eobard resurfaced as an ally of the New Reich of Earth-X. It is later revealed that just as he was about to be erased from he existence, he had traveled to the Negative Speed Force, which is the only place that is immune to timeline changes, which kept him from being erased from existence. He originally tried to carry out the Fuhrer's request to perform heart surgery on Overgirl. But when the New Reich's defeat eventually was inevitable, he abandoned his allies to their deaths at the hands of Team Flash, Team Arrow, the Legends, and Supergirl.

After he was incarcerated in the meta-human wing of Iron Heights where his powers were negated by Cicada's dagger, Eobard began mentoring Nora West-Allen in 2049 while claiming to be working towards a less villainous legacy, as he was scheduled for execution. However, the real reason why he mentored Nora in traveling to the past was to destroy the dagger and free him. After the dagger was destroyed, Eobard was freed, moments before his execution. He briefly fought Nora and Barry before Nora began to be erased from existence. After the two ran away to enter the Negative Speed Force at Eobard's fervent suggestion, Eobard made his escape.

Following the Anti-Monitor Crisis and the creation of the new multiverse, Eobard's spirit joined the other versions of Wells of the old multiverse in being fused to the brainwaves of Harrison Nash Wells. His specter was composed of negative particles and emotions, with a hatred for everyone as he wanted to brutally kill Barry and Team Flash. However, Nash was freed as Eobard's consciousness was expelled from Nash's body as negative tachyons. Months later, the Speed Force reconstituted Eobard to help against August Heart who he defeated. After seeing Barry's speed was too great for him, Eobard retreated to fight for another day.

Eobard later became the avatar of the Negative Still Force, which allowed him to travel in time wherever he pleased and alter/manipulate time to his desires. This kickstarted Armageddon as part of his master plan to defeat his arch-nemesis once and for all. He started by manipulating time to cause the death of Joe West and erasing Barry's memories of the event. Eobard then started manipulating time to drive Barry insane, such as framing him for being Black Hole's mole, which got Barry suspended from the CCPD. His machinations caused his nemesis to supposedly go rogue and cause the destruction of the Earth in 2031, by Armageddon, which led to Despero to travel back in time to 2021 in an attempt to stop Barry. After escaping Despero, Barry traveled to 2031 to try to stop himself from destroying the Earth and much to his horror, he found out that Eobard used the Negative Still Force to become The Flash as well as a successful businessman and get engaged to Iris West-Allen. However, with Damien Darhk's help, Barry ultimately prevented the alternate timeline that Eobard created from ever happening. After the timeline was changed back to normal, Eobard was being erased from existence by the timeline itself, even his connection to the Negative Speed Force was not able to prevent this from happening. As a result, Eobard asked Team Flash to help save his life. The group as a whole was initially reluctant to do so, but Barry ultimately saved Eobard's life by severing the latter's connection to the Negative Speed Force. Eobard was then sent to an A.R.G.U.S. prison.

Meanwhile, his time remnant was made into the protector of a fixed point in time, having been brought back to life and stripped of his powers by the Time Wraiths after his death by the Black Flash. Placed in 1914 to ensure the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and thus the resulting world war, Eobard came to agree that the timeline could not and should not be changed. However, Eobard agreed to help the Legends attract the Waverider by changing the circumstances of Ferdinand's death. When the Legends' plan went awry, Eobard was killed by Sara Lance's robot clone and was ultimately replaced as the protector of the fixed point by Nate Heywood's robot clone. The time remnant was later resurrected a second time by the Time Wraiths to give him a chance for redemption as he never gave up his post as the protector of the fixed point and eventually meet Meena Dhawan, helping Meena and the two falling in love. However, the good time remnant was unwillingly sacrificed as part of a resurrection plan that the Negative Still Force's developed to bring the other version back.

After ripping through his time remnant and regaining his powers, Eobard vowed to destroy Barry for good this time and taunted about how Iris was used for his rebirth. Eobard was later taken out from his timeline and joined forces with Eddie, Hunter Zolomon, Savitar, and August Heart to kill Barry and Team Flash while Thawne attempted to kill Chester P. Runk, but he was defeated by Allegra Garcia and was returned to his proper place in the timeline by Eddie. Traveling back to the Negative Speed Force, he absorbed the powers of the Negative Forces. However, Eobard would eventually be destroyed by his nemesis in battle, with his entire body being disintegrated by his own negative energies.

Quick Answers

Who is the character Eobard Thawne also known as? toggle section
Eobard Thawne, a future meta-human, holds the alias of Reverse-Flash. His roles have included physicist, time criminal, and director of S.T.A.R. Labs. Secretly, he led Team Flash. As the avatar of the Negative Speed Force, he possesses greater power than typical speedsters. Initially, he idolized the Flash, but was shattered upon learning he was fated to be his archenemy.
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What is the real name of the Reverse-Flash? toggle section
Eobard Thawne, often referred to as Professor Zoom or Zoom, is the real name of the character known as the Reverse-Flash. He is recognized as the initial Reverse-Flash to confront Barry Allen and Wally West. In the television series, Hunter Zolomon succeeds him as the primary adversary of The Flash.
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Why does Eobard Thawne consider himself the hero and Flash the villain? toggle section
Eobard Thawne, recognized as the Reverse-Flash, was initially a Flash admirer, striving to match his speed. His perception changed when the Flash overshadowed his public debut, triggering humiliation and rage. This incident ignited a perpetual loathing for the Flash, causing Thawne to see himself as the hero and the Flash as the antagonist. Thawne's abilities stem from the Negative Speed Force, establishing him as his era's fastest man and the Negative Speed Force's avatar.
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What is the time period of Eobard Thawne's existence? toggle section
Eobard Thawne, recognized as the Reverse Flash, hails from a now-erased timeline. His existence spans the post-2000 period, with key events post-2015. In 2170, he crafted a device to harness the Speed Force and the Negative Speed Force. He then identified The Flash's active period in history and journeyed to the 21st century, landing on January 26, 2016.
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Who is the actor who plays Eobard Thawne in the series? toggle section
In the Arrowverse, the character Eobard Thawne, known as the Reverse Flash, is played by Matt Letscher and Tom Cavanagh. Letscher embodies the character's original form, and Cavanagh portrays him when he's disguised as Harrison Wells.
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Original multiverse[]

Early life[]

"For so long I wanted to be the Flash, I spent years figuring out how you came to be. Duplicated the reaction and it worked. I became like you."
—Eobard Thawne explaining his origins to the Flash[src]

Eobard Thawne was born to unknown parents in the year 2151[1] during the 22nd century, a time of vast futuristic advances in science and technology which was unfortunately exempt from livestock such as cows for unknown reasons.[1] When he was a boy, he was taught astro-navigation in elementary school,[3] and grew up idolising the Flash, the 21st century superhero speedster whom inspired him to the point of striving to be just like the man for as long as he can remember.[4]

Family record[]


Eobard considered Eddie a failure.

A scion of the Thawne family consisting of notable generations of scientists, politicians and industrialists, Eobard believed that he's an esteemed member within the bloodline; his first name "Eobard" being (apparently) distinguished like his family name.[5] Somehow, Eobard is also very aware and knowledgeable of Eddie Thawne despite history having virtually no record of Eddie's existence; Eobard doesn't hold Eddie in high regard as he himself judges his distant ancestor to be the only failure within their family by his standards.[5]

Hopes to become a hero and help people[]

Growing up, Eobard was driven by an altruistic vision to move the dial on physics and improve the state of the world. He eventually joined the academia as a student and then graduated with a professor’s degree and a genius aptitude on multiple fields and became a scientist. Thawne had combined the idea of his inspiration to be a speedster like the Flash with achieving groundbreaking feats in science for the good of mankind. Therefore, he devoted his life to learning about the origins of the Flash’s super-powers and studying the Speed Force in order to unlock its most hidden secrets in order to gain a connection to it in hopes of fulfilling his interest.[3][6]

Becoming a speedster[]

Between the 2170s or 2190s, all years of research, investigation and studies eventually culminated in Eobard building a machine that replicated the transformation that was originally behind said powers of superhuman speed, thus Eobard became a meta-human speedster with the power of time travel via a connection to the Speed Force and presumably created or obtained a suit with the opposite colours which gets contained within a ring.[4]

At some point, he also designed and created anti-speedster weaponry.[7][3]

The start of Eobard's downward spiral[]

"I BECAME BETTER THAN YOU!! I am the one thing you CANNOT stop, Flash!"
—Eobard Thawne filled with rage when he found out that he was destined to become the Flash's worst enemy.[src]
The Flash uses his super speed

The Flash, Eobard's lifelong idol was actually his main archenemy.

Using his superpowers, Eobard experimented with and learned many ways to channel the Speed Force, becoming faster than anything alive and also learned to travel through time. One day, Eobard finally met the Flash for the very first time. In his own words, he was about to present himself to the world and start his heroics before his hero upstaged him by saving a random crowd from an unknown disaster which attracted the attention and praise that Eobard thought he was meant to earn, stealing his greatest opportunity and shattering his most memorable moment. In that very moment, Eobard grew resentful of the Flash because for all the praise he has admired his idol, he gets paid back with betrayal and indignation and vowed to become faster than the Flash to prove himself as the fastest man alive.[8]

Eobard presumably then navigated back to an unknown point in the 21st century and he discovered from his ability to travel through time that he was tragically doomed to become mortal enemies with the Flash as the reverse of everything that his idol was and stood for instead of a successor and the hero he desperately strived to become.[4]

Devastated to his very core by this realization, Eobard was left horrified, shocked, confused and disillusioned. He could not believe the revelation himself after everything he wanted to do to save the world. To make matters even worse, Eobard was driven insane which incited him to take his anger out on his former idol.[9] In time, Eobard became consumed with an insatiable and everlasting hatred for the Flash who he began to see as the villain from his point of view. In desperation, he adopted the supervillain moniker of the "Reverse-Flash" and fulfilled his inescapable destiny as his former idol's greatest archenemy while descending into madness on path to the abyss.[4][9]

Becoming the opposite adversary[]
Negative Speed Force

Eobard's power comes from a negative version of the Speed Force.

In both his obsession to be the Flash's exact opposite to surpass and defeat as well as to time travel undetected, Eobard obtained this with an energy that first tapped into him by feeding off of his hatred for his former idol therefore becoming the avatar of the Negative Speed Force.[10] This also gave him the idea to exploit this energy source for his own uses and therefore he utilized his machine to increase his connection to it and use it to its full potential, thinking that he created this energy all by himself with the actual case being that it has always existed.[2] From this point forward, Eobard underwent massive changes in his personality, behavior and mental health due to his exposure to the negative tachyons that it made him more dangerous and unstable every time he abused it, to the point he rendered himself nearly invulnerable to timeline changes.[10][6] Out of revenge for being shamed and envy for being a foil, he vowed destroy the Flash's life, career and dream, so much that for everyone saved Thawne would kill more. Thawne would make it his life's work to surpass the Flash as a speedster by whatever means necessary (including killing) in order to usurp his former idol.[4]

Pursuit of his former idol[]

Eobard is learned about Rip Hunter, the designer of the first Time Sphere who he considers an "interesting man", which could be how he also obtained possession of Gideon, an artificial intelligence program created by the Flash, and began searching various moments throughout history to learn when the Flash was active. He began traveling back in time to find when the Flash was active and after several searches proved fruitless, he eventually traveled back to the year of the Flash's origins, starting their war across time.[1][4]

Eobard Thawne questions Gideon as to where he is

Eobard asking Gideon what era is he in.

The Reverse-Flash arrived in January 2016, Central City.[11] After Gideon confirmed his whereabouts, he began searching for the Flash. Eobard rigged a truck to drive at high speeds and collide with a building to lure the Flash out, and was successful. Pleased to have located the exact time era the Flash was active, Eobard planned his return home to properly plan his next attack and broke into Mercury Labs' offsite facility, and prepared equipment designed to act as a time machine to send him back to his own time. However, Eobard was unable to replicate the tachyon power source and sought out Dr. Tina McGee.

Reverse-Flash meets The Flash

Reverse-Flash meeting the Flash again.

Storming Mercury Labs and striking four guards, he confronted Tina before he was interrupted by the Flash's arrival. However, the Reverse-Flash was surprised when the Flash addressed him by his real name, revealing the Flash already met him at some point in the future and that the Flash had seen him die. However, the Reverse-Flash simply thanked the Flash for telling him of his impending fate and told the Flash he now knew what time period the Flash was from and that his nemesis would soon die instead, and he knocked the Flash out before taking Tina to the offsite facility.

Eobard learns about his future

Eobard learning his future from Tina.

When Eobard showed his device, Tina recalled a "man in a yellow suit" tried to steal another tachyon device the previous year. Upon hearing this, Eobard realized that he must have gotten stuck in the past at some point in his future due to having been unable to access enough energy of the Speed Force. Eobard ordered Tina to accelerate the energetic properties within the tachyon device. Tina expressed doubts to which Eobard vibrated his hand and calmly told Tina to learn or be killed.

Battle with the Flash[]

Vibed timeline[]

After Tina finished the work at 9:52pm, Eobard killed his hostage anyway and used the tachyon device to return to his timeline. Because Cisco vibed this event 3 hours and 52 minutes in advance the Flash was given enough time to locate Eobard.[4]

The Flash versus Reverse-Flash

Reverse-Flash's first showdown with the Flash.

Changed timeline[]

After Tina finished the work at 9:52 pm, Eobard prepared to kill Tina anyway before the Flash arrived, subdued him, and destroyed the machine. Angered but soon unwavered by his nemesis's sabotage to his trip home, Eobard said he would find another way to travel to the future and boasted his superiority to the Flash before issuing a challenge to catch him. Both the Reverse-Flash and the Flash began racing throughout the streets of Central City, but the Flash managed to anticipate his path and intercepted him, culminating with the Flash catching the Reverse-Flash. The Flash proceeded to severely beat the Reverse-Flash almost to death in a fit of rage for his future actions. Only reluctantly stopping himself from delivering a death blow, the Flash instead knocked him out and placed him in S.T.A.R. Labs' pipeline prison.

Eobard meets Cisco

Eobard meeting Cisco and learning some of his future.

During his imprisonment, Eobard was visited by Cisco Ramon asking how his ring worked. Confused yet curious, Eobard talked to Cisco and deduced he must have a history with him in the future, but was confused as to why the engineer only wanted to know how his ring worked. However, Cisco told Eobard of being the one that found him because of the young engineer's metahuman powers given by his future self. Cisco also revealed that Eobard would help build the very prison he was incarcerated in, leaving Eobard puzzled to learn of his future actions and developed an almost instant fascination with Cisco.

Young Eobard meets Barry

Eobard revealing his origins.

Eobard was later approached by the Flash (unmasked but concealed in the shadows), asking for his hatred's source. Eobard explained his obsession with his desire to be like his idol himself, so much that he spent years learning how his idol gained these powers and succeeded in replicating the reaction. Then he traveled through time and learned that he was going to become his own idol's greatest enemy, rather than be like the Flash. He opted to become the reverse of everything the Flash was, vowing to kill as many people as the Flash saved. His former idol was disgusted to learn what was behind Eobard's motivations, even revealing that someone had been killed by his future self. Eobard angrily stated that he had become better than the Flash and was the one thing the Flash could never stop and he promised that one day he would learn his nemesis's real name.

Eobard meets Wells

Eobard meeting Harry and learning more of his future.

Shortly after, Eobard was approached by Harry Wells and realized that his imprisonment has ruptured the timeline. Eobard doubted Harry knew how to send him back without Tina's tachyon device, but Harry instead revealed an alternate method to send him home. Eobard was fascinated and asked about his warden who refused to identify himself and claimed to be no one of consequence, but Eobard was unconvinced and was instantly fascinated by his warden.

The Reverse-Flash and the Flash stand at the entrance to the Pipeline

Reverse-Flash before being sent back to his time by the Flash.

Eobard was released from his cell and informed of Team Flash's alternate method of sending him back to the future, to have both him and the Flash run at high enough speeds to create a wormhole through which Eobard can return to his own time. Eobard also gloated of winning again, mockingly speaking in the past tense for all his future actions. As they prepared, Eobard vowed the two would meet again and the Flash agreed but also vowed to stop him every time, and both the Flash and the Reverse-Flash sped around the particle accelerator's ring. After gaining enough speed, the wormhole was created and the Flash hurled the Reverse-Flash through the portal and the Reverse-Flash successfully returned to his own time and plan his next attack.[4]

War with the Flash[]

Barry's future suit

Reverse-Flash and the Flash fought several times.

Afterwards, Eobard would subsequently go on to travel through time again and again to Earth-1's early 21st century to fight the Flash. The two speedsters would then fight each other in various different times, with neither one managing to defeat the other,[1] eventually to a point where they had "been at this a long time" as their fights as spanning over the course of centuries to which Eobard ended up confident of being one step ahead.[12] Whatever transpired, Eobard would sometimes ponder of "which of us is right" to hate the other and seemed to have some respect for his nemesis, acknowledging his former idol as a veteran hero and an intelligent individual who wouldn't use time travel for selfish or foolish reasons, unlike himself.[13]

Vibe with his powers restored

Eobard learned about Cisco as Vibe.

During his time-travels, Thawne learned about Cisco's "great and honorable" destiny as the superhero Vibe, as well as the ice meta-human Frost which was Dr. Caitlin Snow's alternate split personality.[1][14][15] Thawne became quite knowledgeable about his nemesis' other major enemies, including Hunter Zolomon/Zoom, Clifford DeVoe/The Thinker, Savitar and Cicada, considering himself a "big fan" of Zoom and the Thinker, and thought of Cicada as the "one who got away."[1][16][17] Thawne also learned about numerous other 21st century individuals, such as history books on the Starling City vigilante Oliver Queen/Green Arrow's recorded death at age 86, the hacker Felicity Smoak/Overwatch despite an apparent lack of information, Damien Darhk, Malcolm Merlyn/Dark Archer and the various women that have been known as the Black Canary.[18][19] [20][21]

Time Wraith

Eobard was more strategic and only made necessary timeline alterations to achieve his goals while avoiding Time Wraiths.

Like most speedsters, Eobard had at least one encounter with the Time Wraiths which he came to fear, trying his best to avoid as no speedster knew how to kill these creatures. Because of the Time Wraiths' dangers, Eobard became more strategic about his timeline alterations, only making necessary alterations to achieve his primary goal, and not recklessly upsetting history and risk being found by the Speed Force's enforcers.[22] He also became familiar with other speedsters, having been aware of Jesse Quick, Libby Lawrence, and Danica Williams.[22][17]

This is a job for Superman

Reverse-Flash confronted Superman at some point.

At some point in his personal timeline, Eobard learned how to travel through the multiverse.[1][3][17] Eobard also learned of the various doppelgangers of Harrison Wells.[23][24][25] For unknown reasons, Eobard had encounters with Kryptonians as he has a confrontation with Superman where the Man of Steel was fast yet he was faster, presumably learning of Kara Danvers/Supergirl of Earth-38.[19]

Barry Allen (Earth-1)

Eobard finally discovered Barry was the Flash.

At some point, Eobard eventually learned his archenemy's real name: Barry Allen. He began studying the Allen family, learning of Henry Allen and Nora Allen[1], as well as Iris West-Allen[5][13] and Barry's and Iris's daughter (who he believed was named Dawn). He also learned that Savitar was a time remnant of his nemesis from an alternate future who had an amusing "pizza face".[17] Eobard began to develop a plan to finally defeat the Flash, which was to erase his former idol from existence by murdering Barry as a child.[1]

Crisis of 2024[]

Crisis in 2024

A Crisis in 2024 reporting a battle between the Flash and Reverse-Flash

The Reverse-Flash traveled to the midnight of April 25, 2024, and fought The Flash, Green Arrow, the Atom and Hawkgirl in the streets of Central City, causing the most destruction the city had ever seen. The fight also somehow caused the sky to turn a deep crimson color. Their fight caused several trucks to start leaking their contents onto the streets, and caused power outages spread over 20 blocks throughout the city. The speedsters then started battling over two overturned tanker trucks, and the lightning emitted from them caused the oil from one of them to ignite. While sounded by smoke, the two speedsters had a very heated conversation on an unknown matter before speeding off, leaving Green Arrow, the Atom and Hawkgirl behind. The two then continued their fight up and down an unknown avenue before the Flash and him vanished without a trace in an explosion of light.[26] According to Iris in 2049, some sources describing the battle claimed that the Reverse-Flash controlled an army of shadow demons and that the Flash was instead or also aided by Batwoman, Elongated Man and Supergirl.[27]

Traveling to 2000[]
The Flash vs

Reverse-Flash battling the Flash in 2000 at the Allen residence.

During the explosion of light, the Reverse-Flash traveled back in time to the night of March 18, 2000,[28] aiming to murder the 11-year-old Barry and erase his nemesis from existence as he had planned before, but he was pursued by the Flash from 2024, hindering his plans. The two speedsters fought inside the Allen house around Nora, each landing solid hits on each other but their skills were fairly equal. When the 11-year-old Barry entered the room, the Reverse-Flash moved in for the kill, but the Flash intervened and transported the younger Barry to safety 20 blocks away, much to the Reverse-Flash's outrage. However, the Reverse-Flash quickly theorized another way to achieve his goal: kill Nora and frame Henry for the crime in the hopes that such a tragedy would traumatize Barry enough to derail from his nemesis's destiny, and he'd be free to return to a future without the Flash.[1]

Life as Harrison Wells[]

Stranded in the past[]
Reverse-Flash marooned in the past

Reverse-Flash marooned in the past.

The Reverse-Flash grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed Nora in the heart, leaving Nora to die as he fled the scene to return to his own time which he hoped would now be one without the Flash, but he was stopped by a sudden loss of connection to the Speed Force. After Gideon confirmed that his powers fluctuated somewhat due to his latest time jump, the Reverse-Flash realized that he was now stranded in the 21st century with no way back to his time to which he screamed in frustration.

Eobard spies on Wells

Eobard spying on an innocent couple.

Eobard soon believed that the reason for his unstable connection to the Speed Force was because his own status as a speedster was dependent upon Barry's. If Barry never was the Flash in the past, then Eobard never would have been the Reverse-Flash in the future. With this revelation, Eobard realized he needed Barry to become a speedster in order to return to his own time.[23]

Identity theft[]
Eobard kills Wells

Eobard acclimating Harrison's appearance.

A month later,[29] Eobard traveled to Starling City to stalk Dr. Harrison Wells and Tess Morgan, spying on the couple's date where Harrison proposed the concept of S.T.A.R. Labs to Tess. Eobard plotted to use Harrison's reputation and ambitions with his own futuristic knowledge for his own plans. Later that night, Eobard rigged the road with a spike strip and caused Harrison's car to crash, killing Tess and injuring Harrison. He dragged Harrison out of the car and identified himself to Harrison as well as the terrified scientist's supposed role in 2020. Eobard then took out his appearance-stealing device, and attached one end to Harrison and to the other to himself, acclimating Harrison's DNA which literally made himself an identical duplicate on a genetic level while his victim died in the process.[23] Afterwards, he buried Harrison's body nearby[30] and took his victim's place in the car. When the police found him, he introduced himself under his stolen identity.[23]

Barry Allen on a train ride, viewing S.T.A.R

S.T.A.R. Labs from afar.

Thawne told the police the car crashed due to a tire blowout, thereby keeping Harrison's murder a secret.[30] Thawne then moved to Central City to carry out his plan and build S.T.A.R. Labs there to ensure success, giving the cover story that he moved away from Starling City because of too many reminders of Tess.[31] Now officially as "Harrison Wells" to the public, Thawne devoted his life to S.T.A.R. Labs' creation and its particle accelerator, using past knowledge but taking precautions to ensure his plan would work and keeping close observation throughout Barry's whole life by setting up cameras all over Central City, even in the West household where Barry lived following Nora's death and Henry's incarceration.[26] To avoid the Time Wraiths' attention, Thawne took precautions to avoid unnecessary timeline alterations.[22] Thawne also came to like Big Belly Burger as one the few reasons to stay in the 21st century since cows were extinct in his own time but he ultimately despised living in the 21st century, a situation he deemed "barbaric" and compared to "living amongst the dead".[1]

Time Vault (Earth-1)

Thawne's secret room.

Along with S.T.A.R. Labs, Thawne built the Time Vault, a secret room accessible only via hand-print where he kept his belongings, including the Gideon program which was still able to stay informed of future events, including a newspaper article written by Iris on the Crisis of 2024[32][33] which acted as a deadline as to Thawne's remaining time for his plans to be successful, to keep tabs on the timeline, if any changes occurred, and take the necessary steps to get the timeline back on track for his own sake.[32][34] Thawne kept two Reverse-Flash suits: one on a display case and stored another away in the room.[12][35] He also set himself up in a mansion which he never kept any future belongings in his house itself for security reasons.[36]


S.T.A.R. Labs' particle accelerator explosion as Thawne wanted.

Shortly after, he began the particle accelerator's constructions but made some alterations first to ensure the dark matter released would spread throughout Central City, with the aim of creating a lightning bolt that would strike Barry with a connection to the Speed Force, though did not care that other people would either turn into meta-humans as well or be killed.[36] To ensure cooperation when the time came, he built the particle accelerator to act as a time machine of sorts that could be used to go back while Thawne could return to his time in the wormhole left behind as a result of this time venture to account for the possibility of anything against him.[1] To motivate himself further when the time came, Thawne began working on a way to restore his own unstable connection to the Speed Force via various tachyon technologies, but these fixes would only be temporary and would unexpectedly vanish from time to time, leaving him powerless.[12][36]

Thawne observed Barry's personal life as an unseen influence, initially looking upon his future nemesis with nothing but hate but soon growing fond of the youth (as he hated the Flash's future version).[26] Thawne's actions had profound impacts on Barry's life both as the so-called "man in yellow" (an alternate name before his alter ego was revealed) and as Wells. As the former, he became Barry's greatest fear and driving force to be a CSI with the CCPD, with Barry hoping to one day find some evidence of Henry's innocence and uncover the true killer's identity. As the latter, Barry would grow to idolize him and was described as being obsessed with him without knowing who he really was (an ironic reverse of events as Thawne had once been obsessed without knowing his former idol's identity either), not learning much about him despite reading his 600-page biography twice.[23][34] Thawne also kept just as close observation of Eddie.[5]

Simon Stagg

Thawne knew Stagg of being greedy and corrupt.

As Wells, Thawne met various CEOs, such as Simon Stagg and Robert Queen.[37][38] He knew Stagg wasn't really a philanthropist, but a greedy and corrupt man famous for others' scientific achievements.[37] He once met Queen at a charity event, with one of the subjects of discussion being Oliver.[38] Thawne also thought of Felicity in his search for promising young minds to help with his work as he foresaw Felicity's "great things"[39] and was an acquaintance with a younger version of Tina because of Harrison, though Tina always sensed something was different after Tess's death.[40] At some point, he was among several scientists who kept in touch with Thomas Snow after Thomas's faked death and created a secret video feed from S.T.A.R. Labs to the site that Thomas was hiding in the North Pole.[41]

Eobard severes ties with Eiling

Thawne's deal ending with Eiling.

In 2004, Thawne was approached by General Wade Eiling to work on a military project together to create soldiers with psychic abilities, presenting new opportunities financially and scientifically and Thawne agreed. While working at S.T.A.R. Labs, Thawne adopted Grodd, a pet gorilla that he kept at S.T.A.R. Labs who he became close to which Grodd later viewed Thawne as a "father." In 2009, Thawne learned that Eiling had been using Grodd as a test subject and was torturing the gorilla in the process. When he discovered this, Thawne berated Eiling in a furious argument with the general and cancelled the project, but still had "big plans" for Grodd.[42]

Harrison Wells and Hartley Rathaway playing a game of chess

Thawne playing chess with Hartley.

Sometime prior to 2011, Thawne hired Caitlin, Ronnie Raymond, and Hartley Rathaway as employees of S.T.A.R. Labs.[36] On Caitlin's first day, Thawne said "A scientist's work is never finished."[43] Thawne grew especially close to Hartley, often bonding through activities such as games of chess and the fact that Hartley was the only other person who knew how to speak Latin.[36] Thawne also hired Arthur Light, a man who developed a lethal high powered shockwave rifle. However, Thawne fired Arthur for apparent insanity around 2012.[44]

Eobard fires Hartley

Thawne firing Hartley.

In 2013, Thawne hired an earlier version of Cisco, knowing of Cisco's engineering talents based on his first interaction with Cisco's future self in 2016. Thawne started growing close with Cisco, much to Hartley's dismay, though Thawne assured Hartley that Cisco wouldn't get in the way of their friendship.[36] At one point during the particle accelerator's construction, Thawne gave S.T.A.R. Labs' team a strict deadline to work on the synchrotron, causing the team to struggle.[45] Hartley eventually realized that the particle accelerator was faulty and could explode, threatening Thawne's plans. Thawne subsequently had Hartley fired and threatened to ruin Hartley's career if anyone was ever told.[36] After Hartley's termination, Thawne grew closer to Cisco and came to view Cisco as a surrogate son.[46]

At some point before the particle accelerator's launch, Channel 52 visited S.T.A.R. Labs and Thawne spoke on how the particle accelerator's activation would revolutionize several fields of science overnight.[16]

The particle accelerator's explosion[]
Eobard hosts the accelerator event

Thawne celebrating S.T.A.R. Labs' particle accelerator's completion.

On December 11, 2013,[47] Thawne held an event at which he planned to switch on S.T.A.R. Labs' particle accelerator. He began speaking on stage, claiming that the particle accelerator would create a brighter future, bringing advancements in power and medicine, as well as physics as they knew it.[32][48][17] After opening up to questions, Thawne was asked by Marlize DeVoe if he had indeed planned for every event and outcome after the particle accelerator's activation. Thawne then realized that Clifford was also there. He told Clifford of being a big fan, subtly hinting at the man's future as one of the Flash's greatest enemies and wished Clifford luck.[16]

Eobard and Cisco try to do a handshake

Thawne and Cisco trying to do a handshake.

Back in the cortex after the press conference, Cisco alerted Thawne of an oncoming storm, but Thawne assured Cisco that it would not effect the particle accelerator's activation.[48] As Thawne was about to turn the particle accelerator on, he got the sensation that something was amiss; Thawne's suspicion was indeed rightful as a version of Barry from 2018 and another speedster had time-traveled to 2013 and had just then entered S.T.A.R. Labs. Thawne left the room and walked towards the Time Vault, with the two speedsters having just phased inside. Before he could investigate, he was stopped by Cisco and Caitlin. Thawne asked Caitlin to have Ronnie run the particle accelerator's numbers one more time and to bring the bottle of Dom Pérignon out to celebrate. After Caitlin left, Thawne told Cisco of his belief that the youth would go on to do great things, subtly hinting at Cisco's future that he once witnessed. The two then attempted a handshake before heading back to the lab.[17] The particle accelerator was then switched on. As the team celebrated, particles began to behave abnormally, such as liquids floating in the air, followed by a loud bang from the particle accelerator. Thawne sent Ronnie and Cisco down to manually shut the particle accelerator down before anything bad happened.

Eobard, Caitlin, Cisco and Ronnie try to stabilize the accelerator

Thawne, Caitlin, Cisco and Ronnie trying to stabilize the particle accelerator.

After Ronnie had vented the system to assure S.T.A.R. Labs' safety before being seemingly killed in the process, Cisco called Thawne down to the chamber. Before doing so, Thawne went into the Time Vault to see Barry struck by lightning, pleased to see that his plan worked.[48] The wave of energy from his resulting explosion also resulted in countless meta-humans and led to at least 16 people dying.[34] Additionally, Grodd was also affected by the particle accelerator and the dark matter (combined with Eiling's drugs which had been injected years earlier) activated and mutated Grodd into a hyper-intelligent gorilla and escaped the cage; Thawne allowed Grodd to roam free in the sewers, continuing to grow in intelligence and size.[5] Thawne also suspected that Cisco was affected by the dark matter, but could never confirm his suspicions as Cisco showed no signs of having powers.[1]

Eobard meets Joe

Thawne convincing Joe.

Following the particle accelerator's explosion, Thawne was brought to the hospital and was recognized by a doctor who reported that he had no feeling below his waist. As the doctors examined him, Thawne watched Barry's comatose body being taken in.[17] Thawne pretended to be paralyzed from the waist down in order to keep suspicion of his future activities away from himself and also rigged his personal wheelchair with a machine to feed him a connection via tachyons to make him faster than before and maintain his already ruptured connection to the Speed Force.[18] He also used the wheelchair to store a flash drive in which he kept his personal notes.[49]

Eobard considers killing Barry

Thawne considering killing Barry.

After Barry was put into a coma due to the lightning strike caused by the shock-wave, Barry's condition eventually went critical and Thawne convinced Joe West (Barry's foster father) to allow him to move Barry to S.T.A.R. Labs. Joe never fully trusted Thawne and knew something wasn't right, but Joe was desperate to see Barry awake and ignored those feelings. While Barry was at S.T.A.R. Labs, Thawne remarked how amusing it was to see how helpless Barry was and how easy it would've been to just kill then and there. He also remarked the irony of him now needing to ensure Barry's existence to return to his own time, and remarking how interesting it's been watching Barry grow up. However, Thawne firmly believed that Barry will die one day.[26]

Time language video log

Thawne explaining time language for a recording.

At one point, Thawne cracked the multiverse's source code and discovered the time language which allowed the user to retain knowledge of previous timelines due to an immunity to timeline changes, recording this presumably for personal usage.[49] Due to S.T.A.R. Labs' reputation being tarnished following the particle accelerator failure, Thawne ordered the branch in Starling City to be shut down and the supplies moved back to Central City. Thawne sent Caitlin and Cisco to inventory supplies where the two unexpectedly encountered Deathstroke's army.[44]

Working with the Flash[]
Eobard meets Barry

Thawne greeting Barry.

After Barry woke from the coma, Thawne was called down to the lab to talk to Barry. He took Barry around S.T.A.R. Labs, explaining what had actually happened on the night of the particle accelerator explosion and how Barry was moved before Barry left as more tests could be run. After having realized Barry had the ability to run at superhuman speed, Thawne and the team went to an airfield where the group sought to test Barry's speed. Thawne cautioned restraint, although Barry instead ran at full pelt, accidentally running into barrels of water. Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry told Thawne the story of Nora's murder and suspected belief that perhaps there were more powerful humans, perhaps like the man who murdered Nora, oblivious to the fact of talking to the very man responsible. Keeping this secret safe, Thawne told Barry of being most definitely unique.

Eobard encourages Barry

Thawne encouraging Barry to fight Clyde.

Following a later run-in with Clyde Mardon's weather manipulation, Barry returned, angry that Thawne had seemingly lied. He admitted fault, explaining that the explosion had released various forms of seemingly theoretical energy across the city, including anti-matter, dark energy, and x-elements. Barry mentioned planning to stop Clyde while Thawne attempted to stop Barry from taking the risk as Barry was incredibly important in terms of scientific advancement. Despite Thawne's claims that Barry was not a hero but only simply a boy who was struck by lightning, Barry furiously stormed out of S.T.A.R. Labs, determined to subduing Clyde.

Eobard reviews the timeline

Thawne checking the timeline.

Though seemingly for scientific reasons, Thawne's words were clearly an attempt to sway Barry away from a heroic destiny and exploit the youth's powers without worrying about an impending death by other metahumans' hands. Following Barry's departure, Thawne eventually realized the only way to make Barry faster was to allow the youth to fight the other meta-humans, to push through limits. As Barry struggled to unravel a tornado Clyde had made, Thawne intervened over the communication, apologizing, reassuring Barry that he did (in fact) believe that Barry was a hero and could right Thawne's wrongs. Barry gets encouraged by his mentor's words then managed to unravel the tornado and stop Clyde. Thawne later went into his secret room and checked up on the future and was relieved to see the future was intact.[32]

Eobard and Joe talk

Thawne convincing Joe to accept Barry's heroics.

After Barry returned to S.T.A.R. Labs from having acted like a hero, Thawne again cautioned restraint to Barry by telling his protégé to make sure to know limits. When Barry later tried to act the hero and passed out, Barry was taken to S.T.A.R. Labs and began running on a modified treadmill to which Thawne identified that Barry has an extremely fast metabolism. The group hooked Barry up to 40 IV bags before the youth finally awoke. A new diet gets discussed for Barry as Joe entered the room which surprised Thawne. He reassured Joe that the group were looking out for what was best for Barry while Joe disagreed with the way to do it, leading to an argument between Barry and Joe. After Barry returned to S.T.A.R. Labs after been beaten up by another meta-human identified as Danton Black, Barry decided against trying to take Black down despite Thawne's support and was adamant that what the group were doing was a mistake.

Eobard kills Stagg

Thawne murdering Stagg to keep Barry safe.

Following that, Thawne went to talk to Joe. After subtly trading insults with Stagg, he claimed to Joe that Barry would doubt. Thawne headed back to S.T.A.R. Labs, where Caitlin was able to grow a clone of Black from a replicating cell and called Barry in and explained this. The clone promptly awakened, presumably due to Black's prime self activating some clones and Joe shooting the clone and reassuring Barry that only a meta-human could stop meta-humans, realizing Thawne was potentially right. The group talked to Barry when the youth reached Stagg Industries and Thawne noted that his protégé had to find Multiplex's prime self. After Barry gained the upper hand and attempted to save Multiplex from falling to death to which Multiplex actually wished to die before forcibly letting go of Barry's hand and committed suicide instead, the team watched a news report of it on the TV afterwards. Barry mentioned having tried to prevent Black's death, but Thawne reflected that sometimes people break and can't be put back together. Following that, Thawne visited Stagg. He listened to Stagg's claims to exploit the Streak, seeing Stagg's greed as an obstacle to his own plans. Thawne stood up from his wheelchair and fatally stabbed Stagg, claiming that the Flash (as his protégé would come to be known as) had to be kept safe.[37]

Eobard and Cisco build the Pipeline prison

Thawne and Cisco work on building S.T.A.R. Labs' pipeline prison.

After the Darbinyan crime family were gassed to death by a presumed meta-human, S.T.A.R. Labs' team began researching what they could, all of them excited by the potential prospects. When Joe noted that of somewhere to hold a meta-human as Iron Heights was less than ideal, Cisco suggested the particle accelerator to which Cisco and Thawne went down to the particle accelerator's core chamber. Thawne had to go do some modifications while Cisco waited. The two later assisted Barry in going after a mist-controlling meta-human inside a shopping mall. Barry discovered that the man could turn into gas and inhaled some of the toxic gasses before racing back to S.T.A.R. Labs where the team painfully extracted the poisonous gas. The team was soon able to identify the makeup of the gas: hydrogen cyanide with traces of a sedative to which Barry figured that the two would be mixed in a death row execution and they identified the meta-human as Kyle Nimbus (proudly nicknamed The Mist by Cisco). Barry went to protect Joe (the next target) and the team supported this. Unable to outrun The Mist, the group suggested Barry make The Mist tired and would have to revert to physical, human form eventually; Barry succeeded and The Mist is taken back to S.T.A.R. Labs, where Nimbus was locked up in the prison.[48]

Eobard Thawne meets Felicity

Thawne meeting Felicity.

Thawne defeated Barry in a game of chess while Barry played a game of table tennis with Cisco and a game of Operation with Caitlin. Felicity visits S.T.A.R. Labs to which Thawne greeted and was more than pleased to meet Felicity, noting he's aware of all the woman's accolades and that he always keeps an eye out for such talent. When Felicity questioned about the possible dangers of what Barry does, Thawne reassured Felicity that everything was to ensure Barry's safety and that Barry's in good hands. Thawne was later furious at Cisco for building a cold gun powerful enough to overcome Barry's speed abilities and kill without any consent by Thawne, though Cisco built it prior to Barry waking from the coma and was stolen by master thief Leonard Snart. After telling Cisco that weapons don't belong in S.T.A.R. Labs, Thawne ordered Cisco to track down the cold gun and to do so immediately. After Felicity left, Thawne noted Felicity was a remarkable young woman. Thawne told Cisco to never do anything as to build such a weapon again, though he was unaware of another weapon that Cisco had built which was also stolen.[39]

Eobard manipulates Bette

Thawne manipulating Plastique into killing Eiling.

When the metahuman Bette Sans Souci seemingly begun destroying facilities around Central City, Thawne revealed his history with General Eiling after Barry revealed that Bette's being pursued. After Barry met with and convinced Bette not to kill for a grudge, Thawne and Caitlin tended to Bette at S.T.A.R. Labs. The team learned that Bette's a meta-human due to being affected by thermite and everything Bette touches explodes, thus why Bette was captured by Eiling and experimented on. Eiling personally tracked Bette, but Thawne distracted the general long enough for Barry to get Bette out of the facility. When the team later learned that Bette's condition couldn't be reversed, Thawne met with Plastique and manipulated Plastique into killing Eiling. Plastique was stopped by Barry then killed by Eiling to which Bette's body began building up to an explosion, forcing Thawne to coach Barry on running on water to drop Bette's body in the water to explode safely. Thawne was later visited at S.T.A.R. Labs by Eiling to propose an alliance again, but he refused and threatened the general's life if he's ever blackmailed again.[42]

Eobard works with Joe

Thawne working to help Joe's investigation while trying to veer suspicion away from himself.

After Barry failed to stop Tony Woodward, Thawne told Barry they'd find a way to stop Tony and told Barry to rest and heal for the time being. A day later, Thawne is visited by Joe, asking for help on Nora's murder case (as Joe didn't know that Thawne was the murderer). Joe asked if his particle accelerator was possibly involved, but Thawne reminded Joe that the murder occurred 14 years ago long before his contraption was even thought of. After a few other suggestions from Joe, Thawne told the detective that the theories were all highly unlikely. After Barry tries to stop Tony alone, Thawne was furious as the group had yet to find a way to stop Girder. Barry could just heal, but Thawne said Barry can't heal after possibly being killed. Thawne then told Barry could stop Girder if only moving fast enough as any material can be struck at a high enough velocity.

Joe apologises to Eobard

Thawne realizing Joe isn't going to stop investigating Nora's death.

The following day, Thawne had a drink with Joe. Joe subtly suggested that Thawne was involved as he arrived in Central City shortly after Nora's murder. Thawne told Joe to look up Tess before leaving. Joe later visited Thawne at S.T.A.R. Labs and apologized for accusing him of murder. Thawne then told Joe about his "past" and why he moved to Central City as there were too many painful memories to endure. Later that night as Joe was reviewing the evidence of Nora's murder, the Reverse-Flash reappeared and encircled Joe to frighten the detective while briefly allowing his suited face to be seen and stealing the evidence shortly afterward. Before leaving, the Reverse-Flash left a death threat towards Iris by pinning a photograph of Iris to the wall with a knife, and the words "stop or else" to scare Joe away.[31]

Eobard learns the timeline changed

Thawne panicking when Gideon says the future has changed.

In an entry in his personal log, Thawne noted that Barry was driven to use these powers to help people and stated that this was keeping Barry from realizing full potential. He later told Barry to "kick it up a notch" in the training. After Farooq Gibran attacked a transformer station and siphoned Barry's speed abilities, Thawne went to check on the future. He learned, to his shock and rage, that the timeline had altered; the future now told of the post office's permanent shutdown instead of the Crisis of 2024 and there was no record of the Flash. While Thawne desperately searched for a solution, Farooq attacked S.T.A.R. Labs seeking vengeance for slain friends caused in the particle accelerator explosion and caused a blackout that rendered the lab completely exposed to attack.

Eobard offers Tony freedom

Thawne offering Girder's freedom.

To stop Farooq, Thawne theorized that Barry's cells were still altered. If dark matter could directly go into Barry, this could recharge his protégé's cells. As Cisco worked on using the treadmill as a conduit to achieve this, Thawne released Tony and offered freedom in exchange for killing Blackout to buy enough time to achieve this plan though this came at the cost of Tony's life. He later had a brief argument with Barry about sacrificing Tony to stall Blackout. Thawne angrily insisted that he had merely done what was necessary, though Barry was disgusted that Thawne would so willingly sacrifice Tony's life.

Eobard attacked by Farooq

Thawne saved from Blackout by Barry.

When Blackout cornered the team, Thawne confronted Blackout and recited from memory the names of everyone who died in the particle accelerator disaster. He demanded that Blackout leave the others alone, saying that he was the only one who deserved to be punished. Blackout agreed and blasted him out of his wheelchair. He was seemingly helpless to move (though faking in reality) before Barry's speed finally returned and allowed Blackout to drain once which overloaded and killed Blackout while the resulting energy fed back on the Flash and charged up his protégé's speed further. Afterwards, Thawne made another log entry where he had stated that he had previously been mistaken and that Barry's desire to help others was the key to developing the Flash's potential, not an obstacle as he had thought. Thawne later took a blood sample from Farooq's corpse while signaling The Mist to stay quiet, saying that he was interested in finding out how the Flash's powers were drained.[34] Thawne also brought Tony's corpse to a storage room in S.T.A.R. Labs that functioned as a morgue.[50]

Eobard and Felicity

Thawne talking to Felicity about the Arrow's identity.

After Rainbow Raider robbed a bank by forcing everyone inside to become angry and attempt to murder each other, Thawne aided the team in figuring out how the man did. The group was distracted by the appearance of The Arrow of Starling City who both Thawne and Joe distrusted due to the vigilante's previous body count and the terrorist attacks committed by the Dark Archer and Deathstroke. Barry defended the Arrow by saying the vigilante was a hero and insisted the two were wrong, but Thawne and Joe told Barry to see that the Arrow was out of Central City by tonight. Thawne was already aware of the Arrow's true identity (presumably because of his future knowledge). When when the Flash suffered the effects of Rainbow Raider's powers and went crazy and tried to murder Eddie, Thawne insisted Felicity call the Arrow for help, deliberately revealing Oliver's identity to Team Flash. Preparing a device to make Barry regain proper senses by correcting emotions via the colors of the emotional spectrum, Thawne and Joe arrived just as the Flash and the Arrow fought and used the device to restore Barry's stability. After capturing Roy Bivolo, Oliver addressed Team Flash and Thawne also thanked Oliver for the help. Oliver left, felling that something was off about Thawne.[38]

Reverse-Flash confronts Barry

Reverse-Flash challenging Barry.

As a thank you for their help, Barry gave Thawne, Cisco and Caitlin a Christmas present each, but Thawne declined Barry's offer of eggnog. To motivate his protégé further, Thawne planned to attack as the Reverse-Flash. A few hours later, the Reverse-Flash stormed Mercury Labs looking for the tachyon prototype, killing the guards before he was unable to reach due to being sealed away and he stormed off. Thawne "helped" Joe and Barry track down the Reverse-Flash by building a trap as Joe and Barry secured the bait. The Reverse-Flash later spied on Barry as the youth talked to Iris. Barry then noticed him then ran after him and demanded to know why he killed Nora, but the Reverse-Flash instead challenged Barry to a fight in a stadium. The Reverse-Flash proved to be a better speedster, severely beating Barry down using several coordinated attacks. He told Barry already that the two had fought for a long time. He also told Barry it would be destiny to die at his hands as it was Nora's, leaving the young speedster very confused.

Reverse-Flash kills Eddie's taskforce

Reverse-Flash slaughtering the CCPD.

S.T.A.R. Labs later orchestrated the trap using the tachyon prototype and lured the Reverse-Flash in, aided by a taskforce led by Eddie. Unknown to anyone, he rigged a hologram of himself as the Reverse-Flash that would answer only to Wells (Thawne). Once the hologram was active, Thawne, Joe, Eddie and the taskforce went down stairs to confront the Reverse-Flash. As Thawne addressed his hologram, the force-field appeared to fail to stabilize (but actually nobody was inside), and Thawne rushed into the force-field so fast to make it look like the Reverse-Flash pulled him into the field to trap himself inside. In the force-field, Thawne created a life-like speed mirage of himself then suiting up as the Reverse-Flash in his hologram's place and repeatedly punched his after image, making it appear to everyone else that the Reverse-Flash was trying to kill him.[46] After the force-field disappeared when Joe sabotaged the machine, the Reverse-Flash grabs the tachyon device to take to his secret room then reappears in the basement, while still bouncing back and forth to maintain the speed-mirage of Wells (Thawne). The Reverse-Flash kills the CCPD in seconds without any effort, but hesitates when he approaches Eddie before shoving the detective to the side rather than killing (since this would risk his own existence) and attacks Joe.

The Reverse-Flash beats the Flash

Reverse-Flash beating the Flash.

The Reverse-Flash reminds Joe of being warned. But before he can kill Joe, the Flash intercepts and drags him outside. However, the Reverse-Flash again proved superior to the Flash. He was timely stopped by a pyrokinetic meta-human, but the Reverse-Flash vowed their fight wasn't over and ran off. Arriving back in time to take his speed mirage's place, Thawne gets tended to by Caitlin while Cisco profusely apologizes for the force-field failing. Though he assured Cisco it wasn't anyone's fault, Thawne expressed annoyance towards the two for not informing him of Ronnie's survival, but assures Caitlin that they'll find Ronnie. As his wounds healed, Thawne later places the tachyon prototype on his Reverse-Flash suit. While watching his device harness its power, he says "Merry Christmas" with his distorted voice.[12]

Thawne, Cisco, and Caitlin continue to train to improve Barry's speed using a drone to fire at. Cisco dubbed the man in yellow as the "Reverse-Flash" instead to which Thawne approved of unlike Caitlin. After Snart returned, Barry decided to pursue Snart, though Thawne warned Barry that the Reverse-Flash is a greater threat. Due to Snart's threat, Thawne and Cisco presented the CCPD with a shield that could withstand Snart's cold gun. During the Flash's battle with Snart and Mick Rory, Thawne realized the best way to let Snart's and Rory's guns cross streams is to move slower.[51]

Thawne guided the Flash to detour the Royal Flush Gang. After a suggestion from Cisco, Barry, Cisco, Caitlin and Thawne all took a group picture together. Later that night, Thawne was in his mansion to get off his wheelchair. He received a phone call then gets attacked. After Barry, Cisco and Caitlin arrive, Thawne told the three he won't require help with the case. Barry realized it couldn't have been a teenage prank and Thawne told Barry he knew who it was.

Eobard and Hartley talk

Thawne talking to Pied Piper.

Original timeline: After the Flash stopped Hartley from attacking Rathaway Industries, Hartley told the Flash of knowing of Thawne's secret. After Hartley was locked up in the meta-human prison, Thawne asked how Hartley figured out that the Flash worked with S.T.A.R. Labs and Hartley figured out through triangulation. Thawne leaves Hartley and taunted him by claiming to know his "deep, dark secret" which prompted a level of worry from Thawne. Thawne returned to his team and admitted he knew there was a chance of the particle accelerator explosion, but choose to proceed because of the reward it could offer. After Hartley escaped the prison via EMTs within hearing aids, Thawne ran out of his secret room before he collapsed to the ground due to losing his speed. Hartley approached Thawne and asked him if Hartley was still "his guy".

Eobard's speed fails

Thawne experiencing another connection failure to the Speed Force.

Thawne later decided to regain his team's trust by publicly admitting he was aware of the chance of the particle accelerator exploding. He was then asked by Mason Bridge if he had any plans in the future of turning the particle accelerator on. When Pied Piper attacked the Keystone Cleveland Dam, the Flash is quickly stopped with sound waves though Thawne transmitted waves through the cars at the damn, stopping Pied Piper. Thawne then told he wished to one day regain the trust of the team, but Barry told him he already had. Thawne later returned to the Time Vault, reporting to Gideon that his speed comes and goes. Gideon reports being unsure how longer the tachyon device is viable and Thawne told Gideon that it was only meant to be a temporary fix and the real end game was coming.[36]

Due to a timeline change caused when Barry time-traveled from different points in time, most of these events have been erased and replaced by the following.

Eobard suspicous of future Barry

Thawne realizing a Time Wraith was after Barry.

Current timeline: Pied Piper attacked Rathaway Industries and was stopped by the Flash from 2015, but the Flash's 2016 version time-traveled to intervene and incapacitate the Flash's 2015 self before switching emblems to avoid confusion which caused an interference with the team's communication devices in the process. The Flash of 2016 then proceeded to capture Pied Piper just like in the original timeline and takes the embittered protégé to S.T.A.R. Labs, confusing Thawne slightly. Hartley was subsequently locked up in the Pipeline prison before Barry had EMTs within hearing aids, causing Barry to ask Cisco to test for explosives within Hartley's hearing aids much to Thawne's shock. Barry was correct, and Hartley was ordered to take out these hearing aids with Thawne offering to replace Hartley's with non-destructive ones. Thawne was then approached by Barry to present a new equation to getting faster, surprising Thawne to see that Barry had devised such a complex equation with Barry's knowledge in such a short time. Thawne listened in subtle amazement when Barry mentioned a ghost-like creature (which Cisco dubbed a "Dementor" from the Harry Potter books) that had attacked the CCPD and seeing the creature while running to stop Hartley. Thawne realized the answers to his recent confusion: The youth hailed from the future and the so-called Dementor was a Time Wraith from the Speed Force who followed its target back. Thawne invited Barry into his quarters to discuss the speed equation. Barry's back was turned as Thawne stood up and knocked Barry out, claiming that he "figured it out".

Barry and Nora confront Eobard Thawne from the past

Thawne encountering Barry and meeting Nora.

While waiting for Barry of 2016 to wake up, Thawne was visited by another future version of Barry from 2018 with Nora West-Allen. Thawne mistook Nora's name for Dawn. He then mocked Barry on the idea of having at least one woman with Nora's name as well as questioning a transmitter device he was convinced to fix so that his master plan to get back to his time can apparently continue. The two get into an argument before Nora tells Thawne that the device was for Cicada to which Thawne laughed at the idea of Cicada being stopped. Knowing that Barry of 2016 would be waking up soon, Thawne reluctantly agreed to help while offering Nora water.

Eobard assisting Barry and Nora

Thawne mocking Barry and Nora.

In the lab, Thawne gave Nora water and questioned how Barry of 2018 would get Cicada's dagger to which Nora answered by showing him a piece of Savitar's suit. Thawne was stunned and mocked how Barry hated him with a passion, but Savitar was a way "bigger jerk" then he ever was. Thawne praised Barry's idea to use a piece of Savitar's suit to defeat Cicada, but complimented the "clever girl" after learning it was Nora's idea. After repairing the tool, Thawne bid farewell to the two speedsters and quickly ran to the Time Vault, preparing to talk to Barry of 2016. Knowing Nora was still watching him from the lab, Thawne waved at the camera before Nora left.

Eobard agrees to help future Barry

Thawne reluctantly agreeing to help Barry.

After Barry of 2018 and Nora went to 2013, Thawne interrogated Barry of 2016 to which the youth initially played dumb. Thawne sped in plain view and saw Barry didn't even flinch. Barry then attempted to phase out of the cuffs, but failed which further proved the fact that the youth hailed from the future as Thawne had yet to teach his protégé how to phase. Barry then referred to him by his real name, thus confirming Thawne's theory. Barry told Thawne of needing him to teach how to get faster. However, Thawne quickly realized that Barry being alive in the future could only mean his own plan failed and tried to kill Barry in a rage. Barry quickly claimed that Thawne did win and that he'll be successful into using Barry's speed to get back to his own time, but a singularity had formed and that's why Barry's in the past to get faster in order to stop it and needed Thawne's help. Thawne saw this as an opportunity to curb his bloodlust, but Barry claimed that there's a letter left for his protégé if something happened which detailed Thawne's plan worked and how to stop him. Thawne reluctantly listened to Barry.

Eobard gives Barry tachyon info

Thawne giving tachyon information to Barry.

At the same time, the Time Wraith found a way to S.T.A.R. Labs and attacked Cisco, Caitlin and Hartley before the three were able to fend it off just as both Thawne and Barry arrive via speed. When Cisco and Caitlin leave for solutions, Barry asked Thawne how to kill a Time Wraith to which Thawne revealed there's no known way to kill a Time Wraith hence why speedsters try to avoid these creatures. Barry searched the CCPD for any clues while Thawne searched S.T.A.R. Labs, but Cisco and Caitlin were unable to replicate the frequency Hartley used to stop the Time Wraith. As they debated how to stop the Time Wraith, Barry of the present day showed up just as Barry of 2016 returned. To shut up Barry of 2016 accidentally revealing future knowledge trying to convince the team of being from the future, Thawne played dumb and pretended that he'd just met Barry of the future, and told the team to prepare the particle accelerator, telling Barry of the future to travel through time to outrun the Time Wraith, while they build a sonic weapon to stop the Time Wraith for good when returning with Barry to 2016. Before sending Barry back, Thawne gave Barry a drive with on tachyon enhancement information, and the Flash successfully made it back to 2016 with Thawne's speed increasing information.[22][17]

After Shawna Baez broke Clay Parker out of Iron Heights, Joe deduced Clay was a meta-human to which Thawne corrected Joe by stating there was a woman's DNA matched with Clay's. The group learned the woman was Shawna. After learning Shawna's powers, Thawne told Barry to focus on learning Shawna's limits. The following day, Thawne learned from Cisco that Hartley was let out of the meta-human prison by Cisco much to his disappointment. Thawne later learned Peek-a-Boo can't teleport in dark space as Peek-a-Boo can only teleport to what Peek-a-Boo can see. When the Flash went after Peek-a-Boo, he reminded the Flash that Peek-a-Boo can't teleport if the woman couldn't see, resulting to the Flash busting out all the lights in the tunnel and Baez's imprisonment in the pipeline.[52]

Eobard talks to Caitlin

Thawne staking out with Caitlin.

After Firestorm attacked Quentin Quale, Thawne tells the team letting Ronnie roam free was no longer an option. Thawne and Caitlin decide to have a stakeout outside of Clarissa Stein's home, assuming Firestorm would be nearby to watch over Clarissa. While waiting for Firestorm, Thawne swore to Caitlin that his work won't be finished until he brings Firestorm back to normal. Shortly after, Firestorm came by and the two quickly contacted Barry who fights Firestorm until Caitlin interrupted. They learn Firestorm's two halves could be separated to which Thawne said it was possible, but only theoretically as splitting a human and an atom were different concepts.

Eobard delays his timetable

Thawne figuring how to separate Ronnie and Martin.

Thawne learned that Firestorm's form was in rejection, causing an exothermic reaction and a possible nuclear explosion. Due to the two only have hours before Firestorm's body detonates, Thawne suggested Firestorm may have to be killed. While the team were outraged of the concept, Thawne said that Firestorm would likely be committed to this sacrifice. In the Time Vault, Thawne pulled a hand gun to which Gideon pointed out as a crude weapon. Thawne then decided to make a quantum splicer using the tachyon device, though Thawne was told it would delay his timeline. Thawne told Gideon there would be no timeline if Central City gets blown up. Cisco and Thawne built the tachyon device which was given to Barry and Caitlin to use on Firestorm. After the quantum splicer was placed on Firestorm, Thawne tells the two to get away from Firestorm.[43]

Eobard confronts Eiling

Thawne learning Eiling knows the Flash's identity.

Thawne greeted Ronnie, thanking Ronnie for the sacrifice to protect everyone else and was introduced to Professor Martin Stein. Thawne then did medical work on Martin, checking if the professor still had the ability to harness nuclear energy. Thawne learned Martin's unable to and reported this to the team. When Eiling attacks Ronnie, Thawne pays a visit to the general. Thawne was asked by Eiling to surrender Firestorm and refused, but the general brought up the Flash's identity. While conversing with Martin, Thawne spiked the professor's drink. With Martin passed out, Thawne contacted Eiling and Eiling took Martin away. Thawne claimed to the team he was left helpless when Eiling came by to take Martin. Barry was determined go after Eiling, but Thawne reminded Barry what Eiling could do.

Eobard gives Eiling to Grodd

Thawne messing with Eiling before letting Grodd have fun.

In search for Martin, the team used Ronnie as the two are still connected and Thawne convinced the two to use the quantum splicer to merge again, but this time accept the balance successfully and were more stable as Firestorm. Fixing another obstacle, the Reverse-Flash later abducts Eiling from a military office to Grodd's "home" in the sewers. Unmasking himself, Thawne told Eiling that he protects meta-humans (his own kind) and unleashed Grodd both to silence Eiling as well as for vengeance for what the general did to Grodd years before.[53]

Identity revealed[]
Eobard and Cisco watch a Buster Keaton movie

Thawne and Cisco watching movies together.

Thawne and Cisco pass the time at S.T.A.R. Labs watching old Buster Keaton movies. Cisco was shocked that he had never seen this before while Thawne sarcastically remarked that it "must have been before my time" and approved Cisco's request to make a list of movies to see. Thawne also reminded Cisco of Dante Ramon's birthday party, but Cisco decided the best thing was to not go at all as things had been much better since Cisco stopped seeing Dante. Thawne was saddened to learn Cisco was still on bad terms with the Ramon family, but the two were distracted by an alert of a break in at the morgue, though Thawne gets confused as to why anyone would rob the morgue.

Eobard suspicous of Caitlin

Thawne realizing Caitlin's a distraction.

Original timeline: When Barry returns, they all find out that Mark Mardon is the killer and on a vendetta to avenge Clyde; Thawne deduced Mark was affected by the particle accelerator the same way Clyde was. Thawne was later told by Barry that his protégé saw himself while running toward the morgue. Thawne says it could've been a speed mirage or an illusion. Thawne then told he would further investigate this after Mark was taken in, though Thawne seemed to be aware that Barry saw a future version of himself. A couple days later, Caitlin took Thawne to CC Jitters for a coffee. When Caitlin insisted they enjoy their drinks at CC Jitters, Thawne reluctantly agreed and noticed Caitlin acting nervous around him. While talking, Thawne realized that Caitlin was trying to keep him distracted and away from S.T.A.R. Labs. Thawne suggested they could adjust the satellite to possibly pick up a storm to help catch Mark. Thawne told Caitlin that they should go to S.T.A.R. Labs to alert Cisco so Caitlin turned around to get the coffee in to go cups. Thawne was now sure Caitlin was distracting him so he takes off, leaving behind his wheelchair and revealing his deception to Caitlin.

Eobard kills Cisco to protect his secret

Thawne killing Cisco to protect his secret.

When Cisco had discovered the hologram of the Reverse-Flash, Thawne reveals his true identity to Cisco. Thawne revealed to Cisco that his original intent was to kill Barry as a child instead of Nora and revealed that he'd only been training Barry as a means to an end as his protégé's speed was the key to returning to his time. Thawne said nothing would stop him from returning to his home, though Cisco offered help. Thawne noted Cisco to be smart, but not smart enough to bring him back to his time. Thawne phased his arm through Cisco's chest, killing the protégé who showed him what it was like to have a son and left the building.[46] Because Barry time-traveled by accident for the first time, these events never occurred and instead are replaced by the following.

Eobard suspects Barry time traveled

Thawne suspecting Barry time traveled.

Current timeline: Barry stopped after running, confusing Thawne and Cisco and reminded Barry to get to the morgue but Barry claimed to have been there yesterday, confusing the two both. When Barry returned, they're all told that Weather Wizard was the killer and on a vendetta to avenge Clyde and Thawne deduced Mark was affected by the particle accelerator the same way Clyde was. Barry finished Thawne's sentence and correctly guessed almost every word Cisco and Caitlin were about to say to each other before the two did. Thawne realized that Barry had in fact time traveled. After learning Barry had traveled back one day, Thawne stressed the importance to his protégé of keeping history intact which meant repeating the events of the day again without and to not tell anyone or alter anything. Thawne checked in with Gideon, but is assured the future remained intact.

Eobard and Cisco talk

Thawne encouraging Cisco.

Barry, however, ignored Thawne's advice and went and captured Mark anyway before Mark could commit these crimes. Angered that Barry had altered time, Thawne reminded his protégé that whatever tragedies time had averted would somehow replaced with even worse ones. Thawne had Barry run on the treadmill in an attempt to re-create the conditions that allowed Barry to time travel in the first place, but even Barry's highest speeds couldn't achieve it. After learning that Leonard had returned with Lisa Snart and kidnapped Cisco, Thawne begun trying to track Cisco down. Barry begged Thawne to talk about the previous yesterday and Thawne reluctantly agreed. Barry states that Weather Wizard was about to destroy the city and Iris admitted to have feelings for Barry. Thawne reminded Barry the feelings were buried deep in Iris's consciousness and remained unrealized without Mark's actions, thus Barry's powers could furthermore cause serious havoc upon the world.

Reverse-Flash taunts Mason

Reverse-Flash killing Mason.

Cisco returns to S.T.A.R. Labs tearfully quitting the team in shame, having been released by the Snarts after revealing the Flash's secret identity or Dante would've been killed, however, Thawne reminded Cisco that choosing between loved ones was an impossible choice and Cisco regardless was still family and stays. The Reverse-Flash later went to a newspaper publisher and attacks Mason for writing an article implicating Wells (Thawne) to Stagg's murder and Eiling's disappearance. Learning from Bridge that everything about him was on a drive, the Reverse-Flash killed Mason. While covering his tracks, the Reverse-Flash noted that the reporter was really was onto something. He destroyed all the evidence, fixed the office and moved Mason's body. Later at S.T.A.R. Labs, Thawne consulted Barry's decision to let Leonard go. Barry was about to ask Thawne something, but halted and Thawne asked what Barry's question was. Barry simply said it was nothing wished him goodnight to which Thawne returned.[54]

Eobard questions Barry

Thawne suspicious of Barry's shift in personality.

When a terrorist known as the Trickster attacked the park by dropping bombs disguised as presents, Thawne assisted the team in searching for a means to locate this new individual identified as the Trickster. Thawne noticed Barry seemed cranky, but Joe assured him that Barry was just having a bad morning. Later when the Trickster made another broadcast, Barry showed further signs of angst towards Thawne, but he surmised it must be because of Barry's previous visit with James Jesse (the original Trickster) in prison brought back memories of Henry's incarceration. When the Trickster uploaded a broadcast informing the public of a bomb in Central City and left its rough location, the Flash failed to find it and Thawne realized it was a trick, but the Flash refused to listen to him much to everyone else's confusion. Thawne's proven right as there was no bomb and it was a diversion so Axel Walker (the new Trickster) could break Jesse out of prison and take Henry hostage.

Eobard teaches Barry to phase

Thawne coaching the Flash through phasing.

When the two Tricksters made their move to poison everyone at a fund raiser held by Mayor Bellows, Iris called Joe on the cellphone to clue in and Thawne begun working on the antidote to the poison. However, the Flash had a bomb placed on by the Tricksters which would explode if the Flash didn't run faster than 600 miles an hour or try to remove it, so Thawne taught the Flash how to phase through a truck which separated the Flash from the bomb. After succeeding in foiling the Tricksters' plot, Barry brought Henry to S.T.A.R. Labs to meet everyone where Henry thanked everyone for the efforts, especially Thawne. When Thawne remarked how remarkable Henry was and how lucky Barry was, Barry said the same about Thawne. However, Thawne knew that Barry's beginning to suspect who he really was.[23]

Eobard works with Felicity

Thawne and Felicity working together in catching Brie.

Thawne helped Barry investigate Lindsay Kang's strange death at the hands of numerous honey bees, but where interrupted when Felicity arrived with aspiring superhero Ray Palmer seeking help. After the bees took Bill Carlisle as a second victim, one of the bees followed Barry back to S.T.A.R. Labs while Barry, Felicity and Ray were out to dinner with Iris and Eddie leaving only Caitlin, Cisco and Thawne to fend off the bees. When the bee came for him, Thawne almost broke his own cover to evade it before Barry arrived in time to stop it. They shockingly discovered it wasn't a bee at all, but a robot and learned the previous victims worked at Mercury Labs and paid a visit to Tina. His "old friend" confirmed the bees were Brie Larvan's work, but the bees went after Tina while Brie herself was sheltered some miles away so Barry and Ray teamed up to stop Brie and the bees while Thawne and Felicity assisted over communications.[40]

Eobard stops Everyman

Thawne stopping Everyman from killing Caitlin and Iris.

After the Flash failed to catch up to a thief who could change into any person of any age, Thawne was worried that this meta-human could copy Barry's likeness and speed and told his protégé to stay away from the criminal which was eventually confirmed to be Hannibal Bates. Bates goes on a killing spree while posing as Eddie, infiltrated S.T.A.R. Labs while posing as Barry and came close to killing Iris and Caitlin before Thawne figured out Everyman's deception as the imposter's left-handed whereas Barry's right-handed. Thawne used a taser to force Everyman into unconsciousness. After Joe and Cisco returned from Starling City, Thawne gave his regards to Eddie and talked to Joe about the visit, but Joe questioned why he never went back. Thawne again lied and claimed it was because of Tess, but reflected that the two had one trait in common of being widowers as he mentioned Iris's mother who Joe never talked about and Thawne presumed dead as a result. Thawne offered to have another drink with Joe sometime which Joe agreed to.[30]

Reverse-Flash ambushes Eddie and Iris

Reverse-Flash ambushing Eddie and Iris.

Thawne later returned to the Time Vault to ask for an update from Gideon, but he's assured that everything was fine as he was unaware that Barry, Cisco and Caitlin were in his secret room just seconds before. He later helped Cisco and Caitlin work on a device to induce lucid dreaming which the two claimed was for physiologists dealing with people traumatized by meta-human incidents. Thawne later called and informed Barry of a fire in a building nearby. The Flash was unable to retrieve all the civilians before the fire burnt out of control to which Thawne told the Flash to rotate his own arms at high velocities which extinguished the flames. After Thawne returned from a conference, Caitlin informed him that Cisco finally figured out how the Reverse-Flash "escaped" and Thawne realized his cover was blown. Thawne sent Everyman to pose as Wells (Thawne) and spring the trap the team had set for Thawne as a means to get a confession to Nora's murder. After Joe killed Bates, Thawne finally dropped his façade and addressed the team via the intercom, admitting to using Bates as a distraction by promising freedom. As Barry and Caitlin expressed anger for ruining everyone's lives, Thawne actually claimed that his actions have actually improved his allies' lives, even admitting that he had grown to love working with the team. Barry angrily told Thawne in having a confrontation to which Thawne assured his former protégé that the two would fight again, very soon. Thawne then quickly returned to S.T.A.R. Labs to retrieve his Reverse-Flash suit from the Time Vault before leaving once again.

Eobard reveals his identity to Eddie

Thawne revealing himself to Eddie.

To secure leverage, the Reverse-Flash ambushed Eddie and Iris, just as Eddie was proposing and knocked out Eddie before moving in on Iris. Before the Reverse-Flash could kill Iris, the Flash arrived and the Reverse-Flash abducted Eddie instead,[26] taking Eddie to his secondary lair underneath S.T.A.R. Labs.[5] Upon hearing that Eddie was already aware he wasn't Wells, the Reverse-Flash decided to reveal his true identity and relation to Eddie, answering Eddie's questions as to why he didn't kill Eddie at Christmas, and referring to Eddie as his "insurance".[26]

Eobard shows Eddie a future newspaper

Thawne being condescending towards Eddie.

To distract Team Flash, Thawne ordered Grodd to be a distraction using whatever means Grodd saw fit. He constructed a device to re-power the particle accelerator while keeping Eddie tied to a chair. Eddie continued questioning his claims, but Thawne stood by his pride while considering Eddie to be the one failure in the Thawne family (which includes Eddie's father, mother, grandmother and descendants which are also Eobard's ancestors). He then showed his ancestor the newspaper from 2024 shows that Iris was destined to marry Barry. Thawne later finished his device and activated the particle accelerator.[5] Before leaving, Thawne tried to justify himself to Eddie by asking to reflect on Eddie's own life and think of all the things that define it and what would to do if having lost everything, if to simply accept this life or get back everything lost.

The Flash battles the Reverse-Flash

Reverse-Flash fighting the Flash atop S.T.A.R. Labs.

After the particle accelerator's reactivation, the Reverse-Flash escaped the facility with Barry in pursuit, but released Peek-a-Boo as a distraction for the rest of the team. Despite Barry's efforts, his former protégé was unable to keep up and the Reverse-Flash escaped. Thawne returned 36 hours later when the particle accelerator was ready for reactivation, but Barry stopped him outside. Thawne commended Barry's brave attempt to transport the meta-human prisoners to safety which had been foiled by Captain Cold, but justified his own actions as necessary and only doing what he needed to. Thawne was asked by Barry asked about his plan so he invited his former protégé inside to show, but Barry didn't fall for his deception. Thawne questioned Barry's plan to face him again since Barry failed every time before, but suddenly Firestorm and Al Sah-him arrived. Despite being outnumbered, Thawne was unfazed and confident he could fight the three and he engaged the three all at once.

The Flash, Firestorm, and The Arrow stand over a defeated Reverse-Flash

Reverse-Flash defeated by the Flash, Al Sah-him and Firestorm.

The Reverse-Flash and the Flash fought, but the Reverse-Flash managed to subdue the Flash and sent Firestorm flying miles away which forced the Flash to save Firestorm. Al Sah-him was able to hit him with an arrow laced with nanites (courtesy of the Atom) which delivered a high-frequency pulse that disabled the Reverse-Flash's speed, keeping him from running for "quite a while" and forcing him to fight Al Sah-him in hand to hand. When his speed recovered, he pinned Al Sah-him to the ground, taunting Oliver's apparent original future death at age 86 and prepared for the kill only for the Flash to save Al Sah-him. The speedsters then fought all over S.T.A.R. Labs. As both the Flash and the Reverse-Flash reached the edge of S.T.A.R. Labs' roof, Firestorm intervened and blasted the Reverse-Flash off before Al Sah-him finished him off with another arrow of nanites, emitting a high frequency pulse that disabled his speed and kept him from recovering temporarily.[18]

Ceasing to exist[]
Eobard tells Barry the truth

Thawne telling Barry of their future enmity.

Thawne was placed inside the pipeline. Sometime afterward, Barry visited him to get answers, addressing him by his real name, and asked why he killed Nora. Thawne explained their feud, the circumstances and reasoning for Nora's murder, that he needed Barry to be a speedster in order to generate enough energy from the Speed Force to create a wormhole though which he could return home, and Barry could simultaneously return to the night of Nora's murder thus undo Henry's imprisonment and Thawne's actions. Barry initially didn't believe him, but eventually opened up to his plan. Thawne enjoyed a Big Belly Burger as he explained that his plan required using the particle accelerator, explaining that Barry would have to run at Mach-2 speed through the particle accelerator and collide with a single hydrogen particle. Doing so would send Barry back to any time desired and create a wormhole behind which could be used by Thawne to return to his own time. However, Thawne neglected to tell Team Flash that doing so would result in a singularity's creation. When he gets chastised by Team Flash, he assured the group of having enough time for both to achieve their goals, 1 minute and 52 seconds, and once accomplished would be able to close the portal.

Eobard tells Cisco about his powers

Thawne discovering Cisco's metahuman status.

While building a potential time machine for Thawne, Cisco visited him for advice on materials. Cisco also asked how his Reverse-Flash ring worked. After he tells Cisco what's required, Thawne gets infuriated and confused that Cisco didn't have as much sympathy, comparing his predicament stuck in a different time to Cisco's own family estrangement. Cisco then revealed to Thawne that he killed his surrogate son in an erased timeline. Thawne apologized, not for killing Cisco and justifying that he had a good reason, but to learn that Cisco was indeed a meta-human as he'd suspected for sometime and informed Cisco what awaited his son-esque protégé. The Flash eventually prepared for the jump and ran at the speed required and Thawne tutored on how to access the time the Flash wanted and successfully time jumped to that night to prevent the Allen family from suffering Eobard's actions.

Reverse-Flash tries to kill the Flash

Prevented from returning to the future, Reverse-Flash attacks the Flash in a rage.

After the Singularity opened, Thawne admired Cisco's Time Sphere, admitting that its original creator would be impressed. After a strange helmet arrived, Thawne knew this it was time to leave and bid farewell to Cisco and Joe. As he's to take off, the Flash returns and destroys Thawne's pod. Enraged, he asked why the Flash didn't save Nora and would have had "everything [Barry] ever wanted", but the Flash simply told him of already having it. The Reverse-Flash spitefully charged at the Flash and the two speedsters fought. As Team Flash worked to close the portal, the Reverse-Flash beat the Flash into submission and prepared to kill the Flash. The Reverse-Flash vowed to kill everyone of his former protégé's loved ones, including Henry, and declared his victory as he dived in for the kill, but Eddie shot himself in the heart which caused the Reverse-Flash's body to flux uncontrollably as his existence began to fade. As Eddie's heart failed, Thawne started fading out of existence as his face reverted from Wells's likeness back into his original form since Eddie's death just erased the Thawne family after Eddie and before Eobard.

Eobard Thawne being erased from existence

Eobard ceasing to exist.

After Eddie's suicide from the self-inflicted injury, Eobard's body begun to crack apart as he arrogantly joked that he had controlled Barry's life for so long and asked how to get along without him, right before his body was incinerated and his existence erased from the timeline. However, his actions remained intact and his future power source reopened the previous wormhole which engulfed Eddie's body,[1] caused Ronnie's death when Firestorm helped the Flash to close the singularity,[28] and later served as a doorway to Earth-2.[55]

Video will[]
Eobard's confesses to Nora's murder

Thawne's video will.

In the event of his demise and his plan to return to his own time were to fail, Thawne made a video confession to Nora's murder for Henry's freedom. Thawne initially stood his ground in saying that Barry will never truly be happy and believed he himself was never really the enemy, but the real enemy was in fact Barry. Thawne then confesses to Nora's murder, much to his former protégé's and Caitlin's shock and delight.[28]


Traveling to Earth-X[]
The Reverse-Flash as a General of SS

Reverse-Flash as a general of SS.

Thawne was able to preserve himself in the timeline by returning to life once again using the Negative Speed Force,[14] and retained his memories from his years with Wells's likeness.[56][19] He traveled to Earth-X and encountered the New Reich, meeting der Führer/Dark Arrow, along with the Schutzstaffel generals Overgirl and Prometheus, and joined the elite SS forces. While the Führer's agenda was related to Overgirl's overwhelming sun radiation poisoning resulting in an incurable health condition, Thawne wished to use the New Reich to conquer Earth-1 and remake the world by his own rule.[56] He also modified his Reverse-Flash suit to add a complex mask and the SS double lightning runic symbol, and was one of the high-ranked SS generals by leading the research regarding invasions of other universes as well as being the designer of the Wellenreiter.[57][19]

Earth-X invasion[]
Eobard talking to Dark Arrow and Overgirl

Thawne berating Overgirl and the Führer.

In late 2017, the Führer captured dimensional transporter technology from rebels led by a vigilante, and the New Reich made plans to invade and take over Earth-1. The Reverse-Flash later reunited with Dark Arrow and Overgirl without Prometheus after attacking Barry's and Iris's wedding, calling out the couple's strike as foolish as his co-conspirators hadn't been fully prepared yet. The Führer said that there was an opportunity to be seized to which Thawne said the opportunity had cost Prometheus being captured. Overgirl quickly stepped in to stop the arguing between the two and to save it for their enemies.[57]

Eobard taunting Barry

Thawne taunting the Flash.

After Prometheus's suicide, the New Reich's three generals ventured back to Earth-1, managing to steal a device needed to give the Wellenreiter a "doomsday device" capability similar to a neutron bomb. Confronted by Supergirl, Green Arrow and the Flash, the SS generals revealed their identities, with Thawne especially taunting the Flash in still using Wells's likeness "for old times sake" and in how he was still alive despite his initial erasure from existence. The SS generals have a fight with the superheroes and escaped with the device, allowing Thawne to work closer on the Wellenreiter. As he worked, Thawne was once again approached by Overgirl and he asked to make sure that the Führer remembers the mission of conquering Earth-1, instead of only focusing on Overgirl's survival. Thawne brought how everything fell apart for the original Führer, to which Overgirl replied that their leader is ten times what the original leader of Earth-X was and wouldn't allow passions to cloud a sense of duty. Thawne would later assist the Schutzstaffel troops in capturing the Earth-1 superheroes, Alex Danvers and Supergirl.[56]

Eobard Thawne in his Harrison Wells wheelchair once again

Thawne reminiscing about his old façade.

Thawne was put in charge of managing Overgirl's heart transplant operation at S.T.A.R. Labs, intending to weaken Kara with a simulated red sun, cut out Kara's heart and transplant to Overgirl's body. Reveling at his old workplace by taking a drive in his wheelchair once again, Thawne mentioned how he hated this life for 15 years and wished to escape. He was toying with Kara while ready to begin the operation before the electricity was cut off by Felicity and Iris, stopping the New Reich's plans even as the Wellenreiter entered Earth-1. Capturing Felicity, Thawne threatened to kill Felicity if the code needed to remove the computer virus wasn't revealed which the hacker eventually did after Kara pleaded.[19]

Eobard fights the Flash

Reverse-Flash fighting the Flash once again.

Nevertheless, the pause allowed the Legends to reach S.T.A.R. Labs in time with the Atom shrinking to microscopic level to force Thawne's scalpel away from Kara before enlarging and blasting the SS generals away (including Thawne). Informing the Führer that Overgirl could no longer be held safe in S.T.A.R. Labs, Thawne was ordered by the two to rejoin the New Reich's forces on the Wellenreiter, despite his protests. During the chaos of escaping, Thawne encounters Harry. Thawne intended to vibrate his hand through Harry's chest, but Harry's body was filled with nano-robots that reject any speedster contact to which Thawne chose to flee.[58] The Reverse-Flash would assist the New Reich's assault on Central City, primarily tasked with fighting the Flash. The two speedsters have a long fight while the two SS generals fought Green Arrow and Supergirl. Ultimately, Thawne was overwhelmed by the Flash trying to perform the Reverse-Flash's own vibrating hand trick on him. Thawne screamed at the Flash and urged his nemesis to finish him; either out of genuine desire to fall at the Flash's hand or as part of some reverse-psychology scheme. One way or another, the Flash refused to kill and said to him to just get away from the battlefield. Thawne agreed and taunted the Flash by wondering what face he'd wear the next time they'd meet. Thawne grinned smugly as he raced away, abandoning his interdimensional allies to eventually die.[24]

Imprisonment in Iron Heights[]
Eobard in his prison cell

Thawne imprisoned in Iron Heights.

At some point afterwards,[59] Thawne traveled to the future for unknown reasons and somehow ended up as a prisoner at Iron Heights' meta-human wing, circa 2034; it's implied that the CCPD was responsible for his imprisonment.[60] He was forced to wear a jumpsuit containing Cicada's lightning dagger that would negate his powers along with the power dampeners in his cell.[61] Despite keeping Wells's face and voice, Thawne's hair partially reverted to its natural color and showed his natural age due to the dagger negating his powers.[14] His guard Trevor Shinick would come in from time to time to inflict a painful shock to Thawne, saying it was "time to repent". Thawne would spend the next 15 years imprisoned in Iron Heights with an apparently customized set-up similar to the Time Vault until he was scheduled for execution in 2049 with a clock counting down to his execution installed and only had one visitor during his imprisonment.[60] Thawne knew that Cicada was the one villain the Flash wasn't able to stop, which was why Cicada's dagger was never destroyed, thus he wanted to use that information to his advantage. Thawne remembered the encounter he had with Barry in 2015 when Nora pointed out Cicada was involved, giving him the idea to earn Nora's trust and use as a tool to manipulate the timeline so he patiently bided his time until when Nora approached him.[14]

Eobard talking to Nora for the first time

Thawne talking to Nora for the "first time".

In 2049, Thawne was visited by Nora with days to go before his execution. Now that his plan was finally able to come into motion, he convinced Nora that he wasn't a threat by listing off the ways his cell was speedster-proof with a backup in case of failure. He was bemused when all the CSI wanted to know about was about a robbery from a chemical lab. Thawne rebuffed Nora's questions about how to stop a speedster, but quickly deduced that Nora was a speedster with physical clues. As Nora begged him to help, Nora got led out of the cell while Shinick came in. Thawne knelt and Trevor delivered a painful shock complete with red lightning as Nora watched this with horror.

Nora says to Eobard help her

Thawne seeing Nora asking his help.

After the death of Nora's best friend, Thawne was begged by Nora on how to defeat speedsters while Thawne did not want to. Nora pleaded and eventually Thawne gave in. He guided Nora via comms from his cell about an essential ingredient needed to keep Velocity 9 stable. Knowing Nora could not outrun the Velocity-enhanced speedster, Thawne gave Nora the same speech he gave Barry on how to phase. Nora (unlike Barry) couldn't try to phase so Thawne suggested that Nora use electromagnetic pulses from a television station's satellite dishes and his plan worked.

Eobard teaching Nora

Thawne teaching Nora.

Thawne enjoyed a Big Belly Burger while Nora visited and claimed to learn a lot from him. Thawne quietly admitted that he couldn't teach Nora due to his time running out as he noted the clock in his cell, which read a little over an hour left. Nora realized that the clock was actually a countdown to his execution and the Big Belly Burger was his last meal. Thawne asked what Nora knew of the Flash, and guided the young speedster to the Time Vault inside the Flash Museum where Nora discovered from Gideon that Barry was the Flash and uncovered Barry's final video message to Nora that was recorded during the Crisis of 2024.[60]

Cicada (David Hersch)

Thawne had Nora destroy the Thinker's satellite to change Cicada's identity and fate.

While keeping the truth about tormenting and harassing Nora's various family members, Thawne mentored further Nora.[9] He urged Nora to travel back in time to secretly various things before the Thinker's Enlightenment in order to assist in destroying S.T.A.R. Labs' satellite, resulting in Orlin Dwyer as an easier-to-stop version of Cicada.[62] He kept in contact while Nora was in the present through a journal with Nora sending information to Thawne's cell via Gideon's limited time travel capabilities in regards to information, using the "time text" to remain consistent through timeline changes.[17]

Eobard talking to Nora in Iron Heights

Thawne talking to Nora.

After Nora returned from a joint mission with Barry where an earlier version of himself combined a piece of Savitar's suit with a siphon device used on Zoom to ultimately disable Cicada's dagger, Nora sent the latest journal entry to Thawne's cell. Thawne read Nora's entry as the young speedster had arrived in person to confront him about his past actions. He exited Nora's entry and agreed the two needed to talk.[17] He commented on how Nora had been gone for a long time. Nora was infuriated with how heartless he was as the murderer of Nora's namesake. Thawne expressed remorse for his actions and also told Nora that his actions indirectly served the greater good, changing the destinies of Barry and Nora. He also offered to help Nora in order to pay for his crimes and repair his tarnished legacy, but Nora simply stated that he only cared about himself and bid him farewell before running off. Nora later reappeared again, telling Thawne of wanting to believe there's good within Thawne and wants his help. Thawne agreed to help Nora, after which he looks at the countdown, reminding the two that he has little time left.[9]

Eobard talking to Nora in regards to Sherloque

Thawne telling Nora how to manipulate Sherloque.

Nora later returns to inform Thawne that Harrison Sherloque Wells suspected Nora's working with someone. Thawne assured Nora that Sherloque had yet to discern the mystery partner's identity, otherwise Barry would travel to 2049 and threaten to phase a hand through Thawne's heart. Nora was more scared of being hated by Barry if the truth came out so Thawne suggested to distract Sherloque by helping the detective fall in love.[25] After Nora reset the timeline 52 times to stop Dwyer from killing Team Flash's members, Thawne was visited by Nora to ask if he was certain that the two weren't making things worse. Thawne angrily insisted that he was the only speedster who knew best. He calmed himself and encouraged Nora to stick to their plan, promising to see Dwyer defeated, Cicada's dagger destroyed and apparently save Barry.[63]

Eobard says to Nora tell her dad

Thawne telling Nora to reveal everything.

When Nora visited once again to inform Thawne that the Meta-human cure was finished and ready to use on Dwyer in turn, he informed Nora of a newspaper article depicting the last public confrontation between the Flash and Cicada was slowly changing, hinting that something or someone was going to set into motion a new timeline.[64] Thawne's 'fears' were soon proven true as Nora returned to inform him that Team Flash successfully cured Dwyer, but another equivalent of Cicada showed up and took both Dwyer and the dagger. Thawne stated he already knew as evidenced by the newspaper article was now unchanged. He sadly admitted that there was nothing he could do to help and strongly advised Nora to tell the truth to Barry.[49]

Barry confronts Eobard Thawne in 2049

Thawne confronted by Barry.

After his secret acquittance with Nora was revealed to Team Flash, Thawne was visited by Barry viciously demanding to know why Thawne tried to 'steal' Nora. Thawne smirked at Barry's emotional outburst, claiming that it was why he had Nora keep that secret from Barry. He told Barry that all Nora truly wanted was to see Barry and he carried it out as a "final request for a condemned man". Thawne gets bitterly told by Barry that he was finally going to get what he deserved and sped away as the clock counting down to his execution ticked down to ten minutes.[60]

Eobard saying Nora why she cannot use the Negative Speed Force

Thawne explaining the Negative Speed Force to XS.

Since Barry left Nora in 2049, Nora met up with Thawne and asked him how he managed to go back in the past without any speedster feeling any disturbance in the Speed Force. He replied that he created the Negative Speed Force, but with various negative effects. Thawne tried to guide XS to run into the Negative Speed Force, but XS failed to enter. Nora returned and tried to figure out with Thawne what went wrong when Iris suddenly appears and asked Nora to step away from Thawne. He replied that Nora should listen to Iris. Nora got mad for Barry not being present and believing in abandonment before running off into the Negative Speed Force, much to Thawne's and Iris's shock. Thawne then told Iris that Nora's back in 2019 and offered advice: Nora needs both parents united instead of fighting. Iris angrily told Thawne to leave Nora alone, but Thawne simply noted that he liked Iris's anger before Ralph Dibny informed Iris that Shinick had been found knocked out and that the two need to leave. Ralph quickly contemplated Thawne's jumpsuit before following Iris.[10]

Eobard in his execution.

Thawne at his execution.

After the timer ran out, Thawne gets taunted with Shinick contemplating the 15 years he spent imprisoned and asked him how it felt to know he would finally be extinct. Thawne unflinchingly replied that "time would tell". Shinick noted missing Thawne, particularly the "rehabilitation sessions". After one last "repent", Shinick commented on the irony of the situation; the very same thing behind Thawne's powers was going to kill him. More guards entered with a special chamber, designed to keep Thawne in touch during the execution. Thawne got placed inside the chamber as Shinick took his chest plate away, revealing Cicada's dagger inside.[61]

Eobard Powers Back

Thawne finally getting his powers back.

As the execution was about to start, Thawne was given a necklace with the Reverse-Flash ring attached which Shinick obtained from the Flash Museum, believing that the object should get buried along with him as a "parting gift". Right before Shinick pulled a lever to start the execution, Thawne noticed Cicada's dagger beginning to disappear and realized that his plan worked and Team Flash succeeded in destroying Cicada's dagger in 2019. Shinick pulled the lever and lethal lightning strikes began rushing to Thawne. But due to the negating object finally being destroyed, Thawne connected to the Negative Speed Force once again after 15 years and his powers returned. Thawne entered Flashtime just as the lightning was about to strike and kill him so he began vibrating his body at super speed, making the lightning pass right through him and destroy the chamber. He noted how he got his powers "just in time" while regenerating Wells's likeness.

Eobard's Reverse

Thawne getting revenge on Shinick.

As Thawne broke free, all the guards in the room pointed their guns at him and he remained unfazed, simply declaring that the guards would die. In a split second, Thawne raced around the room and killed every guard save for Shinick who watched on in horror. As Shinick desperately told him of being able to help him, he merely said that it was "time to repent" (exactly what Shinick used to say) and used lightning to torture Shinick similar to how he had been tormented while imprisoned. Thawne then said to consider what he was about to do as a "parting gift" (like what Shinick said before his execution) before phasing his arm through Shinick's chest, killing his sadistic tormentor.

Eobard about to put suit

Thawne attempting to put on his Reverse-Flash suit.

Thawne then removed the necklace, put on his Reverse-Flash ring and began to extract his Reverse-Flash suit, however, time suddenly started to reverse to the moment he got out of the chamber before he killed the guards. As he was in the middle of his sentence, Thawne heard the Flash and XS saving Shinick and the guards from him which altered the timeline. Realizing that time had been reversed, Thawne turned around and greeted the two heroes while also being impressed that XS figured out how to reverse time, once again complimenting the "clever girl".

Eobard talking to Flash and XS

Thawne talking to the Flash and XS.

XS claimed that Team Flash fully figured out his plan, but Thawne wanted to hear what exactly was figured out. The Flash revealed in detail to which Thawne confirmed and also gleefully stated how the two speedsters helped him come up with the plan when having traveled to 2015 to deal with Cicada. Thawne then arrogantly declared that he always won due to being the only speedster who was able to manipulate the timeline to fulfill his desires. Furious at Thawne's actions, XS said that the two speedsters didn't have to have Cicada's dagger to stop him. Thawne was unfazed by the threat and accepted the challenge, wanting to see how much his nemesis taught about being a speedster. He then put on his Reverse-Flash suit and sped off as the Flash and XS pursued him relentlessly.

The Flash & XS vs

Reverse-Flash vs. the Flash and XS.

During the chase, the Reverse-Flash somehow split himself into two and made one go to a different direction than another in order to separate the Flash and XS from each other (by making the two speedsters chase after a different version of himself) which also allowed him to manipulate where his enemies run. Using that to his advantage, the Reverse-Flash made it so that the two versions of himself will run towards each other on the side of a building, but dodge each other. During the dodge, one version hit the Flash and the other hit XS which caused the two to lose momentum. Due to his actions happening while running on a side of a building, the two fell to the ground.

Eobard's hit

Reverse-Flash getting hit by a Time Sphere.

The Reverse-Flash then connected his splintered versions back into one and pointed out that his nemesis was not a good teacher like him. The Reverse-Flash tells XS that the Flash will always vanish due to the Crisis of 2024 before declaring that that's his nemesis's legacy. He began running towards the two before a Time Sphere suddenly came and hit him which made him fall to the ground. The Reverse-Flash turned around and noticed Team Flash standing in front of him, getting ready to take him down.

Reverse-Flash Team reunite

Reverse-Flash talking to Team Flash.

The Reverse-Flash was unfazed and felt nostalgic over the team he created years ago being together again. He then preceded to talk about each member. He first noticed Elongated Man who he welcomed as the "new guy", but pointed out he's supposed to be dead (due to the particle accelerator explosion in 2013 and survived due to timeline changes). Elongated Man simply said that it's something the two both have in common which made the Reverse-Flash chuckle and declare that Elongated Man will soon die anyway. He then mentioned how it's always a pleasure to see Iris and greeted Killer Frost whose eyes turn white in anger as he simply smiled. At last, he talked to Vibe and mentioned how happy he was to see after so long. The Reverse-Flash also sarcastically apologized for phasing his arm through in an erased timeline from 2015, but pointed out it led to his son-esque protégé's discovery of powers to be extraordinary to which Vibe said not needing powers to be extraordinary.

Reverse-Flash is a looser

Reverse-Flash fighting Team Flash.

The Reverse-Flash psychotically smiled before rushing towards the team to kill. Vibe quickly opened a portal which the Reverse-Flash accidentally ran into and opened it back behind the team. As the Reverse-Flash got out of it, Killer Frost attacked him with a cold blast which stopped him from running. As he tried to fight the blast, Iris shot him from the side right into another portal. Vibe then opened the portal in the air, making the Reverse-Flash fall right into Elongated Man's large hand which punched the speedster far into the air. Vibe then opened another portal which the Flash and XS ran into while the Reverse-Flash fell on the ground. When he got up, he got punched by the two speedsters that gathered enough speed inside the portal in order to perform a super-sonic punch.

Nora about to kill Eobard

Thawne almost killed by XS.

The Reverse-Flash struggled from the hard beating he got before XS grabbed him from the neck, removed his mask and told him that his legacy was the one which was gonna disappear and not the Flash's. His former protégé reconnected to the Negative Speed Force and was about to phase a hand through his heart to kill him to which the Flash and Iris shouted trying to stop, but suddenly Nora's hands began to shutter as Thawne mentioned how close it was.

Eobard tormenting

Thawne tormenting the Flash.

As Nora wasn't understanding what was happening, Thawne explained that there's a new timeline, created when the team destroyed Cicada's dagger, trying to take over which makes Nora slowly disappear from existence. He quickly apologized for being responsible for Nora's erasure from existence, but said that he had to make sure he gets his freedom. Angry about Thawne for only caring about himself and the fact Nora was fading because of him, the Flash rushed to him and held Thawne by the neck. Thawne then explained that the Flash can still save Nora by getting Nora into the Negative Speed Force which was the only place in the multiverse he believed that's immune to timeline changes.

Eobard at Iris

Thawne before running away.

Noticing that the Flash hesitates, Thawne tried to convince this at all cost and mentioned that Nora will be lost forever if the Flash doesn't decide. Noticing how surprised his nemesis was, Thawne explained that he had grown fond of Nora too and that he truly considered Nora like a daughter, which made the Flash angrier. Knowing that he'll be let go in order to save Nora, Thawne says that he'll see his nemesis in their next "crisis". The Flash and Nora ran away as expected and Thawne smiled as Iris looked at him with Thawne then proceeding to flee the scene.[14]

Timeline changes and Crisis of 2019[]
Change in the timeline

Thawne's timeline changes

Thawne later somehow learned Nora was never saved and erased from existence.[65] Although he had promised to meet his nemesis in "their" next crisis, he could've been referring to an entirely different one that had yet to happen; it's possible that he presumably still remembers the original version from his perspective. While Thawne was still present in the version of the Crisis that happened in his personal timeline set in 2024 before the two speedsters' fight in the Allen residence, the timeline changes caused the date to be moved from 2024 to 2019 as well as Eobard's younger self instead fighting against the Flash, Green Arrow, White Canary, Supergirl, Batwoman and numerous other "legendary heroes" before disappearing with the Flash.[14] However, this too was altered and Thawne was completely absent from the alternate version of the Crisis.[66]

Antimatter wall destroys Earth-1

Antimatter wall destroys Earth-1.

It's unknown what Thawne was doing or where he was in the time before the Crisis, but he presumably was at a point in time prior to the Crisis, as time travel beyond the Crisis was impossible once the new timeline was set.[67] On December 10, 2019, when an antimatter wave hit Earth-1 and the multiverse was destroyed,[66] his body was also obliterated, reducing his existence to nothing more than negative tachyons, though his consciousness was preserved within the Negative Speed Force.[65] When the Spectre and the Paragons reset the multiverse, he was restored along with his memories of the original multiverse due to his knowledge of the time language yet some details of his past (including his war with the Flash) were altered on Earth-Prime in the new multiverse.[68]

New multiverse[]

Early encounters with the Flash[]

"Almost two centuries from right now, we meet for the very first time. For my part, I'd finally discovered ways to possess speeds. Speeds faster than anyone alive. And just as I was about to present myself to the world... You showed up in pursuit of some stupid case, dazzled the crowd. Ah, you were dazzling. And then... and then you saved the crowd. A crowd that I was meant to save. A crowd that was meant to thank me. You stole my greatest moment. I admired you. And you humiliated me. And it was in that moment that I knew that I had to get faster than you."
—Eobard Thawne to Barry Allen[src]

As a young man,[6] in the distant future, scientist Eobard Thawne greatly admired the twenty-first century hero known as the Flash, searching for ways to gain similar speeds.[8] At some point in 2170,[69] Eobard successfully built a machine to power himself with the Speed Force and additionally obtained power from the Negative Speed Force.[70][71][6] As a speedster and the fastest man alive in his time period, he was about to present himself to the world in front of a crowd before the Flash appeared while pursuing a case and dazzled as well as saved the crowd instead of Eobard. In this moment, Eobard gained a lifelong hatred and made it his life's work to be faster and destroy the Flash's life,[8][69] as an archenemy.[72] He obtained or created a suit which he utilized during his criminal activities.[73] As the Reverse-Flash, he battled his nemesis for years, each of them giving their all in a constant war where neither of them were able to defeat the other. It seemed that all these enemies would do, was cause each other pain.[69]

Showdown in 2000[]

Barry and Thawne at O'Shaughnessy's

Eobard and Barry talk with drinks.

Eobard's actions in the 21st century seem to remain mostly the same: he learned his nemesis's identity and traveled back in time to 2000 in hopes of killing a young version of Barry in order to erase his nemesis from existence. At the same time, an older version of Barry from 2023 was also mysteriously brought to the same time period, with Eobard believing that it was some kind of cosmic gift and an opportunity to enjoy before wiping his nemesis from existence. Eobard used his powers to push Barry into traffic which prompted Henry and Nora to help, creating a meeting that Barry was trying to avoid as another way to torment for Eobard.

Eobard would eventually meet with Barry, confessing that he wasn't responsible for bringing Barry to 2000. The two enemies talked at a bar while Eobard gloated about how he already won as the only way for Barry to stop him from killing Barry's younger version was either going against a moral code or cause some serious damage to the timeline. Barry would then leave while Eobard continued to drink. Later that night, the Reverse-Flash traveled to the Allen house in hopes of fulfilling his plan, but was stopped by the Flash. The Reverse-Flash was amused by the fact that the Flash would put the timeline in danger to stop his plan, but was surprised when his nemesis claimed to actually be there to save him.

Flash and Reverse-Flash fight in the year 2000

Reverse-Flash fighting the Flash at the Allen residence.

The Flash made him reminisce about the way they became enemies and said that this was his opportunity to walk away, putting an end to the war between the two speedsters to which the Reverse-Flash saw this as a pitiful attempt of stopping him from finally winning. Enraged, the Reverse-Flash told the Flash that his nemesis was gonna die by his hand tonight before running into the Allen house with the Flash following him. The two speedsters fought inside the Allen house around Nora, creating a vortex while the two landed solid hits on each other. The 11-year-old Barry entered the room to which the Flash intervened and transported the younger Barry to safety 20 blocks away much to the Reverse-Flash's anger. In a desperate attempt to succeed, the Reverse-Flash killed Nora in hopes of creating a tragedy that would prevent the achievement of his nemesis's destiny.

Thawne screams after being trapped in the year 2000

Eobard left stranded.

While running away after murdering Nora, the Reverse-Flash's connection to the Speed Force and the ability to travel back to his own time was disabled. Eobard was then visited by the Flash and realized that Nora's murder was a fixed point in time and that he was tricked into trapping himself in a time period where he would watch his nemesis grow up to become the person he despised so much. This revelation made Eobard's hatred for the Flash grow, claiming that he would dedicate his life into finding new ways to kill his nemesis. The Flash was then forcibly transported away, leaving Eobard stranded in the 21st century while he screamed in anguish.[74][75][69]

Life as Harrison Wells[]

First Team Flash photo (Earth-Prime)

A photo of the original Team Flash.

Thawne would later kill his identity-theft victim and use superspeed to bury his victim, retaining some of his speed.[76] As Wells, he created S.T.A.R. Labs' Time Vault as well as the particle accelerator to explode in 2013 in an attempt to ultimately allow him to return to his own time.[74][65] As S.T.A.R. Labs' head, Thawne was known to be strict about deadlines.[77] For months, he patiently trained Barry, such as learning to throw lightning, and everything needed to be as a hero.[78][79][73] Girder and Everyman remained alive which means events happened differently and his manipulations did not lead to the two's deaths, and Pied Piper never reformed although a major battle still happened (albeit with a group of henchmen which included Roderick Smith).[74][71][78] Eddie still committed suicide in 2015 which erased Thawne from existence for the time being and also resulted in the singularity.[74][8] Thawne made the inheritor of his properties in his will to be Barry, including a hall in which he left the creature Gleek.[68] Additionally, a Nazi invasion to place in 2017 which was said to have been time-traveling clones which Thawne was apparently involved with.[74]

Spectral state and failed possession[]

Thawne's glowing eyes appear to Nash

Thawne as negative tachyons.

Months after the Crisis of 2019, Thawne's negative tachyons were assimilated into Harrison Nash Wells.[65] He was restrained by the doppelgängers of Wells, such as Harry and H.R., deep in Nash's subconscious who tried to get Nash to seek additional help.[80][81]

Eobard Thawne (Harrison Nash Wells)

Thawne in Nash's body.

Unfortunately, Thawne managed to escape and take over Nash's body. He attempted to murder Cisco, but found he no longer had access to his powers. After getting incapacitated by Cecile Horton, Thawne was locked up in the pipeline. Thawne was interrogated by Barry, impulsively wanting to kill Barry as well as every loved one. He also taunted Barry over the Speed Force's death and the fact he still had the Negative Speed Force to power him.[70]

Negative tachyons

Thawne expelled as negative tachyons.

After spending hours at the pipeline, Thawne impersonated his host by tricking Team Flash into activating Nash's gauntlet to generate a pulse of energy that somehow allowed Thawne to escape. He tried to use a Time Sphere to travel through time, but was interrupted by Barry. Thawne tempted Barry to kill him, knowing that the action would consume most of his nemesis's remaining speed. Barry was willing to kill Thawne, but was interrupted when Cisco used a tranquilizer on Thawne. While his host was retrained in the speed lab, Thawne attempted to possess Nash's body indefinitely (and potentially utilize the collected knowledge of the doppelgängers of Wells) by trapping Nash in a guilty, painful memory. He experienced some progress as his speed was gradually returning in his host's body before being incapacitated by Cisco and Cecile. When Barry and Cisco arrived in Nash's mind via Cecile utilizing the cerebral inhibitor, Thawne confronted Barry while Cisco helped Nash. Thawne's hatred was eventually over came once Nash dealt with a daughter-esque protégé's demise. Thawne was then expelled from Nash's body, having to survive in the form of negative tachyons.[65]

Godspeed war[]

Barry and Eobard team up to fight Godspeed

Reverse-Flash and the Flash prepare to fight Godspeed.

Due to the emergency situation the Godspeed war was causing, Thawne's physical body was reconstituted when the Speed Force connected to the Negative Speed Force as per Barry's and Iris's plan. He was used as a trump card in order to stop August Heart/Godspeed as his speed couldn't be siphoned because of his connection to the Negative Speed Force. He ran directly into Godspeed, saving the Flash and projecting Godspeed few blocks away. Thawne then greeted the Flash. The Reverse-Flash teamed up with the Flash against Godspeed. All three speedsters fight with lightning swords which eventually came to a point where the two speedsters were able to whittle down Godspeed's focus. Godspeed knocked down the Flash with a surprise sonic boom and Heart was distracted to which Thawne used his lightning sword to impale Heart.

Reverse-Flash stabs Godspeed

Thawne impaling August.

Thawne merely walked away while Barry fearfully rushed to check Heart's vitals to find Heart was merely unconscious. Barry scolded Thawne, claiming that he could've killed Heart to which Thawne reasoned that Barry, Iris and the Speed Force should've been prepared for that possibility. Thawne was now eager to have a showdown with Barry again, but Barry warned him to walk away. Thawne defiantly tried to punch Barry at superspeed, only to find himself thrown as Barry tapped into Flashtime. Thawne was surprised that Barry was now faster than him and that the two were no longer equals. Thawne angrily asked how Barry got faster - he mentored his own nemesis and taught everything he knew. Barry only responded of having gotten faster and was mildly amused while Thawne sadly admitted he hadn't gotten faster. Though pained by this revelation, Thawne determinedly told his nemesis to mark his words that he would return once he found out how to get faster before speeding off.[73]


Team Flash in Reverse-Flashpoint timeline

Thawne's major timeline changes had himself as the Flash.

While it was clear that he was no longer fast enough, he utilized a new Reverse-Flash suit while being the avatar of the Negative Still Force which was neither Deon Owens nor the Speed Force were able to notice. He first pushed Joe in front a moving train which had negative psychological effects on Cecile. He then framed Barry for being associated with Black Hole so Barry was fired as a CSI by Kristen Kramer, and caused a radiation leak at S.T.A.R. Labs in order to cripple Team Flash's resources. He next temporary wore his nemesis's face to make look as though "The Flash" attacked innocent civilians, fooling a media program. He traveled back in time and finally killed 11-year-old Barry. Thawne's actions ultimately created the Reverse Flashpoint timeline where he made himself the Flash, Central City's superhero and Team Flash's leader who Iris ultimately fell in love with as of 2031.[82][83][75]

Future Team Flash at Eobard and Iris' ceremony

Thawne and Team Flash see Barry.

At a special get-together, Thawne gives a speech that included revealing he's engaged to Iris to Team Flash and friends looking just as Barry arrived after having gone almost insane from Thawne's gaslighting and travelled to 2031 with Deon's help to investigate.[84] Both speedsters then suit up to have an epic battle, revealing Barry as the Reverse-Flash and Thawne The Flash. Ryan Choi uses a "shrink ray" to shrink Thawne which saved him from Barry, but Barry still managed to knock the Thawne out. Barry brought Iris outside to try and convince before Thawne followed and confronted Barry. Thawne revealed that he was behind all of the recent actions in 2021 and that Barry was being erased from existence as this timeline will solidify at midnight, spitefully attacking with lightning at Barry. Thawne then led Team Flash involving various methods to track the Reverse-Flash.

Thawne chases Barry

The Flash chasing Reverse-Flash which resulted in Armageddon.

Sometime later, Thawne interrupted as Barry tried to convince Iris of the truth at his apartment. Thawne tried to attack, but he was temporary paralyzed by Iris's speedster weapon so Barry could escape. The Flash and the Reverse-Flash ran across the world, thus causing Armageddon and nearly destroying the planet. Thawne ultimately lost due to his nemesis utilizing Damien's time stone as well as reconnecting with the Speed Force with Iris's help and thus the timeline was reset.

Though the timeline was restored, Thawne returned in 2021 as the Reverse-Flash again, claiming that he would change the timeline again in the Time Vault.[75]

Erasure prevention[]

"What exactly do you think you've done?"
"We just saved your life, Thawne. Don't make us regret it."
"You think you saved my life? You took my speed. My speed is my life. You took my life! And left me in hell.
—Eobard Thawne to the Flash[src]

Due to Damien's time stone canceling any time variables while restoring a single permanent timeline, he noticed he was starting to be erased from existence so he tried to catch Barry's attention as the Flash. The Reverse-Flash decided to attack the CCPD (which included Daisy Korber) only to be cornered by an adult version of Mia Queen/Green Arrow. He was interrogated by Green Arrow about "family troubles" as the Reverse-Flash started to fade from existence. The Reverse-Flash tried to kill Green Arrow before he was intercepted by the Flash and admitted being in need of help.

Now in S.T.A.R. Labs' custody at the speed lab, Thawne was placed into a forcefield to both monitor his condition and make sure he doesn't hurt anyone. As Team Flash discussed about what to do about him, he was visited by Caitlin who made him know that he had 2 hours before he would be erased from existence. Thawne insulted Caitlin for being with Team Flash and the fact that Caitlin didn't move on after Ronnie's death. He surely believed that Caitlin wouldn't let him die and noted that Caitlin could've moved on, but instead stayed with Team Flash. Caitlin replied back to Thawne's provocations, remarking of hating him for 8 years due to Thawne being responsible for Ronnie's death.

Barry takes Thawne's speed away

Thawne losing his connection to the Negative Speed Force.

Afterwards, Thawne was confronted by Barry on why he created the Reverse Flashpoint timeline just to steal Barry's life. Thawne revealed that he met the Flash for the first time almost two centuries from the present after he himself finally discovered ways to possess speeds and was about to reveal himself as the fastest man alive, but the Flash instead came to save a crowd which angered him as he claimed that his nemesis stole his greatest moment and humiliated him. Barry told him that he's just a sociopath would "react to something so small with that kind of rage" to which Thawne replied back that he viewed it as "commitment" and would try to find new ways to kill his nemesis if he was saved.

Team Flash decided to save Thawne despite all the evil he did while Despero decided to kill him and used Mia to do so, only for Green Arrow to fight Despero's control. After Despero was defeated by the Flash, Thawne had only 30 seconds before he was erased from existence. Barry then used lightning to sever Thawne's connection to the Negative Speed Force, saving him. However, Thawne angrily and sadly yelled at Barry for leaving him in "hell". He was then transported to A.R.G.U.S.[8]

Imprisoned on Lian Yu[]

Barry visits Thawne at ARGUS Supermax Site

Thawne visited by the Flash.

Thawne was imprisoned in a cell in Lian Yu. Now depowered, he was feeling his age catching up with his body, can't sleep, can barely think, and was wishing to find a new way to kill his nemesis. However, he knew of Frost's death due to fighting against Deathstorm.[85]

After a while, Thawne was visited by the Flash to to be sure Thawne didn't escaped his cell. Thawne painfully complained about himself and that he now doesn't have his speed. Thawne was asked by the Flash about a new speedster who doesn't leave any tachyons. Thawne just replied that the answer was obvious and refused to help.

Thawne wasn't cooperative, but the Flash later convinced him by saying he's jealous of anyone who can potentially replace him as he lost his speed and now unable to move without pain. In a fit of rage, Thawne angrily yelled that he'll never be replaced "because no speedster can feel this infinite pure hate towards [the Flash]", also adding that he hid from everyone and devoted his life to destroy his nemesis's. Afterwards, Thawne remarked that this speedster doesn't want to be found because this speedster just found out about the new frightening speed just like Barry was 8 years ago and sarcastically told the Flash that he was still faster even speedless. The Flash now understands the situation and left, only for Thawne to smirk back in his cell.[85]

Thawne was later visited again after Barry had seen Eobard's time remnant in the present while he was still in his cell. Thawne replied back that it wasn't possible because he was nearly erased due to Armageddon and to leave him alone. But when Barry drew the machine that his time remnant help make, he revealed that the device was similar to one he built two centuries from the present which was how he turned himself into a speedster albeit not the way he intended as he tapped into the Negative Speed Force. Barry quickly confirmed the earlier theories with the speedster's power source to which Thawne replied that he had never heard of the individual using the device "and neither has history", presumably not caring enough to answer as well as to mess with Barry.

Just after Barry left his cell, he was visited by John Diggle to ask about a mysterious object. Thawne attempted to negotiate this object's usage to his advantage (presumably to find a way to escape) and coached John threw how to navigate. However, his attempt failed when John ultimately give up and didn't want the object's temptation which left him bitter unlike John.

Ultimately, help would seemingly find him with the Negative Still Force.[6] Thawne was then painfully aged to death by the Negative Still Force.


The Negative Still Force later sacrificed Iris as particles which went into Eobard's time remnant, resulting in his resurrection as he resurged through his time remnant's body. The Reverse-Flash ultimately ripped through his time remnant's face, fulfilling the possible future visited by Despero.[86] Now with an even stronger connection to the Negative Speed Force, the Reverse-Flash bragged about his circumstances to Barry while ignoring Fast Track. He taunted Barry about how Nora's death led to his nemesis's inspiration while Iris's apparent death led to his own rebirth, much to Barry's anger and hate to which he was instantly electrified by Barry in retaliation until XS and Bart West-Allen/Impulse pleaded with Barry to stop. The Reverse-Flash then mocked Barry to "finish the job" as he threatened to kill XS and Impulse, but was soon teleported into the Negative Speed Force.

Plucked from the timeline[]

Godspeed, Reverse-Flash, Zoom and Savitar together

Thawne with Godspeed, Zoom and Savitar in the Negative Speed Force

Taken out of his timeline to the Negative Speed Force, Thawne found Zolomon and Heart arguing and threatening each other and he explained the three speedsters' location. Zolomon initially mistaken him for Harry while Heart quickly recognized and threatened him to which he mocked Heart instead. Thawne went on to comment Zolomon's actions and mock the Velocity-enhanced speedster for pretending to be The Flash's ally as it was originally his move before Savitar's arrival. Eddie appeared as the one who had brought all of the evil speedsters together to which Thawne jokingly referred to as his weak ancestor. Eddie shrugged off his criticism as the empty boasting of a 'dead man'. Eddie explained that the four speedsters were taken out of time just before they all died failing to kill The Flash, suggesting that they together could accomplish what none of them could do alone: kill The Flash. Thawne skeptically asked how Eddie could do this to which Cobalt Blue revealed being the Negative Speed Force's new avatar. Cobalt Blue then offered the four more speed and a second chance to which Thawne and the other speedsters agreed.

Team Flash fights against the Legion of Zoom

Reverse-Flash with a group facing Team Flash

When Cobalt Blue was outnumbered by Team Flash, Cobalt Blue summoned breaches where the Reverse-Flash, Zoom, Savitar and Godspeed arrived to help (all supercharged by the Negative Speed Force) in 2023. The Reverse-Flash looked to the Flash and asked if his nemesis truly thought that he would miss all of this. A full on battle broke out and the Reverse-Flash engaged Allegra Garcia/Wavelength who teleported at random places throughout Central City with him in pursuit. He eventually broke away from the fighting and infiltrated S.T.A.R. Labs, sitting on his old wheelchair where Chester P. Runk was coordinating alone. Thawne surprised Chester from behind and commented that he loved what Chester had done with S.T.A.R. Labs. Chester told him that Team Flash would stop him and Thawne responded by attacking with lightning. Thawne then spitefully told Chester that he was going to go and kill the Flash after Chester as he didn't care about Cobalt Blue by claiming that his nemesis's life was his to take. He then unleashed a barrage of lightning to kill Chester before Wavelength hit him with a UV blast.

As Allegra mourned Chester, Thawne recovered and bragged of what he did to Chester and joked about resembling Nash as he planned to kill Wavelength. However, Wavelength angrily unleashed a wave of energy that knocked Thawne out onto his former protégé's Flash suit on display. When Cobalt Blue moved to absorb his speed (along with the other three speedsters) to recharge himself, this resulted in Thawne being returned to his place in history which was 2022.

Final battle[]

Finding himself in the Negative Speed Force's replication of the Reverse-Flashpoint timeline, Thawne was greeted by the Negative Still Force, the Negative Sage Force and the Negative Strength Force. When the three Negative Forces asked him how he was able to be a speedster, Thawne replied that he built a machine which tapped into the Negative Speed Force. However, the Negative Forces replied back that the Negative Speed Force actually tapped into Thawne instead due to his hate towards his nemesis. Thawne wanted to exit the Negative Speed Force, but the Negative Forces immobilized him and began to transform him which continued as Barry managed to get into the Negative Speed Force. The Reverse-Flash successfully landed in Central City's downtown, clad in a new suit, empowered with the three Negative Forces in addition to the Negative Speed Force.

The Flash battles a negative force-empowered Reverse-Flash

Reverse-Flash empowered by the Negative Forces while battling the Flash.

The Reverse-Flash tested his newfound powers when he killed civilians randomly before being confronted by the Flash, XS, Impulse and Fast Track. The speedsters all engaged in a huge fight. However, the Reverse-Flash's psychic powers made the four speedsters see the Reverse-Flash knocked out while it was actually Impulse taken down, and then snapped his fingers to sent XS, Fast Track and Impulse "a billion years" back in time. The Reverse-Flash then immobilized the Flash by snapping his fingers to manipulate time again, gloating about being "faster" and mocking that the Flash could have prevented all the chaos in Central City by killing him when having the chance.

Eobard Thawne dies

Reverse-Flash disintegrated.

The Reverse-Flash threw a lightning bolt to kill the Flash which was stopped by Deon, Bashir Malik/Psych, Alexa Rivera/Fuerza and the Speed Force. The four Forces of Nature temporarily empowered his nemesis, much to his surprise as he claimed that was "impossible". The two speedsters engaged in a more equal fight utilizing the opposite versions of the Forces of Nature throughout Central City, resulting in destructive clashes as reported by Arielle Atkins. The Reverse-Flash's and the Flash's showdown was interrupted by Iris revealing having survived and arrived due to Jay Garrick/The Flash while the Reverse-Flash wanted to "tip the scales". The Flash then simply sit and tapped into the four Forces to concentrate as the Reverse-Flash used the Negative Forces' power to attack. He then asked for more power from the Negative Forces, destroying Central City in the process. The Flash reset the timeline, reversing the Reverse-Flash's own attack which killed him as his body was being disintegrated by his own negative energies, thus avenging all the people Thawne killed, indirectly and directly.[2][87]

Life as a time remnant[]


Barry saves his mother

Reverse-Flash viciously attacked by the Flash.

The Reverse-Flash grabbed a kitchen knife and attempted to stab Nora, but he was viciously knocked down by the Flash from 2016. The Flash refused to let him kill Nora and refused to let him ruin anyone's life ever again so the Flash knocked the Reverse-Flash out, radically altering the timeline.[88] His nemesis's actions resulted in the creation of the Flashpoint timeline altogether. His nemesis took him to the alternate version of 2016 and constructed a speed-dampening cell using carbine material to imprison him in an abandoned factory and took his Reverse-Flash ring. Eobard was aware Barry's memories would fade in this reality in order to adapt to the alternate timeline, but he kept this to himself simply for amusement as he wanted to see how long it would take his nemesis to realize this yet unsure as to why he wasn't losing his own memories. Barry made frequent visits for him to give him food while Eobard would remain imprisoned for over three months, growing a beard while in captivity.

Eobard Thawne taunts Barry about Flashpoint

Eobard worrying about Barry's reckless timeline changes.

When Barry visited him again to deliver Big Belly Burger, Eobard jokingly asked for the "curly fries" and still promised to destroy Barry. Barry didn't take Eobard's words seriously and reminded him that Barry now has everything back that both the Reverse-Flash and Zoom stole: Nora and Henry were alive in this timeline. Eobard chastised his nemesis as there's now another individual as the Flash in this timeline, letting someone else endanger themselves in pursuit of Barry's own happiness. Barry simply scoffed at Eobard's words and reminded him that Barry changed time because of what Eobard did, but he stated that Barry will eventually beg him to kill Nora "again".

Eobard Thawne mocks Barry

Eobard smiling at Barry's loss of memories.

Eobard later gets questioned when Barry started losing memories and was relieved to see what Barry was experiencing. Eobard explained to Barry that this reality was beginning to overwrite the reality the two are familiar with so that soon Barry won't remember the reality they're familiar with. When Barry asked why he wasn't losing his memories, Eobard replied that he wasn't sure. After laughing disturbingly, he figured out that the more Barry uses speed abilities, the faster Barry loses memories, whereas Eobard hadn't used his speed at all and thus his memories remained intact. Barry believed Eobard was trying to manipulate into releasing him from his cell.

Eobard Thawne scolds Barry

Eobard angrily scolding Barry's selfishness.

Eobard then frustratingly remarked that his nemesis from the apparent original timeline that he knew and fought for years was far more intelligent than what Barry turned out to be. Eobard stated that soon Barry would forget being a speedster and neither of them would be able to fix this reality, thus this timeline would set permanently like concrete and be unchangeable. Barry was fine with it, but Eobard pleaded for Barry to take him back to 2000 to correct what was done and that Nora's death needed to happen in order to make things right. Barry spitefully told him to go to hell to which Eobard angrily retorted that his nemesis's arrogance would leave both speedsters stranded in a faulty reality. Barry left as Eobard angrily accused his nemesis of now being the villain.

Eobard Thawne agrees to kill Nora

Eobard agreeing to help Barry.

Eobard later watched when Barry returned with Iris after finally realizing this timeline was too dangerous for Barry's other friends. Eobard agreed to be released with Barry's reluctance. Eobard forced Barry to ask to kill Nora and Barry reluctantly did so, expressing hate. Eobard replied with hate in return, but questioned whose anger was truly justified. Eobard was then released and given his Reverse-Flash ring back. As Barry started to fall unconscious, Eobard expressed his desire to just kill Barry before saying this time he's got to be the hero and hauled his nemesis through the Speed Force to go back to 2000, moments after the two speedsters' earlier selves had fought for the second time. Arriving moments after the Flash's earlier self had knocked out his past self, the Reverse-Flash taunted the Flash's past self, saying that Nora was done for. As a result, the two speedsters' earlier versions dissipated as the Reverse-Flash grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed Nora in the chest, correcting the new changes to the timeline, before preparing to bring Barry back to 2016.

Eobard Thawne after Flashpoint

Eobard taunting Barry about their actions causing multiple timeline changes.

Rather than restoring the timeline, the two speedsters' actions created another new timeline where most of the events before remained intact but a few events were altered.[89] Being pulled from the timeline, Eobard paradoxically existed as a time remnant who retained his original self's memories from the previous timeline.[3] No longer sporting a beard, Eobard returned Barry to 2016 while claiming that everything was back to the way it was (at least for him). He tauntingly said that his nemesis's present wouldn't be the same and would have to simply wait and find out. When Barry asked him what he meant, Eobard was pleased to have tormented Barry yet again and simply said they'd see each other sometime soon, speeding off to a different time and place.[13]

Being hunted by Black Flash[]

Black Flash hunting Eobard

Eobard getting hunted by Black Flash.

Shortly after, Eobard found himself pursued by the Black Flash, a black-clad zombie-like speedster who now served as the Speed Force's enforcer. While initially mistaking the Black Flash for a Time Wraith, Eobard quickly realized the monster after him was far more dangerous than a Time Wraith. As a result, Eobard was forced to keep running through time and space to avoid the monster, aided by a pager that notified him whenever the creature was nearby. Eobard eventually realized that the Black Flash was after him because Eddie's suicide was supposed to erase his original version from existence in 2015, yet he continued to exist as a time remnant due to Barry to which the Black Flash was trying to erase Eobard to eliminate the paradoxical threat and restore the ruptured timeline.[21]

Searching for the Spear of Destiny[]

Spear of Destiny

Eobard began to locate the Spear of Destiny.

Realizing he couldn't run from the Black Flash forever, Eobard set out to locate the Spear of Destiny, a mystical weapon foretold to have the power to re-write reality itself to restore his own existence to the timeline. Unfortunately for Eobard, the Spear of Destiny was divided into several pieces and guarded by the Justice Society of America's members from 1956 scattered throughout time. To find this mystical object, Eobard required the Askaran Amulet, a compass detailing the locations of the various pieces and respective guardians. Eobard discovered the Askaran Amulet was divided into two pieces, but he discovered one half was in Nazi Germany's possession in 1942 while the other half was in the Soviet Union's possession in 1987. Eobard learned all of this by traveling through time and gathering information across the 20th century.

Aiding the Nazis[]


Eobard was unable to prevent Hourman's time travel to warn the Legends.

Eobard traveled to 1942 and began secretly aiding high-ranking members of the Nazi party to obtain the Askaran Amulet's first half, providing future information and the means to win World War II in exchange for the device. During this time, he encountered the 1942 version of the JSA as well as the time-traveling Legends. The Reverse-Flash succeeded in killing all of the Legends, but the time-traveling heroes' sacrifices bought Rex Tyler/Hourman enough time to pilot the Waverider through time to 2016 to stop the Legends' arrival to 1942 to prevent the Reverse-Flash committing the murders.[90] To stop his plans being exposed to the Legends, the Reverse-Flash traveled back further in 1942 to start his plans over, erasing his past actions and also erasing the Legends' deaths.

Realizing he couldn't stop the Legends, find the Askaran Amulet's two pieces, and outrun the Black Flash all at once, Eobard was forced to seek out partnerships with various supervillains throughout time to have assistance find the Askaran Amulet's pieces for him, promising to alter past or future events for his partners while he kept outrunning the Black Flash. Eobard hired Damien as his first candidate to join Adolf Hitler's plan to build an atomic bomb and destroy New York City, in the hopes the Legends would perish trying to prevent this.[20][91]

Aberration timeline[]

Eobard's information provided with Damien aided in Hitler's plan to kidnap Albert Einstein and force Einstein to develop an atomic bomb which would destroy New York City. The aftermath of Eobard's plan would also cause World War II to end October 8, 1947 instead and would cause the death of an additional 12 million more people which caused an aberration, resulting in a time quake that alerted the Legends as planned.

Fixed timeline[]

Eobard meets Darhk

Eobard saving Damien from the Nazis.

Damien succeeded in constructing the bomb by kidnapping Mileva Maric instead of Einstein and forcing Maric to build the bomb, but the Legends were forced to use the Waverider to intercept the bomb and were scattered throughout time, thus Eobard's plan succeeded as he had drastically altered the Legends' first encounter with Hourman. When a German officer tried to kill Damien after refusing to help build another bomb, the Reverse-Flash slayed the U-boat's crew members before he and Damien greeted each other.[20]

Eobard Thawne's biomolecular enhancer

Eobard convincing Krieger to help in exchange for a bio-molecular enhancer.

To obtain the Askaran Amulet's first half without interference this time, Eobard personally began working with Baron Krieger and met with in Paris. Krieger told him the Askaran Amulet was in Berlin though Hitler refused to part with the device. Eobard presented a sample of his biomolecular enhancer which could be used to create an army of super-soldiers to oppose the JSA. He also claimed it would let Hitler plant the German flag above the White House within months. Eobard gave Kreiger a small dose for one person to confirm the serum's properties, promising to deliver the means for mass production but only if he obtained the Askaran Amulet. Kreiger reluctantly agreed and Hitler arranged for the Askaran Amulet to be transported to Eobard's custody.

Reverse-Flash kills Hourman

Reverse-Flash killing Hourman to prevent future interference.

Kreiger did obtain the Askaran Amulet, but the Baron was intercepted and killed by the combined efforts of the JSA, the Legends and the United States Army Air Forces while in route to Eobard and the Askaran Amulet's first half fell into Hourman's possession. The Reverse-Flash later attacks Hourman at the JSA's headquarters. The Reverse-Flash tells Hourman of having encounters a "number of times" as Hourman in this timeline hadn't met the Reverse-Flash yet. He then phased his hand through Hourman's chest. As Hourman bled to death, the Reverse-Flash stole the Askaran Amulet and sped off before Amaya Jiwe/Vixen came into the room. Killing Hourman at this point also caused Rex's future self in the original timeline who'd arrived in 2016 to warn the Legends to fade out of existence before revealing the Reverse-Flash's plan, only succeeding in warning the group not to travel to 1942.[91]

Legion of Doom[]

Eobard allies with Damien

Eobard working with Damien.

Eobard then traveled to 1987 to retrieve the Askaran Amulet's other half and aided Damien as his "old friend" was about to be caught by DEA agents while trading drugs with dealers in exchange for a relic. Eobard offers Damien a partnership to aid him in his plans in exchange for rewriting Damien's own destiny. Damien initially refused, but Eobard warned that he knew of Damien's ultimate plan's outcome and promised that he could give Damien actual power rather than symbols of power. Damien seemed interested and agreed to which Eobard had Damien arrange a meeting with the Soviets to obtain the Askaran Amulet's second half. When the Legends confronted Damien at the deal, he traveled there to stop the group from killing Damien and risk losing the Askaran Amulet.

Darhk and Thawne join forces

Eobard presenting Damien with a Time Sphere.

Just as Sara Lance/White Canary had taunted Damien about the ultimate outcome of Damien's plans for H.I.V.E. in 2016, Eobard sped Damien out of the facility. When Damien realized that Sara had snatched the relic, Damien demanded Eobard to be taken back, he reminded Damien the Legends had left the time period and were beyond reach. Damien then reconsidered Eobard's offer and begging to come along to his next destination, insisting Damien needed to change destiny. Accepting this answer, Eobard showed his ally a Time Sphere. Eobard sped around the Time Sphere with Damien inside to open a portal into the Speed Force where he traveled to his next destination with Damien.[92]

Merlyn joins the Legion

Eobard and Damien recruiting Malcolm.

Eobard and Damien then traveled to 2016 to recruit Malcolm as the second recruit. Eobard sped himself and Damien into Malcolm's apartment as Malcolm had descended into alcoholism after losing the League of Assassins and H.I.V.E. following Damien's death. Malcolm just watched Green Arrow kill Damien on the news, getting highly confused to see Damien alive to which Eobard elaborated that he's from the future, Damien was from the past, and they're on a quest to change their respective fates and offered the opportunity to Malcolm in doing the same in exchange for Malcolm's services. Malcolm was skeptical and agreed to Eobard's offer and accompanied the duo through time.[21] Following this, the trio traveled to the Time Masters' former base of operations in the Vanishing Point and began using the ruins as their own base.[93]

Chicago trap[]

Damen Darhk, Malcolm Merlyn, and Eobard Thawne introduce themselves to Al Capone

Eobard, Damien and Malcolm approaching Capone.

Planning to cause an aberration to lure the Legends out and retrieve the Askaran Amulet, Eobard's team traveled to 1927 and offered their assistance to crime lord Al Capone. The three supervillains approached Capone, but the crime lord initially refused and tried to have them killed. Eobard slaughtered Capone's men to which Capone listened to their proposal. Eobard would ensure Capone would remain out of police custody and be mayor of Chicago. In exchange, Capone would aid the three against the Legends and the intrigued crime lord agreed. Eobard informed that Capone was destined to be apprehended by Prohibition agent Eliot Ness to which Capone had Ness abducted and plotted to kill the agent, thus the Legends arrived and foiled this plan as planned. As the Legends searched one of Capone's clubs for evidence, Eobard abducted Sara and Martin. Eobard had Martin brought to him and used the appearance-stealing cord on Martin, planning to infiltrate the Waverider and find the Askaran Amulet's second half himself.

Eobard now had Stein's likeness, as he was "rescued" by the Legends though Eobard had Capone attack to avoid drawing suspicion. On board the Waverider, Eobard began searching for the Askaran Amulet's second half which he couldn't find before his actions caught Jefferson Jackson's attention. Sara came to speak with him about Martin's daughter as an aberration, but Eobard questioned the claims with no knowledge of this and leaving Sara suspicious. Nate Heywood came into the library asking to speak with Sara about Jefferson to which Eobard insisted Jax could wait, but Sara immediately noticed him refer to Martin's partner as Jax and not Jefferson as Martin had a tendency to do.

Lightning flickering in Eobard's eyes

Eobard confronting Mick and Amaya.

Realizing Nate was aware of his deception and was trying to warn Sara, Eobard attacked the two and dropped Stein's likeness before he sped off. In the hallway, he was subdued by Jax with a speedster weapon before Eobard quickly recovered and attacked Jax. Before he could kill Jax, the Atom attacked him, but Eobard sped off towards the bridge and sealed himself within. Dropping the ship's cloaking technology, Eobard opened the cargo bay doors and allowed Malcolm with Capone's men on board to kill the Legends as he continued searching for the Askaran Amulet's second half. He finds Mick with a bag of valuables and believed he found the Askaran Amulet, but realized too late that Mick tricked him and gets blasted from behind. Eobard gets surprised to see Amaya as his attacker, but mockingly counterattacked Amaya while insulting Hourman. Eobard intended to kill Amaya, but was alerted that the Black Flash was close and sped off to avoid this while Malcolm had managed to force Sara to give up the Askaran Amulet's second half in exchange for Martin's location.

Eobard locates Spear of Destiny

Eobard, Malcolm and Damien merge the Askaran Amulet to display a compass.

By the docks, Eobard elaborated the Askaran Amulet was in fact one in two pieces as Malcolm pointed out to Damien, displaying a holographic compass. However, Malcolm initially mistook the Askaran Amulet's holographic compass for a "portable planetarium" much to Eobard's annoyance. Elaborating that the holographic compass was a guide to finding the Spear of Destiny, Eobard informed his two co-conspirators finding the Spear of Destiny would be complicated and the first step was locating Captain Rip Hunter, the Legends' former leader and one of the Spear of Destiny's protectors.[7]

Hunt for the Spear of Destiny[]

Legends vs Legion

Eobard's syndicate vs the Legends.

Locating Rip in 1967, Eobard sent Malcolm and Damien to capture Hunter so they could acquire Rip's piece of the Spear of Destiny while Eobard went on the run from the Black Flash. After managing to outrun and escape, the Reverse-Flash returned as Malcolm and Damien fought the Legends and swiftly knocked the Legends down. As Eobard questioned who should die first, Rip makes a surprise entrance and pulled out a gun, only for the so-called weapon to be a film prop which amused Eobard's syndicate, unaware of Rip's suffering amnesia. After the Legends retrieved the Spear of Destiny's piece and retreated to the Waverider, Eobard swiftly kidnapped Rip before the Legends could do anything. Taking Rip to their facility, Eobard demanded Rip tell him about the Spear of Destiny, but Rip claimed not to know anything so he had Malcolm and Damien torture their hostage to make talk.[94]

Eobard and Damien discuss the Legends

Eobard and Damien discussing the Legends' incompetence.

As his patience began to wane, Eobard was informed by Damien and Malcolm that torturing Rip would not work because Rip literally couldn't tell where the Spear of Destiny was as the man's memories had been wiped. Infuriated, Eobard derided the two for losing the medallion and violently accosted Malcolm when his associates pointed out that Eobard's responsible for losing it too. Malcolm reminded Eobard that he needed the two and suggested using hypnosis on Rip, but Malcolm's methods failed as Rip's memories had been wiped too thoroughly. Eobard exasperatedly remarked on his associates' results (referring to Malcolm as a washout and Damien as a dead man) and sped off. When Eobard later returned, Damien had successfully extracted on of Rip's teeth which had a barcode symbol for a bank account in Zurich, Switzerland in 2025 which Eobard theorized must contain the rest of the Spear of Destiny. Eobard's watch began to sound an alarm, prompting him to order Damien and Malcolm to take the Time Sphere back to 2025 before running off without an explanation.

The cornered Legion

Eobard's syndicate cornered by Black Flash.

Having outrun the Black Flash, Eobard arrived in Zurich just in time to find his associates having successfully broken into the bank vault and discovered that Rip's box contained a Mnemonic Archive which held Rip's memories. Eobard examined the Mnemonic Archive as Malcolm suddenly sealed the vault door, trapping the cabal all inside and declaring a re-negotiation of their deal with Eobard and him revealing why he needed the Spear of Destiny as well as why he was always running out on the two. While he amusingly threatened to kill Malcolm with a vibrating hand, Eobard was unable to kill as Malcolm's the only one who knew the vault door code while Damien chose to simply watch. As his associates question him more, Eobard's watch alerted him to the Black Flash's presence. Visibly scared, Eobard begged to be let out or they would all be killed. When pressed about who by his associates, Eobard finally revealed his status as a time remnant due to Eddie's death and that the Black Flash trying to kill him which was why he keeps vanishing. Malcolm and Damien were satisfied and resolved to help Eobard escape his pursuer.

Eobard and Zoom

Eobard confronting Black Flash.

The trio set up an ambush in the bank with Eobard as bait to draw the Black Flash in, though Eobard was able to remain invisible to the Black Flash by not using his speed as the Black Flash raced throughout the bank searching for him. As the demonic speedster was about to zero in on him, Malcolm and Damien attack the Black Flash from both sides, distracting the creature long enough for Eobard to use a speed-punch to send the Black Flash hurtling into the back vault at which point Eobard sealed the demonic speedster inside. Know that his enemy would not be contained for long, the trio departed the bank but not before Eobard acknowledged Damien and Malcolm as fully equal partners. Eobard then used the Mnemonic Archive to restore Rip's memories, but reprogrammed his hostage's mind as his syndicate's fourth member who gets sent to 1776 to kill George Washington on Christmas Day to cause an aberration to alert the Legends to lure out.[21]

Rip now with the Legion

Eobard and Rip aiding the British army.

Eobard and Rip then traveled back a few days earlier and Eobard made an alliance with the British army, promising to ensure victory in the American Revolutionary War, in exchange for assistance in retrieving the Spear of Destiny. To aid the British, Eobard also supplied the British with 21st century assault rifles which Rip presented to a platoon of British soldiers entrusted under his own command. Pleased to see Rip's reprogramming was successful, Eobard entrusted Rip to retrieve the Spear of Destiny's piece from the Legends and eventually succeeded.[95] Afterwards, Rip tells Eobard about the Spear of Destiny's other fragments being in the JSA's possession and each period of where they were. He first sent Rip to Chicago in the year 3000 to retrieve another piece, killing Dr. Mid-Nite in the process. Eobard then sent Rip and Damien to Camelot in the year 503 to retrieve Stargirl's piece, however, Rip gets captured and a piece gets lost to the Legends.[96]

Thawne vs Palmer

Eobard fighting the Atom.

Learning that Henry Heywood hid a piece within the Apollo-11 flag pole on the Moon itself, Eobard himself traveled to 1970 and posed as a doctor for NASA to see John Swigert, one of the astronauts meant to go on Apollo-13's mission to the moon.[97] Eobard, with Swigert's appearance, was on Apollo-13 and ventures into space. Since Eobard repaired the oxygen tank that was meant to explode, he caused an aberration that alerted the Legends. While Apollo-13 was in space, Eobard knocked the other astronauts out and dropped Swigert's form and made the preparations for landing. However, he discovered the Atom has sneaked aboard and the two fought, though Eobard was unable to use speed in zero gravity, but the Atom managed to beat him and tied him up.

Eobard Thawne talking with Ray Palmer

Eobard noticing similarities with Ray as scientists whose pursuit greatness.

After the Atom got the Spear of Destiny's fragment, Ray had to use the LEM to get back to the Waverider, but it was damaged to which Eobard pointed out that he could help Ray repair the LEM and offered a temporary truce which Ray grudgingly accepted. As the two moved to repair the ship, Eobard told Ray that it was nice to work with a fellow scientist again reflecting on his original version's times with Cisco and Caitlin. He also informed Ray that it was easy for Ray to see him as a monster, but he had seen history's greatest monsters and he wasn't one. Ray scolded him for this claim as he'd killed Nora "twice", killed Rex and brainwashed Rip into killing Dr. Mid-Nite. However, Eobard said that the two were more alike than Ray would admit as they were both scientists that chased after the impossible (Ray with the A.T.O.M. Exosuit and Eobard with the Speed Force) and that Ray didn't have to be ashamed of reaching for higher feats. They managed to take off and re-connect with the Waverider and Eobard was quickly thrown in the brig. When the Waverider had to enter the atmosphere, Ray went to Eobard to find out the correct angle to enter without burning up. Eobard gives the angle instantly and told Ray to trust him as he wanted to live just like the Legends.

Ray Palmer confronts Eobard Thawne

Eobard confronted by Ray.

When the Waverider managed to enter the atmosphere safely, Eobard easily phased himself out of the cell to look for the Spear of Destiny's pieces, but was quickly met with Ray equipped with a speedster weapon ready. Eobard laughed at the irony as he was the one who invented the weapon in the first place. Ray knew that Eobard would try and escape and was aware he's a time remnant due to Eddie's sacrifice and that the Black Flash was after him to try and correct the aberration. Eobard confirmed Ray's suspicions as his watch alerted him that the Black Flash was close and Ray told him he'd have no time to search the ship. Eobard smirked and said that they would meet again before he sped off.[3]

The Legion using the Spear of Destiny

Eobard's syndicate using the Spear of Destiny to re-write reality.

After failing to retrieve the Spear of Destiny's last fragments, Eobard sent Malcolm and Damien to get the Calebros Manuscript in order to activate the Spear of Destiny to rewrite reality. While he was making a plan to try and track the Legends, he discovered that the Legends had infiltrated the Vanishing Point and stolen their two fragments and fled before Eobard could stop anything. When Damien returned and learned of what happened, Eobard gets scolded for his recklessness, but Eobard realized that the Legends now had all the Spear of Destiny's fragments so they no longer had to hunt for the holy object piece by piece. However, Damien insisted that they would need to up their strategy besides just the three of them. Eobard then traveled back to 2014 and located Captain Cold before having joined the Legends and turned from criminal ways, revealing Leonard's future death being all they needed to have Leonard agreed to help them in getting the Spear of Destiny. After Leonard successfully manipulated Heat Wave into betraying the Legends and steal the Spear of Destiny from them during World War I, Eobard sped into the war-zone and transported Leonard, Damien and Mick to the Vanishing Point. After Malcolm return with the Celebros Manuscript, the five supervillains held onto the Spear of Destiny as Malcolm read the incantation and they began to use the holy object's power to rewrite reality to their whims.[93]

Rewritten reality[]


Eobard as S.T.A.R. Labs' founder and official CEO.

In his syndicate's rewritten reality, Eobard was in 2017 albeit now as S.T.A.R. Labs' CEO (under his true identity this time) with world-wide recognition for using his futuristic brilliance to solve many worldwide problems. He's also a close friend of the President of the United States. However, Eobard did not remove (or perhaps could not remove) the Black Flash from this reality. Regardless, Eobard built a dampening cell within S.T.A.R. Labs that he kept the Black Flash imprisoned in, leaving the demonic speedster unable to escape, running around the inside of the cell in murderous rage, with Eobard commenting that he wants to somehow bend the monster to his will, to no avail. As per his agreement, Eobard also altered his syndicate members' fates based on personal desires.

Merlyn Global Group

Eobard restored Malcolm's family members and previous status.

Eobard revived Malcolm's wife and son, made Malcolm's daughter a loving part of the Merlyn family, gave Nyssa al Ghul a "miserable life in Ohio", made Malcolm CEO of a company once more, and even restored Malcolm's original right hand. Eobard made Damien into the Mayor of Star City and restored Damien's magic who then killed many opposing heroes and vigilantes (including the Flash). Eobard improved Captain Cold's and Heat Wave's lives, remaining criminals which were allowed by the police to carry out thefts without interference though the two carried out Eobard's assassinations when called for. He also changed the Legends' fates as retribution for interference in his plans. He kept Rip stuck inside the Waverider which was powerless and shrunken down and put on display on his desk, driving Rip insane with nothing else to do but bake cakes. He made Jax and Martin employees at S.T.A.R. Labs and made Jax a much crueler individual whose often abusive towards Martin being not permitted to leave S.T.A.R. Labs until projects were completed and sometimes remained there for months. He also made Ray a janitor at S.T.A.R. Labs, reduced Nate to being a conspiracy theorist that no one believed while living with his mother, and turned Sara and Amaya into Damien's personal assassins. To ensure nobody could reset this reality, Eobard destroyed the manuscript and had Martin work on developing a fusion reactor equivalent to the Sun's power, intending to incinerate the Spear of Destiny entirely.

Thawne as the owner of S.T.A.R

Eobard urging Malcolm to enjoy this reality.

As he considered his partnership with Malcolm and Damien over, Eobard ignored any calls from his two subordinates. Malcolm eventually confronted Eobard in person as there were still some things Malcolm wanted changed, but Eobard insisted that the Spear of Destiny was best kept in his possession as he was the only one who knew how to use the holy object. They were interrupted by Jax informing him the reactor's taking longer than anticipated, but Eobard calmly made subtle threats to motivate. Eobard broke into a hard laugh as Malcolm scolded him for keeping the Legends around as "pets" when the group should be erased from existence altogether, though Eobard considered this poetic justice. Eobard then told Malcolm to leave and enjoy this new life as Malcolm frustratingly left. Fearing Malcolm may be a problem, he asked Leonard and Mick to keep an eye on Malcolm. Before they could go on further, Nate arrived past security, having no knowledge of Eobard and told him reality wasn't right. Realizing Nate's starting to catch on to their actions, he ordered Leonard and Mick to take Nate away to be killed.

Thawne faces the Legends

Eobard confronting the Legends.

Eobard later checked up when Martin completed the reactor, but Eobard insist Martin remain behind until the reactor reached full power. When later alerted by Martin via silent alarm of intruders, the Reverse-Flash sped into the lab to find Martin confronted by the Legends with successfully restored memories. The Reverse-Flash annoying mused at this revelation before unmasking and holding the Spear of Destiny over the reactor, ready to throw the holy object in. Eobard annoyingly remarked that Malcolm was right before also being confronted by his own syndicate demanding the Spear of Destiny. Eobard tried to tell the Legends and his own allies that he was trying to destroy the Spear of Destiny for his syndicate's sake before Captain Cold's cold gun abruptly shot him, rendering him unconscious.

Thawne saying remember this grace and he could kill them

Eobard warning the Legends and his syndicate to not oppose him.

Eobard awoke as the Legends and his syndicate fought over the Spear of Destiny which he tried to re-obtain, only for Nate to use the holy object on him by sending Eobard flying across the room and knocking him out again. Eobard awoke again after Captain Cold just killed Amaya as Amaya attempted to use the Spear of Destiny which he took back, tossing the object into the reactor for destruction. While the Legends and his syndicate both expressed desire to kill him, Eobard was unwavered by anyone's words and are hopelessly outmatched against his speed without weapons or powers. Eobard didn't wish to see the Legends dead not out of sentiment, but rather to watch suffer and remain trapped in this reality where everything the Legends have ever accomplished no longer matters. He also allowed his former co-conspirators to live despite their mutiny, but promised to kill them if they tried to oppose him again. Telling all of his opponents to remember this mercy of his, he ordered his enemies to leave his laboratories' premises.[98]

Caught by Black Flash[]

The Legion being informed by Eobard Thawne about the Legends from the future

Eobard informing his syndicate.

The Legends later managed to restore Rip and the Waverider to size and traveled back to 1916 to stop Eobard's syndicate from obtaining the Spear of Destiny in the first place by altering the events which would thus erase the Legends' present day selves from existence, but Eobard anticipated all of this. Eobard traveled back to 1916 and as the Atom re-discovered the blood of Christ to which he stole and crushed. Remarking that his syndicate was right about disposing of his enemies, Eobard phased his hand through the Atom's exosuit and removed Ray's heart and amusingly watched the death of Ray's older version.

Eobard brings a multitude of time remnants to face the Legends

Eobard with an army of Reverse-Flash time remnants confronting the Legends.

Eobard later found the Dark Archer searching for the manuscript and brought back to 1916 and met with Captain Cold and Damien. Explaining he was from the future where they had retrieved the Spear of Destiny and altered reality, Eobard told his syndicate of the Legends' plan. Instead of deceiving Heat Wave as planned, he ordered his co-conspirators to attack the Waverider and take the Spear of Destiny by force. As the trio did this, Eobard went to get back up and created dozens of time remnants.

Black Flash erases Eobard's remnant

Reverse-Flash caught and killed by Black Flash.

Returning after the Legends defeated his syndicate who still succeeded in killing the alternate versions of Jax, Nate and Mick, the Reverse-Flash arrived with more time remnants of himself and encircled the Legends, killing Rip's alternate self in the process. After the Legends refused to hand over the Spear of Destiny, the Reverse-Flash's time remnants attack the Legends and Eobard stole the Spear of Destiny from Sara's main self when attempting to rewrite reality. Taunting Sara over the apparent failure, Eobard promised to erase the Legends from existence before learning the Spear of Destiny wouldn't power up as Eobard realized that Sara already used the Spear of Destiny to erase its own powers and thus rendered the holy object useless.

Eobard disintegrates again

Eobard disintegrated.

Enraged, Eobard intended to use the neutralized object to physically kill Sara instead only to be confronted by the Black Flash due to the fact that his syndicate's alternate reality never existed because the Spear of Destiny was neutralized as well as Eobard having carelessly left his warning device behind. Eobard panicked and attempted to flee only for the Black Flash to swiftly catch up and used a vibrated hand into Eobard's chest. Afterwards, Eobard helplessly screamed while being vaporized along with the Spear of Destiny. The Reverse-Flash's other time remnants were also were erased from existence.[99]


Protecting the fixed point[]

Eobard was later revived by the Time Wraiths and stripped of his powers. He was given a watch-like device that would keep him perpetually looped in time while also allowing him to freeze time. Eobard was placed in June 28, 1914, Sarajevo and tasked with ensuring the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand so that World War I would occur.

Sara and Eobard talk about breaking the fixed point

Eobard talking with Sara.

Each morning, Eobard stretched, meditated, and ate porridge before setting to work on protecting the "fixed point", even coming to agree that the timeline couldn't and shouldn't be changed. He dealt with several time-travelers who attempted to prevent Ferdinand's death, each time killing the individuals in ways that looked like accidents. This went on for so long that a bar was founded for time travelers to wait their turns to attempt to prevent the assassination and watch as others tried and failed.

Eobard eventually faced Sara as one of the individuals intending to alter the fixed point, though Sara was able to make multiple attempts due to regenerative abilities. When Sara was able to stop time with another device, Eobard was somewhat surprised and attacked Sara before being overpowered. He then explained his situation over a drink, and the two resolved that they would work together. Eobard stated that he would allow a forty-minute delay of the assassination which would attract the Waverider and allow the Legends to take back the timeship, though Eobard noted that he would kill the Legends if necessary.[100]

Thawne dies in front of Sara

Eobard dies once again in front of Sara.

Eobard successfully delayed Ferdinand's assassination, but the Legends' plan began to fall apart when the other visitors at the bar attacked as well and searched for Eobard. Eobard assisted Gavrilo Princip (the remaining assassin) in killing Ferdinand, but was shortly thereafter confronted by a robot clone of Sara who he believed to be the real Sara and was stabbed to his surprise. The real Sara found Eobard moments later and he was able to tell Sara to ensure the fixed point stayed protected before he died and his time manipulator detached itself from his wrist.

Eobard was ultimately succeeded as the protector of the fixed point by Nate's robot clone who was tricked by the real Nate into donning the time manipulator immediately before the device's clock reset, thus dooming Nate's clone to guard the fixed point in Eobard's place.[101]

Working at Fast Track Labs[]

As a reward for his time as the fixer of the fixed point, Eobard resurfaced in Central City in 2020, suffering from retrograde amnesia albeit with even more of his emotions and humanity back while retaining his genius intellect. He seemingly found temporary jobs at small tech companies for a year before he eventually was attracted to Fast Track Labs where he got a job by impressing Meena Dhawan after solving a speed equation that no one else could. Eobard built the Biometric Lightning Oscillation Chamber (BLOC) for Meena in order for one individual to be able to be a speedster albeit for altruistic motives. He wanted to be more than just a superhero as he wanted to fix some of the world's problems. Surprisingly, he fell in love with Meena and sincerely sacrificed his own chance to be a speedster to save Meena from going into cardiac arrest.[6]

Barry meets Eobard Thawne

Eobard meeting Barry for the "first time".

In 2022, Eobard was "introduced" to Barry by Meena at Fast Track Labs. Eobard was quickly confronted by Barry to which Eobard somewhat shockingly yet calmly replied that he doesn't know what Barry's talking about. Meena later wanted more tests to which Eobard urged caution, but the Flash arrived to assume Meena's life at risk because of mistaking believing Eobard was a "psychotic murderer" like his original version. Meena channeled the Negative Speed Force which took over, injuring the Flash and Eobard. Eobard surprised the Flash by revealing having fallen in love with Meena, sincerely begging and pleading for the Flash to save Meena from the Negative Speed Force which showed the Flash that he's nothing like his original version.

Eobard tries to reason with Meena

Eobard trying to reason with Meena.

Working with Team Flash to free Meena from the Negative Speed Force, Eobard intervened as Meena was about to kill the Flash. Eobard stepped in as he'd rather die than losing Meena, reminding Meena of Eobard's love. He described Meena as his hero and always helped Eobard be a better person. Upon his words, Meena was free from the Negative Speed Force, embracing Eobard for saving Meena to which Eobard replied that Meena actually saved him.

Back at Fast Track Labs, Eobard and Meena apologized to Team Flash for the trouble caused with the BLOC. The Flash replied that their bond and love could actually help the two adjust the BLOC so that Meena would control these powers, describing Eobard being Meena's "lightning rod".[6]

Thawne and Meena talk about Meena's powers

Eobard talking to Meena.

At Fast Track Labs, Eobard tried to be realistic yet supportive despite Fast Track feeling discouraged and insecure. Eobard was protected by Fast Track from the assault by the Negative Still Force, Negative Sage Force and the Negative Strength Force before being rescued by the Flash and hidden at S.T.A.R. Labs.

Eobard as Reverse-Flash fighting the negative forces

Reverse-Flash fighting alongside the Flash and Fast Track.

Returning to Fast Track Labs, Eobard was later empowered with the Negative Speed Force via Meena with Barry's encouragement in order to assist Team Flash. The Reverse-Flash, now with black and white lightning, worked with the Flash and Fast Track to fight the three Negative Forces. However, Iris was teleported in front of Barry's lightning bolt while Eobard and Meena sadly looked on. Iris was then disintegrated as particles which was sent into Eobard, resulting his "true" version resurging through him and pulling his original face back which painfully killed him.[86]


Original multiverse[]

"I've controlled your life for so long, Barry. How will you get along without me?"
—Eobard to Barry Allen[src]

The Reverse-Flash's actions continue to be remembered by Team Flash. Six months after Eddie's and Ronnie's deaths, Barry continued to feel guilty while also blaming him for causing the events and received his video will message in which he arranged for Barry to inherit S.T.A.R. Labs in the event of his death.[28] His various actions left Barry tormented and believed maybe he was right in never truly being happy as he did know the Flash's future self, but Joe thought this was just Thawne trying to have the last word.[102] Barry did still hate him for everything he did, but eventually chose to forgive him and trying in not wanting to hate him anymore.[103] Barry later did realize (despite all he did) that Thawne was a father figure to the team.[104] Additionally, the Reverse-Flash's actions remained a source of trauma for Cisco, particularly the instance from the erased timeline where he killed Cisco by vibrating his hand through his former protege's chest.[105][4] Thawne's teachings would be remembered as Barry drew inspirations from past mentors (including Thawne) for Wally West's training.[106] Caitlin remembered being manipulated by the Reverse-Flash and Zoom after being manipulated by Icicle (Thomas's alternate personality) in a similar manner.[41] His signature vibrating hand attack was used by Barry which scared the Speed Force in a similar fashion to the Reverse-Flash's murder of Nora.[107]

The Reverse-Flash's various actions destroyed Wells's reputation to the public, making it hard for multiverse doppelgängers of Wells to be on Earth-1 since his deception was known only to Team Flash and several allies. Additionally, Team Flash continually ignored the fact that Thawne was merely an impostor, a fact that Caitlin seemed to remember while the doppelgängers of Wells get forced to continually be reminded of. Team Flash were initially skeptical to trust Harry of Earth-2, believing Harry too was evil like Thawne. Barry was ironically more open-minded to trusting Harry than the rest, especially Cisco and Joe, despite Harry's face being a reminder of Thawne.[108] Harry used the second suit to impersonate the Reverse-Flash in order to save Caitlin from Grodd,[35] and trigger Cisco's meta-human abilities.[4] Ultimately, Team Flash realized that Harry was inconsiderate and blunt while Thawne was actually evil.[104] Harry often found himself targeted by other people who weren't aware of Thawne's deception, such as Patty Spivot's shooting of Harry with Hunter's timely intervention saving Harry's life,[109] and was kidnapped by Griffin Grey due mistaking Harry for Thawne to force to develop a cure for the meta-human condition.[110] Team Flash got more open minded about welcoming H.R. Wells of Earth-19, but Thawne's actions initially made Cisco distrustful of H.R.[111] H.R. used a facial transmogrification device to be disguised as Randolf Morgan to remedy the problem of Thawne's façade.[112] Thawne's wheelchair was inspected by Sherloque, discovering a flash drive within containing his personal notes on the malleability of timelines as well as the time language.[49]

The Reverse-Flash was acknowledged when Team Flash dealt with the Flash's other nemeses. Thawne's deception made Barry initially skeptical to trust Hunter unlike Team Flash. Barry initially believed Hunter too also sought to exploit Barry for personal gain just like Thawne, but Iris convinced Barry to not be distrusting people because of Thawne to which Barry would subsequently trust Hunter.[55] His wheelchair was used after Barry's spine was damaged and could walk again.[35] Unfortunately, Team Flash would later discover that Hunter actually was the Earth-2 speedster Zoom all along and there to exploit Barry's powers for personal gain, thus should have known better after Thawne's impersonation.[22] Meanwhile, Zoom learned of the Reverse-Flash's actions, murdering Henry in the same place the Reverse-Flash murdered Nora to enrage Barry,[113] which would also play a part in Barry's creation of the Flashpoint timeline.[88] The Reverse-Flash and Zoom were mentioned in comparison to Savitar,[114][115][116][117] and the Thinker.[16][118]

Grodd remembered what his "father" taught about being patient which Grodd used to take control of Gorilla City on Earth-2 and invade Central City of Earth-1.[119][120]

His power source for the Time Sphere was stolen for Abra Kadabra's time machine.[121]

Hallucinations of the Reverse-Flash were occasionally seen. While attempting to stop John Deegan's rewriting reality, Barry and Oliver were exposed to Jonathan Crane's hallucinogen within Arkham Asylum where Barry hallucinated Oliver as Thawne, prompting the two to fight until the conflict was broken up by Batwoman.[122] A second one taunted Barry within the memory of his daughter-esque protégé.[123] Another one taunted Barry again during the infection of Ramsey Russo/Bloodwork.[107]

Hall of Villains

Reverse-Flash's suit on display in the Flash Museum.

In a possible future which his nemesis's daughter hailed from, the Reverse-Flash's suit (equipped with his tachyon device) was displayed within the Hall of Villains in the Flash Museum along with other memorabilia from past villains that Team Flash had fought and defeated.[62] However, his role in Nora's death was never mentioned in the historical records.[17]

New multiverse[]

"What did you do? I created you. I taught you everything you know. Everything you are is because of me! What did you do?"
—Eobard to Barry Allen[src]

The Reverse-Flash's actions continued to be remembered by Team Flash.

When Barry was transported into Grodd's mind, the hallucinations of Thawne and Caitlin were initially believed by Barry to be Thawne having dragged Barry to the past.[81]

Nora West-Allen's journal (Earth-Prime)

Thawne's notes in Nora's journal.

His various notes from his former daughter-esque protégé's journal were used by Team Flash in order to build a specific machine after the original Speed Force's death,[65] which was even more essential due to Eva McCulloch holding loved ones hostage in the Mirrorverse as a possible trade for Joseph Carver's life.[71][124] An artificial Speed Force was initially successful which resulted in Barry's speed thinking which seemed better in comparison to Thawne with the Negative Speed Force before Barry didn't like the results as it was too similar to Thawne, but his identity theft victim ultimately assisted Team Flash with the original Speed Force's revival.[76][125]

His identity theft was believed completely by Pied Piper to which Team Flash awkwardly described Nash and Thawne as twin brothers.[78]

The Reverse-Flash was occasionally remembered when his nemesis initially confronted the Forces of Nature. He was seen in one of Bashir's visions.[126] Caitlin reminded Barry that Thawne was patient in taking up to a year of training in comparison to Barry being patient with training Alexa with only a few days of skills.[79]

His creation of the Reverse Flashpoint timeline where he's the Flash unintentionally resulted in Despero's mistaken belief that Barry was responsible for Armageddon.[82]

The Reverse-Flash being the main reasons for Nora's murder and Eddie's sacrifice were lamented by Deathstorm to Barry and Iris respectively.[127]

Eobard's time remnant's death left Meena broken and guilty, but he would later be avenged when his original version was finally killed by his nemesis. Afterwards, Eobard's yellow tie was given to Meena as a memento by Barry and Iris, reminding everyone that his time remnant was the opposite of his original version.[2]

The Reverse-Flash's demise was ultimately a factor in the Negative Speed Force's vengeance on Barry and Team Flash.[69][128][129][87]

Eddie unfortunately learned of the Reverse-Flash's survival many times and acted nearly identical to his descendant before being convinced otherwise by Barry.[129][87]

In the potential future, Impulse's enmity with Godspeed would be compared by the former with the Flash and the Reverse-Flash.[72]

In the possible future, the Reverse-Flash has a display within the Flash Museum alongside other memorabilia involving past individuals.[129]


"This ability to travel through time revealed the truth. My fate was to become your greatest enemy. I was never going to be the Flash. So I became the reverse of everything that you were. The more people you saved, the more you were loved... the more I had to take from you."
"That is why you killed my mother? That's why you ruined my life? Because you couldn't be me!?."
"I became better than you! I am the one thing you cannot stop, Flash!
—Eobard Thawne and Barry Allen[src]

At first glance: one could guess and sum up that Eobard was simply an extremely arrogant, petty, spiteful, sadistic and vindictive psychopath, but he was much more complex that one could possibly think.

Initially when he was younger, Eobard was a scientist and inventor obsessed with achieving the impossible: to become greater and reach higher feats in the advancement of science and it's implied had dreams, intentions and ambitions to help the world to say the very least. Since childhood, Eobard was admittedly a deep fan of Barry Allen and had a strong personal fascination and a scientific fixation with super speed. He strived to pursue his own passion in science to achieve his own greatness and learn the secrets of the Speed Force. After years of research, he successfully duplicated the event that led to Barry gaining super speed and unlocked his own connection to the Speed Force, becoming the fastest speedster alive in his time and gaining the ability to time-travel. Additionally, he experimented with his powers and potentially developed technologies that not only help enhance his powers, but also against other speedsters who would oppose him. Through his experiments, he was eventually able to discover his ability to travel through time and began abusing this ability to the point where he was mostly unaffected by the changes he made in the timeline even if these were careless mistakes that would jeopardise and harm many lives given the nature of time. To gain more power, Eobard learned various ways to be faster while also learning and preparing to present himself to the world as a superhero. However, his goal and ambition and to contribute to society and this need to be loved by everyone began to distort into a bottomless gaping pit of envy and hunger for power just when Barry overshadowed and upstaged him in his greatest moment by stealing his chance to save the day and earn the welcome as a hero of his timeline. Unfortunately, he would be disillusioned by the fact that he would live in the shadow of his favourite superhero and even though Barry probably didn’t mean to hurt him or upstage him in any way given his kind nature, Eobard still felt humiliated by this and grew to envy his idol to the point of vowing to be faster than his hero, viewing his own increasing rage and determination as commitment. He would stop viewing Barry as his idol anymore and as competition to his ascendency. His deepest breaking point wasn’t just that as he would discover via time travel that he would never be like his idol himself and the opposite manifestation of everything that his idol stands for. The reason why all of this would deeply break Eobard was because despite all of his efforts he would never earn the title of his favourite superhero or be as cool as him and therefore he would bear an irrational and unending grudge and made it his life’s work by proving his superiority as a means to make up for everything that he has wasted in order to be a speedster to the point where he would discard every bit of humanity, sanity, rationality and compassion within his being just to be the at the top along with completely destroying his life. His emotions eventually attracted the Negative Speed Force to infect his body and consume him with anger, rage and fear to the point where he was nearly insane and unhinged due to the negative tachyons deteriorating his mental health and emotional growth. Eventually, he incited an attack on flash’s with the intent of beating him. To locate his nemesis's whereabouts, he time-travelled to Central City. This was when their war begins to escalate and lusting to spite his former idol, Eobard rigged a truck to drive at high speeds and collide with a building to lure Barry out, and was successful. Having located Barry's exact time era, Eobard planned his return home to properly plan his next attack and broke into one of Mercury Labs' offsite facilities to prepare equipment designed to act as a time machine to send him back to his own time. However, Eobard was unable to replicate the tachyon power source and sought out Tina McGee. He stormed into the facility, killed four guards and attempted to take Tina with him before he was interrupted by Barry and was surprised when Barry addressed him by his real name, revealing Barry already met him at some point in the future and had seen him die. However, Eobard simply thanked Barry for revealing his impending doom and said he now knew Barry's time period and that his nemesis would soon die instead before he knocked Barry out and took Tina to the offsite facility. This shows that Eobard was determined to defeat his archenemy yet was unfortunately held back by the fact that he does not stand a chance because he doesn’t have the same amount of resources. Eobard ordered Tina to accelerate the energetic properties within the tachyon device. But when Tina expressed doubts, Eobard vibrated his hand and calmly told Tina to learn to build it or be killed. This proves that he's a ruthless pragmatist due to his corruption into a power-hungry madman. His utter lack of empathy for the endangerment of others and remorse for killing an innocent person in cold blood which shows how fanatical and psychopathic he was in his obsession with his own cause. He proceeds to kill Tina after having finished building the device before he was attacked by Barry, but he quickly got up and taunted the hero as he was angered yet soon also unfazed by his nemesis's sabotage to his trip back home. Eobard said he would find another way to travel to the future and boasted his superiority before issuing a challenge to catch him. Racing throughout the streets of Central City, Barry managed to anticipate his path and intercepted him, culminating with Barry catching and proceeding to severely beat him almost to death in a fit of rage for his future actions but instead knocked him out and got him imprisoned in a meta-human cell.

Eobard meets Cisco

Eobard meeting Cisco and learning some of his future.

During his imprisonment, Eobard was visited by Cisco Ramon, asking how he obtained his suit and his ring. Although polite and friendly, he was also quite arrogant and sarcastic in his interactions with Cisco which reflects how he probably interacts with everyone else. Confused yet curious, Eobard talked to Cisco and deduced he must have a history with him in the future, but was confused as to why the engineer only wanted to know about his suit and ring. However, Cisco told Eobard of being the one that found him, impressing him. This was because of the young engineer's meta-human powers given by his future self, learning that Eobard would help build the very prison he was incarcerated in, leaving Eobard puzzled to learn of his future self's actions and developed an almost instant fascination with Cisco.

Young Eobard meets Barry

In his younger years, Eobard was arrogant and vain.

Eobard was later approached with Barry asking for his hatred's source. Eobard explained that his obsession has been with him for as long as he can remember. He desired to be like his idol himself, so much that he spent years learning how his idol gained these powers and succeeded in replicating the reaction. Then he traveled through time and learned that he was going to become his own idol's greatest enemy. He opted to become the reverse of everything Barry was, vowing to kill as many people as his idol saved, proving to be a petty, childish and unstable person who would snap at the slightest thing. As his former idol was disgusted to learn what was behind Eobard's motivations, even revealing that someone had been killed by his future self, Eobard angrily stated that he was better and was the one thing Barry could never stop. Instead of showing remorse and sorrow for his future crimes, he remained proud and giddy of his choices and by being a hot-tempered and vengeful homicidal maniac, he promised that one day he would learn his nemesis's real name. Eobard also gloated of winning again once he had to be released and sent back to his time, mockingly speaking in the past tense for all his future actions.

As their battles continued, Eobard’s rage grew to the point where he had nothing but hatred and envy. He had gone so far with his hatred and anger that it drove him to the desire of killing Barry as a child to get rid of his nemesis and mentally free himself from the chains of his undying obsession of all time. As a matter of consequence, he went back in time to kill before being stopped by Barry's future self and losing that opportunity. As an improvised alternative, he targeted Nora Allen and proceeded to kill out of rage with the intent of wiping his nemesis's destiny from existence. Unfortunately, he ended up stranded in the past.

"I know that rage. I used to feel that rage every time I looked upon you. And now, somehow, I know what Joe and Henry feel when they look on you with pride. With love."
—Eobard Thawne to Barry Allen[src]
Eobard tells Cisco about his powers

Despite all his plans, Eobard ended up being a father figure to Team Flash.

Under his façade as Wells, Eobard was a scientific genius responsible for numerous achievements in different fields of science. He had a large sense of respect from the scientific community, and was the very genius behind S.T.A.R. Labs' particle accelerator that orchestrated the accident behind Barry Allen's speedster abilities.[1] He distanced his "old contacts" (such as Tina) and focused on his own plans made some suspect that he's not the same man, but there was nothing definite to support this assumption.[30] Ultimately, he seemed to appear somewhat tortured, a combination of being a "widower",[30][31] and the number of people killed because of his plans.[36][34]

As Wells, Eobard adapted and evolved every situation to better suit his agenda. He had been even more skilled at plotting and manipulating since his time-traveling years, coming close to believing his own lies. He presented himself as a kind, humbled benefactor, even that is extensive to what situation better suits his multi-layered personality and he is more than capable of acting ruthlessly pragmatic to one which requires such behavior, even sometimes in front of Barry, Cisco and Caitlin Snow. He rarely killed directly, but preferred to silently bend others and systematically destroy any threats to his designs or life using his vast intelligence.[37][42][34][54][26]

As Wells, he came to see Barry as little more than a means to an end yet he grew to care for his protégé to look after as a student, and (in some ways) even as a son. Eobard believed that he could understand and empathize with the paternal love that Joe West and Henry Allen had for Barry,[1] which Barry later believed Eobard may have been genuine.[102] In spite of this, Eobard's pent-up rage and hatred for his former protégé seemingly resurfaced when Barry reneged on their deal to go back in time to save Nora and Eobard returning to his own time in the future. This was evident when Eobard violently pummeled Barry just before vowing to kill not only but Barry's friends and family too had Eddie Thawne's suicide not erased him from existence. Although seemingly calmed down shortly before fading from existence, he still used his last seconds to mock Barry about how his nemesis would get on and survive without him there to control.[1]

In Eobard's will, he thought that Barry would never truly be happy, implying that his disdain for Barry may have never went away completely yet he also acknowledged that the two were never truly enemies, and (as a favor) he confessed to Nora's murder which freed Henry from prison and allowed Barry to inherit S.T.A.R Labs officially. This final, posthumous act proves that Eobard does have honor in him in spite of all his villainous traits and displays that he on a certain level cared about Barry's well-being.[28]

Suffice it to say, Eobard had an extremely complex psychological makeup, with an adaptable and malleable nature, he ranged from being a self-focused and egotistical sociopath of the highest order, to a truly compassionate and honorable man in his later years, albeit with a very twisted sense of honor. Overall, he was a very morally gray man, much less the monster that many people tend to see him as, and had proved himself as a very tortured man, cursed to fight his own hero and become the man's enemy. Ultimately, his motivation for all the good and evil he has done throughout 15 years was claimed to be a return to his old life in the 22nd century, to leave the "barbaric" 21st century and come back to the people he cared about. In moments of desperation when it seemed his plan had failed, he quickly instantly becomes enraged and would have no problem resorting to straight-up murder.[1][22]

"You want to reshape the world?. Try reshaping history. Try rewriting destiny."
—Eobard Thawne to Damien Darhk[src]
Eobard Thawne after Flashpoint

Desperate to survive, Eobard didn't care about the damage his actions would cause to the timeline.

After being displayed and thrown into the Flashpoint timeline, Eobard has displayed contempt and ridicule toward Barry. Hypocritically, he referred to Barry as "the villain" and chastised Barry for changing time despite Barry's actions being an attempt to fix the wrongs of Eobard's timeline alterations in the first place.[13]

As a time remnant of his original version, Eobard was unwilling to let anything stand in his way and would cause multiple historical aberrations for the Legends to clean up on his quest to find the Spear of Destiny. Eobard displayed a willingness to work with various terrorists/criminals, such as Damien Darhk, Malcolm Merlyn and Leonard Snart.[7][92][93] He had fallen so low on morals that he had zero compunctions about allying with, and later double-crossing or even slaying the Nazis with his own hands. Furthermore, it was Eobard who assisted with Damien's plans to nuke New York City in the first place for no discernible reason other than the possibility of gaining a part of the Askaran Amulet.[92] He was also ready to provide Nazi Germany with his meta-human biomolecular enhancer that could allow the Nazis to win the war, all just to get a part of the Askaran Amulet from Baron Krieger. Seeing as he had previously clashed with Rex Tyler in multiple variations of the timeline, Eobard didn't care for the timeline damage that killing Rex preemptively would cause.[91] On the other hand, Eobard modified his appearance-stealing cord to allow his identity theft victims (such as Martin Stein and John Swigert) to stay alive, although it's possible his reasoning for this was he didn't his likeness permanently altered.[3][7]

Armed with the knowledge of possible futures, Eobard would display great pride and cockiness, creating an aura of the all-knowing mastermind around himself to both his enemies and his allies. Ultimately, his downfall came from him making decisions based on pride and arrogance, such as choosing to keep the Legends in existence in his syndicate's reality and ultimately not wearing his watch that would have alerted him of the Black Flash's presence.[98][99]

Reverse-Flash confronts the Legends in Doomworld

Eobard as Reverse-Flash.

Eobard would often toy with his enemies, and his more twisted and demented demeanor was the most direct against Barry. He laughed insanely upon realizing that he had somehow avoided timeline dangers in his heroic counterpart's crude prison cell, and (ultimately) he took great pleasure in tormenting Barry when he was released for the timeline to be "restored" (despite the previous timeline also being a product of his original version's machinations).[13] Eobard would also taunt the Legends, displaying the group how easy it would be to slaughter all at his full power, as he directly threatened to kill Jefferson Jackson and Amaya Jiwe,[7] but then showed mercy to the Legends and his own rebelling co-conspirators in their reality to serve as a means of punishing their defiance by forcing everyone to be trapped and powerless, while telling his mutineers to "remember this mercy",[98] and later killing the Legends' alternate timeline versions.[99]

Despite his arrogant and overconfident traits as a remorseless murderer and sociopath, Eobard also displayed a more contemplative, philosophical side with a certain degree of humanity. Eobard would also claim to have fond memories of his original version's work alongside Cisco and Caitlin, and did not see himself as an absolute monster in comparison with the monsters he has witnessed throughout centuries that he's seen through time travel, commenting on this to Ray Palmer.[3] Eobard was also not without fear, as he viewed the Black Flash as a beast worse than even the Time Wraiths.[21] He was proven to be in true terror, describing Black Flash as "one of history's worst creations". With the knowledge of Eddie's suicide and his own mortality, Eobard now no longer wanted to best Barry and instead to simply to continue living.[3]

In his reality, Eobard successfully stopped global warming, the melting of ice caps and the extinction of the polar bears, and became the most powerful man in this reality, greatly enjoying all of this while leading Central City at S.T.A.R. Labs.[98] However, the reality had all of the various heroes killed off, and the Black Flash remained intact, although imprisoned by Eobard.[99] Unlike the previous version of himself whose one goal was to get back to his time, Eobard seemed content in this reality that resembled the 21st century.

After being revived and stripped of his powers by the Time Wraiths and forced to act as a ensurer of Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination, Eobard was reasonably more mellowed out, calming himself with stretches and meditation daily. In complete contrast to his previous repeated and reckless manipulations of the timeline for personal gain, Eobard came to agree with the Time Wraiths that the timeline cannot and should not be changed.

While he retained some of his ruthlessness and inclination toward violence, he appeared generally more well-adjusted and reasonable, being willing to sit down and talk with Sara Lance when he was bested in combat, and he can be compromising. However, Eobard stated that he would kill the Legends if the situation required it, and he showed extreme loyalty to his role as protector of the fixed point.[100]

After being revived as redemption, Eobard lost his memories yet was much more human than he previously was, but he still wanted to become a speedster. However, he proved to be a better man than his other self when he met Meena Dhawan. He willingly sacrificed his dream to be a speedster to save Meena (the woman he loves), indirectly rejecting his other self's fate. His love for Meena is so much intense that he was willing to die when Meena was corrupted by the Negative Speed Force, an act that Eobard previously wouldn't do. Furthermore, he showed to be very careful toward Meena, recognizing every sign from Meena whenever Meena's upset, when something bothers Meena and even tend to only be worried about Meena's safety.[6]

Though he was amnesiac, he retained his intellect, allowing him to be slightly aware that his other self was in "another life" as Barry claimed twice, but Eobard accepted Barry's claims and (ultimately) rejected his other self's fate. Another example was that when he reconnected to the Negative Speed Force with Meena, he felt so much hatred from it, describing it as burning, afraid to become the "monster" Barry said he was.[86]

"I watched you die."
"Or did you? It's time travel, Barry. So very confusing. I always seem to be saying that to you, don't I?"
—Barry Allen and Eobard Thawne[src]
Eobard Thawne (Crisis on Earth-X)

In Eobard's thirst for power, he stooped low enough to join the Nazis of Earth-X.

After being resurrected via the Negative Speed Force, Eobard joined Earth-X's New Reich as one of the most focused Nazi generals. Much like his original form, Eobard proved himself to be vocally contemptuous of others, and he never passed up an opportunity to insult both enemies and allies. He mocked Barry by wearing Wells's likeness once again just "for old time's sake" and appeared to have a deeper and more focused hatred of Barry than before.[56]

Although he embraced Nazi despotism and tyranny, Eobard has no true loyalty to either the Führer or the other Schutzstaffel generals yet he demanded Earth-1's conquest to be the New Reich's priority, openly mocking the love and affection between the Führer and Overgirl, and also thought that Tommy Merlyn was pathetic.[57][56] Reminiscing at S.T.A.R. Labs, Eobard remembered hating every minute of the 15 years he was trapped in the 21st century[19] despite having previously stated how he grew to love working with Team Flash.[26] After their confrontation against Barry ended with Barry's victory, Eobard dared his nemesis to finally kill him. Barry declined to which Eobard mocked Barry for being "above killing" and wondered what face would he wear in their next meeting, taunting his nemesis.[24]

"The only person he ever helps is himself."
Nora West-Allen[src]
Eobard as an inmate of Iron Heights Prison

Eobard as an inmate of Iron Heights Prison.

After his imprisonment in Iron Heights, Eobard had seemingly reflected on his evil life and felt remorse over his deeds, claiming to be working towards a less villainous legacy. He seemed to be committed in helping Nora West-Allen to stop Cicada and prevent Barry's disappearance in the Crisis. Eobard expressed guilt, shame, and remorse when Nora furiously confronted him over heartlessly murdering various loved ones and tormenting Barry, even if he still believed that his actions helped Nora. Eobard even seemed genuinely hurt when Nora stated that he only cared about himself. Despite this, he bore no grudge for Nora's condemnation and quickly agreed to help when Nora, much to his pleasure, decided to give him a chance.[9][63]

When faced by Barry, Eobard showed no resentment towards his longtime foe, merely trying to put Barry in his place for suggesting he was trying to take away Nora for him by reasoning that he simply granted Nora's wish to see Barry again, although he did so mockingly. This suggests that his hatred for Barry has faded, or at least mellowed.

However, Eobard's true endgame in mentoring and sending Nora to the past was to destroy Cicada's dagger that was dampening his speedster abilities so he could escape his execution. Nevertheless, Eobard had grown genuinely fond of Nora, considering Nora to be the daughter he had never had. He appeared to be almost proud of Nora's growth as a speedster and was immediately genuinely concerned when she started to fade out of existence. Eobard quickly offered to help by getting Barry to take Nora into the Negative Speed Force, even going as far as to plead with Barry to save Nora, apologizing for having indirectly caused Nora to do it. This was also indicated by how Eobard appeared reluctant to have Nora tap into the Negative Speed Force despite it being necessary for his freedom since he was worried it would corrupt Nora like him. While his ultimate plan was to have Nora establish a connection to the Negative Speed Force to further his goal to escape, he also wanted give the option to preserve Nora's existence after his plan succeeded.[14]

"What do I always want? To kill you. And I'm done being patient. I can't wait to slit your throat. When I do, when I get out... believe me. I will get out. I'm going to kill you... And then I'm going to kill your family, and then I'm going to kill your friends. I'm gonna kill all your friends, starting with your new pal Nash."
—Eobard Thawne to Barry Allen in Nash Wells' mind[src]
Eobard Thawne (Harrison Nash Wells)

Eobard possessing Nash.

Due to residing in Harrison Nash Wells's mind and eventually taking control of his host's body, Eobard's personality was shown to be even darker and more hateful towards Barry and everyone associated, seeing he reveled in attempting to murder Cisco and later promised to kill Barry and every loved one. Cecile Horton's empathic power sensed that Eobard was full of hate.[70]

In order to take over Nash's body for good, Eobard trapped Nash in a painful memory of Maya's death and drew out his host's negative emotions, which Eobard appeared to take great joy in. He also taunted Barry multiple times over Nora's death, scolding and even yelling at Barry for not making the most with Nora whereas Eobard taught Nora everything he knew. While this implies Eobard feels sorrow over Nora's death, Barry noted he was primarily saying this to gain power over Barry by bringing emotional pain. However, Nash ultimately overcame Eobard's will with the help of both Cisco and Barry after Cecile put the two in Nash's mind. Eobard was then expelled from Nash's body, having to survive in the form of nothing more than negative tachyons.[65]

"Didn't I tell you? Finding ways to kill you is my life work."
—Eobard Thawne [src]

Months after being expelled and surviving in the form of negative tachyons, Eobard was made whole again by the Speed Force in a plan made by Barry and Iris West-Allen in exchange of helping take down August Heart. Eobard reluctantly helped Barry defeat Heart, only because Eobard himself wanted to be the one to kill Barry, as he will not allow anyone else to take that chance away from him. After Heart's defeat, Eobard tried to kill Barry once again before he failed due to his nemesis being more powerful, much to his dismay.

Afterwards, he created the Reverse-Flashpoint timeline not only so that he could usurp Barry's role as a superhero, and also to hurt Barry as well. However, Eobard underestimated Barry yet again. Because he knew that Barry only had a small amount of the Speed Force's energy left, he believed that Barry wouldn't be able to changed his changes back to normal.

After Barry severed his connection to the Negative Speed Force which saved him from being erased from existence, Eobard wasn't grateful towards Barry for saving his life, and he instead criticized Barry by stating that he had essentially been left in hell due to his life revolving around speed and Barry taking it away.

Upon his imprisonment in Lian Yu, Eobard kept his usual persona, if not for the worst as he openly showed his "true colors" when Barry said that he was replaced to which Eobard displayed his hate that he hid for years to destroy Barry. Nevertheless, though he seemed to simply be left alone, as he feels broken due to being speedless and as he also reflects on his entire life, he still retains his desire to destroy Barry and to get his speed back first. Similar to his time remnant, he's not without fear as he immediately panicked when the Negative Still Force killed him by rapidly aging him to death.

After his resurrection by killing his time remnant, Eobard first displayed back his sadistic trait, as he gloated about Iris being the reason he resurrected through his time remnant, to the point he laughed as Barry was electrocuting him in retaliation for Iris's supposed death, torturing Barry furthermore by provoking Barry to "finish the job" or killing Nora and Bart West-Allen being the next ones.

After being in the realm of the Negative Speed Force, Eobard was brought back to Earth with a new set of powers and was shown to be even more bloodthirsty and ruthless as he killed the panicking citizens in the streets until he was interrupted by Barry, Nora, Bart and Meena who swore revenge on him for all the lives he took. After snapping Nora, Bart and Meena from existence in Barry’s timeline, he taunted Barry over being powerless and helpless to stop him from killing other people. When Barry was powered by the "positive" Forces of Nature and stated that the two were equals as even matched god-like beings, Eobard swore that he always was and always will be superior in power than his nemesis. When he was empowered even more by the Negative Forces, he furthermore showed his mental instability since he thought of himself being the most powerful being since he gloated about being faster and better than Barry. This trait proved to be his downfall as his thirst for more power and destruction led him to his demise.

Powers and abilities[]


"The Negative Speed Force has always existed. It chose you as an avatar, because it feeds off your hatred for Barry Allen."
Negative Sage Force to Reverse-Flash[src]
The Reverse-Flash killing two guards

Reverse-Flash using his superhuman speed.

  • Speed Force-Negative Speed Force connection/Meta-human physiology: Replicating the circumstances behind the Flash's powers, Eobard he created a machine that tapped into the Negative Speed Force and became connected to it and became its avatar; thus, his physiology has been greatly augmented to beyond peak human performance, letting him handle extreme physical exertion and performance. At some point later, he became connected to the Speed Force as well. His connection to both the Speed Force and Negative Speed Force grant him the power to not only sense the Flash and other speedsters connected to the Speed Force, but he can also remain undetected; such as why the Flash could never anticipate his nemesis' arrival and time manipulations. However, after Eobard's death in the crisis, he turned into negative tachyons and could only tap into the Negative Speed Force if he had a willing host body.[65] As the Speed Force made him whole once again, his connection to his Negative Speed Force remains intact and he doesn't need a host anymore. As a speedster, Eobard is one of the most powerful beings in the entire multiverse. But after Barry severed Eobard's connection to the Negative Speed Force; he no longer possesses any powers as he is now just a normal human. Another version of Thawne lost his speed as well after being stripped of his powers by the Time Wraiths, leaving him with no speed whatsoever, however, he still had enough of a connection where the Time Wraiths could seemingly resurrect him once more. After tearing through his good counterpart, Eobard regained his speed. After gaining a connection to the other Negative Forces as well, Eobard became one of two of the most powerful speedsters alive, the other being Barry after absorbing the powers of the Positive Forces. At that point Eobard had become so dangerous that Barry was willing to finally let him die as he knew the world would never be safe with Thawne still alive.
    • Accelerated healing factor: The Speed Force in someone's blood gives it regenerative properties. Eobard's body heals much faster and more efficiently than normal humans. His wounds from being attacked were completely gone without a trace afterwards, which he covered up by isolating himself to avoid speculation of any kind. After being viciously pummeled by the Flash of 2016 twice, he is able to recover as if he had never been hurt.
      • Superhuman longevity: Due to Eobard's accelerating healing factor; he ages much slower than normal humans. Despite having spent nearly 30 years in the past, his appearance and performance remains the same as ever (albeit the alterations from stealing Harrison Wells' form may have contributed to it) while Eobard was stuck in Iron Heights Prison in the future, his hair started to turn gray over a period of 15 years; as a result of him aging naturally. However, when Cicada's dagger was destroyed in the past and Eobard regained his powers, his hair turned back to it's original black color.
    • Bodily vibration: Eobard has the ability to vibrate any part of his body at different frequencies on command, with varying effects. When done, this is seen as a haze that normal people can't perceive clearly. It can also garble his voice into a deep growl to disguise. By vibrating rapidly, Eobard was able to Reverse his modified appearance-stealing cord's effects, which the device could also do for him with a push of a button.
      • Intangibility: Eobard can seamlessly phase his arm through an individual, killing them instantly without outwardly damaging them. By vibrating the cells in his body, Eobard can pass through other individuals or objects unharmed. As Cisco Ramon remembered his own death at Eobard's hands, Cisco described Eobard as having crushed the heart with his fist, performing this same technique on Mason Bridge in 2015 and Rex Tyler in 1942. This power appears to have damaging effects on electrical equipment; as it shorted out Mason's computer.
    • Electrokinesis: Eobard can produce powerful red electricity from his body. The intensity of his lightning is so great that the moment he arrived at the stadium for Barry's first fight with him, the electrical lights and video screens around it started glitching and flashing.[12] Eobard is also capable of making his eyes glow bright red, which most likely is another effect of his electrokinesis. From a stationary position, Eobard can generate a continuous stream of lightning to launch at a target.[14] He can also generate various constructs to be used in battle, such as swords,[73] as well as throw lightning. Upon increasing his speedster powers with the Negative Forces' aid, Eobard's lightning has grown so powerful that he is now capable of generating a gigantic wave of electricity capable of wiping out entire cities.
      • Flight: After augmenting his connection to the Negative Speed Force through his newfound connection to the other Negative Forces, Eobard can now generate powerful streams of electricity underneath him to take flight into the air.[75]
    • Superhuman durability: Eobard's durability is well-above that of normal humans, as he is able to endure attacks and exertions much quicker than normal and survive impacts that would be fatal or at least permanently disabling to normal humans. In 2015, he was able to both withstand and quickly recover from pyrokinetic blasts from Firestorm on multiple occasions, being shot with multiple arrows, and being pummeled by the Flash's enhanced strength and momentum. During his fight with the Flash, Firestorm and the Arrow, he also hardly fazed after falling from a building to land from several stories up unfazed by moving at super speed at the same time. After being smacked by the Kryptonian Supergirl, Eobard was able to stand up without struggle seconds later. He is also able to withstand the brutal, frequently occurring punishments he receives in his Iron Heights cell.
    • Superhuman mental process: Eobard's powers also make his system and thought processing able to take in and retain information just as fast and efficiently. Even while using his raw speed, he can clearly think, react to events, and perform actions long before normal humans can perceive them.
      • Accelerated perception: Eobard's speed also extends to his senses and mental capacities. He can take in information and process it at much faster rates than a normal human, as well as see and hear clearly when moving at super-speed. This ability allows Eobard to see the world as if it is in slow motion, which, combined with his physical speed, lets him perform thoughts and actions long before a normal human around him could even perceive them. When Barry was running at Mach 2, Eobard was able to follow these movements with ease, and does this again when Barry travels to the past under his guidance.
    • Superhuman speed: Eobard is able to move at levels of speed well above Mach 2.2, easily outpacing Barry Allen's limit during 2014-2015. Using this speed, he can easily move on vertical structures and ceilings. Barry said that he is so fast that he could kill everyone in the police precinct in seconds, describing him as "somebody that even I can't keep up with." His tremendous speed was later revealed to be greatly influenced by tachyon particles in his body. As revealed by Caitlin Snow, this allows Eobard to with each stride his feet spend less time on the ground, thus; propelling him forward much faster, similar to Hunter Zolomon with the Velocity serums.[22] Later, after somehow returning from erasure, his speed also somehow increased considerably, able to keep up with the Flash of 2017 who was described as the fastest speedster ever.[130] However, Eobard also stated that his speed was equal to the Flash of 2024's speed,[1] so it's also possible that he simply realized that Barry had reached that potential and ran using the full extent of his speed. Eobard has stated that he is even faster than Superman.[19] Although Eobard was still exceptionally fast after the Speed Force made him whole once again, his speed proved to be inferior to that of Barry, who had finally surpassed his former mentor in terms of physical speed.[73]
      • Aerokinesis: Using his speed, Eobard can generate air flow as vacuums on various levels. He can create fierce waves and vacuums of air by shaking a body part very fast. His speed vacuum is very powerful, as he was able to blow Firestorm blocks away by rotating just one hand in 2015.
      • Interdimensional travel: Eobard can apparently use his speed to break down barriers between parallel universes, enabling him to travel to them. Doing this, he was able to travel to Earth-X, where he was able to use his knowledge of different universes to earn der Führer Oliver's trust.
      • Speed mirage: By using his speed to bounce back and forth so quickly, Eobard can create after-images with his speed, making it appear like he's in two places at once, no matter how far they are apart. This image is so realistic, that a human mind can't perceive the difference. Eobard can also create mirror speed projections while retaining his peak speed, as demonstrated when he took on both Barry and Nora. For experts of this ability, these mirages temporarily make a speedster in two places at once as seen when Eobard first beat himself up to steal the tachyon device and when fighting Nora and Barry before rejoining into one person again.
      • Superhuman agility: Eobard possesses inhuman bodily coordination, balance, equilibrium and dexterity. He is able to change direction immediately, thus allows him to make sharp turns on city streets without sliding or losing his balance.
      • Superhuman momentum: Eobard can generate an inhuman amount of physical force from any part of his body, especially while using super speed. This allowed him to exert inhuman physical strength with almost absolute ease, commonly to restrain opponent at super speed and pinning them down with little effort, as well as to kill his opponents through high-speed collision. By channeling this force to his strikes, even the Flash was quickly pummeled and rendered unable to fight back despite healing powers. When he faced the Black Flash in 2025, Eobard punched with enough force to send the creature flying through several rooms before slamming against the far wall. He could also punch clean through people, as he did do impale Bridge on his arm in 2015 and even to punch through his chest-piece of the A.T.O.M. Exosuit to tear out Ray's heart in 1916. Alternately, when Eobard removed Ray's heart, he may've phased his hand through Dr. Palmer's chest, much like he did when he crushed Cisco's heart in an erased timeline.
      • Superhuman reflexes: Eobard's increased speed also augments his reaction time; allowing him to react to danger and events far faster than normal humans.
      • Time travel: Using the Negative Speed Force, speedsters such as Reverse-Flash are able to conduct chronokinesis or temporal manipulation, which allows him to travel throughout time. Unlike users of the Speed Force, Eobard's ability to travel through and manipulate time is more refined compared to other speedsters as he is easily able to drastically alter history and completely erase people from existence (other speedsters cannot change the past without dramatic consequences). This ability has also allowed Eobard to continue existing despite being erased from existence in the current timeline. However, when using the Speed Force Eobard does have side effects such as watching for Time Wraiths and has his Speed Force time remnants able to be erased by the Black Flash.
        • Time remnant construct: By shifting momentarily back in time, Eobard is able to "create" a time remnant. As each one is as real as the other, it allows Eobard to overwhelm his enemies with multiple versions of himself. It also protected him from any alterations to the timeline and secures his existence when he shouldn't exist by becoming a time remnant himself. As a time remnant, he was also able to create his own time remnants.
        • Temporal immunity: Due to Eobard's connection to the Negative Speed Force; he exists outside of the time; for example, when his ancestor, Eddie Thawne had committed suicide that erased all future members of the Thawne bloodline from the timeline, Eobard still remains in existence. Even if Eobard is not responsible for altered the timeline; he is still completely unaffected by it, as he still maintains his memories from original timeline of the original multiverse.
        • Retrocognition: When existing as a time remnant, Eobard retained memories of his former life masquerading as Wells, as seen when his time remnant self reminisced about working with Cisco and Caitlin.[3] When Barry visited a version of Eobard as Wells, Eobard was quite familiar with Savitar even though Savitar was not part of the original timeline.[17] Eobard apparently remembered events from both the pre- and post-Flashpoint timelines, as his post-Flashpoint self was aware of Ralph Dibny's death, an event from the pre-Flashpoint timeline,[14][131] but he also remembered Barry and Nora's visit to 2015, an event from the post-Flashpoint timeline.[14]
    • Superhuman stamina: Eobard's body can handle the stresses of superhuman racing without noticeable distress. His body's enhanced stamina allows him to function much longer than a normal human without getting tired or weak. Therefore, he is also adapted to the extreme amounts of force exerted on him while he is moving at super speed, as well as the extreme temperatures and lessened amount of breathable air.
    • Superhuman strength: Due to the tremendous amounts of Speed Force energy in his body, Eobard displays a degree of superhuman strength, exerting inhuman amounts of force without using his speed. He was also seen punching Mason which made Bridge go all the way up to the roof and as the man came falling down he once again punched his victim, making Mason go all the way across the room. From a stationary position, he was able to throw the Flash several yards away with one arm. As means of intimidation or restraining, he has repeatedly been shown able to easily hold down, or even pick up, a full-grown adult with a single hand, usually by their necks. He was also was able to effortlessly break a man's neck. Eobard's method of intimidation/restraining has been done on Rex in 1947 and Malcolm Merlyn in the Vanishing Point, and method of breaking a man's neck has been done on Mercury Labs' various staff and the CCPD in 2014-2016, and government agents while protecting Damien Darhk in 1987.
  • Negative Still Force connection: At some point, after being humiliated by Barry's superior speed, Eobard tapped into the Negative Still Force in order to manipulate time and events more easily and more subtly, and used this advantage to frame Barry for working with Joseph Carver, killing Joe West, and other actions conductive to the ruin of Barry's life; even making it seem that Barry was the Reverse-Flash while Eobard himself was in fact the Flash instead of Barry. After becoming the avatar of the Negative Still Force, Eobard can now control time with a snap of his fingers.
    • Temporal displacement: With a snap of his fingers Eobard can displace other people and objects in time. He did this to XS, Impulse and Fasttrack sending them back a billion years in time, and again with summoning an old school plane from out of nowhere when fighting the Flash.
    • Time stopping: Eobard can stop others in their tracks by freezing them in time with a snap of his fingers.
  • Negative Sage Force connection: After becoming the avatar of the Negative Sage Force, Eobard can now augment his mind to access a vast array of psionic powers. Since Eobard is already a genius and has a large amount of intelligence, the Negative Sage Force augmenting his mind even more has given him much finer control over his abilities than even Bashir Malik, allowing his psychic powers to be stronger than Psych’s.
    • Illusion inducement: Eobard can use his psychic powers to create realistic illusions. He made Flash, XS and Fasttrack think they threw lightning at him, when in reality they threw it at Impulse.
    • Teleportation: Eobard can use the Negative Sage Force to teleport around from one place to another.
    • Mental detection: Eobard was able to sense the Flash's approach and react before Flash could do anything about it.
    • Psionic tendril generation: Using his connection to the Negative Sage Force, Eobard can generate powerful tendrils of pure Negative Sage Force energy for offensive attacks.
  • Negative Strength Force connection: After becoming the avatar of the Negative Strength Force, Eobard can access the full extend of this Force to augment his physical strength. However he rarely used the powers he got from the Negative Strength Force as he preferred using the powers of the other Forces to defeat his opponents instead.

Former powers[]

  • Possession: After Eobard's death in the Crisis, his essence was reduced to a manifestation of negative tachyons as his physical form was no longer preserved. As negative tachyons, he has the power to possess humans. However, he could not take over the body and connect to the Negative Speed Force until the host was fully overwhelmed by him.[65] However, since the Speed Force gave him back his body, he doesn't need to find a host again.


"Man, Thawne's plans got plans."
Ralph Dibny[src]

  • Genius-level intellect/Great business acumen/Master tactician/Leader: Eobard is considered a genius even in the more advanced era of the late 22nd century, having learned astro-navigation in grade school, potentially making him more intelligent than all individuals of the early 21st century (besides Clifford DeVoe) he has displayed in-depth knowledge and understanding of time-traveling like the Time Masters. With this, he was able to effectively evade any encounters with a Time Wraith and confidently travel back over 150 years to change the past with no fear of affecting his own future, as well as to give the Legends trouble balancing the timeline. Eobard is a great tactician, businessman, and leader, having personally founded S.T.A.R. Labs and ran it very successfully for 14 years and was able to effectively lead Team Flash and swiftly come up with plans to help Barry Allen defeat the meta-humans while simultaneously carrying several misdeeds to fulfill his own agenda and preventing them from figuring out that he is Reverse-Flash for nearly a year. In addition, his mastery of contingency plans was also seen by how he had set in place the necessary tools to force everyone to go back into the pipeline, therefore; forcing Team Flash to still help him return to his time even after he had been defeated by Barry, Oliver and Firestorm. After rewriting reality with the Spear of Destiny, Eobard once again proved able to efficiently run S.T.A.R. Labs, becoming a prominent figure in the world of business. Eobard is proven to have great intelligence about the Speed Force and its usage. He has many times helped and guided Barry to use it better. He knew it has powers to create vacuums, move seamlessly pass through any solid target and was able to direct Barry on how-to use the Speed Force to time travel. Eobard also has knowledge relating to mystical artifacts. He knew that the Askaran Amulet was a Judeo-Christian artifact which acted like a compass for the Spear of Destiny as well as knew the object's divine capabilities. He even related some knowledge of the Fasces Axe which Damien Darhk was purchasing. He also revealed he knows about time remnants, when he went up against the Legends. His knowledge and understanding about the Speed Force seems to be among the greatest (if not the greatest) among the speedsters due to him being from the future. Eobard is among the most intelligent individuals in the multiverse and the most intelligent individual on Earth-1.
    • Medical knowledge: Although never explicitly stated to excel in the medical field, Eobard was still a good enough of a medic to perform complex surgeries, as he was put in charge of transplanting Supergirl's healthy heart into Overgirl.[19]
    • Computer specialist/Skilled computer hacker: Eobard is a skilled computer hacker, being able to hack into the radio signals of multiple cars in order to destroy Hartley Rathaway's weapons.[36]
    • Master scientist: Having learned astro-navigation in grade school and dedicated his life to learning the secrets of the Speed Force, Eobard is a vastly knowledgeable, resourceful and ingenious scientist, specializing in various fields of science. Throughout his life, Eobard has been a genius professor, especially a physicist, from the advanced 22nd century, and when stuck in the 21st century as Harrison Wells, while running S.T.A.R Labs, he was able to effectively act as one of the greatest scientific leaders of that time and make great advancement to multiple scientific fields. He has a superb knowledge of meta-human biochemistry and molecular structure, creating a biomolecular enhancer. When given the formula of Velocity 9, Eobard was able to quickly identify a way to disable the artificial speed. This may all be because he's from the 22nd century. His greatest feat of science was his successful replication of the Flash's accident to replicate his former idol/future archenemies' powers for him self and he even created his own method of being a speedster and time travel by tapping into the Negative Speed Force, a force leeching power from the Speed Force and fueled by negative emotions and negative tachyons, in order to be a speedster yet be undetectable by the Flash, as well as a means to be protected from his existence being erased from his ancestor's death.
    • Master of deception/Manipulator: Eobard is highly accomplished at deceiving people, as he was able to work closely with Team Flash for months as Harrison Wells without them knowing who he really was and even deceive those close who had known the real Harrison Wells, all but Tina McGee.[40] He is also an excellent manipulator, as he managed to effortlessly manipulate Tony Woodward and Hannibal Bates respectively into helping him.[26][34] He even manipulated Nora West-Allen into trusting him, telling her to help punch DeVoe's satellite in order to manipulate the timeline and create a Cicada that Team Flash could defeat in order to destroy Cicada's dagger which was dampening his powers in the future, thus freeing him.[14]
    • Master engineer: Eobard is highly proficient in the art of engineering due to his consummate knowledge of futuristic technology from 22nd century, as he successfully created and modified the particle accelerator with only the resources of the 21st century, recreated the tachyon device into a quantum splicer with Cisco's help and was able to create the ring that contains his suit, the Time Vault, anti-speedster guns, and the appearance-stealing cord, which he managed to modify to be nonlethal to the person whose appearance is being mimicked, allowing him to keep Martin Stein alive. Eobard, while serving as a SS General on Earth-X, even designed and constructed the Wellenreiter mostly on his own.
    • Multilingual: Eobard is capable of fluently speaking English and Latin. He can also read and write in the time language.
"Newsflash, Raymond: I don't need super-speed to kick your ass."
—Eobard Thawne to the Atom[src]

  • Expert hand-to-hand combatant/Martial artist: Though suffering a beating at the hands of the Flash from 2016 in his first encounter, Eobard eventually became a seasoned expert of hand-to-hand combat, being able to fight on par with the Flash of 2024 and easily defeated the younger Flash from 2014-2015 in multiple fights, along with later on winning two fights with the 2017 Flash, who's speed equalled his, before being defeated in their final fight. Whereas the novice Flash from 2014-2015 relied primarily on speed to overwhelm slower opponents with random striking, the older Eobard proved to be a very methodical combatant, using his speed to seamlessly and quickly strike at precise spots to systemically wear down his opponent. Even without his speed, Eobard's fighting skills on their own right proved formidable, capable of trouncing Ray Palmer in his A.T.O.M. Exosuit when they were in a no gravity area, which effectively stripped him of his speed, with solely superior fighting skills, quickly turning the tides after Ray briefly overwhelmed him to swiftly beat and kick him away, with Ray only overpowering him using his suit's blasts and even managed to roughly hold his own against the extremely skilled Oliver Queen, who had already been trained by Ra's al Ghul at this point long enough to regain his speed, able to dodge and block quite a few of Oliver's blows before eventually being overpowered. When in Nash's body and not having his powers, Eobard was still able to outfight Cisco, easily knocking him down and restraining him and breaking out of his grip after being hit and tackling him to a table and ultimately subduing him after easily blocking his attack upon being kicked away. Like his rival Barry Allen, Eobard is also quick to adapt in battle, as shown when they used their newly created lightning swords against the temporarily much faster Godspeed, with their combined efforts proving to be a match for him. When Eobard became the guardian of the fixed point, he proved himself capable of fighting on par with Sara Lance for a short period of time (even without his super speed).
    • Skilled knife-fighter: When fighting Ray, Eobard was able to use a knife to slash him twice before getting disarmed.
    • Expert stick-fighter: When fighting Oliver, Eobard was able to wield a metal pole against the bow-wielding vigilante, hold his own for a time and even land a hit on him though he clearly caught Oliver off guard.
  • Intimidation: As Reverse-Flash, Eobard possesses an intimidating presence that would force other individuals to give up information or stop an investigation on him.[31] Damien Darhk notably wasn't afraid of him, only his super speed.


  • Mental instability: Eobard is unbelievably arrogant, erratic, cruel, unstable and delusional; for example, after traveling back in time, he discovered that he was destined to become his idol’s greatest enemies, as he could never become like him, he developed an hatred towards Barry Allen. This hatred was further intensified when Eobard was prepared to reveal his existence as a speedster to a crowd in the 22nd century after he had gained enough tremendous speed; which was the first time that Barry and Eobard met each other in real time, however, the scarlet speedster beat him, saving the crowd from an unknown disaster and thus; stealing his moment of glory; albeit that Barry had no intention or desire to upstage him. Since that moment - he became obsessed with trying to destroy Barry's life - spurred on by the grandiose belief that he is superior to the latter. In truth, Eobard lacks any form of morals or honor, all traits that his arch-nemesis stands for. Eobard has a habit of underestimating his opponents - despite years of battling against Barry, he still underestimates the scarlet speedster - which has led to several of his downfalls at the latter's hands. Eobard's obsession with trying to destroy Barry's life almost costs him his own life. After Eobard created the Reverse-Flashpoint timeline not only so that he could usurp Barry's role as the Flash, but also to hurt him, but after Barry used the particle eradication distributor to prevent the Reverse-Flashpoint timeline ever happening again, he was being erased from existence by the timeline itself; even his connection to the Negative Speed Force was not able to prevent this from happening; fortunately, Eobard still remains in existence; due to Barry severing his connection to the Negative Speed Force.
  • Anti-speedster weapons: The Legends have an arsenal of anti-speedster guns, invented by Eobard himself, which would allow the user to momentarily slow Eobard down. However, Eobard showed himself resistant to the weapons, restoring his powers after mere moments.
  • Particle eradication distributor: After Barry Allen used the particle eradication distributor to prevent the Reverse-Flashpoint timeline from ever happening, he was being erased from existence by the timeline itself, as it had somehow bypassed his connection to the Negative Speed Force. In order for Eobard to remain in existence, Barry had to sever Eobard's connection to the Negative Speed Force.
  • Positive tachyons: Since the Negative Speed Force is the opposite of the regular Speed Force, positive tachyons are theorized to weaken Eobard's powers as he produces negative tachyons. However, negative tachyons can also leech off positive tachyons to draw power. This suggests that too much positive tachyons can actually offset negative tachyons.
  • Cold temperatures: Much like other speedsters, Eobard seems to be weakened or at least momentarily stunned when exposed to an extremely cold environment. This was proven when Leonard Snart's Cold gun knocks Eobard unconscious for a short period of time.
  • Irregular gravity: Eobard is unable to access his speed while in space or on the moon. While Ray suggests this is because of the lack of gravity, Eobard is still unable to phase or vibrate himself while tied up on the moon, which does possess a gravitational force. However, this may simply be because of the differing gravitational forces of Earth and the moon, meaning that Eobard would be able to phase in that particular level of gravity. Also, he needed to manually restore his normal appearance with the appearance-stealing cord instead of vibrating on his own power. He can however still access his speed and phasing abilities to their fullest effect when Earth-level gravity is artificially replicated (e.g. on the Waverider).[3]
  • Nanites: When Eobard was shot with a nanite arrow, he lost his powers for a short amount of time even though Oliver said it'd take away his speed for "quite awhile", and he could somewhat vibrate; allowing him to phase the nanites out of his body, instantly restoring his powers.[18]
  • Time alterations: While willing to make huge leaps through time and likewise meddle with events,[23] Eobard has a great fear of time manipulation done recklessly by others.[22][54] This is due to the existence of the Time Wraiths who act as guardians to the Speed Force's energy.[22] While existing as a time remnant as his past self was erased from existence, Eobard was forced to constantly run, even through the timeline itself, to avoid getting killed by the relentless hunting of the Black Flash, of which Eobard was utterly terrified of facing.[21] After his return from some unknown place, Eobard seemed to have solved his problem with the Black Flash, as he appeared nonchalant when confronted about his previous erasure.[56] He claimed to discover that "the timeline is malleable" and was able to predict the timeline with ease.[17][14] However, because of the time stone's ability to nullify any time variables, he began to slowly fade away from existence when the stone was used.[8]
  • Electricity: Since Eobard is like a human battery, if he tries to absorb too much electricity he will blow his fuse and lose his speed as shown when Barry saved him.
  • Power limitation: After absorbing the powers of all four Negative Forces and becoming a living god, Eobard's body could only handle so much power. This led to his death, as he overdosed when the Negative Forces gave him even more power and his body disintegrated because of it.

Former weaknesses[]

  • Cicada's dagger: Cicida's dagger has the power to disable and negate the superhuman abilities of meta-humans who gained powers due to exposure to dark matter, including Eobard. In 2049 it is used to dampen Eobard's powers while he's in prison on death row.[61] However, since Team Flash sent the dagger to the Mirrorverse in 2019,[78] this caused it to vanish in 2049, thereby allowing Thawne to regain access to his powers.[14]
  • Speed Force connection flux: According to Gideon; Eobard severely damaged his connection to the Speed Force from having traveled back in time and killed Barry's mother, Nora Allen. Even when Eobard's ancestor Eddie committed suicide to wipe Eobard out of existence, the Negative Speed Force continued to exist despite Eobard being the creator, so this implies the Negative Speed Force truly is immune to timeline changes as Thawne said. While later regaining his super-speed and most of its related powers due to setting the timeline back on course through the particle accelerator explosion leading to Barry becoming the Flash, he still lacked a stable connection to the Speed Force; thereby rendering him unable to travel through time, and thus, stranded in the distant past. At the same time, his recovered speed was unstable, randomly working, and also appeared to affect his ability to walk. To compensate somewhat, Eobard relied on the tachyon prototype to stabilize his powers for a longer duration. However, the version that had existed after undoing the Flashpoint timeline never experienced these damaging events and is able to use his powers to their fullest with ease. Later, the original version who wore Harrison Wells's appearance somehow managed stabilize his connection.
  • Lack of physical form: As negative tachyons, Eobard does not have a stable form and has to possess a person to remain stable as well as the connection to the Negative Speed Force. In addition, when he possesses someone, he has to make them fully give in to their negative emotions (such as Nash Wells's despair and guilt over losing Maya) in order to completely take over their body. Until he's fully taken over his host, he cannot access the Negative Speed Force.[65] However, since the Speed Force gave him back his body, he doesn't need to find a host again.[73]


Original multiverse[]

  • Reverse-Flash ring: Eobard owns a ring with a Reverse-Flash lightning-bolt symbol on it that can open up a wall in the Time Vault that contains a mannequin which he uses to store his Reverse-Flash suit.[12] Eobard is able to hold his entire costume in his ring, and shoot it out of the top, allowing him to change into it at super speed and always have it ready for wear.[18]
  • Reverse-Flash suit: Eobard wears a protective suit while acting as the Reverse-Flash, to hide his identity from his victims and withstand extreme force. It is similar to the Flash's future suit, but only reversing the colors (red to yellow, white to black).
    • Earpieces: On his suit's cowl, there are two lightning-bolt shaped earpieces, also similar to those on Barry Allen's Flash suit. The suit has wireless communication capabilities through its built in earpieces, though it is unclear what Eobard uses them for, as he is not shown to have any other allies other than Gideon and Grodd. It's possible in his current post-Flashpoint iteration that he uses it to communicate with his teammates Malcolm Merlyn and Damien Darhk, although Eobard prefers to wear a black leather jacket instead of his suit, and as such tends to use wireless earpieces to communicate with them.
    • Holographic interface: The suit has a computer-like connection to Gideon, giving the user portable access to the A.I. It has a holographic projection of Gideon in the center of the suit's palm.[23]
    • Retractable half-face mask: Eobard, as of re-appearing on Earth-X, wears a nanotech mask that only covers the large mouth hole on his Reverse-Flash suit, leaving the glowing-red eyes exposed. For reasons unknown, he has not used it since.
  • Various future technologies: Eobard has several devices and gadgets from his time at his disposal. Some have been displayed and their functions have been shown, though there are those that are still unknown.
    • Appearance-stealing cord: This device has two cords that are connected to two organisms, corroding one while transferring that one's genetics (especially phenotypes) to the other, allowing the survivor to physically resemble the other in every way. Eobard used this to physically become Harrison Wells. After Flashpoint, Eobard modified this device (or an identical one) to be used without killing the person he uses it on, only causing the victim pain, and allowing him to revert to his normal appearance when he wishes so he is not trapped with any one appearance. Eobard used the modified device on Martin Stein and others during his quest for the Spear of Destiny. Eobard implies having used this to get Harrison Wells's appearance once again upon his return to Earth-One.
    • Biomolecular enhancer: Eobard gave this to the Nazis in 1942 as a bargaining chip in a trade with Adolf Hitler. It was used to mutate Baron Krieger into der Übermensch.[91] Ray Palmer modified Eobard's enhancer into a drug to cure Nate Heywood's hemophilia. As a result, Nate also received meta-human powers of identical to Tony Woodward's.[132]
    • Pager: Eobard has a futuristic watch-like pager which can indicate whenever Black Flash is near.[21]

Former equipment[]

  • Gideon: Eobard uses Gideon, an advanced artificial intelligence created by Barry Allen; to aid him during his travels through time and when monitoring the timeline.
  • Tachyon device: After Eobard's connection to the Speed Force began fluctuating, he stole this device from Mercury Labs, using it with the intentions to get faster and stabilize his fluctuating Speed Force connection for longer durations. But once the effects of this device could no longer help him, he converted it into a Quantum splicer for Firestorm.
  • Wheelchair: After the particle accelerator exploded, Eobard pretended that he became paralyzed in his legs to hide his identity from the team. In addition, a device was stored on the underside of the wheelchair that was charging his super speed which Cisco Ramon eventually discovers. After his identity was revealed to Team Flash, Eobard abandoned this wheelchair which is currently in S.T.A.R. Labs, although he temporarily used it again in S.T.A.R. Labs, possibly for sentimental reasons after re-appearing on Earth-X.
  • Spear of Destiny: Eobard previously owned the Spear of Destiny, an ancient Biblical relic which was tainted by the blood of Jesus Christ, thus gaining tremendous reality warping divinely supernatural power.[7] Sara Lance used the object's power to depower itself, thus; rendering the holy item useless.[99]

New multiverse[]

  • Reverse-Flash ring : Eobard owns a ring with a Reverse-Flash lightning-bolt symbol, which may has the same utility and the same features as it had in the original multiverse.
  • Reverse-Flash suits: Eobard wears a protective suit while acting as the Reverse-Flash in order to hide his identity from his victims and to withstand extreme force. The first is version is yellow with red highlights and fades to black on the arms and legs, while the second is more entirely yellow with red boots.
  • Appearance-stealing cord: Eobard used this device to become Harrison Wells as he did in the original multiverse.[76] It can also be assumed that this device is what allowed Eobard to wear Barry's face when he framed the Flash in 2021.[75]

Former equipment[]

  • Time manipulator: After being revived and stripped of his powers by the Time Wraiths, Eobard was given a watch-like device that both trapped him in a perpetual loop of the same day and allowed him to freeze time in order to protect the fixed point of Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination.[100]
Alternate timeline equipment[]



Season 2

Season 3

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

The Flash[]

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8

Season 9

DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 7


Season 3[]


The Flash: Season Zero[]



The Chronicles of Cisco[]


Concept artwork[]

Promotional images[]

The Flash[]

Season 1[]

Crisis on Earth-X[]



  • As noted by Cisco Ramon, Eobard shares a similar fondness for movies. He appears to be a fan of the Back to the Future film trilogy,[53] the film Ghostbusters[51] and implies he's seen It's a Wonderful Life.[13] However, Eobard also claims to have never seen any Buster Keaton movies even in his time.[46]
  • While Eobard is responsible for numerous individuals becoming meta-human criminals, he is also indirectly responsible for numerous individuals becoming meta-human vigilantes outside of Barry Allen; this includes Cisco Ramon/Vibe, Firestorm and Dinah Drake/Black Canary.
  • While the real Harrison Wells wore translucent-framed glasses, Eobard wore dark-framed glasses when impersonating him.
  • Despite the fact that his disguise tarnished Wells' reputation, it seems to have been reconsidered as his prison guard Trevor Shinick called him "Thawne" despite still wearing Wells' face. This could mean that from 2034 to 2049, Central City knew the truth behind Wells' sudden change thanks to the Flash Museum or the CCPD.
  • In a deleted scene from "The Trap", Eobard appears in a flashback in which he tells Caitlin Snow he doesn't want people to judge her based on the fact that she stayed at S.T.A.R. Labs after the particle accelerator explosion.
  • Eobard seems to have a liking for Big Belly Burger, as cows are extinct in his era.[1] As his love for Big Belly Burger is mirrored by "his" doppelgängers Harry Wells and H.R. Wells, it's possible this was because of Wells' DNA. However, he is shown to have a liking for curly fries in Flashpoint, a timeline where he never became Harrison Wells.
  • Eobard has stated that he was a match for Barry's speed in 2024.[1]
  • According to a deleted scene from "Fast Enough", Eobard not only gained Earth-1 Wells' appearance by using the appearance-stealing cord; he also gained his identity theft victim's memories and love for Tess Morgan.
    • Ironically, his time remnant would show to be careful toward Meena Dhawan as much as Harrison is toward Tess.
  • Tom Cavanagh reprised his role of as "evil Wells" in the show Robot Chicken, voicing his character in the episode "Ants on a Hamburger".
  • Tom Cavanagh has stated that in season 1, Eobard never lied to Barry, because it wasn't necessary, as "it would be amazing if he'd been able to marshal all this time with this person and treat him respectfully, or as respectfully as he could."[133]
  • Even after Eobard is revealed to be an impostor, Team Flash still has a habit of referring to him as Wells (sometimes "evil Wells" or "the other Wells") even after several encounters with alternate (genuine) versions of Wells, a tendency that annoyed Harry but not H.R.
  • In "Grodd Lives", Grodd reveals that Eobard despises guns.
    • Ironically enough, it is revealed in the DC's Legends of Tomorrow episode "Moonshot" that Eobard Thawne was the inventor of the anti-speedster rifles kept on the Waverider. It is possible that he created the rifles for use against the Flash of his era.
    • In "Going Rogue", Eobard was also strongly against the idea of a weapon built to be used against Barry should the situation call for it; however, it can be understood that this was due to the importance of Barry in Eobard's plan rather than an inherent distaste for such weapons.
  • Vandal Savage conquered the world in 2166, which would make Eobard 15 years old at the time of Vandal's success in subjugating the world, assuming he did rise to power in Eobard's timeline.
  • On The Chronicles of Cisco Post 56 "#WhoIsSavitar?", Eobard's time remnant appears as one of the suspects of being Savitar. How Cisco knows this is not explained, though it's presumed that Cisco saw Eobard after vibing the Flashpoint timeline or a still existing alternate timeline as seen in "Untouchable".
  • Season 3 is the only season of The Flash in which Thawne did not appear as Wells at any point.
  • In "The Trap", he states that he has grown to love working with Team Flash at S.T.A.R. Labs, and in "Moonshot", he states that he misses the camaraderie of working with fellow scientists such as Cisco and Caitlin. But in "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3", he tells Kara Danvers that he hated every minute working at S.T.A.R. Labs. The reason for this discrepancy is unknown.
  • Eobard has a deep understanding of every doppelgänger of Harrison Wells that helped out Team Flash, to the point that he knows what each version's weaknesses are. This allowed him to help Nora distract Sherloque by having him meet another doppelgänger of his ex-wives.[25]
  • Since he is from the future, it's most likely he knows every hero that at least operated in the 21st century, including their respective doppelgängers.
  • Though he was erased from existence at the end of season 1, Eobard continued to appear numerous times throughout the Arrowverse, with various different explanations given as to the exact mechanisms of his survival.
  • In "Armageddon, Part 5", Eobard states that the reason for his hatred for the Flash is because the Flash came to his time period and saved a crowd of civilians that Eobard intended to save. This creates an inconsistency, as his younger selves from "The Reverse-Flash Returns" and "The Flash & The Furious" stated that the reason for his hatred is because he wanted to be the Flash but found out he was destined to become the Flash's greatest enemy and was never going to be the Flash. It is possible this is a Crisis change. Alternatively, it is possible that Eobard omitted details from Barry, and the revelation at the Flash Museum is what pushed him over the edge.
  • In "The Fixed Point":
    • Eobard's fate is similar to that of Hunter Zolomon, as both were villainous speedsters who used time travel for their own gain before being forced by the Time Wraiths to act as protectors of the timeline instead.
    • Both Eobard and the real Harrison Wells are living in time loops: Harrison is reliving the four years with his wife, Tess Morgan, while Eobard is tasked with protecting the timeline in the same day, over and over. While Harrison's time loop is voluntary, Eobard's is involuntary and serves as a punishment for his past actions.
    • There seem to be two versions of Eobard stationed at different points in the timeline, neither of whom retain their connection to the Negative Speed Force. The present-day Eobard was imprisoned at A.R.G.U.S. in "Armageddon, Part 5" and still wears the Harrison Wells face, while the other is perpetually looped in time in 1914 and wears his original face.
  • While Eobard's exact age is never specified, he is known to have aged at least 30 years throughout the series.
    • After killing Nora Allen, he was trapped in the past for 15 years, from 2000 to 2015.[46]
    • Some time later, he was imprisoned in Iron Heights for 15 more years, from 2034 to 2049.[60]
    • It's unclear if he personally lived through the entirety of the Reverse-Flashpoint timeline after replacing Barry Allen as the Flash in 2013, but if he did, he would have lived for an additional 18 years before Barry traveled to Eobard and Iris's ceremony in 2031.[75]
  • In "Negative, Part One", Eobard's time remnant's murder by his other self (disguised as Harrison Wells) mirrors when Eobard killed Harrison Wells and took over his body.
  • The reason Eobard is such a powerful speedster is unlike other speedsters who get their speed from simply being connected to the Positive or Negative Speed Force, Eobard is the avatar of the Negative Speed Force, granting him much more power than most speedsters have.
  • Eobard Thawne is described by his actor Matt Letscher as a humane tragic character who once idolized the Flash before being psychologically broken upon finding out that he was fated to become his idol's archenemy in spite of his desire to advance science, help people and be loved by society in a similar way, hinting that he possibly suffered some sort of childhood trauma (his parents died, abused, neglected him or were completely absent in his life).
  • Eobard Thawne is the only main antagonist of The Flash to interact with Hunter Zolomon/Zoom, Barry Allen/Savitar, Clifford DeVoe/The Thinker, August Heart/Godspeed, the Negative Still Force, and the Negative Speed Force, who were all also main antagonists for a season or an arc of a season of The Flash.

Behind the scenes[]

  • In DC comics, Eobard Thawne is Barry Allen's greatest enemy, operating under the alias "Professor Zoom", also known by the "Reverse-Flash". After the Flash: Rebirth storyline on New Earth and a later one in Prime Earth, Eobard was depicted as the man who killed Nora Allen. He is from the 25th century in the DC comic origins unlike his origin on the show from the 22nd century.
    • Unlike Eobard Thawne's DC comic version, he is never referred to as "Professor Zoom" (or simply "Zoom"), but only as of the "Reverse-Flash". In the DC comics, Eobard Thawne is the second Reverse-Flash (official alias "Professor Zoom" and commonly referred to as "Zoom") and the first encountered by Barry Allen and Wally West. His role as the Flash's nemesis is continued by Hunter Zolomon (also known as both the second "Reverse-Flash" and more commonly "Zoom"). In the show, this continuity between the two characters is removed but the fact that Zoom succeeds Eobard as the next main antagonist of The Flash could be a reference to this connection. Also, Zolomon used a wheelchair after being Zoom from an explosion in the comics, while Eobard is the one who adopts a wheelchair after the accelerator explosion on the show.
  • His façade as Harrison Wells appears to be an amalgamation of several comic book characters.
    • In the DC Comics, Garrison Slate is the founder and CEO of S.T.A.R. Labs. He backs superhero teams such as Power Company and The Conglomerate.
    • Also a senior member of S.T.A.R. Labs, a villain only known as "Dr. Wells" appeared in the tie-in DC comic book of the 1990s The Flash TV series titled The Flash TV Special (January, 1991). Interestingly enough, the character was also a wheelchair-bound villain who when wearing a yellow, red, and black suit, had the ability to be in two places at once, similar to how Eobard Thawne (disguised as Wells) was introduced on the show. He was crippled by an accident at S.T.A.R. Labs as Eobard as Wells pretended to be, and like him, he had modified his wheelchair to give him power.
      • Even before that, a villainous character known as Dr. Wells, sporting similar looks, appeared in the 1973-1985 animated series Super Friends episode "Elevator to Nowhere". Like The CW character, Dr. Wells was associated with time travel, likely due to their shared namesake, and he forced Wonder Woman and the Atom to participate in his time machine experimentation.
    • As a member of the SS forces from Earth-X, he wore a suit that resembled the Earth-X equivalent of the Flash, a member of the Gerechtkeitliga (Earth-X's Justice League).
    • While empowered by the Negative Forces, he wore a suit which resembles Daniel West.
    • In "Fast Enough", Eobard, at that point portrayed by Tom Cavanagh, stated that he was born 136 years after 2015 which places his birth year as 2151. However, Matt Letscher later stated that Eobard was born in the 25th century like his comics counterpart, suggesting he was unaware of this detail.[134][135]
      • However, it could be possible that Letscher was referring to Eobard's comic background, as his version of the character would later state in "Moonshot" that he was indeed from the 22nd century.
  • Eobard served as the main antagonist of The Flash, especially in Season 1, Season 5, and the Armageddon Arc of Season 8.
  • Steve Jobs served as an inspiration for Eobard's Harrison Wells persona.[136]
  • In the mobile game version of Injustice: Gods Among Us, the 2.6 update introduced the "Reverse Flash" card based on Tom Cavanagh's portrayal. His second special attack is named "Out of Time" and its description is likely a reference to the fight in "Rogue Air" as it has the unusual ability to deal damage to the entire enemy team at once. His passive is "Cellular Regeneration" which allows him to recover from the damage and most effects of a special attack three times per match, referring to Reverse Flash's ability to heal rapidly. Injustice 2 (both console and mobile) includes Reverse-Flash as a playable character, but neither are based on this particular adaptation.
  • The following is Eobard's perspective of events in the Arrowverse:
  • Eobard has many similarities to Malcolm Merlyn.
    • Both were the first villains of their respective shows, both being portrayed as the "dark" version of the main hero.
    • Both are responsible for the main character's parent's death and are the reason main hero become who he is, Thawne created the particle accelerator, Merlyn is responsible for Oliver's shipwreck.
    • Both were father figures of the main hero before revealed as villains and have trained the main hero.
    • Both has a relative with the same last name, Tommy Merlyn and Eddie Thawne, who is a prominent character in the first season of the show and who is both a friend and romantic rival to the main hero, and who dies at the end of the first season as a result of the villain's plan in some way, with Tommy's death resulting from the Undertaking and Eddie killing himself to stop Eobard after his plan failed.
    • Both have appeared numerous times after their alleged death in the first-season finale.
    • Both are also the reason for the first five of the "big bads" of the show.
      • Where as Merlyn's actions lead to Oliver becoming The Hood, thus Adrian Chase becoming Prometheus, Slade becoming Deathstroke, Ra's al Ghul coming to Star City, Damien Darhk getting out of prison, Thawne's actions lead to Zoom coming to Earth-1, therefore Barry becoming Savitar in one timeline, The Thinker getting his powers and through his actions, Cicada getting his.
        • However, unlike Merlyn, Thawne was also responsible for the creation of the big bad of the second half of the sixth season of his show as the particle accelerator explosion created a duplicate of Eva McCulloch who then became the big bad of the "Post-Crisis" arc of Season 6.
    • Both work together in the Legion of Doom before being defeated by the Legends and returned to their previous states of existence.
    • When Oliver-as-Flash and Barry-as-Green-Arrow are both exposed to fear gas, they see each other as Eobard and Merlyn respectively.[137]
  • Eobard and Lex Luthor also share very similar characteristics as they are both uniquely brilliant scientists in their own right and are both obsessed in destroying their arch-enemies; Superman and The Flash.
  • Eobard is the first main Flash villain to be killed by another main villain from The Flash.
  • Eobard has appeared in almost all series related to the Arrowverse (The Flash, Arrow, DC's Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl) at least once. This makes Eobard the most recurring antagonist throughout the Arrowverse.
  • Eobard is the only main antagonist who physically appeared in every single season of his show, The Flash. Malcolm Merlyn was close to achieve that, however his appearance on Arrow season 6 was in fact a reused scene from an earlier episode ("Corto Maltese") of the show, which served as a flashback in the episode ("The Thanatos Guild").
  • Eobard, Wally West, Mar Novu, and Mobius are the only characters to have been series regulars on more than one Arrowverse series.
    • However, Eobard was played by two different actors.
  • Eobard is the first character to have been the main antagonist for multiple seasons (The Flash Season 1, DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 2, and the Armageddon arc of The Flash Season 8), the second being Lex Luthor. However, he was predominantly portrayed in his "Wells" disguise on The Flash while he's almost entirely in his true form on DC's Legends of Tomorrow.
    • Although not the main antagonist, Thawne is revealed to be the mastermind and orchestrated the events of Season 5 and can be considered the "Bigger Bad" of the season.
  • Eobard has been vaporized twice, both while attempting to kill a major Arrowverse protagonist. First, he was paradoxically erased from existence by Eddie's suicide while trying to kill Barry in "Fast Enough", and second, by Black Flash while trying to kill Sara Lance in "Aruba".
    • Ironically, Eobard's time remnant was killed the same way he killed Cisco Ramon and Tina McGee (in erased timelines), Mason Bridge, and Rex Tyler; as well as the manner in which he threatened to kill many others, including Iris West, Oliver Queen, Barry Allen (on two separate occasions), Amaya Jiwe, Malcolm Merlyn, Oliver, Felicity Smoak, Harry Wells (in a deleted scene), and Mia Queen; by having the Black Flash phase a hand into Eobard's chest, stopping his heart.
    • Eobard died for a third time after he was stabbed by Sara Lance's robot clone in "Rage Against the Machines". This was the first time he died as a human rather than a meta-human and the first time he died for reasons unconnected to his existence.
      • Both times, Eobard died in the presence of Sara Lance. The first time, they were enemies, while the second time, they were allies.
    • After ripping through his time remnant, Eobard died for the fourth and last time by overdosing his powers from the Negative Forces after Barry reversed time to cancel Eobard's attack.
  • While Eobard has spent the majority of his time on screen in his Wells form, all of his onscreen deaths occurred while he was in his true form, except his fourth death in "Negative, Part Two".
  • Before Armageddon, Eobard was one of the only major and long-running characters in the Arrowverse to have no known romantic relationships, albeit this was an alternate timeline and a false relationship.
  • In an interview in 2017, Matt Letscher provided a deeper look into what makes Eobard human, stating, "I mean, as we know, Eobard, when he first started investigating the Speed Force and when he first had an awareness of the Flash and who the Flash was and what the Flash meant to people, he clearly had some sort of great affinity for him, you know? He had a great affinity for the Flash's role in society, and then when he found out that he was not destined to be the Flash but to be the Reverse-Flash, the Flash's greatest enemy, I think something kind of broke in him, psychically. There is this need, this deep need, this is gonna sound corny, I guess, but to be loved, and not just to be loved by your mother or father, although I think that's probably what's at the root of it, but to be loved by society at large, in the way that the Flash is loved, in the way that a superhero only can be loved, as this perfect, superhuman object. And obviously that's a need that I think will never get filled, that's a hole, a bottomless pit for Eobard that will never get filled. So it's that sort of well, that absence of love, that absence of acceptance that drives him to be greater, smarter, faster, better than the Flash, and it's kind of a sad loop that he finds himself in".[138]
  • Matt Letscher was not asked to play Eobard in Crisis on Earth-X.[139] However, he has stated that he would love to return.[140]
  • Season 5 is the only season of The Flash in which Eobard does not physically appear in the present day.
  • Tom Cavanagh was initially uninterested when he was pitched the role of Dr. Wells, but he was sold when he learned the character would be the Reverse-Flash.[141]
  • Matt Letscher and Tom Cavanagh didn't spend much time discussing the role before Letscher began portraying Eobard. However, Letscher "looked at a few episodes, watched [the character's] behavior - how he behaved in public versus how he behaved in private when he was talking to Gideon",[142] and he "tried to draw a little bit from [Cavanagh's] intensity, his stillness."[143]
  • Despite Eobard's huge role in the Anti-Monitor Crisis in the original timeline, he did not appear in the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover. Regarding his absence, Marc Guggenheim said, "I guess what it really comes down to is not being beholden to a headline from six years ago that was not written by any of the showrunners involved in the crossover. A lot of things drive our stories, and a lot of things determine what choices we make. To me, tracking toward a headline written six years ago is literally the definition of 'the cart driving the horse.' We've had Reverse-Flash so prominent in the Arrowverse over the years, including in last year's crossover and the crossover before that. I love the character and I love Tom [Cavanagh] as a person, and I certainly love Matt Letscher's version, but you have to make choices."[144]
    • For unknown reasons, Eobard still appeared in one of the trailers for the second half of the crossover, though it was simply reused footage from "Legacy".
  • One reason why Eobard was portrayed by Tom Cavanagh instead of Matt Letscher in season 5 of The Flash is because it made more sense with the season's theme of legacy.[145]
  • Matt Letscher was cast as the real Eobard Thawne because Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg had previously worked with him on the show Eli Stone and felt he was the best choice for the role.[146]
  • Armageddon contains several references to Eobard's comics history.
    • In "Armageddon, Part 3" and "Armageddon, Part 4", Eobard and Iris celebrate their relationship at a location called Robern's, which is a reference to Robern Thawne, Eobard's younger brother in the comics.
    • In "Armageddon, Part 4", Eobard is said to have killed Barry as a child to erase him from existence, which is similar to how he erased his brother Robern from existence in the comics.
    • Also, in the same episode, Eobard running back to 2013 to be struck by the lightning that gave Barry his powers is similar to his comics counterpart where he attempted to do the same, but soon found out that he was starting to fade away from existence so he instead ran away from Barry's lab, frustruated that he couldn't kill Barry and be the Flash instead. The only difference is that here, he succeded in becoming the Flash, while in the comics, he failed to do so.
    • Eobard's backstory given in "Armageddon, Part 5" seems to draw from his DC Rebirth origins, in which Eobard would endanger people and then save them to make himself appear as a hero.
    • Eobard's backstory being different from what he mentioned in "The Reverse-Flash Returns" is a call back to his comic's counterpart as he had 3 known origins :
      • On New Earth, Eobard had a younger brother Robern Thawne and his parents before his future-self (as Reverse-Flash) erased them from existence, thus leading him to become Reverse-Flash and realized that his fate was to become the Reverse-Flash, thus embracing his destiny;
      • In the New 52 timeline, Eobard witnessed his father murdering his mother as a child and was left traumatized. When he gained a connection to the Speed Force, Eobard sought to take over the Gem Cities, but its civilians fought against him in the name of the Flash, thus Eobard displayed jealousy and envy, due to having similar powers yet the opposite life of the Flash who had a happy family and was treated like a god even centuries later, thus leading him to burn down the Flash Museum and becoming the Reverse-Flash, but instead being known as Zoom;
      • On Prime Earth, Eobard was an only child when his parents died in an accident and became obsessed with the Flash and being a hero in his time, only to create incidents by endangering civilians to make him pass as a hero before being exposed by Barry himself as the Flash, thus leading him to make changes and prove to Barry that he changed for the better. But when he saw Barry giving Wally West the same advice he told Eobard earlier upon their first meeting, Eobard enraged and, in his anger, discovered that he was destined to become the Reverse-Flash, all along discovering all of his deaths and his alternate selves, including his New Earth and New 52 selves, as well as his Flashpoint self.
  • In "Negative, Part One", Eobard's time remnant died when his time remnant's body got ripped apart by him. This is a reference from the cover of "Running Scared", where Eobard rips Barry's body apart.
  • Ironically, in the "Flash vs. Arrow episode", when Oliver and Felicity are at S.T.A.R. Labs with Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Joe, and "Wells", Wells tells Oliver that he met his father, suggesting that they met each other during a charity event, albeit a very brief discussion.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 "Fast Enough"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 "Negative, Part Two"
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 "Moonshot"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 "The Reverse-Flash Returns"
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 "Grodd Lives"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 "The Man in the Yellow Tie"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 "The Chicago Way"
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 "Armageddon, Part 5"
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 "The Flash & The Furious"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 "Snow Pack"
  11. "Potential Energy"
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 "The Man in the Yellow Suit"
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 "Flashpoint"
  14. 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 14.10 14.11 14.12 "Legacy"
  15. 15.0 15.1 "The Flash Timeline Explained: How Eobard Thawne is in the Future with Nora" - IGN
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 "Therefore I Am"
  17. 17.00 17.01 17.02 17.03 17.04 17.05 17.06 17.07 17.08 17.09 17.10 17.11 17.12 "What's Past is Prologue"
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 "Rogue Air"
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 19.7 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3"
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 "Out of Time"
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 "The Legion of Doom"
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 22.7 22.8 "Flash Back"
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 "Tricksters"
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 4"
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 "Goldfaced"
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 26.6 26.7 26.8 "The Trap"
  27. "Nora"
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 "The Man Who Saved Central City"
  29. In "Who is Harrison Wells?", Joe West looks at a photograph from the night of the car wreck dated 2000-04-16.
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 "Who is Harrison Wells?"
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 "The Flash is Born"
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 "Pilot"
  33. Though the article is shown to be written by Evan Gibson until "The Trap", this version consists of filler text, and Thawne appears familiar with Iris being the author in "Grodd Lives", indicating that the article was always written by Iris in-universe and was simply shown differently until "The Trap" to keep the secret for the audience.
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.5 34.6 "Power Outage"
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 "Gorilla Warfare"
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.7 36.8 36.9 "The Sound and the Fury"
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 "Fastest Man Alive"
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 "Flash vs. Arrow"
  39. 39.0 39.1 "Going Rogue"
  40. 40.0 40.1 40.2 "All Star Team Up"
  41. 41.0 41.1 "The Icicle Cometh"
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 "Plastique"
  43. 43.0 43.1 "The Nuclear Man"
  44. 44.0 44.1 "The Man Under the Hood"
  45. "Cause and Effect"
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 46.4 "Out of Time"
  47. "Broken Arrow"
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 "Things You Can't Outrun"
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 "Time Bomb"
  50. "The Runaway Dinosaur"
  51. 51.0 51.1 "Revenge of the Rogues"
  52. "Crazy for You"
  53. 53.0 53.1 "Fallout"
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 "Rogue Time"
  55. 55.0 55.1 "Flash of Two Worlds"
  56. 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 56.4 56.5 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2"
  57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1"
  58. "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 4" deleted scene
  59. 59.0 59.1 "The Flash EP on Reverse Flash's return in 100th episode" - EW
  60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 60.3 60.4 "Godspeed"
  61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 "The Girl With The Red Lightning"
  62. 62.0 62.1 "The Death of Vibe"
  63. 63.0 63.1 "Cause and XS"
  64. "Failure is an Orphan"
  65. 65.0 65.1 65.2 65.3 65.4 65.5 65.6 65.7 65.8 65.9 "The Exorcism of Nash Wells"
  66. 66.0 66.1 "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three"
  67. "A Flash of the Lightning"
  68. 68.0 68.1 "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five"
  69. 69.0 69.1 69.2 69.3 69.4 "A New World, Part One"
  70. 70.0 70.1 70.2 "Death of the Speed Force"
  71. 71.0 71.1 71.2 "Liberation"
  72. 72.0 72.1 "Heart of the Matter, Part 1"
  73. 73.0 73.1 73.2 73.3 73.4 73.5 "Heart of the Matter, Part 2"
  74. 74.0 74.1 74.2 74.3 74.4 "Marathon"
  75. 75.0 75.1 75.2 75.3 75.4 75.5 75.6 "Armageddon, Part 4"
  76. 76.0 76.1 76.2 "The Speed of Thought"
  77. "Resurrection"
  78. 78.0 78.1 78.2 78.3 "Pay the Piper"
  79. 79.0 79.1 "Family Matters, Part 1"
  80. "A Girl Named Sue"
  81. 81.0 81.1 "Grodd Friended Me"
  82. 82.0 82.1 "Armageddon, Part 1"
  83. "Armageddon, Part 2"
  84. "Armageddon, Part 3"
  85. 85.0 85.1 "Keep It Dark"
  86. 86.0 86.1 86.2 "Negative, Part One"
  87. 87.0 87.1 87.2 "A New World, Part Four"
  88. 88.0 88.1 "The Race of His Life"
  89. "Paradox"
  90. "Legendary"
  91. 91.0 91.1 91.2 91.3 "The Justice Society of America"
  92. 92.0 92.1 92.2 "Compromised"
  93. 93.0 93.1 93.2 "Fellowship of the Spear"
  94. "Raiders of the Lost Art"
  95. "Turncoat"
  96. "Camelot/3000"
  97. "Land of the Lost"
  98. 98.0 98.1 98.2 98.3 "Doomworld"
  99. 99.0 99.1 99.2 99.3 99.4 "Aruba"
  100. 100.0 100.1 100.2 "The Fixed Point"
  101. "Rage Against the Machines"
  102. 102.0 102.1 "Enter Zoom"
  103. "Running to Stand Still"
  104. 104.0 104.1 "Fast Lane"
  105. Post 40
  106. "Untouchable"
  107. 107.0 107.1 "The Last Temptation of Barry Allen, Pt. 1"
  108. "The Darkness and the Light"
  109. "Legends of Today"
  110. "Back to Normal"
  111. "Monster"
  112. "Shade"
  113. "Invincible"
  114. "Dead or Alive"
  115. "The Wrath of Savitar"
  116. "Cause and Effect"
  117. "Finish Line"
  118. "We Are The Flash"
  119. "Attack on Gorilla City"
  120. "Attack on Central City"
  121. "Abra Kadabra"
  122. "Elseworlds, Part 2"
  123. "Memorabilia"
  124. "Success is Assured"
  125. "Mother"
  126. "Fear Me"
  127. "Death Falls"
  128. "A New World, Part Two"
  129. 129.0 129.1 129.2 "A New World, Part Three"
  130. "The Flash Reborn"
  131. "The Flash: About that Ralph Dibny reference in season 1…" - Entertainment Weekly
  132. "Shogun"
  133. "The Flash on Set: Tom Cavanagh on Season 2" - YouTube
  134. "Inside Access: The Flash" - YouTube
  135. "From The Flash to Legends Of Tomorrow: meet the Reverse-Flash" - Empire
  136. "EXCLUSIVE: Why actor Tom Cavanagh is happy he's not playing the Flash in The Flash" - SYFY
  137. "Elseworlds, Part 2"
  138. "Matt Letscher Interview" - YouTube
  139. Matt Letscher (@MattLetscher) - Twitter
  140. Matt Letscher (@MattLetscher) - Twitter
  141. "Tom Cavanagh Reveals the Moment He Found Out He Was Reverse Flash" - YouTube
  142. "‘The Flash’ Postmortem: Eobard Thawne Speaks" - Variety
  143. "Exclusive: We speak with ‘Reverse Flash’ Actor Matt Letscher" - DC Comics News
  144. "'Crisis on Infinite Earths' Burning Qs Answered!" - TVLine
  145. "The Flash Boss Talks 'Coach' Thawne, Barry and Iris' Trip to Future Museum, 'Infinite Earths' Set-Up and More" - TVLine
  146. "‘The Flash’: Andrew Kreisberg On The Return Of Reverse-Flash, Jay Garrick’s Condition" - Access Online
