DC Database

"Kind": This story is reprinted from Swamp Thing Giant (Volume 2) #1.

Swamp Thing: New Roots #9 is a chapter in the digital-first series Swamp Thing: New Roots (Volume 1 (Digital)) with a cover date of June, 2020.

Synopsis for "Kind"

This story is reprinted from Swamp Thing Giant (Volume 2) #1.

Swamp Thing chases after a man who asks why he is doing so, and he responds it's because the old woman he killed was kind. The lady earlier had an abusive husband whom she eventually divorced, before coming to settle in the bayou for peace and quiet. Alec used to bring her gifts like flowers since she treated him kindly. Her ex-husband however had a son after marrying again, and he misled him about his ex-wife stealing his money. The son of the lady's ex-husband is revealed to be the same man who shot her.

Alec states that after the shooter had discovered that she had no money, he still murdered her. He then shoots a bullet through Swamp Thing's head, mocking that it was just like how he shot the lady. Swamp Thing's head regenerates and he responds in the affirmative. As the shooter runs away and states he couldn't possibly know, Alec states he does. The shooter finds that he has led him to the same spot he buried his father's ex-wife after killing her. As her ghost drags the murderer inside the pit, Swamp Thing states that she'll now be have eternal peace but he won't.

Appearing in "Kind"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • An old lady (Dies in flashback) (Flashback and main story)


  • An unnamed shooter (Flashback and main story)


Synopsis for "The Bayou Blue Bird War"

Swamp Thing while fighting monstrous beings to save a family, gets knocked out by a hypnotic stare. A voice meanwhile narrates that it has existed even before the Earth began, watching with joy as life formed and evolved. As Alec is bound to a fence, it continues stating that it was assigned to protect this realm from the Blight by giving boons to Earth's inhabitants. As a woman is thrown into a well that mysteriously stars transforming her, Swamp Thing tears her restraints.

As Alex jumps after the woman thrown into the well, the voice narrates how its boons to fight the Blight were seen as monstrous by humans, which is why it hid them underground, so that someone may rise who can bear the full power of his boons which turns out to be Alec himself as a giant star-like creature attaches itself to him. The voice narrates how the Blight disguise themselves while opening portals between worlds only visible through its gifts.

Swamp Thing leads the monsters in charging against the Blight trying to invade Earth and succeeds in killing them. The creature attached to Alec detaches itself before going away through a portal, as the voice narrates how it used him in ensuring the survival of life as their makers intended and soon the monsters detach themselves from the humans they took.

Appearing in "The Bayou Blue Bird War"

Featured Characters:


  • The Blight


See Also

Links and References
