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This article is about the character from Loki. For other characters, see Hunter.

You're not hearing me. I was there, it was real what I saw. This is a place I've been. It wasn't the TVA. It was a memory. I lived down there. I went to that bar. I had friends. I had a whole life on the Sacred Timeline. Calm down? I'm a Variant. So are you. So every single person in this place.
―Hunter C-20[src]

Hunter C-20 is a Marvel Cinematic Universe character from the Disney+ series Loki. She is a Hunter in the Time Variance Authority who works capturing Variants and protecting the Sacred Timeline, until being enchanted by Sylvie, which caused her to find out about the memories of her past life.


Hunter C-20 previously lived on the Sacred Timeline and was a regular person on Earth. She had friends and would hang out in a bar to drink margaritas. One day, under unknown circumstances, she created a nexus event which caused her timeline to branch. Upon becoming a Variant, she was captured by the Time Variance Authority and her timeline was destroyed. However, she wasn't pruned and sent to the Void as many other Variants, instead her memories were erased to have her working for the organization. She became a Hunter, a commander to the Minutemen, and is identified as "Hunter C-20". Besides not remembering her past life, she also was told at the TVA that the organization and all its workers were created by the Time Keepers, not knowing that the Time Keepers are actually mindless androids controlled by the real founder of the TVA, He Who Remains.


Marvel Cinematic Universe[]


Season One[]
Sylvie controls Hunter C-20 - Loki EP2

Hunter C-20 attacks her own Minutemen unit while she is controlled by Sylvie's magical enchantment.

In the second episode, Hunter C-20 first appears leading a group of Minutemen during a mission on a branched timeline in Oshkosh, Wisconsin in 1985, where it is happening a Renaissance fair. A Minuteman detects that the Variant causing the timeline to branch is inside a tent and C-20 orders them to search their target there. Inside the tent, they fall into a trap set by Sylvie, a rogue Loki Variant that has been killing the Minutemen of the TVA. While they are looking for the Variant in the dimly lit tent, Sylvie touches C-20, making her eyes glow green as she becomes controlled by a magical enchantment. C-20 attacks the Minutemen while Sylvie comes out from the shadows to help to knock them out. The Minutemen are surprised that their commander turned on them, and one of them asks C-20 what she is doing. C-20 replies that she is enjoying herself before falling unconscious on the ground as Sylvie frees her from the enchantment. When the last Minutemen standing goes to check if their unconscious commander is still alive, Sylvie kills him with her machete and uses her TemPad to open a Time Door. She then steals the reset charge of the Minutemen unit and crosses the Time Door while dragging C-20 with her.

After Hunter C-20 goes missing, the other members of the TVA look for her. Mobius along with Loki and a Minutemen unit led by Hunter B-15 go to investigate the Renaissance fair, but only find her abandoned helmet, and B-15 states that the rogue Loki Variant probably took her as a hostage. They eventually find her during a mission at a Roxxcart superstore in the apocalypse of Alabama, 2050, the place that Sylvie has been using as her current hideout. When she is found by Mobius, Hunter D-90 and a Minutemen, C-20 is sitting on the ground of the store, and seems to be in shock as she states the words "It's real" repeatedly. Mobius tries to calm C-20 down and asks her what she is talking about while D-90 says that she went mad. C-20 tells them that she wants to go home and Mobius says that they will take her there. As Mobius asks a Minuteman to call the infirmary of the TVA, C-20 panics and reveals that she gave away the location of the Time Keepers to the Variant.

Loki - 1x03 - Lamentis - C-20 and Sylvie

Sylvie creates a fantasy from Hunter C-20's memories to be able to control her mind and interrogate her about the Time Keepers.

In the third episode, a flashback shows a fantasy that Sylvie created inside Hunter C-20's mind to be able to control her. In the fantasy, C-20 and Sylvie are best friends and are at a bar ordering food and drinking margaritas together. Sylvie challenges C-20 to answer any of her questions under brain freeze from the cold margaritas. When C-20 accepts the challenge, Sylvie starts to interrogate her to find out how many guards the Time Keepers have and C-20 becomes confused by her the questions. Sylvie insists that they are best friends, and that C-20 can tell anything to her. However, C-20 suddenly starts to recognize the bar and states that she knows the place they are in, but then looks at Sylvie and realizes that she is a stranger. Sylvie replies that C-20 is confused because she is too tired, and C-20 agrees. It is then shown that Sylvie in reality is at the RoxxCart store of Alabama, sitting on the ground beside an unconscious Hunter C-20 and touching her head to create the fantasy of the bar in her mind.

Later, when Sylvie and Loki are trying to survive the apocalypse of Lamentis-1, Sylvie tells him that to do magical enchantments she sometimes has to create fantasies from the person's memories to control the people with stronger minds. Sylvie explains that C-20's mind was messed up and reveals that she had to pull a memory from before C-20 joined the TVA to create a fantasy to control her. This makes Loki realize that C-20 had a life before the TVA, and Sylvie confirms by stating that C-20 was just a regular person on Earth and loved margaritas. This surprises Loki, as he was told at the TVA that all the members of the organization were created by the Time Keepers. Sylvie replies that this claim is absurd because all of them are Variants and Loki realizes that the members of the TVA are unaware of their past lives.

In the fourth episode, Mobius asks Judge Ravonna Renslayer to have access to Hunter C-20 because he wants to know why she kept repeating the words "It's real" when she was found. However, Ravonna tells him that C-20 had her mind scrambled when she was enchanted and, as result, she went mad and died. Mobius is surprised and states that C-20 seemed fine when they found her, but Ravonna claims that C-20 could barely speak when she got to the TVA and then declined fast. Ravonna tells Mobius that she didn't tell this to anyone else because she doesn't want people to panic and asks him to keep it a secret. Later, after Loki tells Mobius that all the members of the TVA are Variants, he attempts to ask Ravonna about C-20 again and also why she is not letting him to interrogate Sylvie, who was captured along with Loki on Lamentis. Mobius thinks that something seems weird in this story. Ravonna replies that she is just trying to protect him because she is scared of what Sylvie could do after seeing what happened with C-20 and doesn't wish him to have the same fate.

Hunter C-20 footage - Loki EP4

Mobius watches a video in which Hunter C-20 reveals that she learned about the members of the TVA being Variants.

Finding the situation suspicious, Mobius decides to check Hunter C-20's profile on Ravonna's TemPad. Hunter C-20 is listed as deceased, but he then finds the video of the mission debrief at the Roxxcart store, which shows that Ravonna had lied to him. In the video, C-20 is in an interrogation room and tries to explain what she saw when she was enchanted by Sylvie. C-20 explains that she recognized the fantasy as her own memory and says that she had been at that bar, had friends and a whole life on the Sacred Timeline. When someone tries to calm her down, C-20 exclaims that she is a Variant just as every single person of the TVA, making Ravonna appear in front of her on the screen and stop the recording. This reveals that C-20 had not died from Sylvie's enchantment, but she actually had been pruned for finding out the truth and sent to the Void. Whether she survived the Void or was devoured by the creature called Alioth is currently unknown.


  • In season two, Hunter B-15 says C-20 was killed, but it is still unconfirmed whether C-20 was killed or not.


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Loki (soundtrack 1/2) • Marvel Studios: AssembledMarvel Studios: Legends
Loki LaufeysonSylvie LaufeydottirMobiusRavonna RenslayerHunter B-15CaseyMiss MinutesHunter C-20Hunter D-90Classic LokiKid LokiBoastful LokiTime KeepersHe Who RemainsVictor TimelyBrad WolfeOuroborosGeneral DoxJudge GamblePresident LokiAlligator LokiThrogAliothSif
Season One: "Glorious Purpose" • "The Variant" • "Lamentis" • "The Nexus Event" • "Journey Into Mystery" • "For All Time. Always."

Season Two: "Ouroboros" • "Breaking Brad" • "1893" • "Heart of the TVA" • "Science/Fiction" • "Glorious Purpose"

TesseractInfinity StonesMjölnirTemPad
VariantsAsgardiansFrost GiantsTime Variance Authority
Time Variance AuthorityLamentis-1VoidAsgardNew York SanctumCitadel at the End of TimeSacred Timeline
See Also