
Comic Books Quotes

Quotes tagged as "comic-books" Showing 1-30 of 73
Edward W. Said
“I don't remember when exactly I read my first comic book, but I do remember exactly how liberated and subversive I felt as a result.”
Edward Said, Palestine

Bill Watterson
“You can make your superhero a psychopath, you can draw gut-splattering violence, and you can call it a "graphic novel," but comic books are still incredibly stupid.”
Bill Watterson

Warren Ellis
“I've died before. It was boring, so I stood up.”
Warren Ellis, Moon Knight, Vol. 1: From the Dead

Matt Fraction
“Nay, father.
Some of us have been killing giants today and aren't in the mood to have a tea party.
- Thor, God of Thunder”
Matt Fraction, Thor: Ages of Thunder

Chris Dee
“I am not a fan of the magical quick fix in any fiction, including fantasy, scifi and comic books. Unless Dr. Who is involved, and then only because we get to use the phrase 'Timey-wimey wibbliness' which, I'm sure you'll agree, there are not enough occasions to drop into ordinary adult conversation.”
Chris Dee

Sterling North
“Badly drawn, badly written and badly printed - a strain on young eyes and young nervous systems - the effect of these pulp-paper nightmares is that of a violent stimulant. Their crude blacks and reds spoil the child's natural sense of color; their hypodermic injection of sex and murder makes the child impatient with better, though quieter, stories. Unless we want a coming generation even more ferocious than the present one, parents and teachers throughout America must band together to break the 'comic' magazines.

But the antidote to the 'comic' magazine poison can be found in any library or good bookstore. The parent who does not acquire that antidote for his child is guilty of criminal negligence.”
Sterling North

Robert Lynn Asprin
“My colleagues and I feel that independents like ElfQuest are nothing but sheep in wolves' clothing."- S. Lee”
Robert Lynn Asprin, Myth-ing Persons

Mariko Tamaki
“It's true that giving can be a part of love. But, contrary to popular belief, love should never take from you, Freddy.”
Mariko Tamaki, Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me

Chris Dee
“Inexplicably, I felt drops of icy sweat dripping up my back. I am aware that icy and sweat are contradictory by their very nature and should not be able to coexist in the same freakish bead of ICK WHAT IS THAT falling up my back. I am also aware things are not supposed to fall up. For that matter, criminals aren’t supposed to get it on with crimefighters. Yet here we were: Catwoman, Batman, icy, sweat, dripping, up. Sometimes life is like that.”
Chris Dee, Cat-Tales Book 3

DC Comics
“They Can Bury Us Deep, But We Always Grow Back." — Poison Ivy”
DC Comics

Dean Koontz
“You'll b-b-be sorry. A g-g-girlfriend will w-walk away sooner or later, but a g-good comic b-b-b-book c-can be enjoyed over and over again.”
Dean Koontz, The Voice of the Night

John Heffernan
“Because that’s what a comic is, ultimately: a collection of pages. It’s not a flatpanel or a touchscreen, even though that’s where it might eventually be displayed. It’s a page.”
John Heffernan

Alexandria Bellefleur
“if you so much as make a single joke right now or butcher a playground nursery rhyme about trees and kissing and baby carriages, I'll let myself into your apartment and use your comic book collection as kindling. Capiche?”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars

Charles Soule
“Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.”
Charles Soule, Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017-2018) #25

Damon  Thomas
“My sense of narrative structure was shaped by ROM (Spaceknight) comics. I'd find random issues at the flea market and read them out of order with no context. The entire series was based on a toy I never owned. None of this made any difference.”
Damon Thomas, Some Books Are Not For Sale

David Hajdu
“The line dividing the comics' advocates and opponents was generational, rather than geographic. While many of the actions to curtail comics were attempts to protect the young, they were also efforts to protect the culture at large from the young. Encoded in much of the ranting about comic books and juvenile delinquency were fears not only of what comic readers might become, but of what they already were--that is, a generation of people developing their own interests and tastes, along with a determination to indulge them.”
David Hajdu, Ten Cent Plague: The Great Comic Book-Scare and How It Changed America

David Hajdu
“In its conclusion, the report argued, "The wholesale condemnation of all comics magazines is one of the worst mistakes of some of the critics. The fact is both sides are right. The books are not all bad, as the more extreme critics say; nor are all good, as some of their publishers and defenders content. Like all other creative products, they must be judged individually. And that is what most critics, parents, and public officials have failed to do."
Still, the city council found a third of published comics to be "offensive, objectionable, and undesirable," and, on February 2, 1949, it appointed a board to monitor news dealers' compliance with a blacklist of titles.”
David Hajdu, The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How it Changed America

David Hajdu
“When the Associated Press picked up the story from local accounts, readers of The Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, and dozens of other papers around the country learned how, just three years after the Second World War, American citizens were burning books.”
David Hajdu, The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How it Changed America

David Hajdu
“All of our testimony from psychiatrists and children themselves show that it's very upsetting, that it has a bad moral effect, and that it is directly responsible for a substantial amount of juvenile delinquency and child crime." In fact, both the expert testimony and the documentary evidence submitted at the hearings varied significantly in their judgments, and the committee spoke with no children; it had set a policy of precluding the testimony of minors.

The writer of the program, A. J. Fenady, had not seen a transcript of the hearings before preparing Coates's questions and "basically threw the guy some softballs," he said, because "[Kefauver] wanted to use this soapbox to run for president" in the 1956 election. "The comic-book scare was the big thing he had going for him," Fenady recalled, "and he knew how to use it.”
David Hajdu, The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How it Changed America

David Hajdu
“It is poppycock to think that it is necessary to resort to laws to make America greater by banning comic books... This is a matter for the home, the school, the church, and other family influences - not the legislatures.”
David Hajdu, The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How it Changed America

Carl Barks
“There was no difference between my characters and the life my readers were going to have to face.”
Carl Barks

Stewart Stafford
“Tuesday Man by Stewart Stafford

He was only a superhero on Tuesdays,
And the rest of the time was his own,
Tuesday was the villains' day of rest,
Then crime sprees just like Al Capone.

He tried to make his Tuesdays longer,
By pulling some gruelling all-nighters,
But he knew that to be more effective,
He'd have to be a 7-day crime-fighter.

So, he rearranged his calendar totally,
To take the fight to all the baddies,
He was on-call from then on, 24/7,
Or relaxed playing golf with his caddy.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Alan             Moore
“Like it or not horror is part of our media, part of our culture, part of our life.”
Alan Moore

Alan             Moore
“Like it or not, horror is part of our media, part of our culture, part of our life.”
Alan Moore

Abhijit Naskar
“Myths & Comics (The Sonnet)

Some modern superheroes are green in color,
Some ancient superheroes are blue in color.
Some worship hulk, ironman, captain marvel,
Some are fanatics of Zeus, Poseidon, Krishna.
Mythologies are but comics of the old days,
Just like comics are nothing but modern myths.
Fiction is okay in its place, but trouble begins,
When life is belittled and fiction is worshiped.
Inspiration can come from anywhere, real or not,
But all is useless, if it produces mindless savages.
Even I've written fiction to explore some situations,
Though based on reality, some of it is highly exaggerated.
If it brings you back to life, only then it's worth it.
Fiction is supposed to enhance reality, not enslave it.”
Abhijit Naskar, Esperanza Impossible: 100 Sonnets of Ethics, Engineering & Existence

Grant Morrison
“But it's still possible to find depths in Shuster's drawing. I can't help but see in these handmade fantasies the poignant products of young minds dreaming better tomorrows. The depth of engaged meditation, the focus that goes into writing and drawing even the crudest of the comics, emerges through the least-assured line. The pages are the result of human hours, and the glory and confusion of what it means to be here now—on a coffee and pills jag at four in the morning with a story to hand in by lunchtime—shines from between the lines of the lowliest eight-pager.”
Grant Morrison, Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human

Troy-Jeffrey Allen
“I’m a writer. Which I think always confuses filthy casuals. They don’t think people write comics, I guess. It keeps my ego in check, at least.”
Troy-Jeffrey Allen

Archie Goodwin
“In the night, he listens. "Two million cases. Two thousand deaths. Too many cries. Someone else has to hear them." In the night, he listens. And only the sound of his own voice comes to him, screaming in frustration. The cry of a lone bat. Unable to find its way.”
Archie Goodwin, Batman: Night Cries

Stan Lee
“A picture is worth a thousand words, but a comic is worth a million.”
Stan Lee

Debbie Bishop
“(five stars) COMPLEX PLOT WITH MANY CHARACTERS By Tim Janson Part Sci-fi, part fantasy, with elements of covert intrigue and superhero action, Black Tide is one of the more multifaceted stories I've read in quite a long time. Writer Debbie Bishop has woven a story that is extremely intricate and layered with plots, and sub-plots and even a few sub sub-plots, I think. It's certainly not a story you can breeze through and I found myself re-reading sections just to make sure I had everything straight. One thing Bishop does is devote a full page here and there to a character, giving their background, powers, etc, which really helps you get a handle on who is who in the story. Kind of like a graphic novel scorecard. The art by Mike S. Miller is first-rate and very smooth. If you like in-depth, elaborate storylines, then this is unquestionably a book you'll want to read. It's rare that you get a comic series this complex today. Reviewed by Tim Janson”
Debbie Bishop, BLACK TIDE: Awakening of the Key

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