Written in the Stars Quotes

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Written in the Stars (Written in the Stars, #1) Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur
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Written in the Stars Quotes Showing 1-30 of 89
“Life would be a lot better if we all spent a little more time staring at the stars.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“Elle loved herself, but what a feeling it must be, being loved by someone else exactly as you are, quirks and warts and all. She wouldn't know.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“Fun fact — the moon doesn't actually produce any light of its own. It reflects light from the sun, making it appear bright at night. So, if I look like the moon, I guess that means I'm reflecting the light thats around me.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“We are literally made of stardust." Moonlight danced off the tips of Elle's pale blond eyelashes and made her eyes twinkle. If anyone was made of star stuff, it was her.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“I know how I feel and I'm five hundred percent certain that on a scale of one to ten, I want to be with you, exactly as you are, infinity.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“Elle was tired of everyone looking at her like she was a mess when she was just trying her best.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“Then I’ll break into your apartment and move everything three inches to the left and fuck with your flow, okay?”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“She wanted all of Elle—the good, the bad, the messy.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“Eventually, when those massive stars reach the end of their lives, they go out with a bang, a supernova so bright, so beautiful it drowns out all the other stars. And when they do, they throw out all those elements they created. That’s what we’re made of. We’ve got calcium in our bones and iron in our blood and nitrogen in our DNA . . . and all of that? It comes from those stars.” Elle’s eyes glistened, sparkling as bright as the stars she spoke of as she blinked and pointed up at the sky. “We are literally made of stardust.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“I'd rather fail at something I love than succeed at something I don't.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“Oh my god. Don’t tell me you don’t know your Hogwarts house. Pottermore? The Sorting Hat Quiz?
"When Darcy stared, Elle groaned and covered her face."
You don’t do social media, you don’t believe in astrology, and now you don’t like Harry Potter. On behalf of our generation, I am offended, you rock dweller.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“Elle was technicolor chaos and the feelings she inspired in Darcy were a hazard straight out of Pandora’s box.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“Christ on a cracker, couldn't a girl be horny in peace?”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
tags: funny
“Elle loved herself, but what a feeling it must be, being loved by someone else exactly as you are, quirks and warts and all. She wouldn’t know.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“ELLE: i tried to heterotextualize my feelings for a while
ELLE: in retrospect idk why
ELLE: all part of the process i guess
DARCY You what?
"It took her a second to figure out what had confused Darcy."
ELLE: apply hetero context to a super not straight situation
ELLE: hetero + contextualize = heterotextualize DARCY: Huh. New word. Thanks for broadening my horizons.
"Elle bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing."
ELLE: i made it up
ELLE (4:43 P.M.): but you’re welcome
DARCY (4:45 P.M.): Of course.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“Quit trying to marry me off like I’m some Regency spinster in one of your favorite Austen novels.” “Your name is Darcy.” “And I might be a single woman in possession of a good fortune, but I’m not in want of a wife.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“Eavesdropping was wrong, but she was weak.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“Because perhaps if she understood astrology, she'd understand Elle, and if she understood Elle perhaps, she'd be able to untangle what it was about her that she couldn't shake.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“Why she was so in knots over this impossible woman who had her head in the clouds and wore her heart on her sleeve. A woman with the world’s least refined palate and an inability to sit properly in a chair like a normal person.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“The sky was blue. The grass was green. Darcy was beautiful. Universally acknowledged truths.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“The last thing I want to do is harsh your vibe or rain on your parade, but I take no shit on your behalf.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“This was it.
End game.
A lifetime of butterflies.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“Darcy should've wanted as far away from her as earthy possible and yet her laugh was infectious and made something warm bloom inside Darcy's chest like stubborn wildflowers poking up through cracks in the pavement, growing where they didn't belongs.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“An acquired taste.” Elle sucked her bottom lip between her teeth to keep it from doing something stupid like quivering. “Nothing I do is ever going to be good enough, is it?”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“The easier question wasn’t what she liked about Elle, but what she didn’t. Because Elle wasn’t perfect, there were things about her that drove Darcy up the wall, like how she never wore a jacket and would sometimes drop off in the middle of a sentence when a new thought flitted through her mind, but listing the things she loved about Elle was like asking her to count the stars in the sky. They’d be there all night and even then, it wouldn’t be enough time. “Her eyes”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“Who takes care of you? - Elle
You're doing a pretty good job of it. - Darcy”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“Elle’s throat jerked, her lips pressed together. “No, it’s the opposite. When I’ve had a crappy week, I come out here and look at the stars and I remember being six years old and watching my first meteor shower on a family camping trip and feeling awe like I’d never felt before. Stars shooting through the sky, it was like . . . it was magic. Carl Sagan said we’re made of star stuff and it’s true, you know? Stars, the really big ones, don’t just make carbon and oxygen but they keep burning and burning and burning and that burning produces alpha elements like nitrogen and sulfur, neon and magnesium all the way up to iron. It’s called supernova nucleosynthesis. Say that five times fast.” Elle laughed and Darcy’s chest ached”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“The easier question wasn’t what she liked about Elle, but what she didn’t. Because Elle wasn’t perfect, there were things about her that drove Darcy up the wall, like how she never wore a jacket and would sometimes drop off in the middle of a sentence when a new thought flitted through her mind, but listing the things she loved about Elle was like asking her to count the stars in the sky. They’d be there all night and even then, it wouldn’t be enough time. “Her eyes are my new favorite color and if you make fun of me for saying that I’ll”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“This didn’t feel like heartbreak, this was heartbreak. Darcy had miscalculated; she wasn’t falling, she’d fallen. She pressed a hand to her chest as if in doing so she could keep her heart from shattering entirely, but the damage was already done. Too late.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars
“as if something inside her was stretching, making space. Growing pains. “Eventually, when those massive stars reach the end of their lives, they go out with a bang, a supernova so bright, so beautiful it drowns out all the other stars. And when they do, they throw out all those elements they created. That’s what we’re made of. We’ve got calcium in our bones and iron in our blood and nitrogen in our DNA . . . and all of that? It comes from those stars.” Elle’s eyes glistened, sparkling as bright as the stars she spoke of as she blinked and pointed up at the sky. “We are literally made of stardust.”
Alexandria Bellefleur, Written in the Stars

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