
Creature Quotes

Quotes tagged as "creature" Showing 1-30 of 99
Ambrose Bierce
Heathen, n. A benighted creature who has the folly to worship something he can see and feel.”
Ambrose Bierce, The Unabridged Devil's Dictionary

A.R. Merrydew
“He grabbed at Rupert’s earphones and gave his colleague a very serious look. ‘What do you know about share dealing?’
Rupert placed a finger on his chin and mulled over the question with a studious look. ‘Now you come to mention it,’ he said, ‘I know absolutely nothing.’
Norman grabbed his arm and began dragging his bewildered companion to the nearest lift. ‘Then we need to find out, and find out fast.”
A.R. Merrydew, Our Blue Orange

A.R. Merrydew
“Semilla’s Phlegm-O-Matic promptly made an observation. ‘Wow Semilla look at that shuttle.’
     ‘Keep your voice down Raymond we’re in danger,’ Semilla hissed.
     ‘Raymond?’ Burt said incredulously.
     ‘I had to give him a name, didn’t I?”
A.R. Merrydew, Our Blue Orange

John Stuart Mill
“I will call no being good who is not what I mean when I apply that epithet to my fellow creatures; and if such a creature can sentence me to hell for not so calling him, to hell I will go .”
John Stuart Mill, An examination of Sir William Hamilton's philosophy, and of the principal philosophical questions discussed in his writings

Stefan Zweig
“A lame creature, a cripple like myself, has no right to love. How should I, broken, shattered being that I am, be anything but a burden to you, when to myself I am an object of disgust, of loathing. A creature such as I, I know, has no right to love, and certainly no right to be loved. It is for such a creature to creep away into a corner and die and cease to make other people's lives a burden with her presence.”
Stefan Zweig , Beware of Pity

Anthony Doerr
“The very life of any creature is a quick-fading spark in fathomless darkness.”
Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Danail Hristov
“Every being, created by God and unspoiled by man, is perfect, strictly defined and autonomous, entirely complete and at the same time with a built-in ability to grow and develop. This is the essence of its dignity and holiness. It is not an embodiment of God’s immense Personality, but only one of the realisations of His perfection.”
Danail Hristov, The End of the Jesus Era

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“In the presence of nature, a wild delight runs through the man, in spite of real sorrows. Nature says, -- he is my creature, and maugre all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad with me”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature

C. JoyBell C.
“I’m barely human. I’m more like a creature; to me, everything gives off a scent! Thoughts, moments, feelings, movements, words left unsaid, words barely spoken; they all have a distinct sense, distinct fragrances! Both a smell and a touch! To inhale is to capture, to experience! I can perceive and I can “touch” in so many odd ways! And so I am made up of all these scents, all these feelings! An illumination of nerve endings!”
C. JoyBell C.

M.F. Moonzajer
“I never wanted to be alone, but I always opted for loneliness. I am an emotional, sensitive and expressive creature. I cannot detach my feelings, never could I control. I fall in love and I can be easily broken.”
M.F. Moonzajer

Toba Beta
“Doubt is a creature within the air.
It grows when someone hesitates.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Clarissa Pinkola Estés
“So, the word wild here is not used in its modern pejorative sense, meaning out of control, but in its original sense, which means to live a natural life, one in which the criatura, creature, has innate integrity and healthy boundaries. These words, wild and woman, cause women to remember who they are and what they are about. They create a metaphor to describe the force which funds all females. They personify a force that women cannot live without.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves

Will Advise
“#Cats are marvelous creatures - they either adapt to circumstances, or decide to make circumstances adapt to them. Either way - they win.”
Will Advise, Nothing is here...

Toba Beta
“Mankind ain't special, Kiddo.
It's just you who wanna be so.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Sadegh Hedayat
“I saw that pain and disease existed and at the same time that they were void of sense and meaning. Among the men of the rabble I had become a creature of a strange, unknown race, so much so that they had forgotten that I had once been part of their world. I had the dreadful sensation that I was not really alive or wholly dead. I was a living corpse, unrelated to the world of living people and at the same time deprived of the oblivion and peace of death.”
Sadegh Hedayat, The Blind Owl

T.H. White
“He did not himself believe in the supernatural, but the thing happened, and he proposed to tell it as simply as possible. It was stupid of him to say that it shook his faith in mundane affairs, for it was just as mundane as anything else. Indeed the really frightening part about it was the horribly tangible atmosphere in which it took place. None of the outlines wavered in the least. The creature would have been less remarkable if it had been less natural. It seemed to overcome the usual laws without being immune to them. ("The Troll")”
T.H. White, Ghostly, Grim and Gruesome

Auguste de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
“Within this new work of art a creature from beyond the reach of Humanity has insinuated herself and now lurks there at the heart of the mystery, a power unimagined before our time.”
Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Tomorrow's Eve

Lisa Jewell
“She felt like a creature born to reside on the bottom of the ocean floor, dark and flat and half-blind, slowly rising through the icy water to the glittering light above.”
Lisa Jewell, The Truth About Melody Browne

Cormac McCarthy
“And on the far shore a creature that raised its dripping mouth from the rimstone pool and stared into the light with eyes dead white and sightless as the eggs of spiders. It swung its head low over the water as if to take the scent of what it could not see. Crouching there pale and naked and translucent, its alabaster bones cast up in shadow on the rocks behind it. Its bowels, its beating heart. The brain that pulsed in a dull glass bell. It swung its head from side to side and then gave out a low moan and turned and lurched away and loped soundlessly into the dark.”
Cormac McCarthy, The Road

Malorie Blackman
“She had the longest tail I'd ever seen on any creature. It curled right round the classroom and moved gently up and down like a huge, long finger waving”
Malorie Blackman, The Monster Crisp-Guzzler

Cormac McCarthy
“What is the inner life of an eidolon? Do his thoughts and his questions originate with him? Do mine with me? Is he my creature? Am I his? I saw how he made do with his paddles and that he was ashamed for me to see. His turn of speech, his endless pacing. Was that my work? I’ve no such talent. I cant answer your questions. The tradition of trolls or demons standing sentinel against inquiry must be as old as language. Still, maybe a friend must be someone you can touch. I dont know. I no longer have an opinion about reality. I used to. Now I dont. The first rule of the world is that everything vanishes forever. To the extent that you refuse to accept that then you are living in a fantasy.”
Cormac McCarthy, Stella Maris

Holly Black
“I don't want to be a creature, shaped by their hands and quickened with their blood. Something made like a doll, from snow and sticks. An assemblage of parts, stranger even than the sluagh.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

B.A. Bellec
“They stare at white skin, all droopy and soggy like a roll of toilet paper soaking in a sink has been wrapped around it.”
B.A. Bellec, Pulse

B.A. Bellec
“The beast resembles a bear, or at least something that might have been a bear a few days ago.”
B.A. Bellec, Pulse

L.P. Cowling
“The appearance of the screaming golden skulls that decorate the armor of their various stages – faces of the tormented victims, plaid in gold, those made as offerings to summon the Harbinger itself.”
L.P. Cowling, Notes From The Monster Cartographer

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Often the power which you see in yourself may not endure the calmest creature.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Frank Herbert
“MUAD'DIB: the adapted kangaroo mouse of Arrakis, a creature associated in the Fremen earth-spirit mythology with a design visible on the planet's second moon. This creature is admired by Fremen for its ability to survive in the open desert.”
Frank Herbert, Dune

K.V. Wilson
“Y Ddraig Goch ddyry gychwyn," my second muttered under his breath as the three of us stalked away, seeking to shelter ourselves within the slinking shadows.
The corner of my lip turned up at his remark.
The Red Dragon will show the way.”
K.V. Wilson, Incarnate

“I carried my legs all the way to the end of the planet where everything falls except the memory of you.”
John Lewis Rivera Ruiz, La película que nunca vimos

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