
Japan Quotes

Quotes tagged as "japan" Showing 1-30 of 603
Kobayashi Issa
“What a strange thing!
to be alive
beneath cherry blossoms.”
Kobayashi Issa, Poems

“Too lazy to be ambitious,
I let the world take care of itself.
Ten days' worth of rice in my bag;
a bundle of twigs by the fireplace.
Why chatter about delusion and enlightenment?
Listening to the night rain on my roof,
I sit comfortably, with both legs stretched out.”

Dale A. Jenkins
“Nagumo was suddenly on his own. At this crucial time, the cost of his failure to learn the complicated factors that played into carrier operations suddenly exploded. Now, when every minute counted, it was too late to learn the complexities involved in loading different munitions on different types of planes on the hangar deck, too late to learn how the planes were organized and spotted on the flight decks, too late to learn the flight capabilities of his different types of planes, and far too late to know how to integrate all those factors into a fast-moving and efficient operation with the planes and ordnance available at that moment. Commander Genda, his brilliant operations officer, couldn’t make the decisions for him now. It was all up to Nagumo. At 0730 on June 4, 1942, years of shipbuilding, training, and strategic planning had all come to this moment. Teams of highly trained pilots, flight deck personnel, mechanics, and hundreds of other sailors were ready and awaiting his command. The entire course of the battle, of the Combined Fleet, and even perhaps of Japan were going to bear the results of his decisions, then and there.”
Dale A. Jenkins, Diplomats & Admirals: From Failed Negotiations and Tragic Misjudgments to Powerful Leaders and Heroic Deeds, the Untold Story of the Pacific War from Pearl Harbor to Midway

James Clavell
“It's a saying they have, that a man has a false heart in his mouth for the world to see, another in his breast to show to his special friends and his family, and the real one, the true one, the secret one, which is never known to anyone except to himself alone, hidden only God knows where.”
James Clavell, Shōgun

Haruki Murakami
“Every once in a while she'll get worked up and cry like that. But that's ok. She's letting her feelings out. The scary thing is not being able to do that. Then your feelings build up and harden and die inside. That's when you're in big trouble.”
Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

John Rachel
“Violence was a slippery slope, lubricated by a lot of blood, if history had any lessons to teach.”
John Rachel, Love Connection: Romance in the Land of the Rising Sun

John Rachel
“The spring breeze felt like the warm breath of a child on Kumiko’s face. It played delicately with her hair like tiny fingers, and made the trees whisper a breathless song.”
John Rachel, Love Connection: Romance in the Land of the Rising Sun

John Rachel
“Even adults who were stiffened by the starch of their miserable lives, for whom breaking the stony discipline of austere and judgmental intolerance was usually off the table, melted in the magical luminescence and energetic charm of the pre-pubescent Ruka.”
John Rachel, Love Connection: Romance in the Land of the Rising Sun

Britney Spears
“I've never really wanted to go to Japan. Simply because I don’t like eating fish. And I know that's very popular out there in Africa.”
Britney Spears

John Rachel
“The optimism was like the sun after a long spell of clouds and rain, a euphoric rush which produced both envy and awe in anyone who had become jaded, resigned, who had given up on their dreams.”
John Rachel, Love Connection: Romance in the Land of the Rising Sun

Dale A. Jenkins
“TF-16 returned to Pearl Harbor on May 26 in good order, with one huge exception: Admiral Halsey, the sixty-year-old commander, arrived back completely exhausted and ill. After six months of intense underway operations, culminating in the fruitless 7000-mile mission across the Pacific to the Coral Sea and back, Halsey had lost twenty pounds and had contracted a serious case of dermatitis. Nimitz took one look at him and sent him straight to the Pearl Harbor hospital. The Navy’s most experienced and highly regarded carrier force commander would sit out the Battle of Midway. The ultimate sea warrior, Halsey would watch from his hospital window as the two task forces departed Pearl Harbor for Midway.”
Dale A. Jenkins, Diplomats & Admirals: From Failed Negotiations and Tragic Misjudgments to Powerful Leaders and Heroic Deeds, the Untold Story of the Pacific War from Pearl Harbor to Midway

John Rachel
“It was the fundamental bifurcation of the masses of human meat into two starkly opposite classes: the haves and the have-nots. The have-nots had barely anything. The haves had it all. The haves had everything except concern and compassion for the have-nots, who they regarded as little more than cockroaches.”
John Rachel, Love Connection: Romance in the Land of the Rising Sun

Dale A. Jenkins
“During the Fireside Chats, half the country tuned in on their radios, and it was said that on hot summer nights when people had their windows open, one could walk through the residential downtown of a large city and hardly miss a word.”
Dale A. Jenkins, Diplomats & Admirals: From Failed Negotiations and Tragic Misjudgments to Powerful Leaders and Heroic Deeds, the Untold Story of the Pacific War from Pearl Harbor to Midway

David Sedaris
“In Paris the cashiers sit rather than stand. They run your goods over a scanner, tally up the price, and then ask you for exact change. The story they give is that there aren't enough euros to go around. "The entire EU is short on coins."

And I say, "Really?" because there are plenty of them in Germany. I'm never asked for exact change in Spain or Holland or Italy, so I think the real problem lies with the Parisian cashiers, who are, in a word, lazy. Here in Tokyo they're not just hard working but almost violently cheerful. Down at the Peacock, the change flows like tap water. The women behind the registers bow to you, and I don't mean that they lower their heads a little, the way you might if passing someone on the street. These cashiers press their hands together and bend from the waist. Then they say what sounds to me like "We, the people of this store, worship you as we might a god.”
David Sedaris, When You Are Engulfed in Flames

Yasunari Kawabata
“People have separated from each other with walls of concrete that blocked the roads to connection and love. and Nature has been defeated in the name of development.”
Yasunari Kawabata

Kentetsu Takamori
“Living in a world such as this is like dancing on a live volcano.”
Kentetsu Takamori

Ryū Murakami
“When you're in an extreme situation you tend to avoid facing it by getting caught up in little details. Like a guy who's decided to commit suicide and boards a train only to become obsessed with whether he remembered to lock the door when he left home.”
Ryū Murakami, In the Miso Soup

Jun'ichirō Tanizaki
“We Orientals tend to seek our satisfactions in whatever surroundings we happen to find ourselves, to content ourselves with things as they are; and so darkness causes us no discontent, we resign ourselves to it as inevitable. If light is scarce, then light is scarce; we will immerse ourselves in the darkness and there discover its own particular beauty. But the progressive Westerner is determined always to better his lot. From candle to oil lamp, oil lamp to gaslight, gaslight to electric light—his quest for a brighter light never ceases, he spares no pains to eradicate even the minutest shadow.”
Junichirō Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows

Kentetsu Takamori
“What each of us believes in is up to us, but life is impossible without believing in something.”
Kentetsu Takamori, Unlocking Tannisho: Shinran's Words on the Pure Land

Donald Richie
“Japan never considers time together as time wasted. Rather, it is time invested.”
Donald Richie, A Lateral View: Essays on Culture and Style in Contemporary Japan

Hiro Arikawa
“We live together, but I am not Noriko's cat.
Forever and ever I am your cat, Satoru. That's why I can't become Noriko's.”
Hiro Arikawa, Nana Du Ký

Koushun Takami
“Fucking bastard, I'll stab you in the chest with this pencil.”
Koushun Takami, Battle Royale

Natsume Sōseki
“From then on, my thesis hung over me like a curse, and with bloodshot eyes, I worked like a madman.”
Natsume Sōseki, Kokoro

Hiro Arikawa
“Tell me, Satoru. What's out there beyond this field? A lot of wonderful things, I'm thinking. I wonder if I'll be able to go on a trip with you again.

Satoru grins, and picks me up, so I can see the far-off-horizon from his eye level.

Ah - we saw so many things, didn't we?”
Hiro Arikawa, Nana Du Ký

Thomas Pynchon
“Only the framing material," Lucas demurely, "obvious influences, Neo-Tokyo from Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Metal Gear Solid by Hideo Kojima, or as he's known in my crib, God.”
Thomas Pynchon, Bleeding Edge

Renae Lucas-Hall
“What comes from the heart will go to the heart”
Renae Lucas-Hall

Ryū Murakami
“He invited me to his apartment in the wee hours one morning and pulled out a set of children's building blocks. It seems he used to ride around and around on the Yamanote Line with them, building castles on the floor of the train.”
Ryū Murakami, In the Miso Soup

Ryū Murakami
“After listening to a lot of these stories, I began to think that American loneliness is a completely different creature from anything we experience in this country, and it made me glad I was born Japanese. The type of loneliness where you need to keep struggling to accept a situation is fundamentally different from the sort you know you'll get through if you just hang in there.”
Ryū Murakami, In the Miso Soup

Ryan Graudin
“Kids with roofs and hot food have better things to do than play survival of the thuggiest.”
Ryan Graudin, The Walled City

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