
Selflove Quotes

Quotes tagged as "selflove" Showing 1-30 of 183
Lauren Asher
“I think we owe it to ourselves to unapologetically love who we are no matter what. Because if you don’t love yourself, then why do you expect anyone else to?”
Lauren Asher, Redeemed

Nikki Rowe
“I didn't give up, I walked away
I had enough of accepting actions that were less than I deserved.
I made a concious choice
To honour myself,
Before complementing another
If that's what; has made you undeniably mad, Than I know, the history of our connection is hidden in the truth of your heart and regardless of your outcome, I have made the right choice for me.”
Nikki Rowe

“Dear Fellow Human Being,

You are born wild, You do not deserve to be tamed!

Tell yourself,

You do not deserve this!

All those toxic words you have to listen from people,

All those fears they try to pin on your mind,

All those giggles they aim at your dreams,

All those judgmental stares inspecting your individuality,

All those fingers pointing towards your crude character,

All those shackles that tie your feet to social expectations,

All those cages that do not let your imagination fly free,

Listen deeply, you do not deserve any of it.

My dear fellow human, you do not deserve this hostility.

You are born wild, You do not deserve to be tamed!”
Jasz Gill

Baek Se-hee
“To right every wrong you come across in the world would be an impossible endeavor for any one person. You're just one person, and you're putting too much of the weight of the world on yourself.”
Baek Se-hee, I Want to Die But I Want to Eat Tteokpokki

Nancy Omar
“All those years she lived as a caterpillar are finally paying off
She emerged like a butterfly whose wings flutter to sprinkle gold
-caterpillar -”
Nancy Omar

“The more you give to yourself
the more you've got to give others.”
Janice Trachtman

Sidra Surmed
“Sparkle girl; that's what you are here for.”
Sidra Surmed

Kahlil Gibran
“I had a second birth when my soul and my body loved one another and were married.”
Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam

“Make yourself the light in the darkness”
Priyanshi Ranawat

Jennifer Pierre
“If you possess something valuable, it's best not to gamble with it, ignore it, or risk losing it. Rather, invest in it and express gratitude for it. By cherishing a good thing, you allow it to reciprocate and take care of you in return.”
Jennifer Pierre, The Hidden Path to Self-Improvement: UNCOVERING THE SECRETS OF A BETTER YOU

“يا أمّنا والتيه لفّ قلوبنا
هلّي بحبك رأفةً وأمانا
الناس تسكن في الصخور، وعندنا
...صخر الضغينة يسكن الانسانا
عدنا إلى خشب الصلب ولم نجد
إلا دعاكِ، وجهلنا ودمانا
كنّا يتامى الأم قبلك فاشهدي
عدنا يتامى تائهين حزانى
لم يكتمل فينا عزاء ضلالنا
...حتى قتلنا في القلوب أبانا”
Mahdi Mansour

“Giving too many fucks is bad for your mental health. It causes you to become overly attached to the superficial and fake, to dedicate your life to chasing a mirage of happiness and satisfaction. The key to a good life is not giving a fuck; it's giving a fuck about less, giving a fuck about only what is trye and immediate and important.”
Manson Mark

Lauren Asher
“Falling in love with yourself is ten time harder than falling in love with someone else, especially when I don't like myself very much”
Lauren Asher, Final Offer

Lucy Score
“There's a difference between taking care of comeone because you love them and taking care of someone because you want them to love you”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over

Lori Gottlieb
“We may want others' forgiveness, but that comes from a place of self-gratification; we are asking forgiveness of others to avoid the harder wotk of forgiving ourselves.”
Lori Gottlieb, Maybe You Should Talk to Someone

Gina Barreca
“Let your hair down.
Let your clothes fall to the floor.
Fall for a line.
Fall in value.
Fall on your back, fall on your knees, fall into the gutter.
And look up. Sigh, heal, laugh,, understand. Then rise.”
Gina Barreca

Robin S. Sharma
“Todos somos diferentes. Uno de los principios fundamentales que el yogui Raman me enseñó es que las personas realmente esclarecidas nunca buscan ser como otros, sino que persiguen ser superiores a su propio yo. No compitas con los demás. Compite contigo mismo.”
Robin S. Sharma, El monje que vendió su Ferrari

“It had taken years to accept that yes, my body had value, but that value lay more in where it could take me, what it could show me, than in any perceived visual pleasure it could provide for others.”
Alexandra Heminsley, Leap In: A Woman, Some Waves and the Will to Swim

“While you are doubting yourself, your soul is silently inspiring and amusing others, even if they keep pretending not to see you at all.”

“Sometimes, trying to explain yourself is like trying to teach quantum physics to a goldfish – it's just not going to sink in! So why waste your breath? Let your actions speak louder than words, and if people still don't get it, well, that's their loss, not yours. Keep being your fabulous self and let the world wonder in awe at your enigmatic charm. After all, who needs validation when you've got sass and style in abundance?”
Life is Positive

“Photos, mirrors, & scales—three notorious tricksters in the world of perception. They have a knack for distorting reality and making us question our worth. But here's the truth: beauty isn't defined by pixels, reflections, or numbers. It's an essence that radiates from within. So, next time you catch yourself falling victim to their deceitful charms, remember: you're a masterpiece, flaws and all. Embrace your uniqueness & imperfections, because they're what make you beautifully, you.”
Life is Positive

“Heartbreak is the universe's way of giving you a vision test! Sure, they sting like crazy, but they also come with a side of 20/20 clarity. It's like life's saying, "Hey, I'm breaking your heart, but I'm also giving you some serious insight." So, when love decides to play rough, grab your popcorn because you're about to get a seat to a masterclass in self-discovery. Who knew heartbreak could be so enlightening? It's like getting a crash course in emotional intelligence with a side of "ouch.”
Life is Positive

“Ah, the sacred art of "me time"! It's like pressing the pause button on life's chaos and indulging in some serious self-love. Whether it's binge-watching your favorite show, treating yourself to a spa day at home, or simply curling up with a good book and a cup of tea, me time is all about reclaiming your sanity and recharging your batteries. So, go ahead, carve out some space in your busy schedule, and remember: you can't pour from an empty cup, so take care of yourself first.”
Life is Positive

K.A. Knight
“I learned it's okay to love yourself. Even the darkest parts of you. No matter the shape, size, or weirdness you came with. Embrace your scars and never be ashamed to be who you are, because there is only one of you.”
K.A. Knight, Den of Vipers

“Loving ourselves is a beautiful experience”
Bhavana K

“I refuse to invest in things that don’t appreciate my presence and worth. My time and energy deserve better.”
Popoola Rasheed Olanrewaju

“Behind the mask of calm lies a sea of unspoken pain.”

“In the symphony of life, don't measure your melody against another's tune. You're not a note in someone else's composition; you're the poetic refrain, uniquely crafted and deserving of your own song".”
Marjory Qwen, Echoes of a Silent Heart: A Poetry Collection

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