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If you were to go on a trip... where would you like to go?
~ Bartholomew Kuma before using his Devil Fruit powers.
We will not be seeing one another again... farewell.
~ Bartholomew Kuma's last words to Luffy before losing his free will to the Pacifista project's finalization.
I am yours to command, master.
~ Kuma to Dragon when rescuing from the Celestial Dragons.

Bartholomew Kuma, also known as Tyrant, is a major character in the One Piece franchise.

He is a cyborg who served as a former Warlord and an officer of the Revolutionary Army. After the events on Sabaody Archipelago, he has been modified into a full Pacifista under the World Government's orders as a slave-to-rent of the Celestial Dragons for protecting the Thousand Sunny. He was eventually rescued by his fellow Revolutionary led by Sabo and brought back to their headquarters, before departing away on his own to Egghead to protect Bonney from Jaygarcia Saturn. He became a major ally of the Straw Hat Pirates during the Egghead arc.

He is later revealed to be the adoptive father of Jewelry Bonney, a pirate from the Worst Generation and a sole survivor of his race known as the Buccaneers. In childhood, Kuma suffered an unjust treatment by the Celestial Dragons when both his parents were killed and he was ridiculed by Saturn.

His bounty is 296,000,000 berries.

He is voiced by Hideyuki Hori and Nobuhiko Okamoto as a child in Japanese, and Joel McDonald in English, who voiced Zeref Dragneel in Fairy Tail and Yuga Aoyama in My Hero Academia.


The fourth of the Seven Warlords of the Sea to be formally introduced, Kuma is a very large man who is always seen carrying a bible. He has a reputation for being an incredibly ruthless pirate who crushed anyone to stand in his way, yet his quiet, calm demeanor and his (in hindsight) merciful actions fly in the face of that. He also has eaten the Paw-Paw Fruit (Nikyu Nikyu no Mi) and is the prototype for the Pacifista project known as PX-0.

He is also known for following the World Government's orders to the letter, unlike the other Warlords. Yet he also seems to follow the code of Moral Justice, rather than the seemingly more prevalent Absolute Justice, and unlike many other characters, seems to have an idea of what goes on behind the scenes. It also turns out that he is an officer of the Revolutionary Army.

His bounty at the time he became a Warlord was 296,000,000 berries.


Kuma is an enormous man and he is over 5 meters tall and he is usually seen carrying a Bible. He resembles that of a bear because of his hat and the paw prints on his shirt, though there are a few key differences. His eyes are strangely covered by either a pair of glasses or clear-mirrored lenses. While initially he will give the impression of wearing glasses, it seems that, based on his clones that were destroyed, those are actually his own eyes. His hat features a pair of rounded ears, and, along with the fabric of his pants, is covered in brown spots. His jacket contains a large white design reminiscent of a target crosshair. There are also several paw prints lining the bottom hem of his coat. He also has a long protruding chin. There were differences in the manga and and anime in manga he was originally supposed to have and orange coat and a yellow hat with green spots. But they changed the color to more resemble the anime version.


With a huge, intimidating appearance, it can conceal the fact that Kuma is an extremely compassionate and heroic man. Enslaved as a child alongside his father, Kuma from a early age experienced the unimaginable and unending cruelty of the Celestial Dragons. Still, despite this, and despite his fears, he was able to show true bravery, offering himself to be exposed to potential severe injuries or even death so that Ginny and Ivankov's plan could succeed.

Later when they were freed and living together, Kuma remained a soft spoken and ever humble and generous kid well into his young adulthood. His selflessness and altruism shined greatly with the aid of his Devil Fruit. Kuma would his powers to remove the pain and sickness from anyone and everyone, operating out of a small church he and Ginny presumably built themselves. However, that suffering had to go somewhere, and Kuma again would demonstrate his unbreakable drive to do good, as he would then take it all onto himself with excruciating results.

Without hesitation, when he and Ginny were arrested, after being rescued and reunited with Iva and meeting Dragon, the two joined the Freedom Fighters, the earliest incarnation of what would become the Revolutionary Army. For many years afterwards, Kuma would fight to liberate countries suffering under tyranny and cruelty across the world.



Little is known about Kuma's history. One thing that is known is that he was called "Tyrant" Kuma. Another is that Kuma somehow knows Ivankov the okama. Nothing else is known. It was recently discovered that Kuma was a revolutionary along side Ivankov and Dragon, Luffy's father. It is unknown when Kuma became a shichibukai. But over the years Kuma earned a bounty of $294,000,000, and after some time, the government approached Kuma and offered him a spot on the shichibukai. Out of all the Warlords, Kuma is the only one who shows up to all the meetings.

When Crocodiles status of Shichibukai was taken, there was a meeting to talk about his replacement. Those who went to the meeting were Doflamingo, Kuma, and to every ones surprise, Mihawk. When they started, Sengoku wanted to know of any potential that could fill the spot. Then, a tap-dancing man came in saying that they should nominate Blackbeard. No one knew who he was, so the man said in time he will prove his strength.

On Thriller Bark[]

When the Straw Hats had been taken on by Moria, another Shichibukai, Kuma had shown up to give Moria a message. But first he was attacked by Perona, Moria's crew-mate. When she attacked him, Kuma made her mysteriously disappear. Nami saw it happen, and Kuma moved in front of her. He simply asked her "does straw hat Luffy have a brother?" she replied yes, saying he was Ace. He then left her to meet with Moria.

The two Shichibukai began to talk in Moria's room. Kuma begins saying "If you were to go on a trip, where would you go?" but Moria just responds that he knows his power and asks if he came to fight him. Kuma says no and that he came to bring a message. He tells Moria that the spot open in the Shichibukai has been filled by Blackbeard. Moria asks what his bounty was and Kuma tells him zero. Moria says at least the balance is filled again. But Kuma says he thinks it is still unbalanced. Then Moria understands that Kuma was sent there to help fight the Straw Hats. Kuma offers a helping hand but Moria grows angry, thinking he can do it on his own. He tells Kuma to watch him defeat the Straw Hats and leaves.

When Moria has been taken down by Straw Hat Luffy, who is unconscious after the battle, the shadows return to everyone who's was taken. Having just remembering Kuma, Nami alerts the others that another Shichibukai on the island. When she did, the group could see Kuma on top of a building. He had contact Marine HQ, informing them of Moria's defeat and that he doesn't know if he is still alive. The unknown man tells Kuma to take Mora if he is still alive and to exterminate all witnesses. Kuma responds "no problem".

The crew looks on at Kuma knowing full well they aren't strong enough to fight another Shichibukai right after fighting with one and barely making it. But Kuma appears out of nowhere and challenges Zoro. Zoro, being a man of honor, despite his heavy injuries, accepts the challenge. Zoro attacks first with a Rashomon, which Kuma teleports out of the way of. Kuma teleports over Zoro and launches a strange but powerful attack that Zoro just dodges in the nick of time. He launches it again at Zoro this time at a distance and it grazes his head. This hurts Zoro badly. Zoro attacks with a flying blade attack which he reflects away. He shows how he has the devil fruit paw-paw fruit which can repel anything and everything at the speed of light, including the air. the move he uses is called air canon. Franky thinks the attack may not be all that until Kuma shoots him with it through the stomach. Zoro makes another attempt at attacking Kuma, but is sent flying backwards. Kuma starts to make a giant paw shaped bubble, which gets smaller every second. Robin says that when air is that tightly compressed, it becomes a bomb. Kuma gives them a chance saying he will spare all there lives if they hand Luffy's head to him on a platter. the crew and the people he saved all shout "We Refuse!" Kuma says what a shame and releases his bomb that's explosion is bigger than the ship.

When the explosion is over, Kuma searches the debris for Luffy. When he finds him, knocked out, Zoro jumps in and cuts Kuma with Shishi sonson. But Zoro looks back and sees that Kuma is a cyborg and was unable to cut him. when he sees this Kuma begins to light up in his mouth and beep. Kuma shoots a great laser from his mouth and Zoro barely dodges it. Zoro's body stops functioning well and he is on his knees. Zoro offers himself instead of Luffy, to Kuma's surprise. He tells Kuma that he would soon be the worlds greatest swordsman and that it would be a fair trade. Kuma says that even with those ambitions he would sacrifice himself? but Zoro says there is no crew without a captain and that Luffy will become the Pirate King. Then Sanji comes in and says to take him instead of Zoro. He tells Zoro to tell the guys to look for a new cook and goodbye. Zoro then knocks him out so that he will not be taken. Kuma then decides that if he took Luffy, he would be without honor. He will take Zoro instead and says " in turn, I will show you Hell". Kuma picks up Luffy and repels all his pain and fatigue out of him. he tells Zoro that to take Luffy's place, he must also take his pain. he gives Zoro a feel of it with a tiny bubble. this greatly hurts Zoro who falls to the ground in pain. He asks Kuma to let him do it somewhere else, and takes in all the pain, later found by Sanji covered and surrounded by blood. Kuma looks on and says "What loyal crew your son has... Dragon."

Other Events[]

Apparently, Kuma has answered to the call of Shichibukai to battle Whitebeard and is joining the war, later shown dining with the other Shichibukai, except for Jinbei and Boa Hanock . He was last seen at Marineford alongside Mihawk , Doflamingo, Moria, and Hancock ready for the battle ahead.

When Oars Jr. arrived and began causing destruction in his wake, Kuma hit him with an Ursus Shock, wounding Oars Jr. badly.

Kuma took on a solemn appearance after seeing Luffy in the battle field. During the battle, he fired a laser at Ivankov for which the okama questioned why. When Sengoku reveals that Dragon is Luffy's father he is the only one of the Shichibukai to not voice his thoughts. Ivankov is then fighting him personally, though Doflamingo says it's no use talking to Kuma, cryptically saying that the Kuma Ivankov knew is already dead. Doflamingo then reveals about Kuma's modifications and what made Kuma into what he is now, making it clear about why Kuma went to Sabaody in the first place. Ivankov, outraged at such a revelation, decides he won't hold back any longer, having launched several attacks at Kuma right before saying this.

Kuma later went to the plaza with the other Shichibukai when Sengoku begins the final stages of his plan.

After the arrival of Shanks, Kuma is seen standing down along with everyone else.

Kuma was guarding Thousand Sunny for 2 years before the Straw Hats returns.

Kuma became a rent-in slave for the Celestial Dragons. Charloss attempted to use Kuma just so he could have Shirahoshi as his "pet" but failed when Kuma was taken by the Revolutionary Army.

After being rescued, Dragon asked Kuma what happened, which he granted his master's order. The Revolutionary attempting to fix him but until for an unknown reason, Kuma teleported to Mary Geoise, attacking the Marines and Celestial Dragons while they cannot control him anymore. He was confronted by Fleet Admiral Sakazuki. Akainu dealt blows towards Kuma by burning his face off and burning his leg until Kuma once again teleport to Egghead. Kuma saved his daughter, Bonney from getting killed by Jaygarcia Saturn. Kuma then throws a punch towards Saturn, sending him flying towards the cities. Kuma gives the weeping Bonney a warm hug. Saturn attempted to kill Kuma and Bonney but prevented by Sanji and Franky. Since he cannot move due to his injuries, Vegapunk ordered Atlas to carry Kuma to their escape route. They were derailed by Kizaru. Kuma saves Bonney from falling. Kizaru was about to kill both Kuma and Bonney but punched by Luffy. Kuma was later carried by the Giant Warrior Pirates (who came to aid Luffy's escape). Kuma and the others are aboard on the Giants' ship. Saturn tries to kill him and Bonney but was easily sent flying by Luffy and Bonney to the ocean. Kuma shown a smile for his daughter. Kuma and the others finally escaped from Egghead when Emeth used Joy Boy's Conqueror's Haki to blown the Five Elders away, reverting to their original forms (as well sending all but Saturn back to Mary Geoise). After escaping Egghead, Kuma and Bonney are happy that they are together again.

Powers & Abilities[]

Devil Fruit[]

Kuma contains the paw paw fruit that has the ability to repel anything and everything. his attacks consist of him repelling the air.

Pad Cannon- Kuma uses the atmosphere around him and repels it at the speed of light. its a straight on shock wave that can pierce anything it hits.

100 Pad Cannon- same move except he shoots it rapidly at his opponent. it is hard to avoid, since moving at light speed

Urusus Shock- Kuma uses the atmosphere around him and starts to compress a giant paw of air that gets smaller every minute. when its small enough to fit in his palm, he releases it, creating a great bomb. this move so far is his strongest.

He can also push himself and this will allow him to move extremely fast without running making it look like he is teleporting.

Cyborg Abilities[]

Kuma is a cyborg made from the Marine genius Dr. Vega Punk. like Franky, his body is modified, but stronger. Kuma's body is made of a metal harder than steel, this is seen when Zoro attempts to cut him but fails. He is also able to shoot Lasers from his mouth like the other PX's, this was shown after Zoro tried cutting him. He also seems to have a targeting system in eyes which allow him to see a pirates bounty and their name so he knows who to attack, this usually makes his eyes glow red.He is under direct control of the government but has his own moral code. This is shown when he spares Luffy and his crew twice. He is currently the only known known person to beat Luffy and his team twice by himself even though both times they were exhausted


Kuma has Busoshoku Haki when he hardened his hand to throw a punch at Saturn.



His actions have really moved me. I know Nika is meant to be a legend, but...it'd be great if there really was a warrior out there, putting smiles on people's faces, using the rhythm of liberation...the rhythm I taught Bonney. And if there is a hero out there that will change these seas one day...I believe it'll be him.
~ Kuma about Luffy similar to Nika.


  • Kuma is one of the two known former Warlords who were slaves of the Celestial Dragons (the other being is Boa Hancock).

External Links[]


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Four Emperors
Shanks | Edward Newgate† | Monkey D. Luffy

New World
Pirate Crews
Straw Hat Pirates
Monkey D. Luffy | Roronoa Zoro | Nami (Zeus) | Usopp | Sanji | Tony Tony Chopper | Nico Robin | Franky | Brook | Jinbe

Straw Hat Grand Fleet
Representatives: Cavendish | Bartolomeo | Sai | Ideo | Leo | Hajrudin | Orlumbus
Crew Members: Suleiman | Gambia | Boo | Baby 5 | Chinjao | Blue Gilly | Abdullah | Jeet | Bomba | Rampo | Bian | Kabu | Inhel | Cotton | Wicca | Baxcon | Daikon | Flapper | Bobomba | Maujii | Nubon | Pellini | Chao | Stansen | Road | Goldberg | Gerd | Columbus

Whitebeard Pirates
Edward Newgate † | Marco | Portgas D. Ace † | Kozuki Oden † | Jozu | Vista | Blamenco | Rakuyo | Namur | Blenheim | Curiel | Kingdew | Haruta | Atmos | Speed Jiru | Fossa | Izo | Little Oars Jr. | Kozuki Toki

Red Haired Pirates
Shanks | Benn Beckman
Senior Officers: Lucky Roo | Yasopp | Limejuice | Bonk Punch | Monster | Building Snake | Hongo | Gab
Others: Rockstar | Uta

Heart Pirates
Trafalgar D. Water Law | Bepo | Jean Bart | Penguin | Shachi | Ikkaku | Uni | Clione | Hakugan

Kuja Tribe
Boa Hancock | Boa Sandersonia | Boa Marigold | Gloriosa ‡ | Shakuyaku ‡ | Ran | Cosmos | Daisy | Rindo | Blue Fan | Marguerite | Sweet Pea | Aphelandra | Poppy | Kikyo | Belladonna | Nerine | Pansy | Enishida | Dahlia

Roger Pirates
Gol D. Roger † | Silvers Rayleigh | Scopper Gaban | Crocus | Shanks | Kozuki Oden † | Kozuki Toki † | Inuarashi | Nekomamushi

Giant Warrior Pirates
Dorry | Brogy | Kashii | Oimo

Others Groups
Kozuki Clan
Kozuki Oden † | Kozuki Toki † | Kozuki Momonosuke | Kozuki Hiyori | Tama | Shinobu | Kozuki Sukiyaki
Nine Red Scabbards: Kin'emon | Inuarashi | Nekomamushi | Raizo | Kawamatsu | Ashura Doji † | Denjiro | Kikunojo

Mink Tribe
Inuarashi | Nekomamushi | Carrot | Wanda | Pedro † | Zepo | Shishilian | Concelot | Giovanni | Bepo | Lindbergh

Revolutionary Army
Monkey D. Dragon | Sabo
Army Commanders: Emporio Ivankov | Karasu | Belo Betty | Morley | Lindbergh
Deputy Commanders: Inazuma | Jiron | Ahiru | Ushiano | Gambo
Officers: Bartholomew Kuma | Koala
Others: Ginny | Hack | Terry Gilteo | Bunny Joe

World Government
Admirals: Borsalino | Issho | Kuzan
Vice Admirals: Monkey D. Garp | Tsuru | Smoker | T Bone
SWORD: X Drake | Koby | Helmeppo | Prince Grus | Hibari | Kujaku
Others: Sengoku | Tashigi | Bell-mère † | Donquixote Rosinante † | Regis | Hina | Isuka

Seven Warlord of the Sea
Bartholomew Kuma ‡ | Boa Hancock ‡ | Jinbe ‡ | Trafalgar D. Water Law

Special Science Group
Vegapunk | Sentomaru | Stussy
Satellites: Shaka | Lilith | Edison | Pythagoras | Atlas

Impel Down
Magellan | Bentham

Riku Dold III | Viola | Scarlett † | Rebecca | Kyros

Nefertari Vivi | Nefertari Cobra

Ryugu Kingdom
King Neptune | Otohime † | Fukaboshi | Manboshi | Shirahoshi

Donquixote Family
Donquixote Homing † | Donquixote Rosinante † | Donquixote Mjosgard

Amanda | Ann | Apis | Carina | Clover | Desire | Ever | Emet | Gin | Hatchan | Hiramera | Hiriluk | Iceburg | Jaguar D. Saul | Jewelry Bonney | Johnny | Joy Boy | Kappa | Kaya | Kobato | Livia † | Luca | Mero | Mousse † | Nika | Nojiko | Paulie | Portgas D. Rouge † | Shakuyaku | Russian † | Seira | Shimotsuki Ryuma | Silk | Takao | Trafalgar Lami † | Vinsmoke Reiju | Uta | Yamato | Zunesha

See Also
One Piece Live-Action Heroes
