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Hero Overview

My name is Yamato! I'm Kaido's son!
~ Yamato introducing themself to Luffy.
I can't believe that bull-gorilla!! He was seriously trying to kill me!!! Well, that settles it! I no longer think of him as a father!!!
~ Yamato disowning Kaido after Luffy removed their explosive cuffs.

Yamato, also known by their epithet as the Oni Princess, is a major character of the One Piece franchise who first appeared in the Wano Country Arc. Yamato is the daughter (self-proclaimed son) of the former member of the Four Emperors of the Sea, Kaido, who also holds many epithets.

Since the moment of his death 20 years ago, Yamato idolized the legendary samurai, Kozuki Oden at the age of 8 years old. Thereafter, Yamato started declaring herself to be Oden. Yamato was constantly abused by their father in their childhood and imprisoned on Onigashima some point later. Despite that, Yamato has fought their father countless times only to be repelled, with each failure making them stronger.

Yamato befriended Portgas D. Ace who arrived on Wano, 4 years prior to the current story. Yamato also gave him their vivre card. Four years later, Yamato met his sworn brother, Monkey D. Luffy. Adamant to join the Straw Hat Pirates when the war ended, but due to Admiral Ryokugyu, Yamato eventually made the choice to stay in Wano to protect it from oncoming threats seeking to attack Wano after Kaido's defeat, though still intends to join the crew and go out to sea in the future. However, Yamato falsely told Kozuki Momonosuke that they were staying to live like Oden, in order to protect his pride.

Yamato is voiced by Saori Hayami in the Japanese version of the anime.


Yamato is a rather tall 28-year-old young individual, being twice Luffy's height. Yamato has long white hair tied into a ponytail using orange rods. Yamato's white hair eventually fades into an aqua-green and bluish color the further it goes down. Yamato also has orange-colored eyes with well-defined eye lashes. One of Yamato's most distinctive feature is their red horns. Yamato is considered extremely attractive, with Sanji and Brook immediately falling for their beauty.

Clothing wise, Yamato chose to don a similar type of clothing reminiscent of Kozuki Oden. In the past, Yamato also commonly wore a Hannya mask and is also seen wearing gold hooped earrings.


Since their childhood, Yamato idolized Kozuki Oden, and wanted to become like him after seeing his execution where he saved his samurai at the cost of his life. However, because of this admiration that caused them to want to become "Kozuki Oden", Yamato sounds almost child-like in their declarations, often perplexing the other retainers whenever they introduce themself as such.

Yamato has a particular and deep-seated hatred against their father, Kaido, due to his constant abusive treatment against them since childhood. This was further strengthened after realizing that he indeed placed explosive handcuffs on them, which would have detonated if they were to leave Onigashima. Yamato laments how any father could have done this to their child, no matter how sour their relationship was.

Following Kaido's betrayal of Orochi, Yamato disagreed with his idea of making herself the new Shogun of New Onigashima. Despite the hatred Yamato has for their father, she didn't in good faith believe that he'd try and kill them using explosives, but they later disowned Kaido as a father by calling him a "bull-gorilla" after witnessing that the handcuffs did, in fact, trigger a massive explosion after Luffy removed them, tearfully announcing that they do not care if he dies.

Due to being secluded in Wano's Onigashima for most of their life, Yamato desires to see the outside world and venture out of Wano, is similar to Oden. This is further shown in her initial encounter with Ace who started explaining his travels around the world, causing Yamato to react almost like a child would. Ace also gave his full approval when Yamato suggested that the three of them should go out to sea together.

After Ace died, Yamato waited patiently for the time that they would meet Ace's brother, Luffy so that they could join his crew, which they openly declared to Kaido that they'll be leaving out to the sea with them after defeating the Beast Pirates.

An additional effect of Yamato's forced isolation is that Yamato doesn't appear to be aware of the use of nicknames. This was first shown as Yamato believed Luffy had forgotten their name after he nicknamed them "Yama-o" similar to Law, who he calls "Traffy", and Kid, who he calls, "Jaggy". At the end of Wano, Luffy calls Yamato name correctly and decides to leave Wano in their care, reassuring them that they can join their adventure anytime when they are prepared.

Yamato is also incredibly knowledgeable, as they were able to create Ace's vivre card with either just a strand of his hair or a piece of his fingernail. Yamato also keeps herself up to date with the ongoings of the outside world through newspapers, ensuring that they don’t miss any big news.

Despite proclaiming their adamant intention of joining the Straw Hat Pirates multiple times throughout the highs and lows of Wano, as well as gaining the current Shogun's approval and well wishes for them to leave with them, at the end of the arc, Yamato subverted all expectations and insisted that they would be staying at least temporarily. Yamato's reason was that they were trapped in Onigashima all this while and was not able to explore the entirety of Wano like Oden could, thus, they wanted to do so first before traveling out to sea like he did.

Despite having an entire week beforehand to satiate their 'excuse' given to the Straw hats, Yamato chose to stay on the roof instead without bathing or eating in hopes of having the Straw hats recover faster as a vigil. Luffy thanked them for being one of the reason as to why he felt better so quickly.

Yamato's identity has been closely tied to Oden since they were first introduced, and they have not been able to find their own identify of being 'Yamato'. Their introduction has always been either as 'Kaido's son', or 'Kozuki Oden', being unable to break out of these two chains. This has been their most apparent and noticeable Achilles' heel, pointing towards how traumatic their life was that her inability to develop her own individuality continues despite being liberated physically.

However, Yamato feels that they would eventually go out to sea and was happy when Luffy openly declares that he will come back for them immediately once they were free. When Yamato voiced her real reason behind wanting to stay, Luffy was unconvinced as he always wants people to chase their dream first and foremost. Seeing that Yamato already resolved themself, Luffy accepted their decision.

In truth, Yamato felt that with Kaido's defeat, more and more invaders would come to Wano and that Yamato wouldn’t be able to fully focus on their adventures if they had to worry about the nation constantly. Yamato felt that Wano's current strength is lacking and that if Ryokugyu or someone like ever returns, they wouldn’t be able to defend themselves without them. After all, they were only saved by Shanks and not because of their own might. That said, Yamato does states that they still really want to be the straw hats real crew mate someday, but they can’t just abandon everyone now. Until then, Yamato knows they have to find some other reason to stay in Wano and not wound Momonosuke's pride in the process, especially after his heartfelt declaration.


Yamato is the daughter of the Strongest Creature in the world, Kaido, and an unnamed woman, however, the current status of their mother is unknown. Yamato is presumably a child of an Oni, indicative from their horns.

Twenty years prior to the current story, Yamato witnessed the death of Kozuki Oden in the Flower Capital during the legendary hour, which was the same time that they started to idolize him and the other Nine Red Scabbard. Yamato was shown to be crying underneath their mask after witnessing Oden's courageous and selfless proclamation that his retainers will open up the borders even if he perishes.

Days after Oden's death, Yamato told Kaido that they wanted to be like Oden. He then physically punishes them for making such a statement and decided to starve them so they would repent. Presumably, he cuffed them with explosive sea prism cuffs at this moment, as the next time we see of them, Yamato was already chained up. Yamato also showed their first signs of Haoshoku Haki at the age of 8 after being tied to a rock and having those around them suddenly become unconscious.

Despite praising them for awakening such a rare ability, Kaido told Yamato that they'll be better off dead if they continue saying they were Oden. He then locked Yamato up in a cave with no hopes of escape for a month, after making sure they were hungry, injured and weakened by the cuffs.

Additionally, he also added 3 Samurai into the cave, thinking that they’ll kill Yamato as they were the child of the person who took everything away from them. To add further impetus, he only gave 1 portion of food and numerous swords so that they would fight over the food.

Astonishingly, the Samurai unanimously decides to give Yamato the food, sympathizing with them for being born into such a family. Furthermore, they also taught Yamato how to read Oden's Logbook after they told them that they couldn’t understand the big words. This was also where Yamato made acquaintance with Shimotsuki Ushimaru, who freed her from the rock she was bound to.

Yamato becomes greatly appreciative and tearfully vows to go out to sea and become stronger in an attempt to take back Wano's freedom from their father. The Samurai decides to impart their wishes and hopes onto Yamato, making sure they survive to contribute for a better future.

Many unnamed people felt sympathy for the young Yamato including some from their father's crew. They even offered them food and blankets to make their situation a little better but were executed soon after when they were found out. Yamato was seen crying and eavesdropping when they were being crucified, silently listening to others push blame onto them as the cause of their deaths.

Yamato was told by their father that it was beneath them to form friendship with humans and was beaten harshly for it. Furthermore, Kaido incited that Yamato was always alone, hopping about the rocks, crawling through the attics, as he told them that it was their fate that everyone who ever showed favor to them ends up dead.

Some time ago, Yamato ate an incredibly rare Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit unknowingly when they were hungry, unaware of the importance of such a fruit.

When Ace arrived in Wano more than 2 years ago, they fought for a while with Yamato allowing Ace to free the captive prisoners as an act of open defiance against Kaido. Ace was confused as to how someone as strong as Yamato wasn’t the captain and was surprised when Yamato said they werer imprisoned. Ace began sharing with Yamato the childhood of himself, Sabo and Luffy.

Yamato began to cry as they saw the story of Roger and Oden inside them. Yamato excitedly asks Ace what he thought if they, Ace and Luffy went out to sea together in the future. Ace was elated as he encourages them to meet again.

Yamato then made Ace's vivre card as he tells them not to lose it. Looking at their chain and then at Ace, Yamato began hoping for a brighter future. Two years later, Yamato was holding onto Ace's vivre card when it began burning up. They were still in bandages from their last confrontation with Kaido, but soon began wreaking havoc again.

Yamato went back to the hills they bid farewell as the paper disintegrated fully. Yamato broke down as they continuously bashed their cuffs till their hands bled, lamenting that they couldn’t save their one and only friend. That they couldn't live freely live Oden.

Kaido was enjoying them suffering as he states that no matter what they held on to, it won’t matter as he personally went down to punish them again. Yamato then recalls Ace's words that his brother Luffy will set sail soon.

With newfound hope and motivation, Yamato declares that she would wait forever for Luffy if necessary as Yamato charges as Kaido, reiterating that they're Oden once again.

Wano Arc

After Kaido's defeat, Yamato met the Straw Hat Pirates and introduced herself as Kaido's child, while declaring an intention to join them. Some of the crew were flabbergasted to learn the relation to Kaido while others were gleeful by having a beauty on their side, before Jinbe watched Yamato shout at remaining members of the Beast Pirates and deciding to wait for Luffy's say.

Yamato later carried Luffy to Momonosuke while ordering the latter not to tell Wano of him, as he had no interest in being a hero.

Much later, Yamato was pleased that Luffy and Zoro regained consciousness after the battle. Yamato would join in the celebratory festival in the capital while having fun with her new friends.

Soon Marine Admiral Ryokugyu invaded Wano to destroy the Straw Hat Pirates but the Red Scabbards, Yamato, and Momonosuke are able to keep him at bay. Yamato attacked Ryokugyu who was surprised by their declaration of being Kaido's child. Yamato was amazed to witness Momonosuke being capable to breath and shoot fire like Kaido, injuring the admiral. Yamato was ordered by Momonosuke to step back, as he refused to let anyone else fight the invader, since he wanted to defend his country himself but before the clash can proceed it was halted by Shanks, who was outside Wano and intimidated the Admiral to back off.

After this battle, Yamato decided to postpone traveling the world telling Luffy that Admiral Ryokugyu brought up a good point over the possibility of other powerful invaders. Yamato told Luffy, though they want to be a member of the Straw Hats, it wasn't time, so they ended up staying in Wano and oversaw the reunion of Momonosuke’s retainers. Luffy understood and told them when they are ready to meet up with the crew. Currently, Yamato is travelling around the poor states of Wano and seeing the devastation caused from Kaido's rule.


As the daughter of the Strongest Creature in the World, Kaido, Yamato is an extremely powerful warrior. Yamato is strong enough to earn recognition from the Tobiroppo, six powerful and famous pirates who have all eaten Ancient Zoan Devil Fruits, all of whom noted that it'd be a difficult task to bring them in.

Superhuman Physical Prowess: Yamato has immense physical abilities which includes durability, speed, strength and many more that resembles their father as shown when Yamato defeated Ulti with little effort, and moved fast enough to hit her without giving her the chance to avoid it. Yamato later outran Ulti, Page One, and several other pursuers at high speed, while carrying Luffy. In one attack, Yamato was able to knock down X Drake who was defending himself. Afterward, Yamato outran Apoo when he was trying to trick them.

Yamato was capable of matching and surpassing the strength and speed of Luffy who was using a Haki-enhanced Gear Second and Gear Third without showing any difficulties in fighting him. Most notably, she was still in seastone Handcuffs at this moment, which is known for severely weakening devil fruit eaters like herself. She is able to endure cannonball shots at point blank and fight without fatigue afterwards. With just a single swing of her Kanabo without Haki, she is able to generate winds that can blast away heavy Beast Pirates and easily obliterate ballistic shields. Without her restraints, she is seen competing fairly evenly with her father at his strongest hybrid form.

Her body is also incredibly resistant to fire as she was able to continue fighting without much difficulty despite being burnt by Ace's, Kaido's, Luffy's, and Kazenbo's fires. Each of the above character's fire abilities had incapacitated many foes with Kaido being able to obliterate a huge mountain and Kazenbo killing many people just by being on the same floor as them.


Yamato is one of the few characters capable of using all three types of Haki and at least two advance applications of it.

Haoshoku Haki

Yamato possesses the innate ability to use Haoshoku Haki, which is an extremely rare power said to exist within one in several million people and also described as being chosen by Heaven, holding the qualities of a "King". Yamato used this for the first time against the Beast Pirates when they were just 8 years old, knocking them unconscious. Yamato is called the "Oni Princess", which fits the mould of having a characteristic that is similar to that of a royal.

Years later, Yamato has shown the advanced application of this through "infusing" it into their kanabo, causing dark lightning to be emitted from it. Yamato showed it during their clash against their father's Haoshoku Haki-infused Raimei Hakke using their own Raimei Hakke. Their indomitable and indefatigable spirit is one of the strongest in the casts of characters, as they were able to withstand many dominating people's Conquerors Haki like Kaido's, Luffy's and Shank's without any signs of difficulty.

Kaido has stated that only a very handful of the strongest conquerors can utilise such a rare ability. Not even Oden unlocked such a prestigious ability before he came back with Roger. Some people that has it includes Roger, Whitebeard, Big Mom, Kaido, Luffy and Zoro. All of whom are above a certain calibre of strength, with the latter two having shown the ability to handily dispose of a Top-tier first commander.

Busoshoku Haki

Yamato has masterful usage of Busoshoku Haki, allowing them to harden their hand and coat them Kanabo in it, creating an effect similar to lightning after discharging it from a distance when attacking Hatcha. Yamato can also use this Haki at an advanced degree, being able to emit it from a great distance, hitting opponents backwards with tremendous amounts of force.

Depending on the amount of Busoshoku Haki Yamato pours into their attacks, the concentrated force can either be visible or invisible as seen from their fights with Kaido and Sasaki's armour division respectively. Furthermore, Yamato was able to fight and damage Portgas D. Ace, who'd eaten a Logia Devil Fruit using this branch of Haki.

Even a transformed Ryokugyu who had eaten a logia forest-forest fruit was injured by a quick burst of their Haki, commenting how powerful it was as he held his head with a pained expression. This was despite him having easily disposed of and even mocking King and Queen earlier with only one hand, both of whom were also powerful Haki users capable enough to be the first and second commanders of an Emperor crew, which was said to be nothing special for someone of his rank and caliber.

Kenbunshoku Haki

Yamato possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki which is the ability to sense the presence, emotions and powers of others. Yamato has used this ability to keep track of fast moving opponents and halting the Beast Pirates when they were attempting to escape surreptitiously after hearing Kaido had lost. Yamato was also one of the first few people to notice Admiral Greenbull making his way to the capital and Shanks's Haki being the one that stopped him.


Similar to their father, Yamato's main weapon of choice is a Kanabo mace, which is more studded and slender compared to Kaido's spiked Kanabo, making it more centralize on blunt force damage rather than slash types.

Devil Fruit

Yamato ate a Mythical Zoan Class Devil Fruit known as the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami, which allows them to willingly transform into a hybrid or full form of the wolf deity described as being the Guardian Deity of Wano. It was a valuable fruit that Kaido himself worked hard to get, however, Yamato ended up accidentally eating it without knowing what it was out of hunger. A Mythical Zoan is said to be the rarest and most powerful of the Zoan sub-types as well as also being rarer than Logia fruits.

In her full-beast form, Yamato becomes a four legged wolflike creature with flame-like aura enveloping their entire body. Yamato's horns extends straight up and their limbs becomes more paw-like, implying that it's a transformation that focuses more on speed and agility. The Heart Pirates that saw Yamato were shocked at how huge the size of their form was compared to a regular wolf.

In her hybrid form, Yamato appears to be something akin to a werewolf. Their canines are sharp, and there's a flame-like aura shown around their entire body constantly, reminiscent of many East Asia Deities. In particular, Yamato's horns also becomes more elongated.

Similar to other Zoan users in their Human-Beast Forms, more so a carnivorous one with fangs and claws, Yamato has enhanced physical abilities to their already powerful base form, which allows them to fight on par against Kaido in his Human-Dragon Form.

Yamato has also mastered the fruit to the extent that they can use her cryokinetic powers in her human form, allowing them to coat and enhance herself or their weapon with ice. Yamato can also summon a barrier like wall made of Ice to block against debris as seen when dealing with Big Mom's rampage.

Without needing to go into full hybrid transformation, Yamato can also transform any singular part of their body into the wolf deity such as hands into claws whilst everything else remains human.

It was revealed that Mythical Zoan fruits are special as they choose their users. For example, the Human-Human fruit Model: Nika (Sun God) chose Luffy to represent freedom while also escaping the world government's grasp for centuries. In a similar vein, the Dog-Dog fruit Model: Makami (Wolf Deity) has also chosen Yamato specifically due to their desires to liberate Wano from their tyrannical father.

List of Attacks

  • Namuji Hyoga: In their Hybrid form, Yamato releases an ice elemental breath from their mouth. It was seen being able to clash and completely negate Kaido's own Bolo Breath.
  • Kagamiyama: Mirror Mountain: Yamato encased themself in Ice Shards which acts as a protective barrier around them as well as removing exterior damages to their body after being released. This attack was strong enough to defend against Kaido's Haoshoku Haki infused Raimei Hakke.
  • Himorogiri: Hallowed Glacier Slash: Yamato spins their Kanebo quickly and using their momentum, Yamato unleashes an overhead swing at their opponent. This acts as a decoy and after averting their attention, Yamato then uses their claws to strike down their enemy. This attack was strong enough to bring Kaido to his knees momentarily.

Since Yamato uses a Kanabo similar to Kaido, many of the attacks seen thus far comes from their using her club to attack their opponents with incredible force.

  • Raimei Hakke: Thunderclap Eight Trigrams: Yamato uses a signature attack of their father, where they lunge at their foe at blinding speed and swings their Kanabo with tremendous force, infused with Busoshoku Haki. It can be amplified further using Haoshoku Haki. It was powerful enough to deal significant damage to Ulti in her full-beast form, knocking her out of her transformation, and making her lose conscious. The strike does not need direct contact to work due to the advance application of Haki. After waking up moments later, Ulti attempted to downplay it by calling it Raimei Yonke with disdain, but coughed up blood soon afterward. Yamato was able to negate Kaido's attack with this move and even caused him to bleed after their clash.
  • Narikabura: Ringing Turnip: Yamato hardens their hand and coats their Kanabo with Busoshoku Haki. Yamato then unleashes a fast vertical projectile to hit their opponent from a distance. It is incredibly potent as it was able to knock out Hatcha, an artificial ancient giant in one shot.
  • Shinsoku Hakujaku: Divine Step White Snake Dash: Yamato imbues their Kanebo with dense amounts of Conqueror's and Busoshoku Haki. Yamato then dashes at their opponent at blinding speed before swinging their weapon using both hands, emanating a lightning trail after their attack lands. This attack was fast enough to land at the same exact moment as Luffy's Gear 4 Snakeman Jet Culverin. When combined with Luffy, it was also powerful enough to send Kaido flying back and forcibly make him transform back into a dragon.
  • Mahoroba: Horse Phantom Blade: While still in their human form, Yamato coats their weapon with frost and swings it at their foe horizontally, resulting in extreme damages being done, especially to those with pyrokinesis powers.

Major Battles

  • Yamato vs. Portgas D. Ace
  • Yamato vs. Monkey D. Luffy
  • Yamato vs. Ulti (Onigashima Live Floor)
  • Yamato vs. Sasaki's Armored Division
  • Yamato vs. Kaidou
  • Yamato, Luffy and Kozuki Momonosuke vs. Kaidou
  • Yamato vs. X Drake
  • Yamato vs. Kazenbo
  • Yamato, Denjiro, Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, Raizo, Kawamatsu, Shinobu and Kozuki Momonosuke vs. Ryokugyu


Since their debut in the series, there has been numerous discrepancy and debate over Yamato's gender. Up until Chapter 984 and Episodes 991-992, Yamato's appearance was kept ambiguous. When Yamato is revealed to have a feminine appearance, Luffy is left surprised, as he was under the impression that Yamato was male, due to Yamato referring themself as "Kaido's son". Yamato is instead introduced as "Kaido's daughter" in the narration box below them. Yamato's reasoning for this seems to be the result of their admiration for Kozuki Oden rather than a struggle of identifying with their assigned sex, as Yamato states "Well, Kozuki Oden was a man, wasn't he?! So I chose to be a man too!!"

Despite this, Yamato is still addressed as male by certain characters, including themself. Luffy in particular gives Yamato the nickname "Yama-o" (ヤマ男), which uses the kanji (男), meaning "man". Kaido himself has also referred to Yamato as his son. At the same time however, Yamato has been referred as "Kaido's daughter" and the "Oni Princess" by characters within the story as well, albeit in flashbacks. Yamato is also shown to bathe with the rest of the men rather than the girls, though Sanji and Brook are still shown to be very attracted to Yamato, due to their appearance.

Outside of the series itself, supplementary material such as the Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary databook have Yamato explicitly labelled as a female. In comparison, Kikunojo is listed in this same databook as a male but described to be a "woman at heart", acknowledging the character's assigned sex to be male, but their gender identity to be female. The official volume releases of the manga also have Yamato listed as "Kaido's daughter" in the introduction of the characters.

With all of this in mind, the Heroes Wiki has opted to have Yamato categorized as both male and female to acknowledge the instances where Yamato is acknowledged as either gender. The article itself, however, is to be written in gender-neutral terms. As such, when editing this article, Yamato is to be referred by name and the pronouns they/them.


  • In Road to Laughtale Vol. 3, Yamato early concepts shows them abhorring being called Young Master. Yamato is also much more prideful of their gender and initially thought that Kaido overthrew the previous Shogun because he was evil.
  • The story behind Yamato eating their Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit is similar to Luffy who ate his Gum Gum Fruit (actual name Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika) unknowingly. Both fruits were discovered by an Emperor and was said to hold great importance to their world.
    • Additionally, both fruits are Mythical Zoans while also having divine origins above that. Yamato's fruit represents the Wolf Deity while Luffy's fruit represents the Sun God Nika.
  • In the anime and the games, Yamato is commonly shown to possess purple electrokinesis like powers when fighting, similar to their father. It is unknown whether it's a real elemental power like Kaido resulting from the Oni race or an artistic choice.
  • On February 28th 2021 at 2:59 PM UTC, Yamato attained 11th position overall in the 1st Global One Piece Popularity poll, garnering 259 738 votes despite only appearing in the manga for a few chapters and lacking a cameo in the anime.
    • This was the first popularly poll Yamato appeared in and out of 1174 characters, Yamato achieved 3rd in Oceania (18724), 4th in Africa (16934), 7th in the Middle East (16012) and in Latin America and the Caribbean (33328), 8th in North America (60774), 10th in Europe (35392), 12th in Asia (20652) and 15th in Japan (57922).

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           One Piece Logo Heroes

Four Emperors
Shanks | Edward Newgate† | Monkey D. Luffy

New World
Pirate Crews
Straw Hat Pirates
Monkey D. Luffy | Roronoa Zoro | Nami (Zeus) | Usopp | Sanji | Tony Tony Chopper | Nico Robin | Franky | Brook | Jinbe

Straw Hat Grand Fleet
Representatives: Cavendish | Bartolomeo | Sai | Ideo | Leo | Hajrudin | Orlumbus
Crew Members: Suleiman | Gambia | Boo | Baby 5 | Chinjao | Blue Gilly | Abdullah | Jeet | Bomba | Rampo | Bian | Kabu | Inhel | Cotton | Wicca | Baxcon | Daikon | Flapper | Bobomba | Maujii | Nubon | Pellini | Chao | Stansen | Road | Goldberg | Gerd | Columbus

Whitebeard Pirates
Edward Newgate † | Marco | Portgas D. Ace † | Kozuki Oden † | Jozu | Vista | Blamenco | Rakuyo | Namur | Blenheim | Curiel | Kingdew | Haruta | Atmos | Speed Jiru | Fossa | Izo | Little Oars Jr. | Kozuki Toki

Red Haired Pirates
Shanks | Benn Beckman
Senior Officers: Lucky Roo | Yasopp | Limejuice | Bonk Punch | Monster | Building Snake | Hongo | Gab
Others: Rockstar | Uta

Heart Pirates
Trafalgar D. Water Law | Bepo | Jean Bart | Penguin | Shachi | Ikkaku | Uni | Clione | Hakugan

Kuja Tribe
Boa Hancock | Boa Sandersonia | Boa Marigold | Gloriosa ‡ | Shakuyaku ‡ | Ran | Cosmos | Daisy | Rindo | Blue Fan | Marguerite | Sweet Pea | Aphelandra | Poppy | Kikyo | Belladonna | Nerine | Pansy | Enishida | Dahlia

Roger Pirates
Gol D. Roger † | Silvers Rayleigh | Scopper Gaban | Crocus | Shanks | Kozuki Oden † | Kozuki Toki † | Inuarashi | Nekomamushi

Giant Warrior Pirates
Dorry | Brogy | Kashii | Oimo

Others Groups
Kozuki Clan
Kozuki Oden † | Kozuki Toki † | Kozuki Momonosuke | Kozuki Hiyori | Tama | Shinobu | Kozuki Sukiyaki
Nine Red Scabbards: Kin'emon | Inuarashi | Nekomamushi | Raizo | Kawamatsu | Ashura Doji † | Denjiro | Kikunojo

Mink Tribe
Inuarashi | Nekomamushi | Carrot | Wanda | Pedro † | Zepo | Shishilian | Concelot | Giovanni | Bepo | Lindbergh

Revolutionary Army
Monkey D. Dragon | Sabo
Army Commanders: Emporio Ivankov | Karasu | Belo Betty | Morley | Lindbergh
Deputy Commanders: Inazuma | Jiron | Ahiru | Ushiano | Gambo
Officers: Bartholomew Kuma | Koala
Others: Ginny | Hack | Terry Gilteo | Bunny Joe

World Government
Admirals: Borsalino | Issho | Kuzan
Vice Admirals: Monkey D. Garp | Tsuru | Smoker | T Bone
SWORD: X Drake | Koby | Helmeppo | Prince Grus | Hibari | Kujaku
Others: Sengoku | Tashigi | Bell-mère † | Donquixote Rosinante † | Regis | Hina | Isuka

Seven Warlord of the Sea
Bartholomew Kuma ‡ | Boa Hancock ‡ | Jinbe ‡ | Trafalgar D. Water Law

Special Science Group
Vegapunk | Sentomaru | Stussy
Satellites: Shaka | Lilith | Edison | Pythagoras | Atlas

Impel Down
Magellan | Bentham

Riku Dold III | Viola | Scarlett † | Rebecca | Kyros

Nefertari Vivi | Nefertari Cobra

Ryugu Kingdom
King Neptune | Otohime † | Fukaboshi | Manboshi | Shirahoshi

Donquixote Family
Donquixote Homing † | Donquixote Rosinante † | Donquixote Mjosgard

Amanda | Ann | Apis | Carina | Clover | Desire | Ever | Emet | Gin | Hatchan | Hiramera | Hiriluk | Iceburg | Jaguar D. Saul | Jewelry Bonney | Johnny | Joy Boy | Kappa | Kaya | Kobato | Livia † | Luca | Mero | Mousse † | Nika | Nojiko | Paulie | Portgas D. Rouge † | Shakuyaku | Russian † | Seira | Shimotsuki Ryuma | Silk | Takao | Trafalgar Lami † | Vinsmoke Reiju | Uta | Yamato | Zunesha

See Also
One Piece Live-Action Heroes
