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Heroine Overview

My husband has been thinking of his ancestors, who lie in the county of Zhuo, and grieves that he cannot do his duty by them. Today we wish to go to the river side and offer sacrifice toward the north. It is our duty to inform you.
~ Lady Sun.
I am as capable in battle as any warrior you'll find!
~ Lady Sun upon her being selecting.
Who says a woman has to be weak?!
~ Lady Sun's victory quote.
Once again, I have proven that a woman is just as capable as any man!
~ Lady Sun's famous quote.

Lady Sun (in Chinese: 孫夫人), also known as Sun Ren (in Chinese: 孫仁) and Sun Shangxiang (in Chinese: 孫尚香), is one of the minor protagonists in the 14th-century Chinese classic novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms by the late Luo Guanzhong, and its multiple adaptations. She is the princess of Wu kingdom and the daughter of the warlord Sun Jian and his wife Lady Wu, and a younger sister of the warlords Sun Ce and Sun Quan. She is also a sister-in-law of Da Qiao and Lianshi.

In the Dynasty Warriors series, she was voiced by Emi Uwagawa in the Japanese version and by Lynn Harris, Amanda Leigh Cobb, Michelle Ruff, G.K. Bowes, and Rachel Staman in the English version.


Arranged Marriage[]

Sun Shangxiang is a princess of Wu and wife of Liu Bei - leader of their rival kingdom of Shu. Sun Shangxiang was pledged to Liu Bei by her father Sun Jian in an alliance to Shu in Gong'an County in the Jing Province. Sun Jian was a military commander for Emperor Xian but had been displaced after Cao Cao rose to power and became a contracted warlord, his army would be known as Wu.

Liu Bei is a leader of Shu - a former province displaced by Cao Cao, who established themselves as their own kingdom when they relocated. With Liu Bei a close descendant of the Han Dynasty and Cao Cao unable to finish him, Sun Jian saw the value in an alliance with him and presented his daughter Sun Shangxiang as symbolic bridge between Shu and Wu.

Sun Shangxinag was said to never go anywhere without her body-guards, who were all female and all carried multiple blades. Even after Sun Jian was succeeded by his son, Sun Shangxiang's brother, Sun Quan, Sun Shangxiang was the one who kept Wu and Shu cooperating together.

Wu Strikes[]

During Liu Bei's campaign against Liu Zhang in Yi, Sun Quan decided to take back his sister and sent a Wu naval team to extract her. Sun Shangxiang went to meet her brother, she would have attempted to take Liu Shan, Liu Bei's son from a previous marriage, and would have succeeded if not for the Shu general Zhao Yun and Liu Bei's brother, Zhang Fei, who managed to save Liu Shan.

Despite the fact she was not able to secure her step-son, Sun Shangxiang was able to secure several bits of Shu's wealth and information on her husband's movements and tactics for her brother Sun Quan.

Armed with the information he had gotten, and in light of the rather obvious break-up, Sun Quan made Wu's contention towards Shu public - declaring Wu as the one's who would unite the three kingdoms instead of Shu or Wei.


There are no historical records as to what happened to Sun Shangxiang after she left Yi. In the 14th-century book about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms has her staying with Liu Bei and committing suicide when he dies.

Most of the Dynasty Warriors game series ignore Sun Shangxiang's role in Wu and Shu's divide but depending on game and player character Sun Shangxiang may even come to rescue her husband, siding with him against her brothers when his life is on the line. Historically Sun Shangxiang was a trained fighter but never actually fought anyone.

TV specials ignore Sun Shangxiang as a fighter, having her instead act as a purely supporting character. Dynasty Warriors games have Sun Shangxiang portrayed as a highly competent fighter whom the player may choose as not only one of many highly competent blade-masters, but one who uses specialized wind and fire wheels.


Sun Shangxiang was said to be wise, shrewd, and fierce. By all accounts her marriage to Liu Bei was amicable but she prioritized service to her own kin over her romantic life. That Liu Bei always felt uncomfortable leaving home. According to his adviser, Zhuge Liang, who wrote that "When at home my lord fears Cao Cao in the north and Sun Quan in the east, when out on campaign he fears Lady Sun at home." Sun Shangxiang was seen as a high-maintenance wife in Romance of The Three Kingdoms.

In the Dynasty Warriors, Sun Shangxiang's role as Liu Bei's wife is some-what down-played and she is portrayed most like that of her body-guard warriors - a strong warrior always carrying a set of blades and ready for a fight. In both the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Dynasty Warriors, Sun Shangxiang is regularly to have be strong, optimistic, and independent, however in the games she is characterized as being more playful than shrewd but still with a deep loyalty to her father and brothers over that of obligation to Liu Bei.

It is unknown if she tried to kidnap Liu Shan to keep him safe for when Wu struck Shu, or is she was doing it to hold him hostage to keep Liu Bei at bay.


  • She is a playable character in both the Dynasty Warriors and Knight of Valour series.
  • The year 211 is a turning point for Shu and Wu as it is when Wu starts openly campaigning against Shu - Sun Shangxiang's intentions made clear that same year.
  • In the first Knight of Valour game, Sun Shangxiang appears as a boss character in the first stage.
  • Sun Shangxiang is one of the major characters in the Red Cliff movies. She was portrayed by Vicky Zhao.
  • Sun Shangxiang is a supporting character in the 2010 TV series, Three Kingdoms. She is portrayed by Ruby Lin.
  • She also appeared as one of the supporting characters in the 2015 TV series, God of War, Zhao Yun. She was portrayed by Kang Se Jung.
  • She was ordinarily it believing in Taoism.

External Links[]


           Romance of the Three Kingdoms Logo Heroes

Cao Wei
Cao Cao | Xiahou Dun | Dian Wei | Xu Chu | Xiahou Yuan | Lady Zhen | Cao Ren | Cao Pi | Pang De | Cai Wenji | Guo Jia | Li Dian | Yue Jin | Yu Jin | Xun Yu | Xun You | Man Chong | Cao Xiu | Cao Zhi | Cao Zhang | Cao Zhen | Cao Ang | Cao Anmin | Ren Jun | Cao Jie | Cao Hong | Cao Rui | Cao Chun | Cao Fang | Han Hao | Meng Da | Tian Yu | Wen Ping | Xin Pi | Xu Zhi | Xiahou Mao | Xiahou Shang | Xiahou Hui | Chen Tai | Zhuge Xu | Empress Guo | Empress Dowager Bian | Cheng Yin | Chen Lin | Wang Su | Wang Ling | Zang Ba | Yue Lin

Shu Han
Zhao Yun | Guan Yu | Zhang Fei | Zhuge Liang | Liu Bei | Ma Chao | Huang Zhong | Jiang Wei | Wei Yan | Pang Tong | Lady Huang | Guan Ping | Empress Zhang | Guan Suo | Liu Shan | Ma Dai | Bao Sanniang | Xu Shu | Lady Guan | Guan Xing | Zhang Bao | Fa Zheng | Lady Xiahou | Zhou Cang | Deng Zhi | Wang Ping | Zhuge Zhan | Feng Xi | Huo Jun | Huo Yi | Liu Ba | Jian Yong | Fei Yi | Liao Hua | Jiang Wan | Ma Su | Ma Liang | Fan Qiang | Zhang Da | Liu Du | Liu Feng | Lady Fan | Shamoke | Zhao Fan | Mi Zhu | Mi Fang | Yang Xi | Zhang Nan | Zhao Lei | Zhao Tong | Zhao Guang | Dong Yun | Dong Jue | Huang Quan | Li Feng | Li Yan | Liu Yan | Lady Gan | Lady Mi | Sun Qian | Zhang Da | Jiang Shu | Xu Jing | Fu Shiren

Sun Wu
Zhou Yu | Lu Xun | Taishi Ci | Lady Sun | Sun Jian | Sun Ce | Sun Quan | Lu Meng | Gan Ning | Huang Gai | Two Qiaos | Zhou Tai | Ling Tong | Ding Feng | Bu Lianshi | Han Dang | Lu Su | Zhu Ran | Cheng Pu | Xu Sheng | Dong Xi | Sun Yi | Su Fei | Sun Kuang | Sun Luban | Sun Luyu | Zhu Huan | Pan Zhang | Jiang Qin | Hu Zong | Kan Ze | Chen Wu | Zhuge Ke | Zhuge Jin | Pan Jun | Lu Mao | Sun Liang | Sun Xiu | Sun Hao | Zhou Fang | Lu Dai | Lu Fan | Lu Jun | Lu Kang | Lu Yi | Lou Xuan | Bu Zhi | Bu Xie | Lady Wu | Wu Guotai | Empress Zhu | Taishi Xiang | Yan Jun | Zhu Yi | Quan Cong | Zhu Zhi

Jin Dynasty
Sima Yi | Sima Shi | Sima Zhao | Wang Yuanji | Deng Ai | Xiahou Ba | Guo Huai | Zhuge Dan | Zhong Hui | Wen Yang | Xin Xianying | Zhang Chunhua | Chen Shou | Sima Yan | Sima You | Sima Ai | Cao Huan | Wen Qin

Han Dynasty
Liu Xie | Diao Chan | Zuo Ci | Lady Lu | He Jin | Gongsun Zan | Gongsun Fan | Gongsun Yue | Huangfu Song | Chen Gui | Tian Kai | Guan Jing | Kong Rong | Liu Biao | Liu Qi | Cao Bao | Lady Yan | Bao Long | Chen Ying | Zhao Hong | Xu Rong | Ze Rong | Ou Xing | Wang Yun | Gongsun Du | Cai Yong | Ma Tie | Ma Xiu | Han Fu | Han Sui | Han De | Emperor Xian | Emperor Ling | Yuan Yao | Huang Shao | Huang Chengyan | Jiao Chu | Fu Shou | Ma Teng | Consort Tang | Zhang Lu | Liu Zhang | Liu Yao | Tao Qian | Guan Ding | Zhang Song | Lady Yang | Ma Yunlu | Liu Cong | Qiao Xuan | Pan Feng | Yu She | Yan Baihu

Exclusive Characters
Lei Bin | Lixia | Luo Pingan | Jingshu | Gongsun Baoyue | Li Quan | Li Feiyan | Xiahou Qingyi | Sun Ruan'er | Liu Shen | Liu Qing'er

Good Organizations
Five Bushel Sect | Five Tiger Generals | Forces in Xiliang | Gongsun Zan's Army | Liu Biao's Army | Liu Zhang's Army | Tao Qian's Army

           Dynasty Warriors Logo Heroes

Cao Wei
Xiahou Dun | Dian Wei | Xu Chu | Xiahou Yuan | Lady Zhen | Cao Ren | Cao Pi | Pang De | Cai Wenji | Guo Jia | Li Dian | Yue Jin | Yu Jin | Xun Yu | Man Chong | Xun You | Cao Xiu

Eastern Wu
Zhou Yu | Lu Xun | Taishi Ci | Lady Sun | Sun Jian | Sun Quan | Lu Meng | Gan Ning | Sun Ce | Huang Gai | Two Qiaos | Zhou Tai | Ling Tong | Ding Feng | Bu Lianshi | Han Dang | Lu Su | Zhu Ran | Xu Sheng | Cheng Pu

Shu Han
Zhao Yun | Guan Yu | Zhang Fei | Zhuge Liang | Liu Bei | Ma Chao | Huang Zhong | Jiang Wei | Wei Yan | Pang Tong | Lady Huang | Guan Ping | Empress Zhang | Guan Suo | Ma Dai | Liu Shan | Bao Sanniang | Xu Shu | Lady Guan | Guan Xing | Zhang Bao | Fa Zheng | Zhou Cang | Lady Xiahou

Jin Dynasty
Sima Shi | Sima Zhao | Deng Ai | Wang Yuanji | Guo Huai | Xiahou Ba | Zhuge Dan | Zhong Hui | Zhang Chunhua | Wen Yang | Xin Xianying

Other Heroes
Diao Chan | Zuo Ci | Zang Ba | Lei Bin | Lixia | Lady Lu | Fu Xi | Nuwa

Guest Characters
Ryu Hayabusa | Ayane | Yukimura Sanada | Mitsunari Ishida | Kanetsugu Naoe | Momiji | Sanzang | Sun Wukong

            Warriors Orochi Logo1 Heroes

Major Heroes
Fu Xi | Nuwa | Taigong Wang | Kaguya | Sanzang | Susanoo-no-Mikoto | Athena | Ares | Zeus | Gaia | Loki | Hades

Other Heroes
Sun Wukong | Benkei Musashibō | Yinglong | Yoshitsune Minamoto | Himiko | Nezha | Shennong | Yang Jian | Seimei Abe | The Heavenly Emperor

Dynasty Warriors
Xiahou Dun | Dian Wei | Xu Chu | Xiahou Yuan | Lady Zhen | Cao Ren | Cao Pi | Pang De | Cai Wenji | Guo Jia | Li Dian | Yue Jin | Yu Jin | Xun Yu | Zhou Yu | Lu Xun | Taishi Ci | Lady Sun | Sun Jian | Sun Quan | Lu Meng | Gan Ning | Sun Ce | Huang Gai | Two Qiaos | Zhou Tai | Ling Tong | Ding Feng | Bu Lianshi | Han Dang | Lu Su | Zhu Ran | Zhao Yun | Guan Yu | Zhang Fei | Zhuge Liang | Liu Bei | Ma Chao | Huang Zhong | Jiang Wei | Wei Yan | Pang Tong | Lady Huang | Guan Ping | Empress Zhang | Guan Suo | Ma Dai | Liu Shan | Bao Sanniang | Xu Shu | Lady Guan | Guan Xing | Zhang Bao | Fa Zheng | Sima Shi | Sima Zhao | Deng Ai | Wang Yuanji | Guo Huai | Xiahou Ba | Zhuge Dan | Zhong Hui | Wen Yang | Zhang Chunhua | Diao Chan | Zuo Ci | Lady Lu

Samurai Warriors
Yukimura Sanada | Keiji Maeda | Mitsuhide Akechi | Kenshin Uesugi | Oichi no Kata | Izumo no Okuni | Kunoichi Sanada | Magoichi Saika | Shingen Takeda | Hanzo Hattori | Ranmaru Mori | Hideyoshi Toyotomi | Tadakatsu Honda | Inahime Sanada | Ieyasu Tokugawa | Mitsunari Ishida | Nagamasa Azai | Sakon Shima | Yoshihiro Shimazu | Ginchiyo Tachibana | Kanetsugu Naoe | Nene Toyotomi | Musashi Miyamoto | Toshiie Maeda | Motochika Chōsokabe | Gracia Hosokawa | Katsuie Shibata | Kiyomasa Katō | Muneshige Tachibana | Kaihime Narita | Ujiyasu Hōjō | Hanbei Takenaka | Motonari Mōri | Aya | Masanori Fukushima | Takatora Tōdō | Naotora Ii | Munenori Yagyū | Nobuyuki Sanada | Yoshitsugu Ōtani | Hisahide Matsunaga | Kojūrō Katakura | Kagekatsu Uesugi | Takakage Kobayakawa | Koshōshō | Toyohisa Shimazu | Lady Hayakawa | Naomasa Ii

Guest Characters
Ryu Hayabusa | Ayane | Kasumi | Rachel | Joan of Arc | Sophitia Alexandra | Nemea | Achilles | Sterkenburg Cranach | Momiji
