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For my love, I will go to the ends of the earth and back!
~ Oichi.
My love gives me strength!
~ Oichi's victory quote.
Strict training, all on my own. I looked at myself and became stronger as a result, but I was also pretty lonely.
~ Oichi's famous quote.

Oichi Oda, also known as simply Oichi, is a heroine in the Samurai Warriors video game series. She is one of Nobunaga's younger sisters and Nagamasa's wife.


Samurai Warriors[]

Oichi is a kind-hearted and gentle person who believes in her loving ones. After Okehazama helped her brother, she joined the Oda team at Inabayama Castle. Although worried about the feelings of Nouhime, the old man only said that she was making a choice to calm her down. Considering Noh, she married Nagamasa and was forced to fight her brother in Anegawa of the many years later. In order to find another solution to the conflict, she believes that Noh can convince Nobunaga to stop while defending her husband and Yoshikage.

If she fails to succeed in any task, she will fight her brother and believe that she is the only one who can kill him. Although Oda officials and her husband tried to discourage her from leaving the road, she also helped Azui march in Azuchi Castle in order to occupy Nobunaga's life. They succeeded and Nagamasa became the almost unifying of the land. Noh, angry at the death of Nobunaga, led the rest of the Oda officers in the Honnōji rebellion. While they were fighting, Ieyasu and Hideyoshi also expressed their opposition to Nagamasa's new power seat.

For the massacre of most Oda followers, Oichi insisted on continuing to fight her love in the name of her brother. However, Oichi quickly defeated Nobunaga in Anegawa, saved the Azai main camp from mostly danger. In order to fulfill her wishes, she quickly met her brother in Azuchi Castle to negotiate the peace between her two families. After reaching the top floor, she meeting Mitsuhide and learned about his defect plan. With this in mind, she along with her husband surely rushed to Nobunaga rescue in Honnōji. She persuaded her brother to betray and then escaped with Noh and Ranmaru. After enjoying the fireworks show after the victory, the two shared a brief apology exchange and reconciliation.

Samurai Warriors 2[]

After the two were got married, Oichi was still loyal to Nagamasa but promised more love to lead by example. Besides that she would likes to joins him in the Azai Alliance to help everyone be responsible for themselves, pack up all the weapons with these intentional idea and promptly resist the bandits on the village. Apart from the evidence, Nobunaga broke his response and had no time to deal with Asakura, Nagamasa chases Oda casually to assist his family and find the best norms.

Samurai Warriors 3[]

Meantime, Oichi joined with her brother's ranks once again in Okehazama, even when she takes only chance to meets with her husband, stands up for a fallen soldier. Upon her advancing of the tatty, Oichi was odd that she lucky to having thinks about the merry stranger whenever truly about him in some ways, and much for blessed. As the couple married is been more years, Oichi regularly to loving Nagamasa for their better more feels, which leads the Oda officers were watched them to be very shocked.

Do good for the Oda family, Nobunaga told his sister that she is the one who shared a hopes comes true. After took on her dreams and to supportive of her husband's vision of a hearty land with the flowers, Oichi agreeing to helps her brother taking over Inabayama Castle. However, upon Nagamasa assists on Yoshikage, Oichi wants to be conscious of her husband's goodness, making her sally to fights with her brother. She intending to staying in the Azai with takes down Nobunaga after being touched by her husband's frankness.

Oichi also repeated realized her husband's dreams, and arrvied in Odani Castle to save him. Nagamasa want to remained his vision together with his wife, which they finally reunion of gets in defending the castle. When Shingen, Kenshin, Motonari, Nobunaga, Ieyasu, and Ujiyasu are dealing with their rising of power which they leading their forces to attacked them in Yogoko Lakside, Nagamasa perform the final combat until his proves their love, and by well be credence to the other lords. Oichi and her husband happily living in peaceful.

Samurai Warriors 4[]

Defend her brother's future in Okehazama, Oichi takes more times to marry Nagamasa when they meets, she would know that he loving her so far. Although he is continues to loyal of the Oda clan, Nagamasa deeply to joined the battle and Oichi, who always embracing his dream. She understand her husband betrayal, which is exactly very dismay. Upon the battle of Anegawa, Oichi make the counsel with Yoshitsugu by asked if they are succeeded, and Nagamasa also puts into his demise.

While the strategist told her about that their lost. Due to her husband died, she tragically to mourning him. Upon her survived, Oichi later joining with the Oda forces again in fact to defies her grieves. To revenge on her husband and joined attacked Hisahide, she also pointed him as the one who responsible for makes Nagamsa betraying her brother and causing him to death. When Oichi managing to intimidate Hisahide in Nagashino, which her hatred must end in Kishu. She later meets Katsuie, and appointed him as her eternal guardian even after touching to his devotion.

Since the Oda falling in decline years later as Hideyoshi's rising effect, Oichi offically marriage with Katsuie. They were caught in the diplomacy crossfire for Nobunaga's successor, meeting the destruction towards Shizugatake. However, Oichi wishing her dreams of peaceful which would living by the hearts of the victory and that missing, she flamed the Kitanosho Castle together with her husband, as a result they feeling were already spreads. After all, Oichi dying after burned the castle, as Katsuie will become bit depressing, he sorrows to mourning her with the honor.

Samurai Warriors 5[]

Oichi portrayed as Nobunaga and Nobuyuki's younger sister, helps her brother's reinforcements for Nobunaga to find Ieyasu, making him safety. She aid her brother's plan of forming allies with the Saitō clan, going to participate in the civil wars to strike down Yoshitatsu, and recaptured Ieyasu by the Imagawa. Having her brothers leaving from the clan, Oichi then force preventing the battle by blocked the bridge leads to Nobuyuki, which she causing herself from being defeating. Upon her excused, Oichi also speaking to Katsuie for the way.

When he is considered to be her personally bodyguard, she then helping her brothers in both Okehazama and Inabayama. Under the solace of their neighbors, Nobunaga eventually to advanced on the capital, and that wants makes Yoshiaki Ashikaga to served as shōgun. He should assist the Azai of Ōmi, therefore in fact they are refusing to taking answer. Nobunaga leading his forces, which he able to showed the powers to Nagamasa. On this way, Oichi joined in the battle as she will pay attention to Nagamasa, who aiding in the conditions but the Asakura are not danger.

Formally, the two are in the capital fights against the Mino Triumvirate and the Rokkaku clan, which they coming into the ceremony to got marriage, offers the Oda's alliance with the Azai. Nobunaga later marching on the Asakura, they getting rejected to looking him on the capital. Eventually, Oichi and Katsuie taking her husband's side to betrayed the Oda armies, which Nobunaga was turning out of disgust. At the battle of Anegawa, she could helps her husband to defeating her brother, with be maintain her spouse until the ended of Odani Castle.

Also, Nobunaga swears to kill his sister and Katsuie for stand against him which pleas from Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide lighten their returning to simple house arrested. When Nagamasa is killed, Oichi grief to mourned him. Before the battle of Tedorigawa, Katsuie rejoined the Oda forces, when he time to battling Kenshin, Oichi following him as she was downhearted by her husband's death and the dangers which is Katsuie to had location. She have losing all close to her once more, remaining on Katsuie's side and fights Kenshin in the struggle, they are finished to takes him down.





  • Historically, when Nagamasa betrayed Nobunaga and declared war against the Oda in Kanegasaki, she sent a secret message to Nobunaga to warn him about this, as an example of Thicker Than Water. But throughout the series, she's depicted in Undying Loyalty for Nagamasa and always sides with her husband against her brother.
  • Despite being a young adult girl from second game to fourth game, Oichi reverted to her childish self in the 5th installment.

External Links[]


           Samurai Warriors Logo Heroes

Samurai Warriors
Yukimura Sanada | Keiji Maeda | Mitsuhide Akechi | Kenshin Uesugi | Oichi no Kata | Izumo no Okuni | Masamune Date | Kunoichi Sanada | Magoichi Saika | Shingen Takeda | Hanzo Hattori | Ranmaru Mori | Hideyoshi Toyotomi | Tadakatsu Honda | Yoshimoto Imagawa | Inahime Sanada

Samurai Warriors 2
Ieyasu Tokugawa | Mitsunari Ishida | Nagamasa Azai | Sakon Shima | Yoshihiro Shimazu | Ginchiyo Tachibana | Kanetsugu Naoe | Nene Toyotomi | Musashi Miyamoto | Toshiie Maeda | Motochika Chōsokabe | Gracia Hosokawa | Katsuie Shibata

Samurai Warriors 3
Kiyomasa Katō | Muneshige Tachibana | Kaihime Narita | Ujiyasu Hōjō | Hanbei Takenaka | Motonari Mōri | Aya | Masanori Fukushima

Samurai Warriors 4
Takatora Tōdō | Naotora Ii | Munenori Yagyū | Nobuyuki Sanada | Yoshitsugu Ōtani | Hisahide Matsunaga | Kojūrō Katakura | Kagekatsu Uesugi | Takakage Kobayakawa | Koshōshō | Toyohisa Shimazu | Lady Hayakawa | Naomasa Ii

Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada
Masayuki Sanada | Chacha | Sasuke Sarutobi | Katsuyori Takeda | Hidetada Tokugawa

Samurai Warriors 5
Toshimitsu Saitō | Mitsuki | Sena | Kazuuji Nakamura | Shikanosuke Yamanaka | Yasuke | Nobuyuki Oda | Dōsan Saitō | Yoshikage Asakura | Motonobu Okabe | Yoshiaki Ashikaga | Fujihide Mitsubuchi | Terumoto Mōri | Motoharu Kikkawa

Guest Characters
Takamaru | Yoshitsune Minamoto | Benkei Musashibō

            Warriors Orochi Logo1 Heroes

Major Heroes
Fu Xi | Nuwa | Taigong Wang | Kaguya | Sanzang | Susanoo-no-Mikoto | Athena | Ares | Zeus | Gaia | Loki | Hades

Other Heroes
Sun Wukong | Benkei Musashibō | Yinglong | Yoshitsune Minamoto | Himiko | Nezha | Shennong | Yang Jian | Seimei Abe | The Heavenly Emperor

Dynasty Warriors
Xiahou Dun | Dian Wei | Xu Chu | Xiahou Yuan | Lady Zhen | Cao Ren | Cao Pi | Pang De | Cai Wenji | Guo Jia | Li Dian | Yue Jin | Yu Jin | Xun Yu | Zhou Yu | Lu Xun | Taishi Ci | Lady Sun | Sun Jian | Sun Quan | Lu Meng | Gan Ning | Sun Ce | Huang Gai | Two Qiaos | Zhou Tai | Ling Tong | Ding Feng | Bu Lianshi | Han Dang | Lu Su | Zhu Ran | Zhao Yun | Guan Yu | Zhang Fei | Zhuge Liang | Liu Bei | Ma Chao | Huang Zhong | Jiang Wei | Wei Yan | Pang Tong | Lady Huang | Guan Ping | Empress Zhang | Guan Suo | Ma Dai | Liu Shan | Bao Sanniang | Xu Shu | Lady Guan | Guan Xing | Zhang Bao | Fa Zheng | Sima Shi | Sima Zhao | Deng Ai | Wang Yuanji | Guo Huai | Xiahou Ba | Zhuge Dan | Zhong Hui | Wen Yang | Zhang Chunhua | Diao Chan | Zuo Ci | Lady Lu

Samurai Warriors
Yukimura Sanada | Keiji Maeda | Mitsuhide Akechi | Kenshin Uesugi | Oichi no Kata | Izumo no Okuni | Kunoichi Sanada | Magoichi Saika | Shingen Takeda | Hanzo Hattori | Ranmaru Mori | Hideyoshi Toyotomi | Tadakatsu Honda | Inahime Sanada | Ieyasu Tokugawa | Mitsunari Ishida | Nagamasa Azai | Sakon Shima | Yoshihiro Shimazu | Ginchiyo Tachibana | Kanetsugu Naoe | Nene Toyotomi | Musashi Miyamoto | Toshiie Maeda | Motochika Chōsokabe | Gracia Hosokawa | Katsuie Shibata | Kiyomasa Katō | Muneshige Tachibana | Kaihime Narita | Ujiyasu Hōjō | Hanbei Takenaka | Motonari Mōri | Aya | Masanori Fukushima | Takatora Tōdō | Naotora Ii | Munenori Yagyū | Nobuyuki Sanada | Yoshitsugu Ōtani | Hisahide Matsunaga | Kojūrō Katakura | Kagekatsu Uesugi | Takakage Kobayakawa | Koshōshō | Toyohisa Shimazu | Lady Hayakawa | Naomasa Ii

Guest Characters
Ryu Hayabusa | Ayane | Kasumi | Rachel | Joan of Arc | Sophitia Alexandra | Nemea | Achilles | Sterkenburg Cranach | Momiji
