Marvel Database

Quote1 Whoa! I haven't seen this many villains, thugs, and lowlifes in one place since I watched C-Span's coverage of congress yesterday! Quote2
Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

Appearing in "So Spider-Man Walks Into a Bar and..."

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Synopsis for "So Spider-Man Walks Into a Bar and..."

Spider-Man is fighting the villains at the Bar With No Name where the Bookie was taking bets. The bartender Deke says that Spider-Man is allowed their help. Spider-Man wants information about the Bookie. Deke tells Spider-Man where the Bookie lives. At the F.E.A.S.T. Center a man with a cane, named Yermo, trips and hurts himself. Aunt May gives him some stew and he is able to walk without his cane. Spider-Man shows up at the Bookie's house and talks to his father, Lester Ladue to find out what he knows. He tells Spider-Man that he wants to go with him, but Spider-Man says no. He won't tell Spider-Man anything unless he goes. Spider-Man finally agrees.

At Coney Island, the Enforcers have the Bookie strapped into a ride. They are taking bets on when he will fall, blackout, and puke. On the way there, Lester is betting Spider-Man. Spider-Man finally gets him to shut up. At Coney Island the Enforcers are throwing baseballs at the Bookie while riding in bumper-cars. Spider-Man shows up and saves him. He fights Fancy Dan and Montana while Ox is stuck in a bumper-car. Once Montana and Dan are defeated Ox is about to fight Spider-Man when a roller coaster cart goes off the tracks and is about to fall on Ox when Spider-Man quickly saves him. Grateful for the save, Ox agrees to go quietly. They find out that Lester was making bets on Spider-Man and the Enforcers. Spider-Man webs Lester to a ferris wheel and coerces him to donate the money he made on the bets to the F.E.A.S.T. Center. Spider-Man finds out what he needs to know from the bookie and leaves. Ox turns himself and the Enforcers in. Peter calls Aunt May and asks if anybody had made a donation. She says yes.

Solicit Synopsis

Remember that joke that starts, "So Spider-Man walks into a bar, and...?" Well, when it's the villain-filled Bar With No Name, it's no joke - it's a barroom brawl as only Mike McKone can draw it! And that's only the beginning of one of the most maddening nights in Spidey's life! Throw in The Enforcers, The Bookie, and a climax at Coney Island, and you've got a recipe for the nuttiest Spider-Man story this year. Gale didn't tell us what he was drinking when he wrote it, but it must have been pretty good stuff!


  • When Spider-Man is attacked in the bar, a villain is holding a bottle called "Brand Echh!" and Spider-Man says "Sorry, Pal. That's not my brand." Brand Echh (pronounced "Brand X") was a Bullpen Bulletin term for DC, or other comic book publishers.

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