Marvel Database

Peter Parker (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 5 001
Peter Parker
Quote1 What happens when you have to suffer something bad because you need to do what's right? Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 3 Second Printing Variant Textless
Quote1 That's not my problem. Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 5 001
Peter Parker
Quote1 "Not my" -- you realize what you're saying? Remember the last time we sounded like that? It was the night Uncle Ben died. Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 3 Second Printing Variant Textless
Quote1 Sorry... who? Quote2

Appearing in "Back to Basics: Part Four"

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Synopsis for "Back to Basics: Part Four"

In Africa, as Bob ran for his life, his unfamiliarity with the terrain caused him to trip and tumble off a ledge, forcing him to crawl.

In New York, Mendel Stromm frustratingly watched Spider-Man on the news reprogram the Tri-Sentinel he sent out. Trying to use CD tutorials from the Life Foundation bunker he called home, he learned nothing and vowed to continue to destroy Spider-Man as his greatest archenemy. Meanwhile, Spider-Man uses the Tri-Sentinel to stop a robbery at an art festival, and destroyed most of the works on sale. Later on, Spider-Man continued to defeat numerous villains, and causing collateral property damage from museums to power grids. However, Peter was with Aunt May feeling powerless unable to stop Spider-Man's recklessness, having been doing some good while Spider-Man had sponsorship deals and celebrity guest spots on talk shows. To cheer Peter up, May gave him some money to pay for expenses, and given his selflessness, told him to put himself first for a change.

Finding Spider-Man and forcing a talk on a rooftop, Peter's efforts to convince him of a reunion as one person failed as Spider-Man's sense of responsibility was so gone, he was ignorant to Uncle Ben- the motivating factor for being Spider-Man. No longer indulgent of talking with Peter, Spider-Man leaves him atop the roof. At ESU, Connors informed Peter of the inexplicable deaths of Horatios I and II, theorizing that memory loss and lost skills from "separation symptoms" were the prelude to death, thus Peter worried what to do next. Concurrently, Mendel Stromm broke down in despaired reflection to his fall from grace, but a mysterious entity called out to him. The demonic voice sympathized with Mendel, but reassured him that his mission could still resume, guiding him to a Tri-Sentinel master mold producing several more Tri-Sentinels.

Solicit Synopsis



• Things are crazy for Spider-Man. His personal life in turmoil, the giant TRI-SENTINEL returning to attack NYC…

• …and someone is out there impersonating Peter Parker!

• Is it the Chameleon? An LMD? Ultimate Peter Parker making his Marvel U debut? Think again, True Believer!


  • The original printing in this issue included a reference to artist Ryan Ottley's ex-Mormonism. On the panel showing Spider-Man sporting company decals on his costumes, one of the patches read "CES Letter," a reference to the book CES Letter: My Search for Answers to My Mormon Doubts by Jeremy Runnells. Ottley himself posted a photo of the panel on a subreddit dedicated to ex-Mormons to share the Easter Egg.[1] For further printings of the issue and the digital release, Marvel revisited the artwork, changing all the endorsement patches in Spider-Man's costume with references to in-universe corporations such as Serval Industries and Cortex Inc.[2]

See Also

Links and References


  1. [[Johnston, Rich (27 August 2018) Ryan Ottley Snuck Ex-Mormon Reference Into Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 4 Bleeding Cool. Retrieved on 30 August 2018.|Johnston, Rich (27 August 2018) Ryan Ottley Snuck Ex-Mormon Reference Into Amazing Spider-Man #4 Bleeding Cool. Retrieved on 30 August 2018.]]
  2. McMillan, Graeme (29 August 2018) Marvel Removes Anti-Mormon Reference from 'Amazing Spider-Man' Comic The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved on 30 August 2018.