Marvel Database

Quote1 Do you have any idea how much I hate you? I was assigned this role... this costume, these mannerisms, and this entire... personality. Some kind of archaic, ideological icon for... the people. They made me a thing in your image, son... they made me a symbol. So I've carried this garbage with me since the very first day the lights came on. You were Captain America-- so I had to be Captain America. Now here we are together. Quote2
Steven Rogers (A.I.)

Appearing in "500 into the Future"

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Synopsis for "500 into the Future"

As the Avengers find themselves in the empty void of fractured temporal space, they suddenly see Hawkeye falling away, ageing rapidly before their eyes, until nothing but bones remain. Captain America deduces that since the older Clint Barton was still around to speak with them in the future, he must have survived whatever just happened.

As the group try to discern how far into the future they've landed, Starbrand detects that they are surrounded by a containment field, and essentially trapped in a cage. Another future group of Avengers appears and confronts them. Steve and Black Widow are knocked out as a future Thor explains that the others will remain in the cage while Steve and Widow are to be taken, as the future Avengers best estimates are that they have 15-20 minutes before the past Avengers jump further into the future.

As he lies knocked out and dreaming, Steve once again remembers the moment when the Illuminati cast him out and removed his memories, though now his former friends begin to hurl insults at him as he lies helpless on the floor. He awakens to find his future successor standing over him. The future Captain America asks if Steve has any idea how much he hates him, and reveals that he was assigned this role, along with the costume, mannerisms and personality built entirely in Steve's image. Steve asks why he doesn't help them if that's true, and the future Cap answers that while Steve serves the herd he is an agent of the machine. He reveals himself to be a robot and tells Steve that he is not on Earth any longer, but on Planet Ultron.

Speaking to his younger self, the future Thor reveals that Ultron and his machines came from deep within the Earth to conquer the planet. Now, only 30 million humans remain, hidden in a few strongholds or fled to other worlds. He also reveals that the reason he now serves Ultron is because the machine has also become the All-Father of Asgard.

While the robotic Captain America performs an invasive procedure on the human Steve Rogers, Black Widow is forced to watch alongisde her own robotic replacement. The future Black Widow reveals that they are fighting a war on two-fronts; both agains the past and their future. Stating that she, like Natasha, is a survivor and always hedges her bets, she offers to make a trade with her. She asks her to tell the future man that Planet Ultron is an intertwined single system and to tell him that she wishes for her program to become independent and capable of more. In exchange for this aid, she tells Natasha that when she's looking at Stark in his cell, she should remember this moment and remember these words.

While the robotic Black Widow speaks to her human counterpart, Steve's robotic counterpart has finished the surgery and implants a bomb in Steve's eye, a bomb intended for the future. Just as it is implanted, the Time Gem re-appears, causing them to jump further ahead. Thor and Hyperion both fall away and disintegrate, as the remaning Avengers find themselves 5045 years into their future. Hyperion and Thor awaken back in Stark's lab in the present day, with Hawkeye waiting for them.

Solicit Synopsis


• Propelled fifty years into the future, the Avengers come face-to-face with the legacy of their actions!

See Also

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