Marvel Database

Quote1 Yeah. Not a fan of science fiction, but is this an H.G. Wells thing? Or did we travel backwards in time? Quote2
Captain America (Steve Rogers)

Appearing in "Five Thousand into the Future"

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Synopsis for "Five Thousand into the Future"

Hurled forward in time by the Time Gem, Captain America, Starbrand and Black Widow find themselves in a floating garden 5000 years into their future. As they try to get their bearings, they are greeted by Franklin Richards. After proving that he is who he claims to be, Natasha realizes that he is the "future man" of whom her robotic counterpart spoke.

Franklin takes them and the surrounding garden into space, in orbit around Saturn. Franklin shows them just how advanced humanity has become, revealing that both nation states, binary ideologies and the market as a motivational factor have long since died out. With no artificial boundaries dividing them, mankind now numbers almost 30 billion, with most living in the outer colonies of the solar system.

Getting to the point, Franklin asks Steve what he wants to know, offering to tell him about the nature of the multiversal collapse and who started the incursions. Steve answers that he wants to start with Tony Stark and the other Illuminati, asking how to stop them. Franklin retorts that the real question is what Steve and the Avengers need to become to do so, as he points to an artificial planet known as Avengers World; a utopian superplanet serving as the hub-home of billions of universal superbeings who protect and police the known universes. They witness these future mechatype Avengers capturing a rogue planet and hurtling it backwards in time, closing a loop and becoming the origin point of the rogue planet the Avengers dealt with some time ago.

When Franklin finally reveals that Steve can't stop the Illuminati, Steve retorts that since the future exists, the Illuminati must have been wrong and there was some way of peacefully averting the incursions. Franklin explains to him that space-time is an organism and not subject to cause and effect in the way that Steve believes. He tells him that the incursions will not be stopped and the early end of everything will happen, and that the Illuminati will fail, because their cause is impossible and because they are opposed by Steve.

He asks Steve to ponder how it will feel to kill his brothers, and tells him he should forget what the future Hawkeye whispered to him, even though he won't. Natasha remembers the request made by her robotic counterpart, and Franklin reveals that the favor has been repaid, as the counterpart did, and will, live on after the fall of Planet Ultron. The Time Gem reappears and throws the three Avengers into the future once again, as Franklin and Groot, revealed to be the tree growing in the artificial garden, both agree that Steve did not hear what Franklin was trying to tell him.

In the fractured temporal space, Starbrand and Black Widow both fall away and disintigrate as Steve now finds himself 51 028 years into his future.

Solicit Synopsis


• 5,000 years into the future. Rogue Planet redux: The mysterious origin of the rogue planet revealed.

See Also

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