Marvel Database

Appearing in "I Dream of Doom!"

Featured Characters:

  • Frank Atwell

Supporting Characters:

  • Unnamed Nurse
  • Unnamed Doctor


  • Monster (Robot) (Dream)

Other Characters:

  • Unnamed Girl (Dream)
  • Frank Atwell's Cat (Only in flashback)
  • Sagurr (Magician) (Mentioned)
  • Numerous unnamed dream subjects (Dream)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "I Dream of Doom!"

A man is pursued by a monstrous creature in his dreams. Each night the monster comes closer to seizing him. Panicked, he barges into a doctor's office and demands medication to keep from sleeping. The doctor thinks that he is exhausted and so gives him a sedative. The creature succeeds this time in seizing the man and returns him to his world where he is a king who had been bewitched by a sorcerer he had banished. His subjects built the creature which is merely a robot to find their ruler in that alternate reality called Earth and bring him back safely.

Strange Tales Vol 1 96 001

Appearing in "Universal Gadget"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Journey Into Mystery #30

Synopsis for "Universal Gadget"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Journey Into Mystery #30

A text only story featuring a mysterious salesman who offers a product that can do anything, but his customer decides that his ordinary predicament is better than the risk of the unknown.

Appearing in "The Impossible Tunnel!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Drillers
    • Ben
    • Numerous unnamed drillers


  • Giant Octopus

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



  • Atomic Drills


Synopsis for "The Impossible Tunnel!"

A man attempts to build a tunnel from America to Europe but finds a peaceful colony of people living beneath the ocean. Worried that this paradise will be corrupted by surface men, he turns off the electricity that was keeping a giant octopus away from the digging equipment. He tells his backers the project is too dangerous and recommends that no further attempts be made.

Strange Tales Vol 1 96 010

Appearing in "Beware the Future Man!"

Featured Characters:

  • Unnamed Criminal

Supporting Characters:

  • Unnamed Radio Host
  • Elsa Peterson (Main story and flashback)


  • Unnamed Future Man (Main story and flashback)

Other Characters:

  • Unidentified Police Department

Races and Species:

  • Humans (Main story and flashback)



  • Time Machine

Synopsis for "Beware the Future Man!"

A criminal attempts to extort the wrong motorist, when he learns that motorist is from the future and has come back to take someone that won't be missed.

Appearing in "The Clock-Maker!"

Featured Characters:

  • Unnamed Clockmaker

Supporting Characters:

  • Bookkeeper

Other Characters:

  • Unnamed Witness
  • Unnamed Police Officer

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Clock-Maker!"

When a passerby hears the clock-maker berating his bookkeeper for making an error, he thinks he hears sounds of a struggle and fetches a policeman. The policeman can feel no pulse on the bookkeeper and is ready to arrest the clock-maker for murder when the clock-maker asks him to wait just ten seconds to prove his innocence. In ten seconds, the hour strikes, and the bookkeeper sits up. The policeman realizes that the clock-maker has manufactured his own bookkeeper.

Strange Tales Vol 1 96 026


See Also

Links and References

