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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
This article is about the PC game. You may be looking for Nintendo's 25th Anniversary game or Game Boy's 25th Anniversary game.

Star Trek: 25th Anniversary was the first officially published game by Interplay which was fully endorsed and licensed by Paramount under the new split gaming license agreement between Interplay and Viacom Consumer Products.

Under the guidance of Viacom the game was designed to play out like an episode of Star Trek: The Original Series, but in a game format. The player took control of the main characters and directed them to do simple tasks, like puzzle solving, to complete the different mission sections.


You take on the role of the captain of the Starship Enterprise, James T. Kirk. As Captain Kirk, you are faced with the same command decisions he faced, but it's your choices that will decide the fate of the Starship Enterprise crew. The game system is split into two sections; when you are on the bridge of the USS Enterprise, the other when you are on a planet or another starship.



Captain's log, stardate 6022.9
We are en route to the Sigma Zhukova system to engage in mock combat exercises with the USS Republic. Though the USS Enterprise's primary mission is peaceful exploration, the galaxy holds many surprises. All defensive systems will be set to minimum power and the ship's computer will simulate damage...

Tension builds on the bridge. Though it is only a simulation, the Enterprise's reputation is on the line. Reaching the designated coordinates, Kirk orders Sulu to drop to one-half impulse. The science officer informs Kirk that the Republic is approaching at sub-light speed.

Uhura notifies Kirk that the Republic is hailing. The viewscreen shows Captain Patterson sitting firmly in the captain's chair, displaying a challenging look. He and Kirk have never been friends, but rather rivals, since their Academy days. After exchanging polite salutation and confirming their readiness status, which Spock does, they kick off the battle.

Kirk glances at the tactical display between Sulu and Chekov, showing the Republic to starboard. Just as Kirk is about to order Chekov to fire, phaser beams followed by two photon torpedoes approach. The phaser fire hit the mark, but the slower traveling torpedoes miss. The damage display shows minimal damage to the forward shields. The Republic is now aft, and Kirk quickly orders Sulu to reduce speed and adjust their course towards the Republic, in hopes of getting a bead on the circling ship before it completes its turn.

Finding the Republic where he hopes to find it, Kirk orders Chekov to fire phasers and torpedoes, which result in a direct hit to the port side of the Republic as it swings past the Enterprise again.

Kirk inquires on the target's status. Spock confirms heavy damage to their port shield, and that sustained fire at this location will provide victory. Suddenly, the ship is rocked by phaser fire. As the Republic is now behind the Enterprise, aft shields are dropping fast. The engine status shows the port warp nacelle is down about twenty-five percent, nothing too serious in Kirk's opinion. Scotty is ordered to concentrate damage control on the shields and Sulu to engage evasive maneuvers, which has little effect. Aft shields are now almost gone and the warp nacelles are down below fifty percent. Knowing that ships systems will start to go offline soon, Scott asks for emergency power.

Getting power back to engines is helpful, but not enough, as the Republic is still giving chase to the Enterprise. With only one thing left to do, Kirk orders full stop, which causes the chasing ship to pass over the Enterprise. Again Chekov is ordered to fire, concentrating his fire on the previously damaged shields of Patterson's ship. Dishing considerable damage to the Republic's nacelles slows it to a complete stop.

Chekov slaps his hand on his console. As the bridge crew celebrates, Spock confirms the Republic's status. Uhura mentions Patterson has sent congratulations. The fact that there was no visual to the communication makes Kirk smile.

Kirk then orders Sulu to set course for the Christgen system, where they have a mapping survey to perform. But before they can engage, Uhura informs Kirk of a priority transmission from Starfleet Command. The face of Admiral Deily appears on the screen with a concerned look and orders the Enterprise to travel to Pollux V, where strange aliens are attacking innocent settlers at a mining site...

Demon World[]

Captain's log, supplemental
We are on approach to the planet Pollux V. Our mission is to investigate recent disturbances associated with creatures described as demons. Pollux V is a non-Federation world colonized by a religious sect known as the Acolytes of the Stars. Though not Federation members, the Acolytes have assisted many Federation worlds in time of need. It will be good to return the favor...

Spock provides a history of the Acolytes from the ship's library. On the viewscreen, Pollux looks very similar to Earth except for large areas of snow and ice. Sulu confirms standard orbit around Pollux, and with sensors revealing nothing unusual, Kirk asks Lieutenant Uhura for communications to be established with the colony. A few moments later a bald man appears on the screen, bluntly stating that the High Prelate is waiting for them. The signal cuts off immediately. Kirk and Spock meet Dr. McCoy in the transporter room. Joined by security officer Ensign Everts, the group steps on the transporter pad and Chief Kyle beams them down.

The landing party materializes on a path which leads to a group of spartan shelters, a sign on the right stating that all mining equipment use the road, probably the way to Mount Idyll. McCoy for his part damns the transporter for beaming him straight into the middle of a "snowdrift". Spock is quick to mention that ten centimeters is hardly a snowdrift.

Meanwhile Kirk notices a man standing by the furthest structure. Bald and dressed like the colonist on Enterprise's viewscreen, he introduces himself as Prelate Robert Angiven and welcomes them to their "heaven". Kirk summarizes the intel he has on the situation about alien attackers. Prelate corrects him: they are not threatened by aliens, but rather demons: creatures from the gates of hell sent by their God who would not test them without a reason, and that the landing party was their god's solution to uncovering the truth. No physical evidence was found, but the settlers would gladly share their stories. Angiven also tells them that they have been mining for hafnium and useful trace elements, but the deeper they dig, the more anomalies they encounter. This prompted Brother Kandrey to conduct studies inside the mine. Yesterday they found a strange door, a gate to hell in his belief, as right after they found it, the "demons" caused a cave-in, trapping Kandrey.

The party walks over to the colony buildings. Inside, they are welcomed by Brother Stephen. Five colonists await, one of them injured and wrapped in bandages. McCoy's medical tricorder shows that the injured Brother Chub has severe injuries to his head and arm, but he has also developed a Nugaireyn infection that could prove fatal if not treated with hypo-dytoxin, which McCoy does not have on him or on the Enterprise. Brother Stephen mentions that Laraxian berries grow near the mine entrance and that the synthesizer in his laboratory could use them to produce the antidote. He asks them to retrieve some berries since the Brothers are unarmed and scared by the so-called "demons".

The landing party heads towards Mount Idyll. At the top of the path, they are ambushed by three Klingon warriors armed with disruptors. Kirk stuns the first one. As Everts reaches for his phaser, he is taken down by a disruptor blast. Kirk stuns the second assailant, and as he fires at the third, the Klingon's hand explodes and he collapses. Bones rushes to the ensign's aid, but Everts is lucky and only stunned. Walking up to the bodies, Everts says, "They don't make Klingons like they used to!" Over the communicator, Uhura says they scanned phaser fire. Chekov picked up directed energy weapons but not disruptors. Spock's tricorder scan reveals that these are not real Klingons, but robot-like androids. He picks up the exploded hand, showing exposed circuitry. Damage is superficial, but he will need specialized equipment to work on it.

The group makes its way to the cave entrance. They find a berry tree on the right and Kirk collects a branch, ample enough to use with the synthesizer. They return to the outpost and are invited into the lab of Brother Stephen. Spock notes that their Ardak-4 molecular synthesizer is a "museum piece". They make the dytoxin, and McCoy administers the antidote with a hypospray, concluding that Brother Chub will be all right. Brother Stephen expresses his gratitude, and after inspecting the android hand says that it could be repaired at his lab.

Then Brother Roberts introduces himself as being Kandrey's partner. He was on the communications link at the moment of the cave in, but that is also the moment he found the "evil door" with devilish markings. Brother Chub also mentions that he was leading the rescue party when they were attacked by the "demons". Next to give his statement was Brother Grishnash, a Tellarite colonist. As he was going to the mountain to pray and face his fears, he saw a Krognik demon. The chief medical officer completes his scans of the colonists and confirms no mental or physical disturbances among the Acolytes.

At Brother Stephen's lab, Spock analyzes the "hand" on a workbench. Kirk sees an old 801286 and a display case with five different items. Stephen pulls out two of these: a Siloti skull and a chunk of metal, a greatly-weathered example of vanadium-tungsten alloy. In his opinion, it is his best evidence of the planet having previous inhabitants. Kirk takes the object, and Spock finishes working on the "hand".

They head back to the cave. After entering, they find themselves in a large room with a door located behind some boulders. The tricorder reveals that the door is protected by a force field of unknown origin that they have never encountered before, and its nature is what kept the sensors and tricorders from picking it up before. The door is also built out of an unknown material. McCoy's medical tricorder reveals a lifesign behind the boulders. Using their phasers to disintegrate the rocks, they uncover Brother Kandrey. After using his medkit on Kandrey, who can recover with rest, the party examines the door. On the right side is a security lock that will open with the correct handprint. Reaching and placing the "hand" on the panel, the door opens into a new area.

The dark room is filled with machinery. On one of them is a panel with a diagram. According to analysis it is a stasis chamber that could be activated with the right setting. As Kirk slides all switches to the proper location, a part of the floor starts to glow as a chamber rises from the floor panel. A small, green creature steps out. Kirk extends greetings to the creature, who explains that he was part of a race known as the Nauians, and that thousands of years ago they saw that meteoroid impacts would cause an Ice age. They created a shelter to preserve their race and programmed the machinery to wake them at the next eclipse, but they did not count on the destruction of their moon. He also explains that the "demon"-like visions were in fact created by the machinery to keep intruders away from their sleeping chamber.

The Nauian agrees to turn off the "guardian", which he does with the chunk of metal Kirk retrieved from Brother Stephen earlier, which turned out to be the guardian's key. As they are about to leave, the Nauian requests that they bring word that they would like to join the Federation and are looking to living in peace with the new residents of their planet. Acknowledging the request with a promise to send Federation diplomatic personnel to make the arrangements, Kirk asks for the landing party to be beamed back to the ship. Once back on the ship they receive a transmission from Admiral Deily with a performance report and new orders.

Many action and dialogue choices are offered to complete each mission. Summaries are written from the "best-ending" perspective.


Stardate: 6047.3: The Enterprise is dispatched to the Beta Myamid system to investigate the disappearance of the USS Masada, a Ptolemy-class Starfleet tug. After a battle with Elasi pirates en route, the crew discovers that the Masada is under the control of Cereth ajElasi, who has taken its 17 crew members hostage. After hearing Cereth's demands for the release of Elasi criminals held by the Federation, Kirk uses the Masada's prefix code to lower its shields and beam a landing party aboard. After freeing Lieutenant Kevin Keeler and his crew, Kirk successfully forces the pirates to give themselves up, restoring the tug to Federation control.

Love's Labor Jeopardized[]

Stardate: 6052.4: Dr. Carol Marcus and a team of scientists are researching the origins of life in the universe as part of a classified project at the ARK-7 space station.

Dr. Marcus' log, supplemental
Continued testing of the Oroborus virus confirms its potential harmful effects on Romulan/Vulcan humanoids. As soon as the spill has been cleaned up, we will sterilize both labs and purge the circulation system to make sure no traces of the virus will remain viable. Then all research files must be erased — we must leave no chance that this terrible accident will ever be repeated.

Believing Starfleet had genetically engineered a bioweapon to commit genocide against Romulus, a strike force led by Centurion Ardea Preax boards the station and captures its scientists. A landing party from the Enterprise rescues them, but Spock is exposed to the virus. McCoy synthesizes an antidote, curing Spock and the strike force, who are allowed to return to Romulan space.

Another Fine Mess[]

Stardate: 6063.8: The Enterprise picks up a distress signal from a scout belonging to Harry Mudd, who's been harassed by bands of Elasi pirates. Following his ion trail, the Enterprise finds Mudd's ship docked to a derelict in the Harrapa system. He'd legally claimed the vessel as salvage and has been selling various artifacts he'd confiscated there, including de-grimers, which drew the attention of Elasi, because when fitted with optical lenses they became a weapon. The derelict was heavily damaged, but contains an advanced, ship-mounted weapons battery and an unusual warp engine design. The weapons battery is destroyed, so the derelict is unable to fire its weapons. Mudd inadvertently erases the historical and cultural databases of the ship's main computer, wiping out knowledge of the unknown civilization that built the derelict, and accidentally gets himself gassed with a deadly toxin that requires McCoy's help.

Feathered Serpent[]

Captain's Log, Stardate 6097.3.
Starfleet reports major military activity in the Klingon sector near Hrakkour, a planet on the edge of Klingon space. Intelligence indicates that the Klingons are mobilizing a large fleet to search for a rebel who was responsible for a disruption of unknown nature on the planet. Federation sensors have found a faint energy trail leading to the planet Zamphor, in the Digifal system. We have been ordered by Starfleet to track down the source of the energy and discover what happened on Hrakkour before the Klingon fleet enters Federation space. If we are not successful, the Federation and the Klingon Empire may find themselves at war once again.
Captain's log.
We have come to the ruined Klingon planet Hrakkour, to deliver our guest, the mythical entity Quetzecoatl, to a Klingon court. Dr. McCoy, Mr. Spock and Ensign Bennie and I have been granted permission by the Organians to witness the trial, which I expect to be a travesty of any meaningful definition of justice.

That Old Devil Moon[]

A monitoring satellite in orbit of Alpha Proxima III detects threatening activity from Scythe, a large asteroid approaching the planet. Starfleet sends the Enterprise to investigate. After a landing party beams down, a computer virus from an automated military outpost infects the ship's main computer, disabling transporters, phasers, and tractor beams. The base had been founded in the 13th century when Scythe was a moon of Alpha Proxima III. Fighting on the base led to nuclear missile launches that ignited a nuclear war which killed most of the planet's inhabitants and an attack which blasted the moon into a wide elliptical orbit.

As the moon returned for a close pass of the planet, computers on the outpost detected radio activity, deduced that an enemy culture was still a threat, and calculated an optimum schedule to launch more missiles. The landing party is able to tamper with the launch schedule so missiles will avoid hitting the planet.


Captain's log, USS Republic, Stardate 6087.6.
The Republic is currently approaching the Vardaine system. Sensors have detected unusual energy fluctuations near one of the Vardainian moons. Starfleet has ordered us to investigate.
Captain's log, USS Republic.
We are under attack. Our sensors are inoperative. We're trying to get shields up. Our rear deflector's down. It appears our enemy is a Constitution-class starship. We have tried to defend ourselves. We've hailed them, but no response.
Captain's log, USS Enterprise.
We are arriving at the last known position of the Republic, which reported that it was under attack twelve hours ago.

Republic is found with most of her crew dead and the ship heavily damaged. A landing party works to restore partial power to systems as the Enterprise is called away. An Elasi frigate soon arrives, demanding data on the location of Elasi criminals which would be in the ship's computers. Ensign Kije is able to beam into the damaged torpedo bay and get it online, and Kirk drives off the frigate with torpedo volleys.

Captain's log, stardate 6089.6.
We are in pursuit of the starship that destroyed the Republic. Its trail is leading us to the planet Vardaine, a member of the Federation whose motives have not always matched the high ideals of other Federation cultures...

At Vardaine, the Enterprise destroys a duplicate USS Enterprise under the command of Doctor Ies Bredell. Kirk says the Federation will blockade Vardaine until they dismantle any other existing starships.




James T. Kirk • Spock • Leonard McCoy • Montgomery Scott • Hikaru Sulu • Pavel Chekov • Nyota Uhura

Starfleet personnel[]

Bennie • Jacob Buchert • Melanie Cain • Christensen • Deily • Everts • Ferris • Kevin Keeler • Kije • John Kyle • Brittany Marata • Mosher • Richard Patterson • Shou • Simpson • Stragey
Referenced only

Acolytes of the Stars[]

Robert Angiven • Brother Stephen • Brother Roberts • Brother Chub • Brother Kandrey • Brother Grishnash • Unknown Brother


Vlict Kenka • Kallarax • Taraz


Cereth ajElasi • Aragaz • Bialbi • Todd Cameron • Anthony Cheever • Carol Marcus • Harry Mudd • John • Tomo Nugaireyn • Ardea Preax • Quetzalcoatl • Sesha Lindalan • Tlaozac • Zeas Wuqq
Referenced only
M-5 computer • Stella Mudd

Starships and vehicles[]

Elasi frigate • USS Enterprise (Constitution-class heavy cruiser) • USS Enterprise (Vardaine replica) • USS Masada (Ptolemy-class transport tug) • IKS Nizra (D7-class battlecruiser) • USS Republic • scout • warship
Referenced only
USS Farragut • passenger tug • trading vessel


Stars and systems[]

Alpha Proxima • Beta Myamid • Centurius • Digifal • Harlequin • Harrapa • Hrakkour • Omicron Draconis • Pollux
Referenced only
Cameron's Star • Castor • Christgen • Elasi Prime • Omega Maelstrom • Shiva Omicron • Sigma Zhukova • Sirius • Tri-Rho Nautica

Planets and asteroids[]

Argos IV • Beta Myamid VIII • Cameron's World • Centurius III • Chameleon • Hrakkour IV • New Ontario VI • Pollux V • Scythe • Zamphor
Referenced only
Aloysia • Alpha Proxima III • Alpha Proxima IV • Castus • Chozon • Christgen III • Curalon IV • Earth • Haven's World • Luna • Maddux II • Menalvagor • Seginus IV • Strahkeer • Tergen III • Vandu II • Vardaine

Other locations[]

ARK-7 • Damocles Station • Organian Neutral Zone • Hell • Mount Idyll • Nikolasi
Referenced only
Easter Island • Starbase 24

Races and cultures[]

Elasi • Human • Jerion • Klingon • L'Shaian • Nauian • Nikolasi • Romulan • Tellarite • Vulcan
Referenced only
Andorian • Aztec • Germainia • Greek god • Hoopooin • Kentigern • Proxtrite (Lucr • Sof) • Siloti

States and organizations[]

Acolytes of the Stars • AjElasi • Ajthuri • Andorian Mining Consortium • Kenka family • Klingon Empire • Klingon Defense Force • K'lirta • Kornephorous Life Sciences University • Onrusili • Romulan Star Empire • Starfleet • Starfleet Academy • Starfleet Intelligence • United Federation of Planets • Vardaine Council • Vardaine Defense Force

Science and classification[]

android • archeology • Ardak 1000 • Ardak-4 • 801286 • Atlas • battery • binary star • circuitry • cloaking device • communications • communicator • computer • computer bank • computer memory transfer media • computer virus • coordinates • Cradle • deflector shield • disruptor • distress signal • doover • engineering • forcefield • fuel • fusion mixture regulator • fusion power pack • geology • grenade • hacksaw • hail • headache • hypo-dytoxin • impulse engine • ion trail • K'trhra-C • lab • laser drill • library computer • life support • lock • machine • main computer • marble • mathematics • matter-antimatter engine • medicine • medkit • medscanner • missile • molecular replicator • molecular saw • molecular synthesizer • Mudd's Miracle De-Grimers • nuclear weapon • ore • phaser • phaser bomb • phaser rifle • phaser welder • photon torpedo • power cell • power pack • prefix code • quadrant • radio • record deck • robot • runcinate transmogrifier • satellite • Sav-A-Ship • science • sector • self-referencing packed-quantum cartridge • sensor • shields • sonambutron • starship navigation • suspended animation • telescope • torpedo bay • tractor beam • transmission • transponder • transponder code • transporter • transporter pad • tricorder • tug • turbolift • universal translator • vaccine • viewscreen • warp drive • warp factor • welder • Whyos weapon

Occupations and titles[]

acolyte • admiral • captain • chief engineer • colonist • commander • con artist • crewmember • criminal • diplomat • doctor • ensign • envoy • flag officer • fleet commander • gambler • governor • guard • Ignaciate • lieutenant • lieutenant commander • pirate • prelate • professor • rebel • scientist • trader

Other references[]

21st century • 23rd century • alien • alloy • animal • archeology • art • asteroid • atmosphere • atom • auxiliary control • beaker • beam • bird • blockade • blood • bridge • brig • Bronze Age • cargo hold • cat • cave • century • civilization • coffee substitute • communications • computer • continent • corridor • dance • day • demon • devil • dikironium cloud creature • diplomacy • dog • doover • dungeon • duranium • eclipse • element • emotion • engineering • fauna • fear • Federation regulations • fencing • fern • fire • fleet • flora • food • fossil • generation • genocide • ghost • glass • god • hafnium • Hamali tree-elephant • headache • heart • Hippocratic Oath • history • hospital • hostage • hour • hull • hypo-dytoxin • ice • ice age • insect • insectoid • Iron Age • kilt • Krognik demon • language • Laraxian berry • law • lens • library • lifeform • lifesigns • metal • meteor • meteorite • military • mineral • mining • minute • moon • mountain • murder • museum • neutron star • Nugaireyn infection • oil • Organian Peace Treaty • Oroborus virus • Ozymandius • pacifism • parsec • peace • penal planet • poem • politics • praying mantis • preprocessed food • Prime Directive • pulsar • quadrant • radiation • religion • reptilian • revolution • ring system • rock • rocket • Romulan ale • sacrifice • salt vampire • scotch • sector • security • shore leave • shrub • sickbay • silver • sirens • skeleton • snow • space • standard orbit • Starfleet citation • Starfleet regulations • stun • subspace • system • technical journal • temperature • Test of Life • theology • TLTDH gas • Tralcaxian mushroom • transporter room • tree • tritanium • tungsten • universe • vanadium • virus • Vulcan nerve pinch • war • water • weapons room • wire • wolf • year



Related media[]


  • Actors William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, James Doohan, George Takei, Walter Koenig, and Nichelle Nichols reprised their TOS roles in the game.
  • The game was based on the already well-used Interplay 2d ScrollMatch engine and featured animated versions of all of the original series cast.
  • The game was also the first graphical based game in the new official gaming franchise to feature simple ship combat which included actions to raise and lower shields, fire phaser and photon torpedoes and setting warp and impulse power. Until the release of Armada, by Activision, Star Trek: 25th Anniversary was the top selling game for the new Star Trek gaming franchise.
  • Elements from each level are taken from the storyboards of the TAS episodes.



Star Trek: The Original Series video games
Strategic Operations Simulator • The Kobayashi Alternative • The Promethean Prophecy • The Rebel Universe • First Contact • 25th Anniversary • Judgment Rites • Starfleet Academy • Starfleet Command • Starfleet Command Volume II: Empires at War • New Worlds • Klingon Academy • The Cold Enemy • Shattered Universe • The Birds of Prey • Tactical Assault • Delta Vega: Meltdown on the Ice Planet • Academy Trainer • Cadet Training Facility • D-A-C • Race to Destiny • The Mobile Game • Star Trek • Rivals • Dark Remnant


published order
Previous game:
First Contact
TOS games Next game:
Judgment Rites
chronological order
Previous adventure:
The Cloud Minders
Memory Beta Chronology Next adventure:
Judgment Rites

External links[]
