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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see neutron.

The neutron star Epsilon Anubis B draws matter from the surface of its larger binary companion, an F class star.

A neutron star is a collapsed star. It forms when a supergiant star exhausts its nuclear fuel, its massive gravity forcing its core to collapse while expelling the rest of its stellar matter in a supernova explosion.

History and specifics[]

Compressed matter within a neutron star is called neutronium. (TOS novel: Ex Machina)

A rotating neutron star is called a pulsar. A neutron star with a massive magnetic field is called a magnetar. The largest stars collapse into a quantum singularity or black hole.

Starfleet once made contact with beings who inhabited a neutron star. (DS9 - Day of Honor novel: Armageddon Sky)


The mass of a neutron star was similar to that of an ordinary star, except that it had an average diameter of 20 km and a density of a few billion tons per cm3. While this would allow for a closer approach than to a normal star, gravitational tidal forces were so immense near a neutron star that they would shred any matter that got too close. (VOY novel: Death of a Neutron Star)

Gravimetric tension at the center of a neutron star rivaled the outward pressure at the front of an artificial wormhole. (DS9 - Dominion War novel: Behind Enemy Lines)

Neutron stars and quantum singularities have low-level tetryon emissions. (DS9 episode: "Visionary")

Due to the gravimetric forces, a piece of neutronium would not survive an impact with a neutron star. (ENT novel: Last Full Measure)

When a neutron star orbited a pulsar, subspace disruptions could blind sensors. (ST - Gateways novel: Chainmail)

When a neutron star orbited a black hole, dimensional slippages were triggered. (TOS novel: Captain's Peril)

When a rogue neutron star and a rogue white dwarf passed each other, massive gravitational disruptions created an unstable class-4 wormhole. (TNG short story: "Reciprocity")

A Galaxy class starship’s structural integrity field gave the ship a rigidity comparable to the matter in neutron stars. (ST novel: Federation)


The Black Star in Sector 006 had previously been a nova, then an X-ray star, then a neutron star, before its final collapse into a unique type of black star singularity. (TOS - Star Trek 2 novelization: Tomorrow is Yesterday)

600,000 years ago, Q manifested as a neutron star, then a drop of protomatter, then shifted in time and from matter to energy in an attempt to avoid capture by Gorgan and The One. The supernova of the home star of the Tkon Empire freed him, and he wondered if it would collapse into a neutron star or a singularity. It became a singularity. (TNG novel: Q-Zone)

In 7955 B.C., the star Ganidra began fusing neon, beginning a decline which in two or three years would result in it progressing to fuse oxygen and then other elements. Because it wasn’t large enough to fuse silicon into iron, at that point the star would become a supernova, its core eventually condensing into a neutron star. Ganidra was Fabrina’s star, the launch point of the Fabrini vessel Yonada. (TOS novel: Ex Machina)

In 2117, Polo's Bolos were discovered by the Marco Polo, which was investigating irregular X-ray emanations from a neutron star. They were surprised to learn that the emanations came from behind the star, which had been directly in line between Earth and the phenomena. Once able to see past the neutron star, Marco Polo found the cause of the signal: a maelstrom caused by two black holes orbiting each other elliptically. (TOS novel: The Galactic Whirlpool)

In the year 2266, the USS Constellation studied emissions from the neutron star in the Beta Proxima system for two weeks, which Matthew Decker exaggerated that Guillermo Masada’s data would overfill the memory of the ship’s computer. (TOS novel: The Brave and the Bold)

In 2267, the neutron star Nymyn underwent gravitational collapse and became a black hole which drew the USS Enterprise into superspace. (TOS comic: "Siege in Superspace")

In 2269, the route of the Great Starship Race went past a neutron star. Telemetry from one of the route beacons was disrupted by the star. Also near the race route was a navigational hazard, a nebula resulting from the collision of a neutron star and a class-C red giant star five to eight million years ago. The racing merchant ship Ransom Castle tried using the cloud as a short cut. (TOS novel: The Great Starship Race)

After going nova in 2269, Beta Niobe eventually collapsed into a blue neutron star that emitted high levels of gamma ray and x-ray radiation. A super-heated plasma bubble was detected traveling 0.1 C outward from the star. (TOS novel: No Time Like the Past)

In 2270, the USS Enterprise fired a pair of photon torpedoes at precise points within the heart of the flaring class G star Mercaniad to prevent its collapse into a neutron star. (TOS novel: The Abode of Life)

In 2368 a rogue core fragment from a neutron star passed Moab IV. Its density was 100 billion kg/cm3. The USS Enterprise slightly deflected its trajectory with a modified tractor beam. (TNG episode: "The Masterpiece Society")

In 2371, USS Voyager discovered a Bela-Neutron device on an artificial moon that projected a beam with a force capable of crushing a star into a neutron star. Ancient Furies built the device to generate an artificial wormhole to the Alpha Quadrant. (VOY novel: The Final Fury)

In 2372, a sensor array installed on a moon of Urtea II examined extragalactic neutron stars and nonbaryonic matter. (VOY novel: Mosaic)

In 2373, the Defiant visited Sierra-Bravo 112, home of the neutron star Stirnis, a system which had been invaded by Cardassians. (DS9 - Rebels novel: The Conquered)

In 2374, the Hirogen Alpha claimed that with his body armor on, “I once tracked a silicon-based lifeform through the neutronium mantle of a collapsed star.” Tom Paris was skeptical. (VOY episode: "Prey")

In 2375, Starbase 25-Alpha orbited a neutron star 300 light years from Earth. (Star Trek novel: Preserver)

In 2380, the USS Sugihara examined a neutron star in Sector 109-G. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation, TNG novel: Q & A)

In 2380, the USS Titan studied Occultus Ora near the Gum Nebula for three weeks. It contained exotic matter plasmids, a strain of dark matter, arranged in an enormous ring around a neutron star. The dark matter rendered the interior a dark void, with only the light from an occasional star visible from within. USS Titan launched a variety of probes, including one that fed probe data into a Telemetric observation VISOR. The research team included aMershik, Berias, Bralik, Zurin Dakal, Peya Fell, Hsuuri, Jaza Najem, Melora Pazlar, Klace Polan, Roakn, and Voris. (TTN novel: Sword of Damocles)

As part of their Great Work, the Caeliar had retrieved superdense strange matter out of neutron stars to construct a thick shell around their homeworld New Erigol and its star. (ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals)


In the year 2274, the Enterprise charted Epsilon Anubis, a binary system consisting of Epsilon Anubis A, an F class star, and Epsilon Anubis B, a neutron star. During an upcoming close pass, X-ray and gamma radiation from the neutron star would kill all the inhabitants of a derelict found in the system. The Enterprise mounted a rescue mission. (TOS comic: "The Savage Within")

The Beta Herculani system was a binary system containing a neutron star and a red giant. The neutron star emitted neutrons and gamma radiation. (TOS novel: Death Count)

In 2366, scientist Doctor Paul Stubbs launched a probe from the USS Enterprise to study a binary system in the Kavis Alpha sector containing a neutron star and a red giant. The system also contained at least four planets, including Kavis Alpha IV. Stubbs’ research was on the decay rate of neutronium when blasted out of a stellar explosion at relativistic speeds. The expulsion phenomena occurred regularly every 196 years from accreted material taken from the red giant. (TNG episode: "Evolution")


The Rosette trinary was a trinary star in the Rosette Nebula. It was made up of two suns orbiting a neutron star. The neutron star drew matter from the other two, and was a very rare sight. One sun was yellow-orange, the other was scarlet red, and they were noticeably different sizes and orbited in different planes. James T. Kirk saw the system up close with his father George Samuel Kirk, Sr. and Robert April in the year 2249, when he was 16 years old, during a pivotal life experience. (TOS novel: Best Destiny)

Neutron binaries and trinaries[]

On July 31, 2151, the Enterprise (NX-class) passed close to a cluster of three neutron stars as well as J'ral, a J'ral class supernova remnant. (ENT episode: "Civilization", ST reference: Star Charts)

In 2270, a Federation scout discovered a pair of neutron stars orbiting each other. The wake of their orbits produced severe gravitational fluctuations and spatial interphase. The USS Hood was assigned to investigate the phenomena, but became trapped inside for at least eight days. By the time the USS Enterprise entered the spinning binary system, many of the crew of the Hood had died. (FASA RPG - Adventure Book module: Ghosts of Conscience)

Two neutron stars could orbit each other so long as the gravitational field of each individual star was stronger than the combined tidal forces. If the orbit of one of the stars decayed and the pair got too close, tidal forces would trigger an explosion rivaling a small supernova and eject the primary mass outward at relativistic speeds. Such an explosion happened in 2375, seen by USS Voyager. While observing the decaying stars, the crew also prevented a Qavok plot to destroy the Lekk homeworld by triggering the star's destruction at a point where the primary mass would eventually intercept the Lekk system, also preventing an attempt by the Xorm to do the same to the Qavok. Using a stolen Qavok ship, Voyager was able to trigger the star's final collapse at a point where the mass expulsion would completely depart the galaxy with no harm to any known inhabited system. (VOY novel: Death of a Neutron Star)

The collision of two neutron stars in the Delta Quadrant resulted in a class 9 neutronic wavefront known by the Borg designation 34792. The energy wave traveled 200,000 km/sec, was 3.6 light years across. Even 15 hours ahead of the storm, neutron radiation effects could be felt. This wavefront was witnessed by USS Voyager in 2376. (VOY episode: "Fair Haven")

Neutron stars[]



Stellar classification
By class and type class O blue-violet starclass B blue starclass A blue-white starclass F white star (white dwarf) • class G yellow star (yellow dwarfyellow giant) • class K orange star (orange giant) • class M red star (red dwarfred giantred supergiant) • boson starbrown dwarfgreen starN-type starR-type starS-type starD-type star
By size or makeup black hole/black starcarbon stardwarf star (brown dwarfred dwarfwhite dwarfyellow dwarf) • giant star (blue giantred giantorange giantyellow giant) • Lazarus starmicrostarneutron star (collapsarmagnetarpulsar) • protostarsupergiant starvariable starwhite holeWolf-Rayet star

Appearances and references[]



TNG novel: Q-Zone

VOY novel: Mosaic

External links[]
