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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Dyson.
This article is about the Dyson Sphere discovered by Starfleet. You may be looking for the concept of a Dyson sphere.

The Jenolan Dyson Sphere[7] was a hyperplanetary-scale[8] artificial construct, a Dyson sphere enclosing the a G2V type[9] yellow dwarf star originally located in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant.[10] (TNG episode & novelization: Relics, TNG novel: Dyson Sphere, DS9 reference: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual, STO - Solanae Dyson Sphere mission: "A Step Between Stars")

History and specifications[]


Like the Solanae Dyson Sphere, the Jenolan Dyson Sphere was constructed by one of the servitor races of the Iconian Empire at the behest of the surviving Iconians following the obliteration of their homeworld Iconia 200.000 years ago. (STO - Solanae Dyson Sphere missions: "Sphere of Influence", "A Step Between Stars")

This Dyson sphere was constructed 100.000 years ago. The inner surface was approximately 1 AU from a central star, with the entire structure being a little more than 2 AU in diameter, with a very large surface area capable of supporting life. (TNG episode & novelization: Relics)

Due to the materials required to build a Dyson sphere with a solid shell, all star systems and other resources, down to the particular matter in the interstellar medium, within 200 lightyears of the Dyson star were converted. This created the Cave of Stars, a void separated from stellar space by the Great Wall of Dyson. Beyond the wall, the interstellar medium was noticeably emptier than surrounding space. Stars were not visible from within the Cave of Stars. With a diameter of 200 million kilometers, there was enough room for the sphere-builders to keep their Dyson Homeworld in its orbit around the Dyson star. An artificial moon, 3300 km in diameter, served as the prototype for the Jenolan sphere. A miniature star was inside, and Starfleet suspected the entire moon consisted of spheres within spheres. (TNG novel: Dyson Sphere)

An automated door with airlock allowed starships to enter and leave the Jenolan Dyson Sphere, and orbit its central star. (TNG episode & novelization: Relics)

The interior surface included vast oceans, landmases, cityscapes and other artificial structures. (TNG novel: Dyson Sphere)

The landmasses included planet-sized continents, islands, and island chains. Seas, lakes and oceans, like the Great Scott Sea, were millions of kilometers wide, larger than any planet. The layout on the inner shell was not random - it replicated the continental and oceanic layout of the Dyson Homeworld. The Homeworld's moon, also mirrored said layout. Starfleet determined that when an away team recognised the outline of the Great Scott Sea on these worlds. (TNG novel: Dyson Sphere)

When the Iconian Whole and there Herald forces retreated from the Milky Way Galaxy,[11] the Jenolan[12] and Solanae Dyson Spheres[13] were among those spheres left behind. (STO - Solanae Dyson Sphere missions: "Sphere of Influence", "A Step Between Stars")

Discovery and exploration[]

Over the course of millennia, sentient species entering the sphere became stranded, settled, and forgot about their origin except for vague myths. This was one of the theories held by Starfleet and one such species, the Douglasse. (TNG novel: Dyson Sphere)

Jenolen crash site

Jenolen crash site.

In the year 2294, the Federation Sydney-class transport USS Jenolan approached this Dyson sphere while en route to Norpin V colony. The ship crashed on the outer surface, only leaving two survivors. Captain Montgomery Scott put the other passenger and himself in a suspended transporter beam. (TNG novel: Dyson Sphere)

At the time, the sphere was located in the Beta Quadrant. (DS9 reference: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual)

On stardate 46125.3 in 2369, the Galaxy-class USS Enterprise-D discovered the sphere and the crashed Jenolan. Activating the transporter, only Scott would be retrieved alive. The Enterprise was pulled by tractor beams through the automated gate and spent some time "above" (sunward) the inner surface. (TNG novel: Dyson Sphere)

Enterprise at the gate

Enterprise enters the sphere.

The Enterprise floated perpendicular to the inner surface, facing the sun. (ST calendar: Ships of the Line 2012 September image: "Relics/Star Trek: The Next Generation/Twenty-Fifth Anniversary (1987-2012)")

Using the restarted Jenolan as a doorstop, the Enterprise successfully escaped the sphere through its airlock. Starfleet planned to dispatch two Federation science vessels to study the object, the first Dyson sphere discovered by the Federation. (TNG novel: Dyson Sphere)

The former crash site of the Jenolan was named Scott Base, and the vast landmass near the gate Great Scott Sea. (TNG novel: Dyson Sphere)

Enterprise inside Dyson sphere

Interior surface.

On stardate 47321.6, in 2370, the Enterprise-D accompanied the Voyager-class science vessel USS Darwin to attempt to enter the sphere under controlled conditions. Captain Dalen was in command of the Darwin's all-Horta crew. Lieutenant Commander Data and the Darwin crew successfully devised a means of opening the gate at will.

A wormhole opened and expelled a fast-moving neutron star, presumably accelerated at the galactic center, with a trajectory aimed at the Jenolan Dyson Sphere. Automated processes began to move the Dyson sphere out of the stellar projectile's path but the Dyson star was caught in inertia. The Darwin crew, with an Enterprise away team established Dalen Base, made first contact with the Douglasse and sea swifts, and briefly explored islands in the Great Scott Sea, the porcelain city, the Bronze Age city, and the Homeworld's moon's interior before the "sunset". First the moon, then the Homeworld, crashed into the sphere's inner surface and evaporated massive amounts of the Great Scott Sea. The Homeworld's inner core rolled across the surface before spilling open. Soon after, the Dyson star, transformed into the comet "Dyson's Spear", partially disintegrated upon contact with the surface. While the Darwin remained behind to continue researching the sphere and its inhabitants, the science vessel towed its shuttles, a sea swifts' starfish ark and a Douglasse ship so they could escape the sphere. The away team was returned to the Enterprise.

The Jenolan Dyson Sphere swerved the neutron star and automated processes began to repair the hull breach where the sun had crashed. Dyson's Spear, reformed into a sun, moved back towards the sphere's center in a "sunrise", now lacking the orbiting planet and moon. The Dyson Sphere then manipulated several layers of subspace to shrink itself, and moved into subspace. (TNG novel: Dyson Sphere)

In the 2370s decade, the sphere was in Federation space and had been dubbed "Dyson Sphere 1". The interior of the Jenolan Dyson Sphere was lifeless. The Nova-class science vessel USS Freeman Dyson was commissioned specifically to conduct research on the sphere. The world's only inhabitants at the time were Federation researchers. The sphere was not deemed fit for colonization. (Decipher RPG module: Worlds)

25th century[]

By the 25th century, the sphere was located in the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant. The Trident-class deep space science vessel USS Gold explored the interior of the sphere, which was covered in fertile landmases and oceans again around the turn of the 2310s decade, after the year 2409. Gray settlements stood out from green vegetation. (STO - Solanae Dyson Sphere mission: "A Step Between Stars")

At that time, numerous Iconian gateways in the Milky Way and at least one in the Andromeda Galaxy were activated and returned from subspace. The Alpha Quadrant Alliance discovered another Dyson sphere, and called it the Solanae Dyson Sphere after the Solanae servitor race who were hired to construct it. (STO - Solanae Dyson Sphere mission: "Sphere of Influence")

The Jenolan sphere, and with it the Gold, jumped to somewhere in the Delta Quadrant. Captain Tren Renalla prepared to journey back to the Alpha Quadrant but the ship could not leave the sphere. A starship-sized Iconian gateway appeared, connecting to a counterpart within the atmosphere of Delta Solanae in the Solanae Dyson Sphere. A Voth Citadel-class dreadnought emerged from it and disabled the Gold. Admiral Tuvok followed the Voth with the aptly named IKS Dyson, RRW Dyson and USS Dyson. An Undine fleet blew the sphere's gate apart, destroyed the Citadel ship, and battled Tuvok on a starship- and mental level. Supported by the emerging RRW Lleiset and then the IKS Bortasqu', the Undine were defeated, and the Alpha/Beta Quadrant powers asserted control over the sphere.

The Undine had arranged for the gateways to connect with the spheres to launch an invasion of the Beta Quadrant. (STO - Solanae Dyson Sphere mission: "A Step Between Stars")

Later, Tuvok organised the Jenolan Conference to establish a formal alliance among the Alpha and Beta Quadrant forces. Officially, the Federation and the Klingon Empire were still embroiled in the Federation-Klingon War of 2405-2410. The Undine, led by Eric Cooper launched their invasion of the Beta Quadrant, traveling through the sphere gateways. The Undine were defeated, and J'mpok, Chancellor of the High Council of the Klingon Empire, declared the war to be over. The Khitomer Accords were reinstated and expanded instead of Tuvok's proposed Jenolan Accord. (STO - Solanae Dyson Sphere mission: "Surface Tension")

Delta Quadrant Command was established on the inner surface as an intergovernmental organization to govern the Jenolan Dyson Sphere, named so to differentiate it from the Solanae Dyson Sphere. The starship-class gateway was routed through another one of its type at Jouret IV in the Beta Quadrant, allowing Allied ships to move easily between local space and the two Dyson spheres. The Allies launched Operation Delta Rising, a joint operation between Federation Starfleet, the Klingon Defense Force and the Romulan Republic Navy to establish a presence throughout the Delta Quadrant. The gate was repaired and traversable at will. The sphere's new location was determined to be the Alsuran sector in the Vyntadi sector block. As part of the Operation, Admiral Tuvok returned to the quadrant in his own ship, the Intrepid-class USS Voyager, instead of the Dyson squadron. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Escation")

The Undine War ended when the Undine Command Ship absorbed Eric Cooper following a negotiation with Admiral Tuvok in fluidic space. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Mindscape")

The war against the expansionist Vaadwaur Supremacy, a servitor race of the re-emerging Iconian Empire, entered its final phase when the Delta Alliance, an alliance fomented by Tuvok and Captain Harry Kim between the Alpha Quadrant Alliance and local Delta Quadrant powers, agreed on the assault strategy for Vaadwaur Prime in a conference at Delta Quadrant Command in the Jenolan Dyson Sphere. The Alliance fleets followed through on the strategy and defeated the Vaadwaur at Vaadwaur Prime. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Takedown")

Assigned vessels[]



Vyntadi sector block
Vyntadi Expanse
Syllerran sector Argala system (Argala III • Argala IV • Argala VI) • Borg battlefield • Farn system (Riley's Planet) • Jarleth system • Nekrit Expanse • Parein system • Sakari system • Syllerran system (Syllerran I • Syllerran II • Syllerran III • Syllerran IV • Syllerran V)
Alsuran sector Alsuran Empire • Jenolan Dyson Sphere • Kendren system (Kendren IV) • Kyana system (Kyana Prime • Kyana II) • Nassordin system • Ram Izad system (Ram Izad I • Ram Izad II • Ram Izad III • Ram Izad IV • Ram Izad V • Ram Izad VI • Ram Izad VII • Ram Izad VIII • Ram Izad IX) • Zahl system (Zahl I • Zahl II • Zahl III • Zahl planetoid)
Kotaba sector Al'yans system • Entaba system • Kobali system (Kobali Prime) • Kotaba Expanse • Nanipia system • New Talax system (New Talax) • Shenda system • Trakia system • The Void


External links[]
