Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Xarantine sector was a region of space, a sector located in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant, within the Pi Canis sector block, named for containing the Xarantine system that was the home of the Xarantine civilization. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)


Neighboring sectors[]



Pi Canis sector block
Hromi Cluster (Gamma Hromi, Gamma Hromi II)
Hromi sector Gateway (Alpha Zeta, UFC 465537) system (Gateway) • JFS47 system • Kalferi system (Kalferi II) • Korvat system (KorvatKorvat IKorvat IIKorvat III) • Maiewski system (Maiewski Prime) • Veyga (Eta Veyga) system (Veyga IV)
Mempa sector Beta Thoridor system (Beta Thoridor planet) • Ceron system • Da'Kel system (Da'Kel IDa'Kel II, GionDa'Kel III) • Eriksson system • H'atoria system (H'atoria) • Lilitu system • Mempa system (Mempa IIMempa IVMempa VMempa VIIMempa VIIIMempa IX) • M'rade system • Vesper system (Vesper II) • Vor system (Vor II)
Xarantine sector Danteri system (Danter) • Honod system • Kern system (Kern III) • Laurentian system • Seedea system • Trimble system (Trimble) • Xarantine system (Xarantine VI)
sectors of the galaxy
sector blocks and their major sectors Alpha Centauri (TeneebiaSierraVendor) • Alpha Trianguli (AlgiraAlmathaDorvan) • Beta Ursae (BajorCardassiaKalandra) • Eta Eridani (AldebaranArchanisDonatu) • Gamma OrionisIota PavonisOmega Leonis‎OrelliusPi CanisPsi VelorumRegulusSirius‎Tau Dewa‎TekaraVyntadiZeta Andromedae (ArawathKoraOriasVanden)
Alpha Quadrant sector blockBeta Quadrant sector blockDelta Quadrant sector blockGamma Quadrant sector block
Galaxy diagram image.
other named sectors AjmanAkiganelAldebaranAllicarAlpha 19Alpha CentauriAlsuranAncharAndorAnsterraAntaresAntedianArchimedesArawathArgosianArgusAriasBellatrixBelotiBeneciaBeta NiobeBeTauB'MothBolarusBoswelliaCabralCambornCampanCanopisCarrayaCelesCestusCicadaDalmineDashaDelta 300Delta 330Delta VegaDenobulanDevronEerina VEliasEpsilon IXEpsilon QuinonezEpsilon Z-3Epsilon-485FoxtrotFries-PosnikoffG-5G17GallowayGameraGamma HydraGamma TrianguliGandGarimanGavariaGlesseneGlintaraGouramiGrewlerGuravaH-100HekarasHorusHromiHyralanIgoJaradanKalebKandariKavis AlphaKavrotLaganaLan'TuanaLeughonLidaraMagellanMalfabricanMarkomenMarkoniaMariotianMarrabMaxiaMekordaMinaraMoabMobiaMoranMurasakiOmegaOmicalOneamisuOphiucusParveniumPerseusPodarisProcyonQav'loSQuebecRakhariRedRegulusReydovanRhomboid Dronegar 006Rhymus MajorRomeoRukaniRutharianSamnarSargassoScyllaSelaySelcundi DremaSigma DraconisSigma-485SikarianSilarianSolTakaraTalarTangoTarodTauganTellarTerra NovaThanatosTharkianThetaTiberTintagelTrexelian 001Trexelian 002Trexelian 003Trexelian 004Trexelian 005Trexelian 006Trexelian 007Trexelian 008Trexelian 009Trexelian 010Trexelian 011TriangleTrianguliTrillTwilight NebulaTyphonUmaniVandenVaskanVegaVega 6Vega-OmicronVenturiusVestaVrungVulcanV'varianWinduWodenWumparXarantineYontasaYurokZed LapisZhirrZ-6Zytchin
numbered sectors 00100200300400500600700800901012-J14C16C01818J01921C02323-D23-H02427F02829G030031032034038038G39J040047B054054R061063068H078079F90.4097108109G116T119D130134142145179204E213219A220B220A221-G221-H262275283396401418D4414-70492500507743-D861875902949104511561385150916071608160921582520355636413658442319658211662118521290213052139621399214592150321505215272153821602218032183421835219472203622055220932213922309223582240225712227572284622849228532285822956230792309425013367643762841751417524175364238