Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the mirror universe counterpart, see Khegh (mirror).

Khegh, son of Taahp, was a male Klingon in the Klingon Defense Force. He was a decorated war hero of the Dominion War, after emerging as a victor in thirty-seven engagements against the Dominion. He gave the impression of being a jovial, drunken Klingon; however, it was believed that this was only a deception used to misguide his opponents.

In late 2379, General Khegh was commanding officer of the IKS Vaj. In the aftermath of Shinzon's coup, Khegh represented the Klingon Empire in the diplomatic negotiations between the Praetorship and the United Federation of Planets, tasked with ensuring that the Remans were treated fairly by the new Romulan authorities. It was ultimately decided that Remus would become a Klingon protectorate, and Khegh its governor. (TTN novel: Taking Wing)

The Klingon High Council consulted Khegh following reports of weapons fire between Klingon and Romulan forces in the T'Met system in January of 2380. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)
