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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Taking Wing is a Star Trek: Titan novel by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels published by Pocket Books in 2005. It is the first novel in the Titan series and centers around the introduction of some regular characters and the Titan's first mission.

Publisher's description[]

From the back cover


After almost a decade of strife against foes such as the Borg, the Cardassians, the Klingons, and the Dominion, the United Federation of Planets is at the dawn of a new era. Starfleet is renewing its mission of peaceful exploration, diplomacy, and the expansion of knowledge. Among the starships spearheading that endeavor is the U.S.S. Titan, commanded by Captain William T. Riker and manned by the most biologically varied and culturally diverse crew in Starfleet history.

But their mission does not begin according to plan.

In the wake of Star Trek Nemesis, Praetor Shinzon, slayer of the Romulan Senate, is dead. The power vacuum created by his demise had put the Romulan Star Empire, longtime adversary of the Federation, at the brink of civil war. Competing factions now vie for control of their fragmenting civilization, and if the empire should fall, that entire area of the galaxy may destabilize.

To restore order to the region, Titan's long-anticipated mission of exploration is delayed as Starfleet assigns Riker to set up power-sharing talks among the Romulan factions. But even as the first tentative steps are taken toward building a new Romulus, the remnants of the Tal Shiar, the dreaded Romulan intelligence service, are regrouping behind the scenes for a power play of their own. With no other help available, Riker and the Titan crew become the last hope to prevent the quadrant from falling into chaos.




Leonard James Akaar • Bralik • Axel Bolaji • Olivia Bolaji • Torvig Bu-Kar-Nguv • Se'al Cethente Qas • Zurin Dakal • Feren Denken • Donatra • Durjik • Eviku • Fo Hachesa • Jaza Najem • Kachrek • Ranul Keru • Khegh • Geordi La Forge • Aili Lavena • Nidani Ledrah • Mekrikuk • Moreno • Kenneth Norellis • Alyssa Ogawa • Onnta • Pardek • Melora Pazlar • Noah Powell • Xin Ra-Havreii • Bowan Radowski • Sariel Rager • Shenti Yisec Eres Ree • Rehaek • William T. Riker • William Ross • Koasa Rossini • Paolo Rossini • Rriarr • Savalek • Sorok • Gian Sortollo • Spock • Suran • T'Lirin • T'Rel • T'Sevek • Tal'Aura • Tebok • Tesruk • Tomalak • Torath • Deanna Troi • Tuvok • Christine Vale • Worf, son of Mogh • Xiomek
Referenced only
Amarcan • Louis Armstrong • Nanietta Bacco • Julian Bashir • Tangre Bertoran • Data • Sean Hawk • Iloja of Prim • Kathryn Janeway • K'chak'!'op • James T. Kirk • Koval • Martok, son of Urthog • N'Gathan • Neral • Jean-Luc Picard • Andrew Powell • Erik Pressman • Rom • Shinzon • Hikaru Sulu • Surak • Tai'lun • Talkath • Toreth • Vkruk • Zek • Min Zife

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Aegrippos • Amarcan-class • USS Armstrong (Challenger-class) • D7-class • USS Der Sonnenaufgang (Miranda-class) • USS Enterprise-E (Sovereign-class) • USS Irrawaddy (Danube-class runabout) • K'tinga-class • USS Phoebus (Miranda-class) • Romulan bird-of-prey • USS Seyetik • USS T'rin'saz (Miranda-class) • USS Titan (Luna-class) • IRW Valdore (Mogai-class)
Referenced only
USS Alliance (Excelsior-class) • Calypso II (captain's yacht) • Scimitar (Scimitar-class)


Utopia Planitia • Great Bloom • Remus • Romulus • Apnex Sea • Ehrie'fvil • Ki Baratan (Dartha) • Aekhhwi'rhoi • Hall of State • Ira'sihaer • Senate Dome • South Quarter • Vikr'l Prison • Rarathik District • Leinarrh
Referenced only
Bajoran wormhole • Cardassia • Deep Space 9 • Gamma Quadrant • Gemworld • hi'Leyi'a • Leinarrh • Pacifica • Pelagia • Primus IV • Rarathik District • Starbase 185

Races and cultures[]

Bajoran • Cardassian • Efrosian • Elaysian • Human • Ferengi • Klingon • Reman • Romulan • Vulcan
Referenced only
Lipul • Prophets

States and organizations[]

Klingon Empire[]

Klingon Defense Force • Klingon Diplomatic Corps

Romulan Star Empire[]

Imperial War College • Reman Irregulars • Kepeszuk Battalion • Romulan Senate • Senate Intelligence Committee • Unification movement

United Federation of Planets[]

Federation Diplomatic Corps • Starfleet • Starfleet Command • Starfleet Corps of Engineers • Starfleet Intelligence

Other references[]

aehkhifv • aelaehih'bili're • Andorian tuber root • Armistice of 2160 • asinolyathin • Bajoran religion • Battle of Rigel • Dominion War • Efros Delta • elaminite • Erebus • Exalted Ones • eyhon • gagh • honey beetle cluster • Honor Blade • hveinn • Jolan'tru • Kaferian apple glaze • kahs-wan • Kheh • Kolinahr • 'lai • levithi nut • Lycossan reuben sandwich • Maporian rib-eye • morphenolog • neuromuscular adaptation • Nhaidh • Orion beer • oskoid frond • Peratheline • ruatinite • salad • serialist poets • Treaty of Algeron • uhlan • veraku • waith • Surak's Analects • triptacederine • Axioms


Background information[]

Related Stories[]

Star Trek: Titan publications and stories
Novels Taking Wing • The Red King • Orion's Hounds • Sword of Damocles • Destiny (Gods of Night • Mere Mortals • Lost Souls) • Over a Torrent Sea • Synthesis • Seize the Fire • Fallen Gods • The Poisoned Chalice • Absent Enemies • Sight Unseen • Fortune of War
Short stories "Improvisations on the Opal Sea: A Tale of Dubious Credibility" • "Empathy"
Other Works "Star Trek: The Tour" (Short film)



The novel runs from December of 2379 through January 2380.

published order
Previous novel:
(first in the series)
Titan novels Next novel:
The Red King
Previous story:
Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Two
Trill: Unjoined
Stories by:
Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels
Next story:
The Red King
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
A Time for War, A Time for Peace
Epilogue, Section 7
Memory Beta Chronology Next Adventure:
The Red King
Chapters 1-3,5-22,Coda
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2379.
The Pocket Books Timeline places events from this story in three other timeframes:
Previous Adventure:
Missing in Action
Chapter 1
Next Adventure:
Star Trek: Nemesis
Previous Adventure:
Final Flight
Chapters 2-4
Next Adventure:
Star Trek: Nemesis
Chapter 11, Sections 5-8
Previous Adventure:
Star Trek: Nemesis
Chapter 11, Sections 5-8
Chapter 5
Next Adventure:
A Time for War, A Time for Peace
Epilogue, Section 7

German : Eine neue Ära, translated by Stephanie Pannen. (Cross Cult)

External links[]

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