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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Places of Exile is a short novel published in the Myriad Universes anthology Infinity's Prism.


Midway through Voyager's journey across the galaxy, Captain Kathryn Janeway and Commander Chakotay must choose whether to brave a deadly war zone or abandon their quest for home. But an attack by Species 8472 cripples the ship, and the stranded crew must make new choices that will reshape their destinies... and that of the Delta Quadrant itself.



Ayala • Lyndsay Ballard • Boothby • Chakotay • Kenneth Dalby • Danros • The Doctor • Riley Frazier • Dobrye Gavanri • Gerron Ral • Haluk • Annika Hansen • Kathryn Janeway • Shannon Sekaya Janeway • Tricia Jenkins • Kes • Kilana 2 • Harry Kim • Malken • Vitye Megon • Azorav Nagorim • Nardem • Neelix • Susan Nicoletti • Odala • Owen Paris • Tom Paris • Danara Pel • Raneed • Kyric Rosh • Seroe • Surt • B'Elanna Torres • Tuvok • Morikei Voenis • Naomi Wildman • Samantha Wildman • Zahir • unnamed Bourget • unnamed Quitar
Referenced only
Alixia • Allfather • Axum • Julian Bashir • Boothby • Freddy Bristow • Garvas Caer • Lyssa Campbell • Caretaker • Joe Carey • Chell • Clemens • Jenny Delaney • Megan Delaney • Devil • Gennaro • Forra Gegen • God • Golwat • Gowron • Mortimer Harren • Phoebe Janeway • Kamornen • Kilana 1 • Kilana 3 • Kilana 4 • Lauren MacTaggart • Marx Brothers • Mohammed • Morjod • Nemulye • Linnis Paris • Pratt • Rollins • Shmullus • Erwin Schrödinger • Suspiria • Tal Celes • Tanis • William Telfer • Thomas • Tieran • Tuvok • Vorik • Rena White • Lewis Zimmerman

Starships and vehicles[]

aircar • bioship • Borg cube • Casciron shuttle • escape pod • Moskelarnan • Ryemaran • Voth City Ship • USS Voyager
Referenced only
aeroshuttle • Ambassador-class • Excelsior-class • Galaxy-class • Nelcharis


Alpha Quadrant • Birthworld • Delta Quadrant • Earth • Fluidic space‎ • Kosnelye • Kovoran • Moskelar Station • Mountains of Kovoran • San Francisco • Starfleet Headquarters • Vyenokal habitat
Referenced only
Badlands • Bajoran wormhole • Beta Quadrant • Calentar • Cardassia • Caretaker's array • Gamma Quadrant • Loresch • Myrel plasma drifts • Nekrit Expanse • Nyria system • Ocampa system • Ragoelin • Suspiria's station • Unimatrix Zero

Races and cultures[]

Bajoran • Borg • Bourget • Casciron • Groundskeeper • Hirogen • Human (Native American) • Jem'Hadar • Klingon • Ktarian • Mikhal Traveler • Nasari • Nyrian • Ocampa • Overlooker • Quitar • Talaxian • Vidiian • Vorta • Vostigye (Gorenye) • Voth
Referenced only
Betelgeusian • Bolian • Breen • Calentar • Cardassian • Carnelian • Etanian • Founder • Gh'rrrvn • Haakonian • Kazon • Kobheerian • Krenim • Nezu • Nygean • Porcion • Pralor • Rectilian • Ridion • Romulan • S'paaphonn • Shivolian • Shizadam • Swarm • Tarkan • Vomnin

States and organizations[]

Borg Collective • Borg Cooperative • Circle of Education • Council of Ministers • Delta Coalition • Dominion • Etanian Order • Hierarchy • Klingon Empire • Krowtonan Guard • Legislature of the Vostigye Union • Maquis • Ming China • Ministry of Elders • Preservationist party • Progressive coalition • Sisterhood of Solace • Starfleet • Starfleet Academy • United Federation of Planets • Vostigye Union

Science and classification[]

matter • technology • weapon

Materials and substances[]

metal • tin

Technology and weapons[]


Ranks and titles[]

admiral • ambassador • biochemist • bureaucrat • cadet • captain • diplomat • doctor • engineer • ensign • first officer • historian • legislator • lieutenant commander • lieutenant • Minister of Science • nurse • Overminister of the Vostigye Union • philosopher • pilot • poet • professor • Sanctioner • scholar • scientist • security chief • security guard • soldier • spy • Subspeaker of the Legislature of the Vostigye Union • warlord

Other references[]

alien • alternate timeline • anti-damping shields • antimatter • antiparticle • artificial gravity • artificial intelligence • assimilation tubule • asteroid • atmosphere • atom • audio receptor • Automated Personnel Unit • auxiliary medical probe • balloon • Big Bang • black hole • blood • blowgun • boarding party • botanical incubator • brachiosaur • brain • bridge • bullet • Catastrophe • Catching Up with Neelix • cat • chromodynamic plasma • circuit breaker • circumcision • circus • civilization • civil war • cloaking device • colony • computer • conference room • containment field • convoy • cortical node • datasheet • deflector array • democracy • Distant Origin theory • docking clamps • Dominion War • drydock • elogium • Emergency Medical Hologram • empty nest syndrome • endotherm • English language • epigenome • evolution • exoskeleton • field collapser • fish • flower • The Fox and the Scorpion • fox • galaxy • gas giant • genocide • germ • globe • gnat • gong • graviton beam • gravity • habitat sphere • hadrosaur • hair • hamster wheel • herbivore • Hippocratic Oath • holodeck • holographic telepresence system • hologram • holo-imager • hololab • holosuite • homeworld • hospital • hull • humanoid • hypospray • ice dwarf • iguana • impulse drive • Indian • intake manifold �� ipasaphor • isolinear chip • jellyfish • kamikaze • Kamornen's Box • ketracel-white • kilometer • lamprey • lant • life support • lime gelatin • Loreschian pastry • lung • mammalian • manta • marriage • medical tricorder • micronebula • millisecond • mobile emitter • Mol-class star • money • month • mountain • nanoprobe • nanoprobe weapon • neural interface • neurotransmitter • neutralizer field • nizik • ocular implant • Omega molecule • Oort cloud • opera • Parallel Origin theory • parallel universe • Phage • pharmasynth unit • phaser • piracy • planet • plankton • plasma conduit • plasma torch • plasma torpedo • potato • Prime Directive • quantum physics • quantum singularity • radiation • regeneration cycle • replicator • reptilian • robot • rond • rose • sand castle • sandstorm • scanner • scarecrow • Schrödinger's cat • science station • scorpion • Scripture • sector • sensor • serotonin • shark • shields • sickbay • spatial-distortion field • star • subspace eddy • subspace • subspace relay station • suicide • sun • Tarkan wasting syndrome • telekinesis • telepathy • temporal physics • thruster • Torres Generator • tractor beam • Trail of Tears • transporter • translocator • transwarp coil • transwarp drive • tricorder • tree • tribble • universe • universal translator • viewscreen • Voth Doctrine • warp coil • warp drive • warp field • warp nacelle • warp plasma • water • wave-motion gun • white dwarf • wrist communicator • xenophobia • Xindi superweapon • year • ziggurat


20th century • 2374 • 2375 • 2376


Related media[]


Myriad Universes publications and stories
Prose Infinity's Prism "A Less Perfect Union" • "Places of Exile" • "Seeds of Dissent"
Echoes and Refractions "The Chimes at Midnight" • "A Gutted World" • "Brave New World"
Shattered Light "The Embrace of Cold Architects" • "The Tears of Eridanus" • "Honor in the Night"
Comics The Last Generation "Do Not Close Your Eyes" • "No Cure For That" • "What Happens Now" • "Inevitability" • "The End of History"
Star Trek: Voyager collected short stories, novellas and short novels
The Amazing Stories "A Night at Sandrine's" • "When Push Comes to Shove" • "The Space Vortex of Doom"
Distant Shores "Da Capo al Fine" • "Command Code" • "Winds of Change" • "Talent Night" • "Letting Go" • "Closure" • "The Secret Heart of Zolaluz" • "Isabo's Shirt" • "Brief Candle" • "Eighteen Minutes" • "Or the Tiger" • "Bottomless"
Strange New Worlds I ("Good Night, Voyager" • "Ambassador at Large" • "Fiction" • "I, Voyager" • "Monthuglu") • II ("A Ribbon for Rosie" • "Touched" • "Almost... But Not Quite" • "The Healing Arts" • "Seventh Heaven") • III ("The Ones Left Behind" • "The Second Star" • "The Monster Hunters" • "Gift of the Mourners") • IV ("Iridium-7-Tetrahydroxate Crystals Are a Girl's Best Friend" • "Uninvited Admirals" • "Return" • "Black Hats" • "Personal Log" • "Welcome Home" • "Shadows, in the Dark") • V ("Final Entry" • "The Difficulties of Being Evil" • "Restoration" • "On the Rocks" • "Witness" • "Fragment" • "Who Cries for Prometheus?") • VI ("Homemade" • "Seven and Seven" • "The End of Night" • "Hidden" • "Widow's Walk") • VII ("Redux" • "The Little Captain" • "I Have Broken the Prime Directive" • "Don't Cry") • 8 ("Transfiguration" • "This Drone" • "Once Upon a Tribble" • "You May Kiss the Bride" • "Coffee with a Friend") • 9 ("Choices" • "Unconventional Cures" • "Maturation") • 10 ("The Fate of Captain Ransom" • "A Taste of Spam" • "Adjustments" • "The Day the Borg Came") • 2016 ("The Last Refuge" • "Life Among the Post-Industrial Barbarians" • "Upon the Brink of Remembrance")
Misc. short stories "Seduced" • "Bitter Fruit" • "Seven v Seven" • "Retribution" • "Kill Captain Proton!" • "Summer Days Can Last Forever" • "The Kellidian Kidnapping" • "See and Seen"
Misc. novellas & short novels "In the Queue" • "The Mirror-Scaled Serpent" • "Places of Exile"


published order
Previous novel:
A Less Perfect Union
Infinity's Prism Next novel:
Seeds of Dissent
Previous novel:
A Less Perfect Union
Star Trek novels Next novel:
Seeds of Dissent
Previous story:
Friends With the Sparrows
Stories by:
Christopher L. Bennett
Next story:
Greater Than the Sum
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
not yet placed
Memory Beta Chronology Next Adventure:
not yet placed

External links[]
