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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Salazaar A-1 was a 23rd century private R1 Artisan-class space station.

Service history[]

Salazaar A-1 was one of two starship components manufacturing facilities designed for the Federation planet Salazaar by Rantura Shipping Lines. It and Salazaar B-1 were built for a private corporation by Chiokis Starship Construction Corporation and towed into place in the Karnor system by a Samson-class warp tender.

It entered service some time after the year 2270 and remained in service at least through the late 2280s decade. (FASA RPG module: Regula-1 Orbital Station Deckplans)



Federation R1 Invictus-class and similar space stations
R1 Invictus-class Deep Space 5Federation Defense Outposts: 6182936434460858991102112148157194216229238248287323337361366372375396417438457498507524545579581602607608629665724735768780797856859893930105110381121120412371286131713781426142714281520 {{{2}}} icon image.
R1 Administrator-class Babel Orbital Center 1BiblioTech 1Clanhaven 1Parley Point 1Ursis Load A-1Ursis Load B-1Centus Alpha 1Dinara Set 1LaGrange AAA-1Lorris Main 1Maxilon Control 1Maximus 1Palasada 1Port lssara 1Resurrection 1Terra 1 orbital office complexThelossis 1Trilum Base 1Unity Point 1Welcome Mat 1
R1 Artisan-class Andor Eye 1Astral Point 1Byondis 1Cygnet XIV Prime 1Deepwell 1Endeavor 1Excavator 1Hadran Complex 1Henderson 1Jarid Center 1Luxor Able 1Luxor Twin 1Manning Dox 1Maxwell Orb 1Multiplanet Base 1Muraski Major 1Muraski Minor 1Regal Find 1Richload 1Salazaar A-1Salazaar B-1Samos 1Sarsis Plant 1Sarus Pax 1Soron Center 1Vega Harrier 1Xanadu Prime 1XM-1Zeta Alpha 1
R1 Harmony-class Centauri Pleasureplex 1Treasure Trove 1
R1 Informant-class Bargrik 1Bugblatter 1Charybdis 1Chimera 1Dragon Lady 1Fafnir 1Gammorah 1Ghidrah 1Grendel 1Gritchin 1Hyde 1Mothra 1Namu 1Nightmare 1Nosferatu 1OrpheusPennywise 1Polladori 1Poltergeist 1Raven 1Rodan 1Sasquatch 1Scylla 1Shadow 1Snark 1Tingler 1T'prelki 1Typhon 1Vermithrax 1Vlad 1Wief 1
R1 Investigator-class Aldebaran 1Alpha Bootis 1Arcturus 1Ariadne 1Beta Darius 1Boundary 1Cassiopeia 1DO-2Fillandia 1Gamma Hydra 1Gilgamesh 1Hyronalin Base 1Ipicran 1Kettaract research stationLandisa 1Lunar Research StationLyra Niobe 1Miranda 1Othello 1Pallas 1Regula IResearch Outpost S31Science Station Tango SierraTanuga IV research stationUnitas 1Vega Prime 1Vulcan Annex 1
R1 Mercy-class Compassion 1Mercy 1
See also: R1-classSigma-class