Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Deep Space 5 was a Federation starbase, a space station in the Beta Quadrant, in or near the Typhon sector. (ST reference: Star Charts)



Deep Space 5 on a Beta Quadrant star chart.

Originally designed as a standard Deep Space Starbase, it was converted into a military base with the primary purpose of serving as a first line of defense against the Borg. Deep Space 5 was constantly upgraded with the latest in sensor technology to scan for approaching Borg ships. (Last Unicorn RPG module: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Core Game Book)

On stardate 3458.2 in 2267, the USS Enterprise arrived at Deep Space 5 near the Romulan Neutral Zone for a mission to ferry a Maabas delegation home to Maaba S'Ja. (TOS novel: Crisis of Consciousness)

As of the year 2370, DS5 was responsible for new starship development, along with Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Starbase 47, and the Federation colony on Iadara. (TNG episode: "Parallels")

According to another account, as of 2370, Deep Space 5 was located near the Cardassian border, and was smaller than other deep space stations, about the size of the saucer section of a Galaxy-class starship. Geordi La Forge had inspected the station's engineering systems sometime prior to joining the crew of the Enterprise-D. (TNG novel: Balance of Power)

In 2373, Deep Space 5 reported the complete destruction of the colony on Ivor Prime. It was subsequently determined that the Borg were responsible, and were launching a new invasion of the Federation. Admiral Hayes sent this information to Captain Jean-Luc Picard on the USS Enterprise-E. (TNG movie: First Contact)

Also that year, DS5 became the temporary home for thousands of Thallonian refugees after the fall of the Thallonian Empire. The station was packed to capacity, with even the conference rooms serving as shelter. The so-called Thallonian summit was held on board the Enterprise-E while docked at the station following the Battle of Sector 001. (NF novel: House of Cards)

Alternate reality[]

In one quantum alternate reality visited by Worf, the Cardassian Union was covertly surveilling the station. (TNG episode: "Parallels", ST website:



Federation starbases
Starbases 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 • 25-Alpha • 26 • 27 • 28 • 29 • 30 • 31 • 32 • 33 • 34 • 35 • 36 • 37 • 39-Sierra • 40 • 41 • 42 • 43 • 44 • 45 • 46 • 47 • 47-Vanguard • 48 • 49 • 50 • 51 • 52 • 53 • 55 • 56 • 58 • 59 • 61 • 62 • 63 • 64 • 65 • 66 • 67 • 68 • 69 • 71 • 72 • 73 • 74 • 75 • 76 • 77 • 79 • 80 • 81 • 82 • 83 • 84 • 85 • 86 • 87 • 88 • 89 • 90 • 91 • 92 • 93 • 95 • 96 • 97 • 99 • 101 • 102 • 103 • 104 • 105 • 106 • 108 • 109 • 112 • 113 • 114 • 117 • 118 • 120 • 121 • 122 • 123 • 127 • 128 • 129 • 133 • 134 • 137 • 143 • 144 • 146 • 152 • 153 • 157 • 162 • 171 • 172 • 173 • 174 • 175 • 176 • 178 • 179 • 180 • 182 • 185 • 189 • 193 • 197 • 200 • 201 • 209 • 210 • 211 • 212 • 214 • 215 • 217 • 218 • 219 • 220 • 222 • 223 • 224 • 227 • 231 • 234 • 235 • 236 • 237 • 244 • 247 • 252 • 257 • 260 • 261 • 263 • 264 • 268 • 277 • 295 • 297 • 301 • 302 • 303 • 307 • 309 • 310 • 311 • 312 • 313 • 314 • 315 • 324 • 325 • 326 • 328 • 336 • 343 • 344 • 347 • 357 • 364 • 371 • 375 • 383 • 389 • 393 • 395 • 401 • 410 • 411 • 412 • 413 • 414 • 416 • 419 • 420 • 422 • 434 • 440 • 452 • 473 • 495 • 499 • 505 • 514 • 515 • 521 • 522 • 523 • 524 • 528 • 535 • 541 • 585 • 592-Epsilon • 612 • 621 • 623 • 693 • 714 • 718 • 804 • 823 • 834 • 906 (Vanguard) • 1317 • 4077 • 61 Cygni • Andor • Ardana • Battle Group 1 • Battle Group 2 • Battle Group 3 • Battle Group 4 • Battle Group 5 • Bethel • Bravo • Copernicus • Coridan • Denobula • Devaloka • Diamandis 1 • Earhart • Federation Headquarters • Fleet Setup Station • G4 • G-6 • Hearth • Helaspont • Icarus • India • Iridani • Lambda • Leonov • Magellan • MI-17 • Midway • Montgomery • Neil Armstrong • New Xindus • R-3 • Rigel • Risa • Vulcan • Xindus Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
Kelvin timeline Starbase 1 • Starbase 76 • Starbase 82 • Starbase 91 • Frontier 17 • Yorktown Station • Starbase Zeta
Deep Space Stations 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 (I) • 9 (II) • 10 • 12 • 253 • C-15 • E-5 • G-6 • Hubble • K-2 • K-5 • K-7 • K-8 • K-9 • K-10 • K-11 • K-12 • K-13 • K-22 • KR-1 • KR-3 • L-6 • M-20 • M-33 • R-5 • Repair Beta 6 • Portal 1
Kelvin timeline K-5 • K-7 • K-4 • K-11
Federation R1 Invictus-class and similar space stations
R1 Invictus-class Deep Space 5 • Federation Defense Outposts: 6 • 18 • 29 • 36 • 43 • 44 • 60 • 85 • 89 • 91 • 102 • 112 • 148 • 157 • 194 • 216 • 229 • 238 • 248 • 287 • 323 • 337 • 361 • 366 • 372 • 375 • 396 • 417 • 438 • 457 • 498 • 507 • 524 • 545 • 579 • 581 • 602 • 607 • 608 • 629 • 665 • 724 • 735 • 768 • 780 • 797 • 856 • 859 • 893 • 930 • 1051 • 1038 • 1121 • 1204 • 1237 • 1286 • 1317 • 1378 • 1426 • 1427 • 1428 • 1520 {{{2}}} icon image.
R1 Administrator-class Babel Orbital Center 1 • BiblioTech 1 • Clanhaven 1 • Parley Point 1 • Ursis Load A-1 • Ursis Load B-1 • Centus Alpha 1 • Dinara Set 1 • LaGrange AAA-1 • Lorris Main 1 • Maxilon Control 1 • Maximus 1 • Palasada 1 • Port lssara 1 • Resurrection 1 • Terra 1 orbital office complex • Thelossis 1 • Trilum Base 1 • Unity Point 1 • Welcome Mat 1
R1 Artisan-class Andor Eye 1 • Astral Point 1 • Byondis 1 • Cygnet XIV Prime 1 • Deepwell 1 • Endeavor 1 • Excavator 1 • Hadran Complex 1 • Henderson 1 • Jarid Center 1 • Luxor Able 1 • Luxor Twin 1 • Manning Dox 1 • Maxwell Orb 1 • Multiplanet Base 1 • Muraski Major 1 • Muraski Minor 1 • Regal Find 1 • Richload 1 • Salazaar A-1 • Salazaar B-1 • Samos 1 • Sarsis Plant 1 • Sarus Pax 1 • Soron Center 1 • Vega Harrier 1 • Xanadu Prime 1 • XM-1 • Zeta Alpha 1
R1 Harmony-class Centauri Pleasureplex 1 • Treasure Trove 1
R1 Informant-class Bargrik 1 • Bugblatter 1 • Charybdis 1 • Chimera 1 • Dragon Lady 1 • Fafnir 1 • Gammorah 1 • Ghidrah 1 • Grendel 1 • Gritchin 1 • Hyde 1 • Mothra 1 • Namu 1 • Nightmare 1 • Nosferatu 1 • Orpheus • Pennywise 1 • Polladori 1 • Poltergeist 1 • Raven 1 • Rodan 1 • Sasquatch 1 • Scylla 1 • Shadow 1 • Snark 1 • Tingler 1 • T'prelki 1 • Typhon 1 • Vermithrax 1 • Vlad 1 • Wief 1
R1 Investigator-class Aldebaran 1 • Alpha Bootis 1 • Arcturus 1 • Ariadne 1 • Beta Darius 1 • Boundary 1 • Cassiopeia 1 • DO-2 • Fillandia 1 • Gamma Hydra 1 • Gilgamesh 1 • Hyronalin Base 1 • Ipicran 1 • Kettaract research station • Landisa 1 • Lunar Research Station • Lyra Niobe 1 • Miranda 1 • Othello 1 • Pallas 1 • Regula I • Research Outpost S31 • Science Station Tango Sierra • Tanuga IV research station • Unitas 1 • Vega Prime 1 • Vulcan Annex 1
R1 Mercy-class Compassion 1 • Mercy 1
See also: R1-class • Sigma-class


External link[]
