Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Hamal.

Hamal, also known as Alpha Arietis or 13 Arietis, was a star with an associated star system, located in the space of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants. The name also bears an ancient name, El Nath, and has been named by the Romulan civilization as Orundwiir.


This K class star system was visible from Earth in the Sol system, some 65 light-years distant, in the constellation of Aries. This system was within boundaries of territory claimed by the United Federation of Planets, and was one of the systems in the Majoris Congeries, an open cluster of twenty stars. The Hamal system's orbit was the location of a number of worlds, including fourth planet Hamal IV, a Federation member world and the homeworld of the Hamalki. It is also the site of the fortified Starbase 18 orbital facility. The Hamal planetary system is located in Arietis space, near the strategically important Triangulum sector on the Federation's border with the Romulan Star Empire. (TOS - Rihannsu novels: The Wounded Sky, Swordhunt)

Since Alpha Arietis is a "real" star system, modern scientists know a few things about its distance and makeup that were not in Star Trek. Since this star has also been called El Nath, it seems like the USS El Nath might be its namesake. No history or specifics are established for this location in Starfleet Command III, as its name was arbitrarily selected for a Federation system on the game map by the game software, with random attributes.

System makeup[]



objects of the Aries constellation
stars and systems 5 Arietis • 6 Arietis • 13 Arietis • 56 Arietis • 57 Arietis • 415 Arietis • 780 Arietis • Alpha Arietis • Beta Arietis • Botein • Delta Arietis • El Nath • Gamma Arietis • Hamal • Mesarthim • Orundwiir • Sheratan • SX Arietis
planets and planetoids Botein III • Hamal IV • Mesarthim • Sheratan VII • Valerian • Vellurius
outposts and stations Starbase 18 • Starbase 20
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (H)
Habah • Hab'neth • Hadachi • Hadara • Hadas • Haden • Hadley 557 • Hadura • Hagmi • Halat • Halee • Halkor • Hallion • Halsey • Hal'tara • Ham • Hamal • Hamalz • Hameus • Hamir Tor • Hamui • Hanab • Handor • Hanero • Hann • Hanoli • Han'ra • Hansu • Hara Tor • Hariak • Hariba • Harlan Vortex • Harlequin • Harod • Harrakis • Harrapa • Harridane 226 • Ha'van • Havor • Hayashi • Haylok • Hazion • Haz'vara • Heartland system • Heeya • Hegh'ta • Heitius • Hekiak • Helda • Helios system • Heliul • Helmor • Helsin • Hemok • Henax • Hen'doth • Heniez • • HeQ'ovHeredian • Herel • Herella • Herias • Hermes • Hernandez-E • Hernor • Hertex • Hessen • Hestana • Hesuz • Hetemit • Hetera • Hev'da • Heyp'uwI • Hexem • Hexes • Heyma • Hezior • HeyQ'oy • Hiaman • Hidala • Hidora • Hiemdal/Hiemdal system • Hikara • Hikax • Hikoro • Hilar • Hima • Himalias • Himian • Hira Daraan • Hira'tara • Hirats • Hires • Hirodex • Hithor • Hith'tara • Hixen • Hixoris • Hiznon • Hizol • Hoban • Hoj'tara • Hoka • Holdin • Hoffman • Hohweyn • Holiul • Holly • Homir • Homtak • Hon'veth • Hontox • Hoover • Hopeless Maw • Hoq'ey'ng • Horatius • Hor-cha • Horok • Hoshira • Hovek • Hoz'tara • Hrakkour • Hrojost Alpha • Hrojost Beta • Huebr • Hugh's End • Hura • Huron • Hyana • Hydex • Hydra • Hydra Daco • Hydroba • Hyndman • Hynera • Hypatia • Hyra • Hyrallis • Hytar and Nuofo Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (H) Hagal • Hajj • Hakton • Heathercrist • Helvetios • Hokule'a • Hupyria • Huranzi Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (H) Haakona • Hadar • H'atoria • Hellaro Corva • Hobus • Hybera • Hydra Epsilon • Hydra Geminorum Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (0-9)
00 Raskae Majoris • 5 Arietis • 6 Arietis • 6-15 • 6-23 • 7 Ursae Minoris • 12 Lyncis • 13 Arietis • 19 Tauri • 22 Hydrae • 22 Ophiuchi • 25 Tauri • 34 Kraol • 37 Cassiopeiae • 43 Aquarii • 43 Geminorum • 47 Draconis • 55 Terae Majoris • 56 Arietis • 57 Arietis • 61 Ursae Majoris • 66 Imora • 74 Tauri • 77 Ursae Majoris • 78.56/3.54/23.44 • 83 Beta • 89 Mell Majoris • 90 Milenae Majoris • 99 Pegasi • 114 Delta • 114 Trianguli • 128 Trianguli • 334 Scorpii • 415 Arietis • 780 Arietis • 4725 Cancri • System 330 • System 7348 the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (0-9) 1 Herculis • 2 Ophiuchi • 3 Coronae Borealis • 4 Aurigae • 5 Coronae Borealis • 6 Delphini • 7 Aurigae • 7 Delphini • 8 Aurigae • 8 Canum Venaticorum • 10 Canum Venaticorum • 10 Lyrae • 11 Lacerti • 12 Canum Venaticorum • 12 Draconis • 13 Aurigae • 13 Draconis • 14 Draconis • 14 Lyrae • 15 Lyncis • 15 Sagittae • 15 Virginis • 16 Boötis • 16 Ceti • 16 Cygni • 17 Andromedae • 17 Aquilae • 17 Piscis Austrini • 18 Cygni • 20 Draconis • 20 Lyrae • 21 Andromedae (21 Andromedae A • 21 Andromedae B) • 21 Boötis • 23 Draconis • 23 Serpentis • 24 Cassiopeiae • 26 Pegasi • 27 Boötis • 27 Herculis • 27 Ophiuchi • 30 Boötis • 31 Aquilae • 33 Aurigae • 33 Draconis • 34 Aquarii • 34 Aurigae • 35 Ophiuchi • 37 Cygni • 37 Serpentis • 38 Sagittarii • 40 Capricorni • 42 Boötis • 43 Andromedae • 44 Persei • 46 Andromedae • 50 Aquilae • 50 Cygni • 50 Serpentis • 51 Pegasi • 53 Aquarii • 53 Aquilae • 56 Aurigae • 57 Andromedae • 57 Serpentis • 59 Aquarii • 61 Cygni • 61 Draconis • 63 Draconis • 65 Herculis • 70 Ophiuchi • 86 Ceti • 92 Herculis • 94 Aquarii • 99 Herculis • 112 Tauri • 218 Persei • 329 Aurigae • 492 Lyncis • 1440 Ophiuchi (1440 Ophiuchi B) • 1616 Ophiuchi • 1865 Serpens • 4408 Trianguli the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (0-9) 1 Centauri • 1 Corvi • 1 Orionis • 2 Corvi • 3 Canis Minoris • 3 Eridani • 4 Leonis • 5 Virginis • 7 Crateris • 8 Monocerotis • 10 Canis Minoris • 11 Hydrae • 13 Crateris • 13 Eridani • 13 Leporis • 14 Cancri • 14 Eridani • 14 Leonis • 15 Leporis • 16 Cancri • 17 Circini • 17 Pavonis • 18 Eridani • 19 Canis Majoris • 20 Librae • 23 Eridani • 24 Geminorum • 24 Leonis • 24 Orionis • 25 Canis Majoris • 26 Monocerotis • 26–27 Crucis • 27 Geminorum • 30 Hydrae • 31 Canaris / 31 Canis Majoris • 32 Pictoris • 34 Crucis • 34 Eridani • 34 Fornacis • 36 Leonis • 38 Eridani • 38 Lyncis • 40 Eridani (40 Eridani A • 40 Eridani B • 40 Eridani C) • 43 Pavonis • 46 Orionis • 54 Geminorum • 54 Orionis • 59 Eridani • 65 Cancri • 65 Fornacis • 66 Geminorum • 67 Eridani • 67 Virginis • 70 Leonis • 70 Ophiucus • 74 Orionis • 75 Geminorum • 78 Geminorum • 78 Pavonis • 82 Eridani • 83 Leonis (83 Leonis A • 83 Leonis B) • 87 Tauri • 88 Eridani • 88 Pavonis • 89 Carinae • 94 Leonis • 111 Pavonis • 113 Pavonis • 127 Scorpii • 128 Pavonis • 128 Trianguli • 198 Eridani • 1020 Octantis • 1212 Muscae • 4403 Pavonis the galaxy's Beta Quadrant icon image.

External link[]
